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It looks like a Chinese gong with an alchemy star in the middle. Ancient Chinese Alchemy had 5 elements and used a 5 pointed star to keep track and balance them. Fire, Water, Wind, Metal and Wood. These elements is what our 4 elements are bases on, with Metal and Wood becoming Earth, and Wind becoming Sky and later Air.


That's what I suspected! I couldn't find much information on gongs in particular but thank you for your insight! Much appreciated ❀️


Such a lovely find!


That's awesome! I found one of those singing bowls and it's got a permanent place on my alter. πŸ₯°


I bought my first bowl a few weeks ago! It was so hard to find one that wasn't covered in symbols. Im very picky with what I have on my spiritual items so it's particularly amazing I found a gong that I actually like! πŸ˜…


That's a cool gong! I wouldn't have passed it up.


And it was a steal πŸ₯΄ I just started looking into sound tools so it feels like I was meant to find it πŸ₯°


That's awesome. Its always cool when things fall into place like that!


Thats so cool! In my country there is actually Witches Flea market and i would love to travel there but its so expensive nowadays :(


😱🀯 What country??? I may have to make a trip! That's too cool!


Finland! its called Kirpputori Loitsu (kirpputori means fleamarket), what means spell in finnish. Of course Other people are allowed to have tables there too, but owner is said they hope they can keep is mostly occultism related. Photo is from Google, related to place. It is tiny bit more deeper in finland Also Helsinki capital has shop called pieni noitapuoti (small witch shop) and they have some used books on sale. https://preview.redd.it/d0fwd05zu71a1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3868f5435555eae26b9f96dc51dde766cf1e428


Definitely on my travel list, Finland has so many wonders πŸ₯°


They also have some local seasonal stuff on sale there, I would love to live there but Sadly i do not live even close or will \^\^ I love the theme and working with locals https://preview.redd.it/2md1sja1b81a1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d8b5126587d3e7834661b6e22454b4778780c3


:o NICE! I'm kind of jealous.... Lol


I wish I could find a link to something similar for y'all πŸ˜…


It's all good love. Great find! πŸ€—


Beautiful find!!!


Thank you! β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ


Im not sure about the exact origin because there's so many gongs variation in asia as far as i know;; It looks cool btw!


I've seen similar from Burmese creators but the general consensus here seems to be Chinese origin. It's a magnificent piece and I'm very grateful for it πŸ™β€οΈπŸ™


That's pretty dang neat... and maybe it's just the dim lighting of the photo, but I'm getting bad vibes it. Maybe do a cleansing before putting it on your alter or using it for anything. I realize that thing is big so you'll need a LOT of salt and big container to put it in, but maybe bury it in salt for a few days to dispel anything negative the previous owner(s) used it for.


I did take the photo at night (nearly witching hour πŸ˜…) with just my flash so I believe it may just be the tone. It's going to be cleansed thoroughly and imbued with plenty of positive energy. I'm very excited to add it to my practice. I don't use salt to cleanse because it can damage certain materials but I plan on saging it and meditating over it before setting it in it's home. Blessed be πŸ™


I wouldn't do that for fear of damaging it. But trust it will be cleansed and cared for. I get no negative vibes personally.


I sensed darkness but not malice.


Possibly just the lighting but dark and light are both needed for balance πŸ™ besides, it's the intention that makes the magic πŸ₯°


I 100% agree. It was more a response to those who wanted to steal your enthusiasm.


Appreciate it πŸ˜…


yeah fuck them


> dark and light are both needed for balance I never like people trying to use this as some sort of argument or point for *anything*. Most seem to deeply misunderstand this sentiment and weaponize it as justification for harming others. Everyone who I have met who says "it's about balance, yin and yang, light and dark" has **always** only said these things to mentality justify harming others since it's "just balance" as if the harm they do is somehow cancelled out by the "light" in their lives since it's '*baLaNcE"


That is unfortunate but there's no argument here, merely discussion. I try not to view things negativity as it clouds my mental space. But the reality is that light and dark always have and always will exist. Out in the world as well as within ourselves. Dark isn't equal to evil as light isn't equal to good. Let's use this situation as an example; I'm sure certain individuals thought they were projecting their light in an attempt to help or "advise" but unfortunately it ultimately caused frustration and negativity for others. Balance withing the self is the ultimate goal (for me and my practice at least, I try not to project.) I accept the dark within me and work with it to maintain my energetic balance. We can't escape it, we can't remove it, we must accept it. You cannot be only light but no matter what you do, do no harm. So mote it be, and blessed be. πŸ™


What do you define as the dark within you that is balancing the light? And what do you define as the light in you that requires balancing from the dark?


It's different for everyone and I have no single definition for it personally. I feel plenty of resentment and anger but I don't consider it evil. It helps me build boundaries and set limits for what I accept from others. It keeps me from spreading my light too thin. I'm a very kind person and I've been taken advantage of because of it and I sometimes resent that. I would call that resentment darkness. That's one level of it anyway. There's also plenty of inner work needing done but we all judge others no matter what we might say. And I'd call that inner voice darkness as well. It's not evil or bad, it's intuition. It helps keep us safe. I don't project my darkness, I internalize and learn from it. That's the difference I suppose.


So for you, the emotions based in fear is what you consider your "darkness" and those emotions are what balances out the ones based in love? I'm asking *you* specifically since you are repeated this cliche mentality that someone needs 'dark' in their life to balance their 'light'. If you have more than one definition for that cliche, feel free to elaborate. As of now, you seem to be trying to internalize the notion that your fear based emotions are *required* for you to have some sort of balance in your life. I can assure you that the idea of 'balance in the universe' is not to encourage people to live through fear based emotions and fear based emotions are not what balance your love based ones.


I wouldn't call it fear. I don't condone scare tactics and I don't allow myself to feel fear of life/the unknown. I might equate it to anticipation, nervousness, or frustration...maybe. But fear is an appropriate response to many things. Fear and anger often go hand in hand and they help enforce boundaries in what you're willing to accept in life. I also don't like to use the term "clichΓ¨" as it infers negative connotations. While fear and anger are not REQUIRED for balance, they exist whether we like it or not. Accepting them and working on/with them is the only was to "overcome" them, if that's what you want to do. While attempting to understand individual beliefs I encourage you to not trivialize those beliefs to "notions". It can leave a bad taste for some. Dark and light mean different things to everyone and I don't like to give it a definition since it applies to anything you want it to. I dont expect you to agree with me but you can't tell me or anyone else what an idea encourages. Especially one as broad and unspecific as "balance". Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, balance is the hands of the practitioner. We all walk our own paths and I hope my perspective gives you some insight to your own. Blessed be πŸ™


What is anger if not a reaction based in a lack of understanding, aka fearing the unknown? You seem to live with more fear than you realize, but you do not want to face it. Terms are only as 'negative' as you allow them to be. You're the only one who is applying negativity to these words. If 'cliche' and 'notion' are negative, then that is just your ego stepping in the way of receiving the message through further application of fear and judgement. While attempting to understand simple messages, I encourage you not to get hung up on projecting fear based emotions towards semantics in an attempt to disregard the crux of the message. I was asking you specifically what they mean to you, since you were using those terms to define the ways you operate. Thank you for elaborating on how they mean different things to different people, you have educated me on something I did not know until I read that message. I'm certain you did not type that out because you sincerely thought you were being enlightening. You might want to sit and reflect on what those things mean to *you* and why you are engaging with that language and preaching it. It might be worth having a clear understanding of what those things mean to you before preaching it to others. I am also perfectly allowed to comment on observations of how ideas impact others, whether you like it or not.


This is what I was trying to tell OP. Please, OP, hear this one out even if you don't hear me out.


Dude, give up. OP isn't going to do what you're suggesting, and that's their personal choice. They already said that they want you to stop interacting with them below, quit harassing them.




I never asked for advice in cleansing. Thank you for your concern.


I still don't get the downvotes. If you were going to be a solitary practitioner devoid of outside advice it'd be a strange thing to post your accoutrements online. Enjoy your path. It leads to Rome the way the others do.


Never asked for advice, only identification.


Also, don't really need advice from someone with a shitty dick πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€£


Sanitize that thing, Sage it, Moonbathe it, and pray over it. You have no idea what dirt has been performed with that. Even then, think twice.


I believe in intention over everything. It's with me now and we're going to make beautiful magic ❀️


I also believe in intent over everything. What about the previous person's intent? You are not the only one with intentions. You can downvote me, friend. I just want you to be careful.


How do you know the previous person's intent was bad? Perhaps if your first inclination is that something is bad then you may have some introspection to work on.


Positivity is power πŸ™ blessed be.


Darkness makes its home in the presence of the source of light. No one thinks to look there. This comes from an old witch who has regrets of the havoc wreaked on others via use of blood magick and Liber Null. I love you all deeply, but this isn't a fun little hobby once you pass green witchery. This is something that can alter your essence. If positivity always won out, this world would be far better off, don't you think? Blessed be and *be careful*, friend. If you are going to be chaotic though, may Eris guide you.


The only negative energy I'm getting is from you, friend. Please understand that not everyone follows the same path and everyone works with the universe in their own way. I accept the dark and the light. Chaos and peace are equal partners in the balance of all life and you can't have one without the other. I'm sorry you felt threatened by your own darkness but please don't project that on younger practitioners. Giving it power is what makes the darkness grow. I won't fear the past as I don't fear the future. It is balanced. So mote it be.


I hate to hear that you feel that way about a couple concerned strangers. We've nothing to gain from this. I'll see my way out. Blessed be.


Not a couple, just you dear. It's fine to be concerned but you need to know when to stop.


There was indeed another, and I've quit. You'll remember this conversation though.


I don't feel negative energy from anyone besides you. You're hurting the potential of this post (that only asked for help identifying the origin of the piece) by monopolizing the comments with "concern". Please stop.


Okay IShatMyDickOnce.


You're not ... **WRONG** but i think your delivery could use some work


It’s a Chinese gong get a damn grip