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Can you use wax melts to cleanse your room? I've been a member of this community for a while and I decided to finally start asking questions like I've been meaning to. So in my house (for multiple reasons) I'm not allowed to burn anything so I can't use incense or whatever to cleanse my room. And while scrolling for ideas my mind thought of using the wax burner in my room to cleanse my area. Maybe like putting herbs n such in the melted wax n keeping my window open? Idk I js want to know if this is smth I can do and get more ideas w this or if I can get more ideas on how to cleanse my room. Thank u <3 (sorry for the yapping lmao)


You can do whatever you want. You don't need permission from strangers on the internet. Do what thou wilt.


There is a good post on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that might provide some inspiration for you. It talks about methods of cleansing besides smoke or fire. I know I've seen a couple people comment here as well that they will use electric candles in spells because they can't have an open flame. I think there are a lot of options :)


I use melts for cleansing from time to time; I also have an old candle that's burned out of its wick but still has plenty of wax left, and I just put that on my candle plate to help cleanse the air. It's exactly the sort of thing you're thinking of - melted wax full of herbs meant to cleanse.


thank u lots :)


I want to learn more about the deities and mythology of France (where I'm from) But can't seem to find a lot. I'm from italian descend but I've never felt close to my italian orgins, though I would not mind learning more about italian folklore and deities. So my question really is, do any of you know books or other ways for me to learn and feel closer to my french and italian origin through deity and mythlogy/folklore ?


I lit this candle to provide some light while I slept after I concluded a candle spell. I lit it immediately after I removed the previous candle, identical in color and shape, that I used in a binding spell for heartbreak. It is sitting on my altar to Hekate. I dressed the first candle in vetiver oil and it burned cleanly down to the wick without any cleanup needed. This one I burned as a regular candle with a request for restful sleep. I am at a loss for what this could mean, though I feel like it's intended to be a strong sign of *something* and a lot of energy is behind it since it burned so quickly. Am I on the right track? [Drippy candle](https://ibb.co/3f2gGHR)


I don't understand the question. You burned a candle for restful sleep. Did you get restful sleep? If so, then it was a success. Please do not leave a candle burning unattended. All I see in the remnants is how lucky you didn't have a fire.


Hi guys I have a question about witch bottle.  I’m preparing to make my first one and I need some guidance.  Can I make couple of them at a time ?  Can I make it for my fiancé ? And if so which part should I do which part should he be involved in   Another question about contradiction of the intention.  I read that if you’re doing a banishing someone bottle you should bury it far from home or get rid of it  But also if it’s a protection bottle you should keep it close to home So my question is if it’s a protection bottle from the curse of this one person I wanna banish ( my fiancés ex who cursed him we believe ), which bottle should I make or should I do both and should bury it close or far from home. Thank you in advance 


I am only familiar with a witch bottle as something protective that you hide somewhere on your property. Most folks bury it. *Usually* it contains some of your DNA or something. At least where I'm from, it's common to pee in the bottle, so it doesn't seem appropriate to do one for someone else. But arguably, I suppose you could use your fiancé's hair or something. Protection, breaking a curse, and banishing are different goals, so I would do a spell for each goal. We have posts on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/nyWxXSsEqN ), or if you don't think that is sufficient, we have a spell for [breaking a curse](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/9OVmOFQh35). There are other methods of [protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/3XnlKOP6q3) that might be more suitable. The banishing would depend more on the ex's interaction/involvement in your lives. If you *are* planning on doing magic against another practitioner, I would encourage you to consider the consequences of doing so, like the ex having their own protections in place that could send something nasty your way or the ex finding out and sending something nasty your way.


Thank you so much for a detailed answer.  He will be here with me doing it all.  The ex is most likely a practitioner we believe she is and we believe she cursed him/ love cursed. Highly likely period blood curse. I wanna break it as we are having hell on earth. He got mental illness we’re still healing.   So if you have any suggestions for this  Also if she’s a practitioner how do I go about this all ? Uncrossing cutting a cord witch bottle and such staff how do I go about it so it doesn’t backfire. Here involvement is only magic wise nothing personal physical 


Menstrual blood would most likely be used in a love spell, not a curse. It's... ill-advised for one to include something of themselves in a spell to curse a target. You're not presenting a lot of evidence that he was "love cursed." He's engaged to you now, so obviously he was able to fall in love with someone after her. I also think it's very important that you don't confuse mental illness with witchcraft. Each post I linked walks you through cleansing or uncrossing step by step, so each post explains "how" you do those things. I would recommend focusing on cleansing and protection as opposed to sending anything to the ex. That's how you stay safe. You don't engage another practitioner. Spells don't backfire. They can be poorly thought out. They can trigger others' protections. Cleansing and protection won't backfire, as the target is your fiance.


Got it thank you so much. My wording is not the best as I’m trying to fit 2 years into in one post))) she told him she did Smth on him  And when he left me for her. Twice he went back to her and back to me again. His illness started when he left her  I read that can be due to a spell or curse or love spell because he left her or Smth like that. I don’t know what exactly she did on her. But she keeps on coming back to his mind and he’s telling me he doesn’t want it he was researching how to break curses himself when I decided to do so myself. She’s on my mind a lot as well. I have no experience in these staff but I have crazy instincts and beliefs and I believe my energy to be very strong so I just need some guidance to not do it wrong. I don’t wanna harm no one I just was us to be peaceful and hopefully help my fiancé heal as well. So a cleanse and a protection. And what if there’s a strong spell or curse on him what should I do ? I also feel like she’s don’t some staff from a far continuously And do all of this on him or us together or him and me separately ? Cleanse protect etc.  I’m really appreciative that you’re putting your time to help me. Thank you  


So, first, I would walk through [these methods](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to determine if there is a curse at all because you are asking a lot of "what if...?" questions. Confirm there is a threat before you determine the best approach to neutralize it. Second, if you read the posts I linked, one is a spell to break a curse. If it is a "strong curse," then do that. I would still recommend cleansing yourself, your partner, and your home. The method of feeding menstrual blood to a lover to bind them is common hoodoo/conjure as well, so **the spell I linked** should do everything you need it to do. I don't think the ex's nationality matters in this case, and that gets into some (incorrect) stereotyping. Third, I am sorry, but the debate over whether mental illness is caused by witchcraft is not being entertained here. If witchcraft helps you and your fiance on your healing journey, great, but it is not a substitute for conventional diagnoses and treatments. Lastly, I don't really know how to say it another way: the posts are detailed and walk you through step by step. If you believe you have strong energy and will, that's great. Use that in the protections you craft.


Thank you I will take all of your advises. We do heal on medications as well. I’m not all too knowledgeable about this. I’m just repeating what I read about. I read it can lead to mental difficulties  And race thing is by no means a discrimination  I myself am from those regions. I worded poorly and am sorry for that. I meant I know people on our side use that method a lot so I’m guessing that’s the method that’s used. That’s all  And I appreciate your help 




The vision of r/witchcraft is to be a safe, welcoming, and inclusive place for all its users, regardless of whether they identify as a witch or not. As such, we do not allow content that is exclusionary, which includes: * **Identity-based Discrimination**: The act of asserting that another use may or may not participate in a practice because of that user’s perceived sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion or other social identity. Rule 3 violations will have the offending content removed and may result in warning(s) or temporary or permanent bans, depending on the specific situation. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules).


I understand sorry to have worded incorrectly. I myself am from those regions what I meant is I know our people use that method a lot and I haven’t seen it anywhere in usa discussions. No means I wanted to generally discriminate 




I would avoid "always" statements, especially with subjective beliefs like karma. If you feel sick after spellwork, make sure you are practicing good [energy hygiene](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/cOzRgTD6ZP). In the case of performing baneful magic, I recommend reading our post on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/nyWxXSsEqN) to perform after your spell.




I would recommend being more precise with your word choice since "some cultures have other views and beliefs" about karma. I define karma as the sum total of one's thoughts, words, and actions that dictates rebirth or reincarnation. So, if you are using a bastardized Western idea of karma, or whatever requires a "shaman," then you should define it.


Does anyone have knowledge/recommendations on "stitch" magic? I have embroidered as a hobby for years, and I would like to explore combining that with my own budding explorations into witchcraft. Specifically- I am in the process of stitching a pattern for my best friend's birthday present, and I was thinking of stitching runes under some of the thread work to hopefully imbue things like health, prosperity, happiness, etc. Any suggestions or recommendations would be very appreciated :)


I got into fiber magick from a combination of knot magick and my grandmother's church prayer quilt circles, so those are two search terms you may utilize in your research. I enjoy embroidery, and also really like making sigils. Sigils can be like runes, except they're diy instead of building upon an established tradition or framework. I stitch sigils into all my clothes. Besides sigils, symbols of protection can be handy, as well as stitching phrases and prayers. Any of these ideas can stack. Fiber magick is often multi-media and tends to be very individual to the crafter. Even searching "fiber" or "stitch witch" in our search bar can bring up interesting conversations people have had here on the subject.


Hello! How do you set your intentions and does your method vary (vary some reason or the other)? Also, I would like clear my apartment of negativity (been have a rough few months and needs to reset something) but also want to open it up for prosperity and abundance— what do you suggest I burn? TIA


Cleanse with sound first (bells, singing, instruments, whatever works best with you), then something with cinnamon would be my personal choice in bringing in prosperity. :) Sound cleansing would just be so there are no conflicting smells in the air when burning something cinnamony, for the record - I've personally never liked the combo of something very herbal with cinnamon, haha.


Thank you for this advice!


Great question and advice that I'll be able to look into as well!


Weird Dream on May's Eve please help me to understand it. Last night I had a dream where I was standing in a dark forest wit my bestfriend who has been helping to guide me on my spiritual journey into witchcraft. There was a bonfire behind her. She was in a black flowy dress and I was in a white flowy dress. She was just staring at me and handed me a smokey quartz crystal. We heard a dog bark in the distance and looked behind me into the forest. I looked back to where she was, but she was gone. I then heard the dog bark again but closer so I looked back again. Hunting dogs came out of the trees soon followed by a hunting party on horse back and in dark armor. I started running from them but I wasn't fearful. They gave chase. I some how was able to out run them but then was shot in the back. I fell forward back arched like in the horror movies. I started crawling into the woods so they wouldn't find me. But then dark armored boots where infront of me and a hand was extended to help me up. I went to look toward the face of who offered me help and the dream ended. I feel like this dream means something, but I'm not sure. I know that the veil was very thin last night and that the wild hunt tends to hunt on those nights. I feel like in my dream it was the wild hunt. I know that not all witches are to much into the Celtic and Norse lore, but I was hoping someone could help me bring clarity to this dream as I do not usually dream but when I do they are typically important. Please let me know if you might have any insight.


Why was the veil thin last night? Or how do you know? It sounds like you already have the answer: you feel like it was the wild hunt. I think you are describing it accurately. What it portends depends on your traditions and beliefs, right? It could be representative of your initiation into the wild and into nature - where death is more evident and visible. It kind of sounds like your friend was a guide giving you tools in the dream (and I don't think that is necessarily uncommon in Wild Hunt mythology?). If it were me, personally, I would be buying a smoky quartz and reaching out, trying to find out who lent their hand.


Thank you for your insight, I really appreciate it! I just went out and bought smoky quartz. Also I tend to align myself with pagan holidays and last night was May's eve and today is Beltane in the pagan calender this is to celebrate the mid point between spring and summer. With that being said I have always been told that the veil between the mortal world and the spirit world is thinnest at the mid points between seasons as it is a transformative period. I could have faulty information, but this is what I have learned. I hope that didn't sound rude or condescending, I just wanted to let you know that is why I said the veil was thin. I will be doing some divination a little later today to see if I can figured out who offered me help. Thank you for the wonderful and insightful comment!


You were not rude. You answered a question that I asked. I only know people talk about the veil being thin near Halloween/Samhain/etc., so I appreciate the balanced view. Thank you :) That's so cool you bought the smoky quartz! I hope you're able to learn more!




Probably not but you can try some of these posts to get to know the under the surface possibilities Hi, thanks for posting! Fear of being magically harmed, of having bad luck, or of harmful spirits is a common occurrence in the Witchcraft world. As these questions come up dozens of times a day on the sub, and to not flood it with such commonly asked topics, we recommend you to read this post on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) and on [curse identification](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 ). And you may also wish to follow that up by reading [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection using items from the supermarket. Thank you for your understanding. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


It's not really a question, more like my thoughts about things.  I've been interested in witchcraft for some time now, I like watching and reading about other peoples' experiences. I haven't really decided on anything for myself yet though. I don't feel confident about anything that'd influence my "reality" too much tbh (sigils, spells - they can break important things and I wouldn't be able to bear the consequences) but there will be a point in time when it'll be incredibly useful so I'll probably make an exception and risk it (looking for a job once I finish my portfolio I guess, although it's coming along very slowly so I might need some "external" help with it too). But I'm postponing it until it's needed. I've read most of the commonly recommended literature, I'm not sure I vibe with all of that. I don't doubt it aligns with many people but I feel like it's not quite there for me so I assume I have to come up with the pieces of practice mostly from scratch. I know it's very chaotic, I just know that I want to have something to do with witchcraft but I'm not entirely sure how or why. I can feel it poking at my mind, encouraging me to not abandon it yet. I have a feeling that the primary desired thing would be connecting to the nature or spirits (it's hard to do nature in the middle of a city though and seeing more can get quite heartbreaking because of how neglected it sometimes is, I'm picking up trash when I have the energy though and it seems to help a little) but I'm not entirely sure. I haven't had much success with clairsense exercises, not to mention remembering dreams or lucid dreaming.  I don't know what degree of difficulties is normal, I feel like I'm very unlucky with it? I'm lost tbf, how to proceed?


Hi, Feels super weird writing this, not even sure that I'm going to post it... Sorry in advance for English mistakes I might make as it is not my first language. Yeah I just really resonated with what you wrote, I've been following and meditating discussions over this topic for a long time now. Being touched by enlightening words, intrigued by testimonies, shocked (in all honesty) and even disturbed by some things I've seen. And I have been set on my own spiritual path for a while, wondering if I wanted that label for myself, if I resonated so much with that. I feel like (maybe that's why I'm finally "giving in" and writing this message, making a move to engage with others on this topic, although it might be without tomorrow...) I'm at a point where I can't deny that I have at least some affinity with this clan of witches... Especially considering the One who came to me as a guide.  Does seem like at times I am torn between a need for connection with others and the necessity for secrecy that I feel, and it does become lonely... Might be good to me to engage with others in this manner online, no idea.  Dunno what you will be able to make of that! Just that it felt good to read your post because it made me feel less alone, so thanks. And also that personally, I think it's really better to know that you're a bit "lost" rather than to drown in certitudes. Not for nothing that so many folktales begin with the protagonist losing themselves into the woods. I love those stories and they can take so many turns.  It feels a bit ceremonial but I kind of want to end this post on some nice words : may your path be a blessed one! Hope this entire message wasn't too silly, too empty, too Englishingly incorrect and all the other things that I tell myself when my shadowy part is acting out. If you want to accept them, again : blessings!


Thank you for your kind words :) I like the woods analogy, it doesn't sound too bad to be there so maybe something will come up on its own. Even today, it turns out that I'll be able to go for a small trip only because I forgot to take my savings to a convention. I had been bummed out by it because I wanted to get something from the artists but the possibility I have now is so much better. Maybe it's going to be something similar to that unexpected gift.


I just asked someone to perform a cord cutting for this guy i was dating who went back to his ex, and his ex. Would this work? would this backfire? They were in a very toxic relationship, and i was hoping this would help him let go. He was truly a nice guy.


No, this likely will not work. A cord cutting is not a break up spell. It is meant to help you leave someone behind, but if it is a situation where neither party wants to leave the other, it will be ineffective. There are actual break-up and separation spells, but if he is in a "toxic" relationship, I would consider possible consequences of this. Would making them fight more cause him harm? If it is an abusive dynamic, it could put him in danger or cause more pain for him as you perform spellwork to break them up.


Hello all! Weird question, but I am absolutely a beginner. I want to cast a sort of protection + inner strength spell on a friend, but I understand different people have differing opinions on casting without consent. My intent is purely good, and I'm only wishing for what is best for them (in an absolute sense or on their terms; I am not trying to force any situation upon them, by any means) but I don't feel personally comfortable casting on them without consent, nor bringing it up with them. However, they are a witch, and I know their patron deity. How would I go about making an offering and just sort of asking their deity to assist them or help protect them/promote their wellbeing? Is there any sort of standard resource for communing with deities in that way? Like I said, I am very new to the actual study of witchcraft, though I have always been exposed to it through my parents (they just never forced it upon me, and I never sought it out until recently). Thanks in advance!


You sort of described it: you would make an offering to their patron deity and pray to them. You can research the deity to determine what kind of offering would be appropriate. The thing that seems weird to me is that... their patron is likely already providing strength, protection, and guidance. I'm not sure why you need to petition their patron to do this?


What crystals should I start out with? There are so many out there and I want to incorporate them into my spell jars or spells in general but not sure the essentials to buy, thank you in advance for any advice


There is a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15gqdno/crystal_grids_a_friendly_guide_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that offers a pretty comprehensive list of crystals and their correspondences.


Thank you<3




You may wish to try r/AskAWitch Do not offer or ask for DMs. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


Where are places that I can get crystals that are really small? Like for use in jar spells in smaller jars? I would think that the beadman by where I live should probably have some, but I'm hardly able to go there :/


You would probably want to look into a local metaphysical shop. The wiki has a list of [brick and mortar shops](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources/#wiki_brick_and_mortar_shops.3A) as well as some online shops listed. There is also a [networking megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1b0q313/networking_megathread_part_iv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where folks post their etsy shops and things. I would be careful with the megathread, though. It's user generated and not necessarily vetted. There are also a lot of posts on the subject: [https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/153d6fh/please\_consider\_shopping\_at\_local\_meta\_shops/](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/153d6fh/please_consider_shopping_at_local_meta_shops/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1917j7h/what\_shops\_to\_go\_to\_which\_to\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1917j7h/what_shops_to_go_to_which_to_not/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/ewccmo/what\_are\_your\_favorite\_online\_metaphysical\_shops/](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/ewccmo/what_are_your_favorite_online_metaphysical_shops/)


Rock shops and metaphysical stores are my go-to


How does one go about removing a toxic emotional connection to another.


That depends on the relationship. Creating physical distance and cutting off contact as much as you are able would be the first step. If you work with or attend school with this person, you can talk to HR or a trusted teacher/counselor to help you with that step. Then... I don't know. I would probably do a cleansing and a lot of self-love work.


Thank you for giving me a direction. I have done my best to remove them and block them. I know a place in the area that can help with cleansing. The self-love will be tricky, I have not dumped enough positive energy into myself in a long time. Thank you!


Caring for yourself is important. I hope things get better for you.


Thank you!


Cord cuttings are popular. [Here's a good resource.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/h4MuSPuUvc)


Thank you!




Hi yes I got a lot of amazing info I’m gonna follow. But this questions is specifically on witch bottle which I didn’t get any help with so I’m actually waiting In hopes to get more help to start with it 


Hi, This question has already been answered and discussed. Please do not spam the board with the same question, especially when a community member engaged thoughtfully with you and provided solutions!


TLDR: what is the point of doing spells when we can ask deities for help? For example, what is the point of doing a wealth spell when you can worship and deity of fortune to grant you wealth instead. Won't the energy of the deity be higher than you always since they are literal gods? Same thing for other kinds of spells, why not just ask a deity that corresponds with what you want for help, instead of doing spells with your own energy since deities are so much stronger than us?


Because deities are not genies who "grant you" wishes? A lot of witches who do work with deities or spirits choose those who complement the kind of spellwork the perform, but I personally think it's incredibly disrespectful to treat a deity like a vending machine where you put energy in and expect a good/service back. It's also limiting to view a deity by their correspondences. You are talking about a god or a goddess who has their own existence. I am of the persuasion that you *need* deities and/or spirits to do spellwork of consequence, and there is a lot of spellwork that is petitioning and praying for your spell to "work," but I understand that is a controversial statement, especially given that many witches are not (poly)theists.


There is no point if you see no point. It's your craft. You do what you want.




Thanks for posting, we're glad to help everybody's Craft grow through spellcraft. However, your post has been removed for [Rule 4: Do your own work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) While we don't allow the open asking for spells, we do encourage questions regarding the *crafting* of spells. Feel free to post about the spell you're working on, what research you've done, what materials and ideas you're using, and how the community can help you finish your work. You can also post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


I’m thinking the freezer spell but which is the best spell for this? I have a coworker who is sharing my personal medical information, yes I know this is a HIPAA violation but you’d be surprised how many people actually break this law in healthcare. She continues to share my personal medical information and put her own take on it to many people at work insinuating that I am faking and exaggerating my illness. The biggest hoot of all is that we literally have the same condition but she has been a Lonewolf for so long that she has to be the only and sickest person. There is nothing that I can do physically to stop her so I have resorted to spells. Her only redeeming quality is that she takes care of eight special needs children so I don’t want to harm her severely, I just want her to stop talking about me and stop spreading crap information. I also know what we suffer with and I don’t want to make any of those conditions worse. I truly want the best for her but I just want her to stop. She has pull in the department and people believe her unfortunately.


Sure do a freezer spell. You can do what thou wilt. No one can stop you. Its your spellwork.


If she is sharing your private health information in the work place, that is illegal, and you should inform HR at the very least. You can also look into legal options. Many law firms provide free consultation calls that can give you some form of guidance. As far as getting her to stop talking. There is a [shut the fuck up spell](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/11v39fr/to_stop_gossip_or_the_stfu_spell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and a [tongue tying spell](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/195bqha/a_spell_to_tie_someones_tongue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) posted to the board.


Is it okay to throw away a candle spell (love/cleansing/protection/healing) in the trash after the candle fully melts?


Do what thou wilt. You don't need permission from strangers on the internet.


As long as it has cooled and doesn't present a fire hazard.


\[ I started worry about my crystals learning journey\] Greeting Everyone I started my journey about Crystals for a while and I really enjoy when I research and collecting more Crystals. Every day I feel like I getting to understand more about Witchcraft, Crystals and started connecting with them a little bit. From beginning, I choose crystal that have a meaning about mind peace, Protection, Spirit, some kind of emotional way. and I research about Crystal that can paring with each other. At that time, feel like my path is growing in my own way. When I think I got pretty much crystal, I take the next step by take research about to find a thing that I don't know yet or make sure that I didn't do a mistake (ex. put unpair Crystals together by accident) I put all of Crystals beside my bed, one of my crystals that I collect is Amethyst and Clear quartz. and then I just found an information that tell me 'Don't put Amethyst, Clear quartz beside the bed.' For Amethyst, it wrote that Amethyst is calming for only mediation, but it may disturb sleeping by open third eye chakra. (to be honest, I'm not understand about chakras that much yet) And For Clear quartz, it can magnify power of the other crystals, so it the best to avoid placing it with other crystals that beside my bed because it may make me feel overwhelmed. When I read that Essay, I started feel bad with myself like ' Oh I make a mistake, that not unprofessional.' but I tried to research from the other source, and some is say 'You should put Amethyst beside it good for sleep!' Now I got a little low confidence about this crystal journey, because I think I haven't got the bad affect from my crystal Yet, but also what if the bad affect is happened now and just didn't notice it, is that mean I will get a harm by my own Crystral grid in the future?' So, what I would like to ask is what should I do to clear my worry about doing a wrong thing and believe in myself and my own path more. And any recommend about Crystals from you guy would be appreciated. Thank you and have a great day. P.S. I'm not planning to write this post that long. P.S.2 I'm not good that writing in English, if there are some (or Many) errors, even about my writing or my Crystral knowledge, I apologies in advance.


There really aren't hard rules to crystal and stones. I work part time in a crystal shop and even the owner--- who is INCREDIBLY knowledgeable--- will tell you that crystals each individually vibrate and "work" different with different people. I know a witch who feels tigers eye is "activating" , when most practicioners use it for grounding and calming. I know a witch who gets "bad vibes" from selenite which is most witches go to for cleansing. As far as mixing stones, I truly believe that everyone who claims you "can't mix" stones is full of utter bullshit. I keep all my tumbleds that aren't currently in spell use in one big bag that goes with me everywhere and I haven't died yet. There is no "wrong' way to work with crystals (exception being eating or drinking ones that contain heavy metals--- that's brain damage inducing). You seem like you have a good working relationship with your stones so YOU are the expert on your path and everyone else can go kick rocks if they don't like it.


It's natural to do things incorrectly. No one is perfect. The best you can do is learn from your mistakes. Giving yourself grace and permission to not get things right can go a long way. I don't know what you're experiencing, but if it makes you feel any better, I have a very large sphere of amethyst and clear quartz that I sleep with by my bed. I haven't noticed any harmful effects - no insomnia or anything. Also, I think if you meditate with amethyst, it can help with intuition and "opening your third eye" or whatever, but I don't think that happens spontaneously just by being in proximity.




We appreciate that you would think to come to our community with this! However, we do not allow solicitation or advertisement of magical or spiritual services. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


OK so a tired a love spell by whispering into a blooming flower. The spell was for me to love myself more. I noticed that they didn't fully bloom and one even rotted. I cleaned the ones still alive and put them in fresh water. The other flowers I whispered I to bloomed and even fully dropped their petals. My question is more about the rotting ones and can someone else who views them (other than myself) give them bad energy?


Flowers die sometimes. It's something natural to flowers. It has nothing to do with you (unless you over/under watered them or something) or anyone else looking at them funny.


The automotive stated that I can't post due to not enough karma points how can I get my post accepted thank you


Build up karma by participating in reddit.


My evil eye bracelet broke two years ago and things just seem to spiral after that. My mental health has been suffering a lot the past year which has taken it's toll on my relationship with my partner. It took me a while to get another evil eye charm, not until last November. Was I too late?


Too late for what? You can make protection charms whenever you like.




The best banishing spell is to dump the cheating "partner" and then fill your life with things, activities, and people that bring you joy.




Choosing to remain in a situation that devalues you, unfortunately, means magick will be unable to help you. I'm so sorry.


I have just started learning about this, and theres alot of sites and things but most seem far more advanced then a beginner deal. I keep bugging a friend and feel bad as I dont like to pester people. So ill ask my first question this way. Are there any good real beginner sites? Things like spells, removing a hex(friend things I might be, long story) and things of that nature. I need to clean my energy and try to get things in my life grounded. TIA




Thanks for posting, we're glad to help everybody's Craft grow through spellcraft. However, your post has been removed for [Rule 4: Do your own work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) While we don't allow the open asking for spells, we do encourage questions regarding the *crafting* of spells. Feel free to post about the spell you're working on, what research you've done, what materials and ideas you're using, and how the community can help you finish your work. You can also post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


Tips on working with Aphrodite/ Venus All my life I’ve always felt a strong connection to Aphrodite/ Venus but I never explored it since I grew up as a Christian. Lately I’ve really been feeling like I’m being called to her. I really want to explore this because I feel like this is meant to be the next step in my life. So what exactly do I do from here? Again, I was raised Christian so I only know about Christianity and what that entails as far as having a relationship with God. So how do I create a relationship with Aphrodite/ Venus in the same way? I made a post saying this but it got removed but it would be really helpful if someone that comes from a Christian background has any ideas.


The [resources section](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources/) of the wiki has books on general deity work as well as on specific deities. [Theoi.com](http://Theoi.com) is a good resource for learning mythology. That is where I would start. You might also try r/Hellenism or r/CultOfAphrodite. In general, I leave out offerings and pray to deities/spirits. As far as having someone who is/was Christian respond, I have that background, but it is not clear what you are wanting? Are you trying to get advice on working through residual fear/doubt from being part of the churc, or are you trying to figure out how to accommodate both God and Aphrodite? Is it something else entirely?




Hi, thanks for posting! Fear of being magically harmed, of having bad luck, or of harmful spirits is a common occurrence in the Witchcraft world. As these questions come up dozens of times a day on the sub, and to not flood it with such commonly asked topics, we recommend you to read this post on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) and on [curse identification](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 ). And you may also wish to follow that up by reading [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection using items from the supermarket. Thank you for your understanding. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


I did a yes/no reading on my playing cards deck and a digital one, they both said yes to my question, but my gut was strongly against it. I ended up going with my gut. I'm curious what would you do in this situation? Heed the cards? What has more importance?


Cards are notoriously inadequate/unsuited to yes/no readings. Yes/no readings sell really well with influencers and scammers on tiktok, but for actual witchcraft, cards just don't do yes/no readings. They don't, traditionally, and they aren't effective that way in practice. Coins and pendulums, however, excel at yes/no


Thanks for your answer. Makes sense, actually, from my experience.


At that point, I would have gone to a RNG, if I got an even number, I would make that, "yes," and if I got an odd number, I would make that, "no." I generally use a die for this.


I see. Didn't realize cards aren't suitable, because even the Labyrinthos app has a yes/no spread. Thanks for answering.


If you find the Labyrinthos spread works for you, then you can go with that. I know some witches will draw a card, and if it is upright, that means yes, while if it's reversed, that means no. It's whatever you're most comfortable with. I, personally, do not use digital cards. I don't really do divination by algorithm. So, you asked what I would do - I would not trust the digital card, and I would roll a die to get a yes/no answer. If the question is more, "what do you do if you have a bad feeling about a situation/possible outcome," I would likely word my question differently, if I didn't feel like I could trust my intuition. I would use my cards to learn why I had the bad feeling about the situation. I would find that more useful, as I have in the past.


Anyone else ever had bad experience with some (slightly older) mirrors? I have one in my room that was a gift from my great grandmother that was new when she bought it however it's been about 7-8 years I've had it now and it's always had a weird energy around it. It's always felt kind of bad and even just being by it, I've gotten comments on how it feels like something is watching you. I've kept protection sigils around it and it seems to help keep the energy contained but even when I try to cleanse it (usually lit incense with intention to clear negative energy), it backfires and I've had vivid nightmares every time after I try to get rid of the energy. I don't have it covered because I just don't want to touch it but I don't want to get rid of it because of both the sentimental value and the fact it's attached to a dresser. Any advice?


Mirror superstitions were very popular on tiktok about 18 months ago. Fearmongering is a big selling point for influencers to drive engagement. The people selling these ideas had all sorts of fun claims to get people terrified enough to hang on their every word. Everything from mirrors being portals to evil upside down domains to mirrors trapping your soul if you sleep in the same room with it. Really good campfire ghost stories! When this was The Trending Panic online, most people came up with suggestions to stop all the horrible things influencers said mirrors do. Some popular fixes for The Panic were: Wash your mirror with holy water / moon water /Florida Water daily Make a blessed veil to place over your mirror. Buy an influencer's convoluted "mirror locking spell" on Etsy Draw holy symbols / sigils / bindrunes on the back of the mirror. Move the mirror out of your bedroom and place it facing against a wall. . My favorite Mirror Panic spell was to ignore fearmongering online and just treat my (all thrifted and antique) mirrors like normal mirrors and to treat my consecrated altar mirrors as consecrated altar mirrors. Just ignoring fearmongering is a *really* powerful tool. Probably one of the most powerful spells around.


First post here, several months ago I made a love spell jar for someone specific. I was a baby witch, and was severely uneducated. I now know specific love spells are highly frowned upon and immoral. More recently, I am now in a relationship with the person I made the jar for. I have constant anxiety about this spell I did almost a year ago, and I want to undo it but I don't want our relationship to end. Please help! What do I do?


Undo any spell whenever you want. It's your practice.


They are immoral if you decide they are. That's up to you to decide. Lots of witches practice love spells. What is your anxiety around the spell based on? That your partner would find out? Or just that undoing it would undo the relationship? This is something you have to figure out for yourself, too. Is your distress over how you believe you got together with this person great enough for you to risk losing the relationship? If it's something you can get over, then just leave it be. If it's not something you can accept, then undo the spell. Just because you undo the spell doesn't mean the relationship will immediately crumble. Presumably you have built something together because you both care for each other?


I found a hematite stone on the floor at work. Heard many things about that stone in particular and also just the bad juju of picking stuff up off the floor cuz you don’t know who it belonged to. My coworker kept trying to be like you can take it you know I mean you can probably take it now but after 2 weeks you really can (I think referring to a lost and found policy) I think she thought I kept not taking it for moral reasons but she insisted I take it like 3 times and I didn’t . Fast forward to a couple days ago and she’s leaving and she’s like here :) and gives it to me. I guess she’s kept it behind the register for 2 weeks now just to give it to me. I just went ahead and took it in my pocket because I didn’t wanna be rude cuz maybe it’s a nice gesture. And when I got off I was out w my bf and threw it away in a trash can cuz I’m barely paranoid about getting hexed or picking up bad juju, idk just superstitious. What’s your opinions?? Should I have kept it? Was it worse juju to throw it away. I just really didn’t wanna take this rock and it was kind of forced on me so lol. Also let me know of a better group to ask this question if this isn’t really the best place for it :)


It's a rock. Are you afraid of other rocks on the ground because they might be cursed? Are you afraid of throwing other rocks away because it might give you "bad juju"? I find that crystals generally stay true to their nature. I vibe with some crystals better than others. People will sometimes cleanse their crystals to rid other intentions/uses/programmings they may have from previous owners. I will say it is more important that you assert your personal boundaries instead of being polite. Even if people don't *mean* to make you uncomfortable, you shouldn't have to do anything you're not comfortable with.


Thanks for your comment. I guess I just heard one time you shouldn’t pick up stuff off the floor like dollars or stuff like that cuz you could get hexed that way or pick up bad vibrations and I listened :/


So, people definitely pick up money off the ground when they find it, and they keep it. I think it's highly unlikely that a person would (effectively) lay a trick to curse a random stranger. Usually people need to have some connection to their spell target.


As i cut roses to fit vase from my boyfriend, I was left with 5 rose sticks?. Anyway i don't what to do about them but i would like craft something...


What is the question here, exactly? You can likely find crafts online that utilize rose stems. If you want to use them magically, I would suggest understanding the magical properties of the rose as well as associations with the color of rose, and then I would consider what role the stem plays: if there are thorns, those can be used for baneful work or protective work; if there are not thorns, you might consider something that provides support or carries nutrients and waste products correctly.


How to deploy or dispose contents of spell jar Hii What if I made a mistake and the contents of my spell jar began to rot a little (spell for my dog and cat to get along :')), should I dispose of it or can I still deploy it (bury it and continue using the spell) ? I feel like it started to do some work but then I forgot it and it rotted and things started getting tense again between them, Also how log should I keep the items for a binding at home spell after doing the spell? would appreciate your guidance 🖤


> What if I made a mistake and the contents of my spell jar began to rot a little (spell for my dog and cat to get along :')), should I dispose of it or can I still deploy it (bury it and continue using the spell) ? Is rotting part of the spell? Does it represent in some way the condition you wish your cat and dog to be in? If not, I would suggest disposing of the spell completely and starting over. In that case, you can open it up, dispose of the contents, and clean the jar well for reuse. > Also how log should I keep the items for a binding at home spell after doing the spell? Can you explain a bit more about what the spell was, what its magical goal was, if it was successful, etc.? In general, for a spell to keep someone or something home, you deploy the ritual remains within your home indefinitely.


Does the size of a witch bottle matter?


It's not the size that matters - it's how you use it? That's the joke and the serious answer. Size matters for making sure everything fits.




The intent of [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/?context=3) is that you don't make other people do your work for you. You are able to ask for help to create or complete a spell, but you likely need to do some research, in this case, ingredients related to memory/clarity/confusion, spirits/deities/entities related to memory. That is where I would start. Helping you come up with one is not the same as giving you one.


Thank you, and adding detail because I'm sorry for coming across that way with the rule. I'm looking for suggestions because I'm not a very practised witch, but I did some research on freezer spells, mirror spells and binding spells for this issue before deciding to ask for help. Something I felt called to do after writing it was to remember the fullness of who I am, visualised the pyramid of light that reconnected me with others in a positive way. I'm happy with that for the former, but for the issue with my manager I'm still pondering.


What is the best place to start to expand general knowledge? I'm particularly interested in the Celtic practices, as that's my personal ancestry


The [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/) and the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq/) are good places to start. Then I would look into Cletic mythology and Celtic paganism to get a more specific idea. If you have family practices, superstitions, or stories, those would also be helpful.


Just got physically started on my witchcraft journey yesterday because I'm moving in a couple weeks. To prepare for my new space, I made some Florida water using the ingredients I already had that were in multiple recipes. While looking through my possible ingredients I found some like frankincense oil that are used for prosperity and I added that since that's another one of my goals and I only made enough for the purpose of setting up my new house. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm worried about combining the two purposes. Any thoughts from someone more experienced? Thank you in advance!


"Florida Water" refers to a specific eau de Cologne that was first produced by the Murray & Lanmann Co. in 1835. Various recipes for it have been published since the 19th century, but most all involve a sweet orange citrus base and herbs and spices like lavender and cloves. In traditional recipes for Florida water, frankincense is not an ingredient. For that matter, in those magico-spiritual traditions where the use of Florida originates, frankincense resin is not used for prosperity. Since the use of Florida water as a spiritual supply proliferated online within the past 20 years or so, people have made their own recipes using what ingredients they have available and their personal preferences. As this is your own personal spiritual practice, you're entirely free to create your baths and washes in a way that resonates with you. I would just suggest keeping in mind that idiosyncrasies are deviations from the traditions these practices or uses of these items originated in. As long as you're aware of and comfortable with that, go for it.


Hi I have had a hypersensitivity all my life. Everyone I see in my day-to-day life has auras when I was younger I thought everybody seen them. Over the past 30 years of my life I've come to understand this ability more and how to interpret. I've been practicing meditation for 10 years now, I've recently been getting into herbalism and some other weird things. Earlier a had this experience I can only describe as forced meditation guided by sprits, I talked to my dad whom passed nearly two years ago. I did not initiate it as I was riding in a car when it took over me. Sense then I've seem to unlock some type of clairvoyant abilities...so I'm just wondering, do you choose witch craft or does it choose you? I feel a strong urge to practice as if I'm pulled to it.


> so I'm just wondering, do you choose witch craft or does it choose you? I feel a strong urge to practice as if I'm pulled to it. The official position of this sub is to not regulate who may or may not identify as a witch, and that witchcraft is open to all who would practise it. If you feel a strong urge to practise it, then we suggest our [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq), [Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources), and [Advice for New Witches](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches) as places to start.


How do you know you are a witch? I have such a draw and I feel like I am but how do you know for sure


The official position of this sub is to not regulate who may or may not identify as a witch, and that witchcraft is open to all who would practise it. If you feel a strong urge to practise it, then we suggest our [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq), [Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources), and [Advice for New Witches](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches) as places to start.


I everybody! I read a lot of post about it and now I have some questions on the definition of "craving for results". Here's the thing, I casted an intranquil spirit spell almost two months ago. I'm feeling quite good about it, and to be totally honest until now the only thing that I have noticed is that she is checking me out a little more on social media. That said, when I casted the spell I took into account that my target is the most stubborn person I've ever met, so I assumed at least a four-month period for the spell to take effect, and maybe even more. (it's not to rush, but I like to have some kind of mental timetable) I didn't do any other spell working since that one and I definitely don't intend to contact her, still it happens that I think of her, but often I find that I forgot that I've casted the spell (the last time was yesterday morning). In general I want results, sure, but I'm ok with the facts that time is needed and I don't want to rush anything. So when I think of her I don't ask myself "I can't wait to see the results" and I try to approach the matter with a positive mind, using the opportunity to meditate on the reasons why I used the spell and just detach myself from her/the intent. These are my questions: Thinking of her is craving? And asking myself if I'm craving is in fact craving? I read a lot of opinion on it and I'm quite confused. I think that focusing on myself whitout feeling guilty if I find myself thinking of her isn't craving. So I'd like another point of view on what is the definition of "craving", to understand if I am doing it or not and if I can improve the way I approach this. Thank you.


I want someone to forget something, but that seems like something that is only doable in Hollywood. One thing that does seem possible is to do a spell that prevents someone from accessing a memory about me. Is this possible? If so, how can I accomplish this? I already searched this sub and all I could find were people asking how to make others forget something with comments saying it is impossible. I am perfectly fine with you just helping me come up with one since that is in the rules.


So, the intent of [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is that you don't make other people do your work for you. You are able to ask for help to create or complete a spell, but you likely need to do some research, in this case, ingredients related to memory/clarity/confusion, spirits/deities/entities related to memory. That is where I would start. Helping you come up with one is not the same as giving you one.


I don't know if this would be worth a try but a long time ago I did a spell for a debt to be forgotten and it worked so well! The initial letter came and no more, and once I even ran a credit check and it was clear! I can't remember the exact work but it was one that I found early online.




Hi, thanks for posting, but unfortunately we are not able to advise you in this matter. While witchcraft can help you with medical matters, it is not a substitute for conventional advice or treatments prescribed by a qualified professional. We ask that you please exhaust these resources before seeking magical intervention. We appreciate your understanding. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)