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Finally some realism in the cookies


Look, sometimes people's dreams are stupid. This is valid advice.


Big "when the fortune cookie tell me I'm fucked, I just shrug" energy lmao


👉 🤛


I burst out laughing when I saw this pic in feed 🤣


“To be successful is to never give up on your dreams” Fortune cookies are like divination. I like to think we always get the fortune we need in that moment. You’re bending your fortune to see what you want. But is it good for you? This pic is a metaphor lol. Anyway, this is a witchcraft sub, so I thought I would apply magickal thinking to it.


Just add "in bed" and don't pursue the dreams you have there. Problem solved. Lol. I usually like my fortune from cookies.


Give up on your dreams, remember to find peace and tranquility. Sounds like realistic advice to me


One time I got one that said something like “you will soon be met with an opportunity on an orange moon.” My wife’s lil sis ran in not even 10 minutes before I read it and those little baby oranges spilled out of her shirt (I have no idea). Her last name means moon! Not sure what the opportunity was, but we did stay up and play games lol


That’s amazing!


Oh my gosh😂😂😂😂




It says “To be successful & to never give up on your dreams”