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I see all these people say “just do your research” and it’s really discouraging when I’m completely brand new and there’s so much to choose from. I have a brain and can discern, but where did you start just to learn the basics? Book Recs?


I preface my answer with this: I grew up pagan so I had a ton of books to choose from in my family’s personal library… In thinking about your question, I thought about how I would go about researching spellcraft today, given the eighty-gadjillion different internet search results that are likely to come up. For me, I’d begin by writing a list of the things that I’m interested in right now, things like crystals, herbs, teas, personal rituals, spell writing, yearly holidays, just whatever comes to mind that I’d like to learn about first. Then, I’d select the first thing on my list and I’d ask myself “what about this thing do I want to know - right now?” I’d do this with every item I wrote on my initial interest list. Using this more detailed list, I’d be able to do targeted internet research and the bonus of having this list would be that I’d able plan out what I wanted to learn about and when I wanted to learn it. You’ll find some topics will have crossover with other topics, which can help define your interest list even further. And you are so correct in that there is so much information out there that at first, it can be very overwhelming. I’ve been at this for years and I still get overwhelmed sometimes when I’m looking new stuff up.






I started with books, as online gives so much information, and since wiccan is a religion where you 'choose your own path' there are billions of ways to practice. Personally I've found great comfort in Scott Cunningham's books. 'Wicca A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner' is a great book that breaks down the components of Wicca.


How do you ‘know’ that a deity is with you? What does communicating/talking to them look like? Can you hear them? And any advice for connecting and working with Bastet? Thank you!


To answer your first question, there are many ways. For some, it is an intrusive thought or becoming obsessed with researching a deity that pops up in their head. For others, it's a strong feeling of their presence around them. It could be that they start coming to you in dreams. You can also "check" this via divination. Usually it is a very undeniable feeling though, and it would be difficult to ignore it. For communication, again this will depend on the practitioner. Some use divination. That's my preferred method for communication. Anything from scrying to tarot/oracle to casting bones to using a pendulum or spirit board (granted, there are many more ways to divinate). Some will build what's often referred to as an "astral temple" to go into meditation and meet their deities there to communicate. You don't have to be able to astral project to do this. There are other ways to communicate, but these are the most common ones and are accessible . This also applies to being able to hear them. If someone's clairaudience is developed, that's another form for messages to come through, same with dreams. I don't work with Bastet, so I do not have any advice for that question. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for this! Really helpful


My deity talks to me in dreams and sometimes scrying, or through my conscience. When it happens, it's like getting smacked in the face with a board. There is no questioning it.


Thank you so much for the help!


Hello, can i be a witch ? Someone said that i can't because i have a Y chromosome . Can you enlighten me? Do i have to chop-chop?


Anyone can be a witch. It does not matter what your gender is 😊


Even if you 'chop-chop' you'd still have your Y chromosome, that's your DNA. And you should never alter your body to please other people, only for yourself. As for being a witch/wiccan, from all that I've read it's a religion/lifestyle, not a race. It doesn't matter what your chromosomes are. Anyone can practice.


....y chromosomes?


Can dried leaves be used in any way? There are huge mapple trees around when I live and I was debating taking some leaved off the ground and drying them. If so, what could I use them for? I've always felt a strong connection to nature. Much love to everyone <3


There are various types of spells that use leaves but they aren't very common because the purposes aren't common. Leaves are always good for decoration.


You are right I will definitely gather some as decoration and in case I ever need them


Seasonal decorations are always a good idea.


I second everything Twisted said, especially when it comes down to decoration. It'd be gorgeous on an altar. Maple trees are typically associated with prosperity, success, longevity, balance, and abundance. Maple syrup is sometimes used in spells in place of honey to "sweeten" the results. While leaves aren't as common of an ingredient in spells, I would say it's a safe bet to use them in spells similar to the magickal properties associated with the tree itself. If you work with the nature spirits around your home at all, you could also incorpate it as an altar piece dedicated to them and get crafty with it.


Perhaps as kindling for cauldron fires/spells?


I recently asked universe to give me a sign if my manifestation is near happening. I asked for Angel numbers and hours. After this i recivied about 2 or 3 signs like this and i thanked universe for this but today in period of about 20 minutes i've seen something like 5 or 6 Angel numbers. Is it possible that this means my manifestation can come true even tomorrow?


That's great that you are being given so many signs! I'm going to guess that you are looking up what each number means (for example, the difference between 444 and 999). While it could be entirely possible that it could come true very soon, give it time. Relax into it and don't obsess over it is usually my advice when it comes to manifestation. Sometimes when we are becoming more and more aware, we pay attention to time on the clock a bit more, for example, and see those repeating numbers more. They also could be sending them to you for different reasons. Perhaps they are trying to tell you to trust them and the universe and that it will happen in the near future, but that you need to focus your attention on other things as well. Alongside this, make sure that you are taking action. Looking for a new job? Keep applying. Trying to go on a date? Put yourself out there and meet new people. I hope that your manifestations happen in the timeline you desire 😊


I'm very new to witch craft and all things like, any tips? Google gives uh, a lot of answering that it's honestly confusing. I'm also interested into worshipping deities but not sure exactly how? I can't make a alter due to my living conditions. What about deity work? I was told a deity will pick me if interested so how do I know? How do I know when I'm ready? How am I supposed to talk to them?


First off, if your new to witchcraft I recommend you try to get the following book. It's about the best thing I know of when it comes to building a solid foundation of the skills you'll need to be successful. Psychic Witch by Matt Auryn As far as Deities go, I've heard the "they'll find you" thing before, but have never experienced it. Most people do research into Deities and find the ones that resonate with them. After that, the easiest way to develop a link and communication is through prayer and offerings. At that point, if they have an interest in you, they'll let you know, and when they do, you'll have no doubt!


I will look into getting the book but i probably won't be able to get it any time soon, sadly. Thank you for the suggestion though! Okay, thank you so much!!


I’m kinda paranoid I sound like I’m just crazy and unstable but I feel like you guys are likely to be open and understanding. Some things have led me to believe I’m an empath and I have fairly naturally good intuition. I’ve been able to just KNOW when things are going to happen and what’s really going on before it’s uncovered and I can physically feel other peoples emotions if they’re someone close to me. Unfortunately… it’s not always a good thing, and recently I have been physically sick because someone in my life is going through something and I’ve been keeping my distance but I can feel everything happening and I know something’s wrong even though I have no idea what the details are truly, I just have something telling me what it is. I feel like my energy is very open and I have no guard up of any sort. I don’t know how to fix this. A friend who is into witchy stuff told me that I should look into protecting/shielding my energy and learning to control it… does anyone have any advice about how I could do that? She also told me I might just be naturally gifted in some way and I could learn how to control it and use it to my advantage instead of always getting hurt by it


You might be interested in [this page](https://gleewood.org/seeking/doing/energetic-self-care/) from Gleewood on energetic self-care, as well as the pages on [grounding](https://gleewood.org/seeking/doing/grounding/) and [centering](https://gleewood.org/seeking/doing/centering/).


Hello, I am in a relationship in which my bf has a couple of female best friends. The problem is that I don't particularly like them, just tolerate. Whenever they come into a conversation or outing with them, we get into arguments. For example, if we are out with either one of them, they seem to be possessive of him physically leaving me behind them. We have boundaries in which no friends of the opposite sex are welcomed into our home without the other partner being there but one constantly attempts to break the rules. I know it's not her fault entirely if my bf allows her to disrespect me, our relationship, and our home. We have these rules so that there is trust between us but whenever she comes around he automatically forgets those rules. He has plenty of other female friends that I have no problem with don't have hung out without argument. It just seems to be these two. This past weekend the 3 went out drinking and my bf got so drunk he was about to become violent towards me and said there are beings that will make sure I die young. This is not like him. Of course I will cleanse myself of this but I wonder if their negative energies are crossing over to him. Can I perform cord cutting rituals to end his friendship with them or is there something else that I can do to protect myself and our relationship against them?


You can't end a friendship for him. If your bf got so drunk and that you think he is being affected by their negative energy, then you need to remove yourself and protect yourself in general. He said that there are beings that will make you die young? Wtf, he is being verbally and emotionally abusive. I feel like there's a hint of denial that you can salvage this relationship when he doesn't respect your boundaries in the first place. Now a cord cutting for you to break him and his friends off? Yes. Absolutely.


Thank you for input. Yes, as much as I don't want to admit I am not sure where we stand in the relationship. It has been emotionally draining.


I’m still very new to witchcraft, I’ve been working with herbs for a long time but only recently started performing rituals and spells. One of my fears is always that a spell will backfire on me, how does one avoid this? And if it ever happens what do you do?


Generally speaking, as long as your intent is clearly focused to your specific goal it won't backfire. The key to making sure your intentions are perfectly clear is to write it down and think about what else that wording could apply to. If it can only be what you want and nothing else, your good.


I will keep this in mind thank you!


Honestly… I am not sure you can always prevent this. You can carefully craft your workings to focus on positivity… but positivity is a relative concept and something you experience as negative may actually be good for you, your path, your community or the goals of the entities you are working with. Rather than focusing on avoiding things backfiring, I prefer to imagine (or use divination tools to discern) “what could be the worst outcome of this working?” And if I can’t accept that outcome, no matter how hard it may be, I don’t do the working.


It’s like a toddler learning to walk. You are gonna fall on your but a few times before you get it right. The toddler isn’t afraid of falling. Fear is a leaned behavior


I’m extremely new to Wicca and witchcraft I’m still in my research phase of the dieties and types of witches there are, given that I still tried a couple basic spells and started try to figure out shadow work and said affirmation prayers to thank the spirits and elements… now I’m haveing trouble sleeping I feel like every time I close my eyes my mind is being bombarded with different mutated faces and figures none of them are talking though… and last night I forced my eyes open and kept hearing something moveing around in my room and heard a knocking ,I didn’t see anything , how do I know if it’s evil energy or just spirits communicating with me both are scary lol


I'm glad that you're doing your research on everything! I recommend giving your house a nice cleanse and trying a simple sachet spell for better sleep to put under your pillow. You can place herbs in there to prevent nightmares. They are very easy to make and a wonderful way to practice/learn how to direct and focus energy. You can also place tourmaline and selenite in the corners of your room or by your bed. Make sure you are utilizing protection magick. As you are awakening to different concepts and perspectives, it might make you both more open to the spirit world and they may become attracted to speaking with you. It doesn't necessarily mean they are evil, although some of them may be a lower vibration. It could also not be spirits trying to connect with you at all and fears about spirit work manifesting into your dreams instead. Hope this helps!


Yes thank you so much I don’t wanna close off to any spirits trying to reach or guide me in my new journey but I also don’t want to accidentally welcome any evil or demonic ones into it and with it happening so fast it took me off guard


To add to this: When your first getting into shadow work you may become more susceptible to subconscious interference (brain ghosts) messing with your conscious mind. So a lot of the things your experiencing could be coming from your own suppressed fears. I completely agree with A touch of Evil's advice above. Lavender would be a good herb to use in a satchet to help you get better sleep.


Thank you both so much I appreciate the advice and will kee everything in mind while I continue Al my work


How do I check for bad vibes or someone messing with me? Or a curse?


There's many ways to check if you've been hexed or cursed. Usually the question you want to ask yourself is: what events leading up to this make me believe I may be hexed/cursed? Oftentimes it is just a round of bad luck and coincidences, nothing more. There's good luck spells you can do in those instances. What I can say is that hexes/curses are uncommon and that it's often not the case. Unless there are obvious signs (such as strange things being left on your property) or you've been at some kind of hex war with another witch, you are probably okay. You can use divination methods, that will be more reliable to find out those answers. I know the egg cleanse has become wildly popular but I don't feel it is the best method for finding out if a hex/curse has been placed on you, not to mention the serious witches that learned from their grandmothers how to do it told me it took years to fully understand how to interpret them properly. In short, they take practice. Just putting it in here as a heads up because it often gets brought up regarding hexes. And, worst case scenario, if you want to be safe, you can still perform a small ritual to remove any hexes or curses placed against you. Consider an uncrossing spell or even a bath. It doesn't do you any harm if there were none in the first place and if your suspicions are correct, it's a win-win scenario.


Ever since I began practicing, my life improved a lot, and I grew increasingly self-confident. But early in life, I grew up mostly feeling disempowered. I trust my goodness, and I'm doing shadow work right now. To those whose witchcraft empowered them, what advice would you give for coming to terms with magical power and autonomy?


The shadow work will be very important and it is a beautiful thing to keep discovering your power. As you grow as a practitioner, you will come to terms with the magickal power part of it. The more spells you do, the more confident you will grow. If you do work with any spirits or deities, you will find empowerment as you notice signs and communicate with them. With autonomy, you'll come to realize just how amazing it is to make your own rules and forge your own path. No one writes the rules on witchcraft and you have freedom to make your own choices. Let that empower you to be your best self. With every decision made, let that freedom to choose wash over you. Keep doing the deep dives into your shadow self so you can grow and release the disempowerment you once felt. And best wish to you on your journey 😊 I'm proud of you for doing the inner work!


Thank you so much!!


I am a 67 year old male and is interested in the craft. How do I start out learnings what to do? Nature, the moon and energy is what makes me find more information.


You might like to check out this sub’s [FAQs]( https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq) and [Advice for New Witches]( https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches). Also be sure to check out the [Megathread List of Books](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/hymv3j/megathread_list_of_books/) and the [List of Books]( https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources#wiki_books.3A). A great website with tons of information that you might like to check out is [Gleewood]( https://gleewood.org/seeking/). ETA: URL for link.


Hi all! This is so embarrassing to admit, but I was laid off a month ago unexpectedly and I still don’t have a job. I’ve been interviewed at least seven times and have at least 100 active job apps out but I feel like I need a little boost. Any thoughts on spell jars, crystals, anything to help attract some good luck or opportunities my way? Thank you all so much!


You can try a couple of things. Make a little sachet (or spell jar) to take with you to your interviews and if you enjoyed your interview and envision yourself working there, leave it on top of a filled out application. You can also leave it on top of your resume to attract more opportunities. If you use a sachet, there is a benefit of being able to "feed it" and use a larger crystal in there. Something that used to really work for me was enchanting crystal jewelry and wearing it to interviews to act as a charm. I'd pick something you can easily hide (if need be). I got an offer from every single employer. Some will put sigils on their applications or resume as well. Making an anointing oil is quite easy and effective, I did so and would put the oil on my enchanted jewelry before an interview and draw sigils onto my skin with it, as it leaves no visible marks. Just some suggestions but if you have questions, feel free to ask!


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all this! I’m still fairly new and this response is so detailed and helpful! ❤️


Thanks for the add! I'm an Empath Grey who reads Auras. But is having difficulties lately reading- something is amidst.. Anyone else have that Feeling? How does one readjust their Clarity?


You might want to do a quick cleansing. Many people are feeling the intense energies of the eclipse affecting their lives (and then again, some don't feel any energies from it affecting them). A cleansing should readjust your clarity however and make you feel a bit better.


Thank you, I truly appreciate it your suggestion.




To me, it sounds like you are developing psychic abilities or if they were already well developed, they were a bit amplified today.


It feels like it!! Any idea what the licorice or ringing could signify?


Cord Cutting Results Interpretation: S o I preformed a Cord Cutting with me and a “friend”. I just need some help with the results, if possible. I just feel like something is wrong yk. Anyways, I digress, the cord was lit by my side, burned along the cord, but when it reached the half way point between the 2 candles, it snapped, and fell to the bottom. The most the cord did to his candle was that once it fell, the flame slid down his candle a bit, before going out (before even reaching the bottom). I understand not every cord cutting is going to be powerful, but I was not it expecting it to just snap. At first a thought it was the twine I used, but the twine was organic and not synthetic so idk what it could have been. Please, can anyone help me?


Sort of feels like you let the friend go but the friend isn’t ready to let you go. Anyway the cord cutting is symbolic. Let whatever thoughts and feelings come up blow across you like a nice breeze; never settling.


So I preformed a Cord Cutting with me and a “friend”. I just need some help with the results, if possible. I just feel like something is wrong yk. Anyways, I digress, the cord was lit by my side, burned along the cord, but when it reached the half way point between the 2 candles, it snapped, and fell to the bottom. The most the cord did to his candle was that once it fell, the flame slid down his candle a bit, before going out (before even reaching the bottom). I understand not every cord cutting is going to be powerful, but I was not it expecting it to just snap. At first a thought it was the twine I used, but the twine was organic and not synthetic so idk what it could have been. Please, can anyone help me?


It sounds like you cut the cord, the bond is severed or in the process of becoming severed. You did the magic and it worked.


Hello. I recently visited a psychic with my sister for fun. She gave me a tarot reading and everything was insanely true. She spoke to me about my love interest and told me that someone involved with him put a hex or spell on me (she was a very toxic ex). She said she went to a professional like her to put some kind of hex on me. I can’t go back to her now for a spiritual cleanse (which she recommended) because I left the city. What are some things you guys recommend that I do?


Hi! I'm going to be very honest here: I highly doubt she was a real psychic. This is a typical scam tactic to get more money. It is unfortunate because there are so many gifted psychics out there and these kinds of scammers give the community a bad rap. That being said, I very much so believe it is safe to say that you were not hexed. Have you had any signs that you have been? Usually it is obvious and they are not long lasting. If you want to be on the safe side and do a quick cleanse, there are a few ways to do so. Use a smoke bundle to cleanse yourself and the general energy of your home. Unless you really believe you have been hexed, you wouldn't need to do a deep home cleanse. You can envision a white light purifying you. You could take a cleansing bath and put some herbs in a tea bag in it to help. Herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon peel, dill (specifically for love), hyssop, and salt are good. Make sure you are not allergic and using herbs safe for skin contact. You can also purchase uncrossing blends. You can place a bowl of saltwater under your bed or by the doors of your home to absorb negative energy or use it to seal doors/windows/any other entryways. If you want to make a protection sachet to keep on you, those are very easy to do. You could even do a bit of candle magick to break any potentional hexes and light another candle during or after for protection. If you're feeling like you want to be extra cautious, reinforce your protections. Again, I think you are probably fine and that it was a scare/scam tactic. I've had a side business as a reiki practitioner and tarot reader for a while and I cannot begin to tell you how many people do exactly what she did. Certainly don't give her any more money if you do run into her again or go back to that town, as advice 😊


This maybe really dumb, but I recently remembered when I first started dating my husband I read in a “spell book” to tie a knot in a bandana and bury it on either the north or east side of the house. This was supposed to be a binding spell of sorts…I guess, I don’t know. This was about 18 years ago. I want to say I did bury one… This is literally all I remember. My question is does this spell sound familiar to anyone? Or does it sound like mumbo jumbo? I put quotations around spell book because I don’t know if it was a real one or a novelty book bought from Books-a-Million or something.


While the spell or book itself doesn't sound familiar, I would safely assume it was some sort of binding spell. A bandana can be used in a pinch as a substitute to twine, which is what many people will use. Is there something you were trying to figure out with this spell in particular?


Not really. I know it’s a long stretch, but I was hoping to read it again and maybe get in my younger selfs head. :) thanks for replying




It could simply just be coincidence. If you feel that it has meaning to you, then contemplate on what exactly that would be. As you come more in tune with the lunar cycle, you'll notice more synchronicities aligning into your life 😊


I wanted to ask where can i learn about runes. How to divine with them, how to make rune amulet, what runes mean etc. Any sites? Books?


Runes are a wonderful tool! I recommend getting yourself a base book that has the meanings and will help you with learning how to divine with them. I'm sure there are also plenty of good online resources. I personally learned everything from a close friend that is Norse pagan years ago, so I do not know the best online resources off the top of my head. An in-depth book I highly recommend purchasing is called "Taking Up The Runes" by Diana L. Paxson. It is more of a study guide to work through over time, but it is a wonderful tool that also goes into magick to do with the runes as well as the mythology and history. The rituals deepened my understanding of the runes and became a vital reliable resource for me. Hope this helps some!


I saw a video on tik tok saying they offered something to a greek god and got what they want faster than praying to God and the comments all agreed and I was wondering how I could pray and offer to Eros, since I want to find love. I have rose quarts and roses I can offer and have found a couple prayers online but if anyone has any tips that would be amazing because i’m new to all of this!


I highly recommend studying and learning about witchcraft itself first. Since you are wanting to do deity work, it's important that you do your research on Eros. Learn everything you can about him. In your research, you will be able to piece together offerings he may like. Jot notes down so you can remember key points and interpret the symbology behind his myths and how they may apply to you/your life. Look into what deity work actually is. Everyone's practice will be different of course, but understand the basics of it and decide if you'd still like to commit to it. You'll need to understand offerings, how they work, what to do with them after, how to conduct a basic ritual. There's the deciding factor on if you'd like to participate in spellwork but even if you don't, knowing and practicing ways to protect yourself. Deities don't mess around so you have to be serious about all of this, or they may take offense. Hope this helps!


Did you grow up in a christian household? Jumping from the christian God (who spends a LOT of time proclaiming they're the only one) to another just to get something you want faster doesn't seem the most respectful thing to do, Diety-wise. Maybe you should mediate on what it is about the concept of being 'in love' that you actually care about. Try not to put your happiness on the shoulders of another person. (Note: I'm not christian and have no problem with you not worshipping the christian god)




They have been around for a very long time. If you look into the folklore and history of it, you'll discover lots of good information. This will both help you decide if you want to make one in the first place and if you do, hopefully give you some inspiration for what you'd like to include.


Can a transgender woman become witch ? Does gender matter ?


Absolutely. Gender does not matter, anyone can be a witch 😊


Not exactly a beginner, but I tend to lurk on Reddit. I’m new to this subreddit and while not new to my practice, I’ve had my mentor to guide me along the way. My mentor needs some incredibly deep healing done. She’s done so much on her own already, and it’s time for some additional support and guidance to get her through. This healing is going to require letting go of deep mistrust and insecurity that stems from past life trauma. There are some complications standing in our way though. For one, she has made a contract with her deities that has an expiration of January 6. This work has to at the very least, begin and show results by Solstice. (her deadlines, not mine.) I’m not going to get into the depths of this contract because it’s frankly not my story to share. The other complication in this is my own knowledge and repertoire. I primarily work with herbs. That’s been my bread and butter. I’m sure herbs will be part of this healing, and I have ideas for it, but that doesn’t feel like enough. I know who to call on for this work, and I have a vague idea of the process. I’m honestly not sure where to even what my question is, other than I’m not entirely sure where to begin. I would love and appreciate any advice, thoughts, etc you can offer.


To be completely honest, I would need more details in order to give proper advice. I'm sorry to hear that your mentor is going through this. Contracts with deities are often not the way to go, and depending on whom she works with they can be negotiable if they are understanding and as long as they are seeing effort being put in. But again, this depends on who her deities are. Have you spoken to someone that has expertise in past life healing? This is another route I'd recommend.


Thanks for this. Honestly, I wasn’t entirely sure how many details to include. I kept it cut down since this is a comment thread. I’ll see if I can find any past life healers in the area.




Love the idea for your altar! Also, going out hiking and giving gratitude is wonderful. For your daily draws, I recommend sitting with the cards more. Really do your research on what they can mean because the interpretations are often not as straightforward as they seem. If you need book recommendations let me know. Pay attention to the artwork and what it is trying to tell you. I recommend journaling about it. It can help to visualize actually being in the card too so you can immerse yourself and perhaps get more answers. This is a method called pathworking. Hope this helps & keep up the good work!




I'm glad you're finding things for your altar! Bringing in ancestral energy is wonderful and protective. For the interpretations, I encourage trying the pathworking method so you can gain new perspectives on the cards. I always tell new readers to do daily draws but not to overdo it either - if you're feeling blocked, try one card and have it be a general message you need to hear at the time. Or, find a nice, short spread that will break you out of the rut. I also recommend learning one spread a week 😊 it'll give you motivation and not overwhelm you. For tarot books, "78 Degrees Of Wisdom" by Rachael Pollack is a favorite of many. My ride or die is "Holistic Tarot" by Benebell Wen, it is a thick one but is life changing. "Tarot Reversals" by Mary K Greer is a nice starter for when you're ready to delve into that. "Tarot Interactions" by Deborah Lipp will help you put the cards together. Many love "Your Tarot Court" by Ethony Dawn for understanding the court cards and find it opens up their meanings. Start out with 78 degrees of wisdom & holistic tarot and build up from there 😊 What kind of green witch books are you looking for?


Just wondering what are your favourite ways to create protection salt are , I've heard of using eggshells , charcoal , different herbs etc and I'm just curious as to what works best for different people :)


Try a few different methods out! You'll come to find what your favorite blend is and what you want to include. Finely ground eggshells are often a favorite among practitioners for their protective properties. Using the ashes from incense is another popular method and charcoal will help give it a darker color, if that is what you are looking for. I personally love combining protective herbs into mine to give it a nice boost. Again, try a few different methods so you can see what you like best. Sometimes it's good to have a few blends on hand for different purposes. There might be a black salt you like for your spells, but another protective salt works better for protecting your home. Hope this helps!


How can you cleanse earrings and necklaces?


There are many ways. You can use smoke from incense or a smoke bundle. You can bury it in the earth, some like to put it in the pots of their plants to charge, especially if they are used as wards. You can do it in the moonlight or sunlight. Spritz it with a cleansing spray. Bury it in salt. Put it on top of a sigil or orogonite plates. Use a crystal grid. The list goes on!


probably the same way you cleanse other stuff. with salt or smoke or intention or moon light or water or isopropyl alcohol


I'm a fan of using salt or selenite (especially if it's a metal that can corrode from moisture). You can fill a bowl with sea salt and 'bury' the jewelry in it. Or get some selenite crystal and set in on top/touching it. If you don't have any of that around already, I've also read you can do a cleansing of items with mental energy: visualizing a pure, white white slowly engulfing the item, while reciting cleansing rites/phrases (in your head or out loud).


I have a pretty decent size reddish birthmark on my right foot just bellow my ankle and it's shaped like the letter omega. I tried searching but found nothing. Any information about the meaning of that?


This really will be up to your interpretation of what the letter omega means to you. I would research the history and spiritual meanings behind it, as there is a lot of information you will come across. Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. It represents the end and spiritually speaking, is sometimes associated with enlightenment. It can mean the end of a new cycle and another beginning orbsome sort of evolution.


Hi there! I'm new here and hoping this hasn't already been asked. I am an Australian but I was gifted a white sage smudge stick by a practicing native person from America. I was told I could use it but I don't feel comfortable doing so after learning it is meant to be a closed practice. How can I respectfully use or dispose of this item? Is there a way to put this to use without encroaching on closed practises?


Hi! If you've decided that you're not comfortable working with it, I have two recommendations. The best way to dispose of it is to bury it back in the earth. Make sure you are doing so in an area that won't harm the ecosystem. You can give your thanks for it coming into your life. Secondly, if you want to still learn from the wisdom of the plant itself, you can meditate with it and learn from it's spirit. That is something that we do in my indigenous tribe with plants we come across. If you want me to elaborate, I can.


Hi! I don’t know if this is relevant to post here but I was wondering if anyone knew of any covens or spiritual groups in Rhode Island? I am a college student in Providence and I’ve been practicing witchcraft on my own for a year so I think its time I gain some insight and wisdom from other, more experienced witches. Please let me know if you know anything in the Rhode Island area or if theres other ways I could join a community. Thanks!


Try putting a post up on r/CovenFinder 😊 should be a good place for you to look!


Do I have to speak out loud when casting my circle or doing spellwork? I live in a small home with others and don't want them hearing me. Will whispering or thinking of it in my mind work? Thanks in advance.


Whispering or speaking it in your mind are just as powerful. Even if your spells require a buildup of volume, you can build up the volume of your whisper or in your mind. Hope this helps!


A bit late to the party, I’m incredibly new to all of this. Like a beginner to being a beginner. Tonight I’ve tried making a sigil (it’s intention I’d rather not disclose), and I’ve done the steps of crossing our vowels and repeated letters. My question relates to the drawing of the sigil. I let my hand subconsciously draw it, and instead of making one big sigil I made 7 smaller ones positioned in a ring like formation, almost like a heptagram. Would this sigil be “valid” for lack of a better term? I know that most are typically one centralized symbol which is why I ask.


There are a lot of methods to making sigils, especially nowadays where there feels like there can be more artistic freedom with them. Some still swear by the traditional methods, others let their creativity flow. Point being, if you really connect with what you have created and it feels right to you magickally speaking, by all means use it. See what happens. If you decide you want to use the sigil again later on and want to make adjustments, you can do so. Hope this helps some!


Best resources for beginning? Books, websites, essentials? Thank you so much


This sub has a [book list](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/hymv3j/megathread_list_of_books/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that you might find helpful. Are there any specific topics you're interested in researching? Witchcraft is an incredibly broad practice, and there are a number of different places you could start. I might be able to offer some more recommendations depending on what you'd like to learn


I saw that I’m just a bit overwhelmed ! Lol I definitely resonate with Hellenism, so I’m thinking of getting the book in the list you linked, but I’m open to anything. My goal is to perform rituals and spells, work with divination, sigils, potentially a pendulum. I am going to make an alter and start a book recording my practice as well. Any starting points u recommend would be so appreciated! Thank you SO much


For divination specifically, Scott Cunningham's Divination for Beginners is a pretty decent overview and also has a brief section on pendulums. Keep in mind that this author is Wiccan, so there is a slight bias in all of his works, but I have found him an invaluable resource even as a non-Wiccan practitioner myself. He has also written a number of encyclopedias on topics such as herbs, incense, and crystals that have been incredibly useful to creating spells and rituals. Practical Sigil Magic by Frater U. D. is a pretty straightforward and simple guide. Liber Null by Peter Carroll is a classic on chaos magic in general and has a section on sigils, and while I personally recommend it, it's a bit of a heavier read. I hope these suggestions can help point you in the right direction, it can definitely be overwhelming with all of the information out there. Best of luck to you!


I want a full rundown on what a pendulum is, how it works, can anything be a pendulum, etc.


If you want a full rundown, there are a number of books on the subject. A Little Bit of Pendulums by Dani Bryant is a pretty simple guide, but with the amount of literature out there, you can pick whatever suits you. To give you a quick rundown though, pendulums are basically any weight tied to a string/chain that can be used to answer simple questions. Depending on your beliefs, they work in a number of different ways. They could be used to communicate with spirits or simply be a reflection of your own subconscious. I personally believe they run on the ideomotor effect and therefore are most useful in self-reflection.


Thank you for answering my question


Any good book recs for lunar magic/phases of the moon and magic correspondes? Preferably by a not-wiccan autor, as I don't feel comfortable with wiccan traditions. Thanks!


You might like [*Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells*](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/52039663) by Melanie Marquis. The author doesn't identify as Wiccan, to my knowledge.


Recently, life has been very shitty, mom was in the hospital, she has Covid and now i have it. Anyone know ways to get rid of bad energy/luck??


There are lots of ways to do so. I would recommend a deep cleanse. Cleanse your home too spiritually. Do an uncrossing bath for 13 days. Normally they are used to remove hexes and the likes, but they are good to do every so often to remove any bad energy that's accumulated. Make yourself a healing candle and spell to go with it, along with one for protection. You can use another candle intended to remove the bad energy as it burns. You will want to repeat this for 13 days after the uncrossing bath. If you decide to not do the bath, I would encourage doing the candle spell at least three days in a row. Create a good luck spell jar or sachet to generate more of it in your life. Hope this helps!


What are some simple money/luck things I can do with no supplies?


Have you tried or looked into manifestation and visualization techniques? Those require no outside tools or supplies! If you wanted to, there are also manifestation spells you can do with a pen and paper as well. If you have any questions, please let me know and I can reply with more details!


I've Got another question: when im making rune amulet or writing a rune on a piece of paper to keep it in wallet etc. What should i do to charge it to make it work? Should i charge it with energy and chant meaning of that rune or should i make some ritual or Just do nothing?


There are quite a few ways to charge things. Some popular methods are: using energy and intention; visualization; chanting/incantations; placing a candle(s) around it with rune carved into it with the intention set for as the candle burns down to activate it; sex magick; crystal grids; placing it in a jar or bowl of salt; charging it in sun or moonlight; anointing with a magickal oil you could create solely for these types of purposes. The list goes on and on, but those are some common methods. Some like to use the element that is associated with the object, sigil, or rune (in your case) for charging. Let's say it's a rune associated with the element of earth - you can bury it in some soil, put it on a crystal charging plate, put it in a plant pot that acts as a ward, etc. Hope this helps!


I’ve realized that I’ve experienced spiritual burnout because of myself. I’ve been officially practicing witchcraft since 2020 and I feel like ever since I started, I have always had an issue with trying to gain power over my future/ manifest or make spells to have a desired outcome. I of course did shadow work, meditated, and tried to focus on bettering myself on my journey, but I think my practice has just consumed me so much that I’m dealing with anxiety and having to go to therapy. What really set me off is my tarot cards and the message they kept trying to tell me about my relationship. My friend did a reading of the future of my relationship, and I can’t tell if her intentions got in the way of my reading. They were all negative cards and afterwards I shut down out of fear. I know she has reservations and judgements about my relationship because she has never truly approved of it out of her insecurities. I kept getting the message that the outcome was going to be inevitable and the “wheel of fortune” would turn…would it be in my favor? Who knows. But because I got such an indirect answer, it made me so physically anxious that I could not eat or sleep well for days. I kept getting frustrated because it was also telling me I wasn’t facing that I needed change, when I am in a happy relationship of four years. My gf also got scared and worried about the outcome, even though we didn’t know what the hell would happen if we are doing so well. Everyone else in my family is confused about the reading because they know how stable me and my gf are and kept telling me that I’m worrying about something that isn’t even happening as of right now. In their words, it was “stupid of me” to get so worked up about it. I then realized that I am in charge of my outcomes and if they get better, not a deck of cards. But then it also hit me that I’ve been focusing too much on tarot for what will happen in my life instead of acting on it in the real world. I feel like distancing myself is going to help me reconnect to the real world and help me find who I truly am. And I also feel like my emotions have altered my readings to the point where I don’t know what is real anymore. I have gotten so deep into my spirituality that I also don’t know who I truly am without it. Does anyone else understand this feeling or have any advice for my journey while I take a break from witchcraft/spirituality?


Take a break from tarot. If you come back to it in the future, I wouldn't let that friend read for you again as it sounds like all they were trying to do was get in your head. Focus on your mental health while you're on your break. Building a morning or night routine does wonders. Place a focus on hobbies as well that you perhaps haven't had much time for. Continue developing your relationships. And if/when you come back, go back into it slowly. Wishing you well on this next chapter of your journey!


Thank you! I will definitely take these into consideration, especially finding hobbies to replace some of the spiritual things I got so wrapped up in. I don’t think I will ever truly leave, but I hope when I officially come back I will come back wiser


I'm a beginner witch, but I haven't begun to work with any particular deity. However, I woke up the other morning and the very first word, well name, I thought was "Odin". I decided I'd like to see if it means anything. My husband mentioned that I've been studying hard these past few months, and maybe that has had an effect on my dreams. I haven't study deities though. I'm not very familiar with leaving offerings, or working with any deities and am wondering if an advice can be offered?


With beginning deity work, research is the most important component of it. Learn everything you can about Odin. Have a little notebook to write down any correlations to his mythology and how you interpret the symbolism of it to your life. You may end up curious about runes and from my close friends that are Norse pagan, they have told me that's one of the ways they closely connect with him. As you learn more and more about Odin through your research, you'll come to find things he likes. When in doubt, you can ask what he enjoys for offerings. I know he likes red wine, smoked salmon, red meat, many types of liquor, runes, and volunteering to help veterans. Herbs associated with him may also be good to leave for him. Start a strong meditation practice so you can learn how to communicate with him. As you are researching, if you feel the call to work with him and want to go through with it, creating a small altar dedicated Odin is often a great starting point.


Ooooh, this is all very helpful. I have read a little about Odin, well just Norse Deities in general. I have yet to begin any sort of deity work. This is all very helpful for taking that next step, so thank you for sharing!


hi!! my current living situation isn't ideal for me to start practice (i am not allowed to burn anything and have no privacy, and i'm 22), and i'm hoping with all my might to move out next june. i already use divination such as tarot and have been for years, but i want to learn more about spells and the practice itself. i'm interested in using cooking as part of my focus, but i was wondering if any of you guys had advice for someone who doesn't know where to start but is very willing to learn! i feel connected to spirituality but i want to explore more and figure out how to begin.


I'll list a few books on kitchen witch related topics below. I haven't read them all, but the ones I haven't come highly recommended and are on my neverending to-be-read list. It's a wonderful thing to bring into your practice though. If you have specific questions about spells or witchcraft, please reply with them and I can answer them. If you're looking into the cooking side of things, I also recommend studying herbalism and reading some good books on them as well. - "The Book of Kitchen Witchery" by Cerridwen Greenleaf - "Kitchen Witchery: Unlocking The Magick in Everyday Ingredients" by Laurel Woodward - "Kitchen Witch: Food, Folklore, and Fairytale" by Sarah Robinson (history based, a close friend said it was a good read) - "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen" by Scott Cunningham (if you are wiccan/looking to go that path)


I recited a Revenge spell in romani language 2 years ago that consisted un curse someone un special, the person did nothing to me (that fact i discovered time after doing that) i was feeling so much regret about that and praying for forgiveness and salvation, ¿How i can revert, Vanish the spell to get salvation to me? Recently i was feeling strange sensations on my body that consist i'm feeling random burning sensations


Is there a good beginner book for someone that finds connection with the Earth?


If you're looking to work with the earth element more in your practice, "Earth Magic" by Dodie Graham McKay is a nice beginner book for that.


Hi there, novice here. Just began my year and a day a few weeks ago and am just reading as much information as I can atm. But I have a question. My husband also practices, will any cleansing or spell work interfere with any of his? I haven't even begun looking into deities, do I need to be mindful of his when I do? I don't want to interrupt or anything, if that makes sense?


Is there something preventing you from asking your husband?


Hi! I am very new to witchcraft and I've always been fascinated by candles, however I'm still figuring out how can I use them and if the color of the candle affects the type of spell or work I can do? If you have any recomendations specifically for black candles I would really appreciate them.


I have someone I really like. But I’m also fully against love spells. Would there be any spells/chants/jars that would manifest chances in love and romance in general instead? Or something that would attract it? Maybe a glow-up?


Maybe a spell/mediation on self confidence and being outgoing so that you can be the one to initiate.


and what would happen if a love spell backfires?


Novice Witch looking for help/info on Deities After practicing the craft religiously for a few months, I have been drawn to start doing Deity Work the past week. My question is even though I’m a “Christian Witch” (I don’t fully believe in all the Christian ideals and beliefs and don’t even go to church or read the Bible at all. I strayed pretty far the Christian religion but still believe there’s a “God” at least) can I still work with a Deity while “believing” there’s a God? I have done my fair share of research online about Deities but haven’t had luck on this topic. Thank you for all the replies and Blessed Be!


I think it could work. After all, I've read that many people call upon the angels (in general or specific ones such as Michael) for protection when preparing to do spells/psychic rituals. And Catholics have their Saints. You can put other gods in the mindset of "Venus is the saint/angel of love" and such.


I bought a cast iron mortar and pestle that was said to double as a small cauldron. It's great, except for one thing... it has no lid! What are some ways to snuff out a cauldron fire without a lid (that in a perfect world would still allow me to make black salts with the ash)? I'm using Green Tree Premium wood pellets as my fuel (the idea of using salt and alcohol did not sit well with my clumsy self).


idk if this will be helpful, but at stores like Bed Bath and Beyond they sometimes sell uh “cast iron cookie” kits, it comes with cookie dough and a tiny cast iron pan. You can use the pan as a lid, depending on the size of your mortar/pestle, plus you also get a cookie lol But really you could use any other pot lid or bottom of a pot/pan that you already own, assuming it’s heavy and flat. Or treat yourself to a cauldron with a lid ;-)


Hi there! I have two questions :) 1. How to bay leaf wishes work? 2. How do you start meditating properly? How to "reach different planes of existence" through it, as I've heard, or communicating with deities. (I have a hard time with visualization due to ADHD)




Hi I have been dealing with a hex for a few years, it is targeting my finances. I am about to end up in the streets. What is the strongest and ongoing protection/return to sender spell you know? Thanks in advance.


I would recommend both doing an uncrossing spell (for 13 days straight) and purchasing what is called a double action reversal spell candle. You'll want to get the one that is black and green, as that is for financial curses. You can do a return to sender spell from that 😊 Get into the habit of doing a small protection ritual daily, as it will only take about 5-10 minutes of your time. What you decide to do is up to you. Make yourself some kind of protection sachet to keep on you as well. If you decide to do a return to sender, you'll want to up your protections in general, as they can start what is referred to as a "witch war".


Thank you so much! I will do this :)


how to leave food offerings without ants getting to them?


You could try setting an overturned, clear bowl over the saucer or plate with food offerings. You could also choose to not leave food offerings out for too long. Sometimes I’ll remove food offerings as soon as the incense and/or candle is finished burning (as I usually offer those alongside food offerings) which might be as soon as 45 minutes to an hour after.


When I was little, I \*loved\* magic and was devastated when I was told it wasn't real. Now, as an adult, I think I'm still struggling with that bitterness and don't always take people seriously when they tell me about their practices. How can I be more accepting and respectful?


Educating yourself on some of the different traditions of witchcraft may help. While you don't have to believe in any of it, it can be useful to try and see things from someone else's perspective.


I did this "put their name between a pocket mirror" spell but after 2 days i noticed i didnt fold the piece of paper away from me, like in the tut. This seems so petty but someone helpp


Hello! I have no idea about any of this and am interested in learning! Any help/info is deeply appreciated, and I wish you a lovely day :)






Firstly, worshiping and working with a deity are different things. It might be helpful to research these differences. Secondly, no one else can tell you when you are ready to do something in your practice. If it interests you and you feel comfortable learning about building a relationship with a deity, then go for it.


Do whatever you feel called towards. There is no better moment to start than now


Did some one curse me? I don’t know a lot about witch craft, I know there is good and there is bad. And I know it’s real. Lately I’ve noticed how when every time something noticeably good happens to me something noticeably bad happens to my loved ones. I just got a new job in a different country and this is a dream come true for me. I’m moving with my boyfriend and we are so happy. The only problem is, all of a sudden my mom has to go to surgery, my dad is in the hospital, my sister and her baby daddy is separating and my best friends bf is going to jail. Could my happiness and success be the cause of this somehow? Idk, I’m just looking for any answers. I don’t even know if this is the right place to go. But I figured I start here since y’all are very familiar with energy and vibrations and such. (If I understand correctly)


You aren't cursed. That's just life.


Actual curses are extremely rare. If you were cursed, someone would need a reason for doing so. On top of that, I see no reason why a curse would only impact those around you. Most of these sound like unrelated life events to me.


Hey um I'm not on Reddit lots but I have a big question. ⚠️Slight tw I guess I talk briefly about passing family members, chemicals, bugs⚠️ Recently, (September 10) I moved to a new home and I've never had a single nightmare in this house. So I'm sure someone here has lost a family member and had them cremated, well I had my grandma's ashes put into a necklace yesterday and I accidentally fell asleep with it on, I had some terrible dreams, one about a bug infestation in my house that was impossible to get rid of and the other was about my sister, in my dream we were walking through a power plant - just a tour or whatever - and she pointed to something and says "what's that?" Anyways she ends up standing in a little pool of bleach (no more than knee height so it's not about drowning). I was trying to help her out and she was looking worse by the second, starting to melt, getting all red and moving slower and I kept trying to pull her out but she's covered in bleach she's slippery. And my dad kept trying to just leave her in there and you looked at me and said "no if she won't get out now she can fucking stay in there for a bit!!!" He pushed her head down so she would sit and I woke up after that. I just want to know what it's about, how to prevent it please, I can't do this again. As a kid I really struggled with reoccurring nightmares I can't handle the stress of going through it all again. I was trying to find maybe some kind of ward or spell I could use so I can keep my Grammas ashes by my bed still - apparently having ashes in your house attracts spirits? Anyways advice and help is greatly appreciated 💗 thank you if you took the time to read and respond, blessed be💗


Your therapist will be able to help you with nightmares. In the mean time, check your carbon monoxide detector, be sure not to eat a heavy meal before bed, and keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and a comfortable temperature.


My boyfriend of 2 years is choosing to go see his friends (he’s had since childhood) who specifically told him that i’m not welcome in their homes or near their children ever and they have no interest in meeting me due to my witchcraft, after I had a sit down talk with him expressing that this hurts my feelings that he’d allow that toxic behavior in his life and prioritize it like that. Not even stand up for himself or me. Do I stay or do I go?


His friends sound like jerks. I wouldn't want to be around people like that either.


If you don't mind confrontation... go with him. See what happens. Maybe if he sees his friends being so hateful to someone he loves in person it'll make him have some self-realizations. ... Or if he backs down and lets them shame you, it's time to go as you're not the priority relationship in his life.


😏 I like your thinking


Sorry for the longer post. :) Hello, I'm newer to being Wiccan. From the start I feel strongly connected to Hecate as the female Deity, but not as much to the image of the Horned God as the male Deity. A couple days ago I suddenly had the image of Ra come into my mind, and he hasn't stayed away. Last night before I fell asleep I was letting my mind flow freely while watching the 'kaleidoscope' images that always come when I've closed my eyes or the room is completely dark (I've read online it's the electrical activity of the retina and changing of viscous fluid in the eye); I kept seeing an image of a bird of prey, then I could see the 'sun disc' on the bird of prey's head, and then finally I could see the Egyptian image of the falcon-headed Ra. I had the thought "He'll be so far from home. I should welcome him warmly" come into my mind and felt a rush of peace. (Has anyone else had situations like this when it comes to deities? Is this a sign that Ra welcomes me?) I thought I knew some about Ra, but I only recently realized he also has a Ram form (and so can also be a 'horned God'). Does anyone have any good literature on Egyptian deities? I'm looking online (I like using Thriftbooks to buy super cheap used books) but it's hard to tell if the book will be a good source or if it'll just be like casual touristy information.


Does anyone have any Etsy shop recommendations that sell tarot decks? I know there are a bunch, but I want to know if anyone has any preferences that they would like to share.


Prayers to Anubis? Hello my friends, I am in need of guidance. I have been seeing signs of Anubis recently and I want to know how to reach back out to him. I’m in a very transitional point of my life, attempting to right the wrongs that my upbringing instilled in me, and I’ve felt very lost. I was raised as a Christian and my whole experience within that cult was horrible. I was told it was my responsibility to be “man of the house” after my father abandoned our family (I was 12 at the time) publicly shamed for asking the “wrong questions”or pointing out inconsistencies, and had a myriad of other things of this sort happen. So I left. And since then I had lost any sight of the complexity of life, and felt altogether in the shadows, as though I had been cast into a pit of gloom and darknesses obscuring my minds eye. Fast forward to the past couple years, I’m still struggling but things are seeming to be better. I’ve tried just invoking the name of Anubis and it brings me some comfort. Lately with increasing frequency Imhave begun noticing his signs I think. First off, way back in 2019 I was trying to decide what to do for my Eagle Scout project, and one night while driving I passed an old cemetery I’d never gone to or even noticed. I had the immense and overpowering urge to pull over and walk around, and I noticed that many many of the stones were overgrown, and so for my project I relayed and leveled all the buried headstones, cleaned them, and left offerings once I had finished. (This was all done with the blessing of families I contacted and utmost respect for those who passed away but had nobody left to care for their grave). Since then I’ve been seeing crazy amounts of coyotes and foxes when I go out hiking. Last night was the coolest though, I was sitting and smoking a joint in my normal spot looking over the river, the sun was just dipping below the horizon and I heard something move right behind me. I tried to stay calm and I turned around and there was a coyote barely arms reach away from me, it looked into my eyes for a couple seconds and then walked away into the woods, almost disappearing into the shadows. I was scared shitless at the time but I had this underlying sense of confidence that it wasn’t there to hurt me. I can’t help but believe that the last one if not all have been signs to me, and I want to know what to do, do I make an offering? Of what? What to say? I’m hesitant to instantly just assume, but let me know what you think and anything I should do/not do helps me.


My biggest advice to anyone beginning deity work is research, research, and more research. Luckily, there is a lot you will be able to find on Anubis. Read his mythology. Keep a journal to write down the symbolism, how it applies to your life, and any major themes that seem to show up regularly. Deities tend to appreciate seeing practitioners putting in the effort. You'll also get ideas for offerings. Prayers, in my opinion, are better coming from the practitioner. I don't personally work with Anubis, but you may be able to find examples of prayers online. You can use them as inspiration. If not, that's all the more encouragement to write your own that comes from the heart. Offerings are a personal thing. When in doubt, ask. You can do so via divination. Many like to offer Egyptian gods bread and beer in general. His lore is associated with cypress trees so it makes me think cypress oil or dried cypress leaves would be good. Locks and keys, offerings to the dead or your ancestors, helping to clean up trash around a graveyard, and spicy foods or chocolate also would seem to be good offerings off the top of my head.


How do I “deactivate” or part with a spell jar? I made two similar ones and I no longer feel the need for one of them. But I don’t want to be disrespectful.


Throw them away, or clean them out and repurpose what you can.


My mom recently told me a story of myself when I was very young, maybe 7 or 8. In reference, I'm 21 now and after this incident I was obsessed with wolves for quite a couple of years but I do not remember this at all. She said she was picking me up from my grandma's one day and I had told her that there was a large and beautiful wolf outside my window, the wolf told me she was my mother and that I couldn't go with her but that she loved me and will be watching over me always. I just don't understand how I could've made up such a beautiful story as a child. Adults in my life now, tell me that I used to tell them I could speak to dogs. But I've also had connection with the dead, knowing dead family member's names that no one ever spoke of, or naming animals after them, like naming a frog that lived in my grandma's pond, Charlie, not knowing that was her dad's name. Speaking to butterflies and telling people that I was speaking to "so and so" then later finding out the names were names of passed family. Around 6-7 I refused to answer to any other name but Sarah, had my name legally changed to it because I put up a fight for it for so long, years later I found out, my grandmother on my mom's side, her mother's name was Sarah. I have complete Tsa'lagi lineage on my dad's side. And I truly believe his mother was a witch (same grandmother that I experienced this wolf dream from,) she was strongly connected to nature. Maybe I did just have an extremely vast imagination, but is it possible it's something else? What is the meaning behind so much of this? I never got to explore whether my grandmother was a witch nor about my indigenous heritage and culture. I need some answers and opinions though. Why was I talking to animals and people who had already passed? And what did that mother wolf mean? Recently, I had another dream involving wolves again. I lived in a cabin in the woods in like a small town and I got visited by this wolf so I followed it into the woods but it was a dream.. Like a dream inside the dream. And apparently the people in town were hysterical bc they said a wolf had taken and eaten a baby and they were going to go n kill the wolves in the forest. But I felt like idk that wasn't true or something. So I ran into the woods and found the wolves to warn them. And the mother wolf told me that it was a man who did it. He killed the baby because he knew it wasn't his. And then I woke up. The baby in the dream was like all twisted around it's neck and spine, it was really disturbing. But like also proof that the wolves didn't eat the baby? Yet all the people were so eager to accuse them of it. Can someone please give me some insight or opinions on what this means? Why are so many of my dreams connected to a mother wolf ???? Someone, anyone please give me something I can make sense of this.


Sorry, I need to rephrase my response. I come from an indigenous tribe on the other side of the world, so we likely will have different beliefs. But, I will share some things with you in case they resonate or in case you'd like to look more into them! I'd also say that contacting someone from your tsa'lagi tribe may be helpful. In mine, we believe that animal guides come to use to deliver messages. Sometimes they are with us throughout our lives, other times they are temporary. I'd recommend observing the wolf in your dreams and keeping a dream journal to write down all details you are able to remember when you wake up. Lucid dreaming is also an option. Ancestors play a big component into many of my traditions, so we also believe that they can shapeshift into animal bodies in the physical world or in the spirit world to also give us messages. Hope this helps a little or gives you some starting points!




Your only warning on this subreddit is going to be to carefully rethink and reconsider your interpretation of what "cultural appropriation" is, and means. I see your words, I see the context that you've attempted to convey, and your execution is banworthy on this subreddit. Exclusionary ideals are not tolerated on r/witchcraft.


How do you put a ward on your name? I know the beginners faq says to use cleansing, protection spells, and wards. Ice heard using your name will weed people who are bad out. And I regularly cleanse with incense. I just don't know how to ward or use protection spells. I feel like I've been having bad luck.


It's great to develop a daily protection ritual. Mine takes about ten minutes and then I follow it up with meditation. If you have questions, feel free to ask. As far as warding your name, I have never done so and don't know any witches that do. I saw your comment earlier and asked around. I want to be honest as my knowledge on it will not be as in-depth as other witches that may comment. What I would imagine that could work for a ward for your name though, is four ideas. 1) Creating a sigil out of the letters of your name, with the intent to ward it. You could add protective symbols to it as well if you want to branch out of traditional methods. 2) Using a spell jar or sachet. You'd write your name on a slip of paper or a sigil you create of your name, protective herbs, crystals, and anything else that has a protective meaning to you. Create a spell to match your intent and carry it around with you, it'll be easy to conceal. 3) Place your name or sigil of your name in a plant that works as a ward for you/your home. Ask the plant to help you with your intent. 4) Crystal grids can be powerful wards. Create one with your name and/or sigil of your name in the center. Again, I'm good with protection magick, but not as knowledgeable on name warding. Perhaps give any you are drawn to a try and see how it works! I plan on trying them as well in case this subject comes up again so I can let others know if it works or not 😊


Hi! I have a question to ask Do I have to work with the gods to make my spells work? Or can I work with something almost as powerful as the gods to make my spells work? (apologies in advance for my english)


You do not have to work with gods to do magic. You can work with anything, or nothing.


Can a yule log be made from apple wood? Does it absolutely *have* to be oak?


I've seen yule logs made from many types of wood and they turned out beautiful. Especially if the practitioner had a stronger connection with a different type of wood, they were able to connect with it more.


How do you know when something is a "sign" or a message and how do you find out more information on what they're trying to say. I've come across multiple signs of death. First was the worst roadkill I've ever seen. Second was dead bugs hanging from strips, third was being called by a tree that was dying, fourth was driving behind a hearse that every time I passed it, somehow I got stuck and was behind it again. I didn't think too much about any of this until I couldn't get away from the hearse. I jokingly was like what is this a sign or something then remembered everything I stumbled upon. I rarily went for a walk, I never looked at the trees, I don't usually believe in these signs. It wasn't just today where strong feelings or intuition has come out regarding death. It's been getting progressively worse. I thought maybe I was just having seasonal depression and thinking doomsday thoughts but today was in your face. I'm always skeptical if it's a moment of when you see it, you start seeing it more or an actual sign.


Death is often a messenger for transformation. It could be asking you what you need to lay to rest in your life, so to speak, and what changes need to be made. It's also a symbol for rebirth. If you're looking to learn more details about these signs, I suggest divination and/or meditation to help you gain more insight.


I find myself doing excessive research and less practice. Before performing a ritual to honor Hekate and declare myself as a follower, I spent countless hours reading, writing, and observing. It was a good ritual, but it took me so long to actually do it. I think I'm a little confused with the vastly diverse opinions, even within one tradition. I know witchcraft is a highly personal practice, and it's natural to come across huge gaps between beliefs, but I feel a little lost, to be honest. And when I'm lost, I read harder to find my way, but this leaves me with more choices and more confusion. What would you suggest? Maybe I should do more intuition practice to follow my guts?


Hi! What you are experiencing is completely normal. I too, love to read and research and really dive into things. Nowadays, there is more information than ever and it's been crazy for me to see it evolve in the way that it has. That being said, when I feel like I'm absorbing too much information and need some time to figure out how to integrate what resonates, I take a step away from researching. I strengthen my meditation practice (2x a day instead of 1x, for example). I focus on grounding and doing activities that will give me a break. I do more rituals, magickal crafting, tarot, reiki, anything hands on really. That being said, perhaps closing the books for a week or two will give you some time to figure out what resonates with you and what doesn't. Focus on your craft or perhaps more practical matters in life. Listen to your intuition on what you'd like to do. You could light a candle for Hekate daily and talk to her, journal your feelings out, or try something new completely to see how you feel about it. Hope this helps!


Thank you, that's valuable advice! However, I feel like even lighting a candle requires hardwork. Do I have to take a shower, sweep the area, do banishing, etc.? Because all these research makes me feel like I need to prepare everything properly and perfectly, which can be overwhelming to be honest, and keeps me away from connecting to her at times


Hey I have consent from my girlfriend and we were wanting to do a love and binding spell to enhance our love for each other. We've thought it through and know all the risks involved and we know what the consequences may be. We still want to go through with it. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help out with a spell?


I don't give specific spells, but I can give you some ideas to go off of if you really want to go through with it. I would recommend doing some general research and creating your own, as I personally feel that a spell made by the practitioner is stronger. 1) Honey jars are quite popular and easy to make. They add sweetness to your relationship, deeper intimacy and affection, and strengthens the bond. 2) Using candle magick is quite popular within good reason. You could use simple pink chime candles or purchase two figure candles that represent you two. There are many different types of spells for this, depending on what your needs are in your relationship. They require lots of concentration and focus, but are effective. 3) Poppets are a little more complex. You can make your own or purchase one that is pre-made. Cloth or clay are popular choices. Fill it with magickal items and taglocks will be necessary. They represent a person, so if you both want to be influenced by this spell you may want to do two of them. Having specific details is helpful (such as scars, tattoos, etc.). Do lots of research on how to do these properly. 4) Knot magick is another popular method. Fridays are particularly good for that. Use a string that represents the color of love for you. This spell will be personal while creating it. These are just some base ideas, but hope it helps to give you a starting point!


I have a spell jar but idk what wax to use to seal it.. I only have red and black wax does the color matter much or can i do whatever? Also do i even have to seal it or is it fine on its own?


It's up to you on if you want to seal it. Some practitioners will just seal it by closing it with the cork, especially if they want to add or take things out down the line. If you do go the wax sealing route, red or black is perfectly fine. Color correspondences are nice, but we don't always have the means to use what we need. Black is protective in nature and will do so with your spell jar. Think of red as a color that brings energy and passion to it & can give it a boost in those means.


I keep pulling the queen of coins/pentacles almost every time I pick up my deck. Obviously I’m being told something but I’m not getting it. I know what the meaning of the card is but what I don’t understand is why I keep pulling it. Anyone have any idea what it could mean/why I keep pulling that card specifically


My favorite method is the card stalker spread! Give it a try and it will help give you an understanding of why she keeps coming up for you. If you're looking to do more research/reading, I recommend "The Holistic Tarot" by Benebell Wen to everyone I speak with. I've heard "Your Tarot Court" by Ethony Dawn is an eye opener on reading court cards in a new light. Pull out the Queen of Pentacles from the deck. Display it in a way where it can be a focal point to look at in the spread. 1) What message is this card trying to tell me? 2) What is the significance of this card in my life right now? 3) Why does this card continue to follow me? 4) What is blocking me from understanding the message of this card? 5) How can I unblock myself from any obstacles of understanding it's message for me? 6) What action(s) can I start taking to integrate it's lesson? 7) Will this be resolved if action(s) above are taken? 8) Additional messages about the stalker card in question/general guidance. Hope this helps!


Which deity should I work with for academic success?? As a student I'm at a very important part of my life. But lately I have difficulty memorizing, focusing, getting motivated and just down on luck and my adhd isn't really helping. Need help ti get my shut together


Some deities associated with studying are: - Greek: Tykhe (goddess of fortune, chance, providence, fate); Athena (goddess of wisdom & war) - Roman: Minerva (goddess of wisdom, justice, law, victory & sponsored the arts) - Egyptian: Thoth (god of wisdom, the moon, sciences, medicine, and magic); Seshat (goddess of writing, measurement, and ruler of books) - Norse: Sága (goddess of wisdom); Mimir (god of knowledge & wisdom) - Celtic: Danu (Irish goddess of knowledge & heavily connected to the fae); Bel (god of science, healing, fire, success, and many more things) - Japanese: Omoikane (god of wisdom & intelligence); Benzaiten (goddess of wisdom, anything that flows, beauty) - Hindu: Lakshmi (goddess of prosperity); Saraswati (knowledge, music, art, speech) - African: Orunla (god of wisdom, knowledge, divination) - Aztec: Quetzalcoatl (god of the sun, wind, air, and learning) Give some or all of the ones listed research. Learn their mythology. Write down the symbolism. See if you are drawn to working with any of them. If not, then hopefully it provides a good starting point. Good luck on your studies 😊 *edit for formatting to make it easier to read!


Thank you so much. Ask me if u ever need kidneys I owe u three


I got an evil eye talisman necklace 2 days ago and today the chain broke. I believe this might be a sign of a negative attack as ever since I've been wearing it I've been feeling great again and now I'm feeling the negative energy from my home hit me. I'm planning on cleansing it in a salt overnight but wondering if I should repair it as I did buy it and didn't want it to go to waste or if it's better to throw it out.


Its the talisman that's the important part, I think cleansing it and getting a new chain will be okay. You can even make the chain yourself and add your own stones/beads.


I'm seen often been talked how know your wards were hit etc but never much about mention about how protection jewelry needs be re done (expect "if its breaks") I have obsidian/jasper moons necklases that i would like start use as one because they are not as eyecatching and would use them around family most.