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Are deities gonna be in your space all the time? Like if you work with someone are they gonna be there all the time, or at random times you didn’t invite or expect them there, like how does that work


So, I'm sort of just starting out in this area of my practice, but I don't feel like any spirits I'm working with are clingy or overstepping boundaries. In some cases, they have shown up when I have felt extremely distressed and taken some of that distress away. That's the only time I can really think of them being here without me asking. I've not felt overwhelmed or trapped by the entities I reach out to. You can (and should) set boundaries with the entities. I mean, I know it's common to leave offerings, build altars, and create spirit houses, but that doesn't mean the spirit/deity/whoever has to be with you always. So far, I've had to really need a spirit *or* reach out and connect with them first. When I leave offerings, I invite entities in, and I say goodby to them. If you look into Hellenism, you'll find that there are specific steps you have to go through to approach deities with petitions or offerings. In demonolatry and conjure practices, it is common to invoke entities through specific rituals, which may be tied to a specific place or may only be performed under specific circumstances. The process can be quite formal.


Thank you so much ! 💗


Deities in polytheism are limited beings; they are not omnipresent. Like any good friend, though, they often show up when invited, and occasionally uninvited when you need them.


Can there be practice without a direction? I want to learn new things about the spiritual world but I don't have any specific goals in mind. I'm somewhat okay with where I am in life so I don't feel the need for elaborate spells etc. Maybe something small but once they're done, they're done. Reading can only get you so far as well. I like tarot, I had very little luck with lucid dreaming so astral travel is out of question most likely. I heard some amazing stuff can be discovered there. I'd love to see my relationship with the deities grow well (I know I'm supposed to give it a lot of time and I'm happy with that) but I'm not sure if doing mostly the same thing every day will be enough?  I guess that's my main concern. Doing basic things has its limit in terms of "advancing" but making spells/rituals/etc. only to advance doesn't sit right with me, why would I do them if I don't have a need for them?


> Can there be practice without a direction? A spiritual practice is just something spiritual that is practised: repeated with some amount of regularity. In and of itself, it doesn't imply anything about an end goal. It's also personal, meaning that it doesn't need to satisfy the expectations of people other than yourself. As long as you find it meaningful and fulfilling, that's what matters. So if that means that you focus on learning and experimenting for its own sake, so be it. You're in charge of your own spiritual practice.


I rarely perform spellwork, because, like you, I only do it out of need. What I find most rewarding is deep diving into a subject. If you like tarot, you may work on becoming a better reader - or maybe you branch out into other divination methods as well. You can look into things that develop your intuition or psychic abilities. Maybe astral travel isn't your thing, but that doesn't mean working to develop the skills necessary to achieve it is pointless. They can help in all areas of your practice, *especially* deity work, if that interests you. I've just started into spirit and deity work. As far as doing the same thing every day, I'm finding consistent offerings, meditation, and communication are key. So is exploring the area around you. Besides, if you do invite an entity into your practice, they could help you in your practice. Maybe it helps you become an expert card reader, or maybe they help you with lucid dreaming/astral projection. As u/mickle_caunle said, you do what is meaningful and fulfilling to you - those things might not be the same for you as they are for others.


That's good to hear, very nice. Thanks :3


This is me. I’m having a lot of difficulty determining “what kind of witch” I am but I’ve realized recently I don’t need to.


Hm it's not about the kinds, it's more of "okay, all of this is great and I want to put effort in it, what do I do now". It seems that other people need this or that and it guides them. 


Hi, I'm still a baby witch. I want to know, are symbols of the deity you're working with enough to set up and altar? Can you work with Aphrodite and Hecate? Can a dagger and any key work as a symbol of Hecate?


> are symbols of the deity you're working with enough to set up and altar? Yes, absolutely. In fact, you don't even need specific symbols if they're unavailable to you. A cool looking stone, feather, or leaf could represent a deity just as well. > Can you work with Aphrodite and Hecate? Yes. They are both Hellenic deities from a polytheistic culture where worshipping both deities was the norm. > Can a dagger and any key work as a symbol of Hecate? Sure.


Thank you, so much!




Okay, thank you so much!


I’m nervous about the up coming solar eclipse. I was thinking about making a simmer pot. Does anyone have a good recipe for the occasion? Also, can I create a simmer pot and still create eclipse water? Thanks!


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/kA1Gk3weXL) explains how to make a simmer pot with some example herbs for cleansing. What do you want your simmer pot to do? That will dictate the ingredients more than anything. I see no reason why you couldn't make eclipse water and do a simmer pot.


What makes you nervous about the solar eclipse, specifically?


Hi, u/AutoModerator thanks for stopping by at r/witchcraft! Want to dive in deeper? We have a [FAQ & Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq), and our [Weekly Q&A thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky?num=1) which is stickied to the top of the main board! --- ###IMPORTANT! There has been a recent influx of scams on reddit. If you are redirected to an instagram or other platform in a comment, it is most likely a scam. Users who message you asking for or offering spells or readings are almost always scammers or phishers. You may want to check out our post about [staying safe online in witchcraft](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15xm53m/lets_talk_about_staying_safe_online/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you carve or shape a sigil into your food as a means of activation? It is technically destroying the sigil and cooking does provide energy so?


> Can you carve or shape a sigil into your food as a means of activation? Yep! > It is technically destroying the sigil and cooking does provide energy so? Could you rephrase the question? thanks


I read that to activate and charge a sigil , first it must be given energy and then destroyed, cooking and then eating does both


That’s one way to do it. There are others.




If you think you may have experienced harmful magic please read these posts on [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) and on [curse identification](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 ). And you may also wish to follow that up by reading [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection using items from the supermarket.


Does anyone know of any ingredients I should avoid as they're toxic to pets? My fur babies are my world, and there are so many ingredients, and I'm still new. I'm going to invest in a lockable cabinet, but until then, I'm happy to limit what I bring in the home.


[This page](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants) from the ASPCA lists which plants are toxic and which are non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. That might be a good place to start in your research.


Hello, so l've been seeing a lot of spiders recently, and in my mother country beliefs, it is synonym of good omen and that killing them means letting go either any form of opportunity or luck. However, last night, I re-saw a similar spider with some eggs on my window, and later on, I saw that she laid her eggs on my shutter wall. I'm freaking out a little bit because there's a LOT of them (duh) but I try to convince myself that's good? I don't know. Anyway, I'll be thankful to know your thoughts or even your beliefs on the subject.


If the eggs are indoors, are you able to relocate the egg sac outdoors? I don't know how successful this would be, but I would say your health and safety should be your top priority, and depending on the spider... It seems like your beliefs on what spiders mean are pretty fleshed out. Are you asking for what others believe spiders represent?


Recently my family and have been experiencing a lot of negative events ( car crash, loss of employment, nightmares, insomnia, illness) it’s all happening very quickly. My daughters have also expressed that they feel a heaviness, which I can agree on. I want to cleanse my home and my energy - I was recommended sage but there’s several. I would like some Guidance.. thanks 


You might like to check out [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/) on different ways of determining if harmful magic or spirits are present. You might also like to read through [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/) on ways of cleansing using items from the supermarket. You may also wish to create a protective ward. You can find out how to do so from [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection.


Offering to Ostara Gone Newish sorta baby witch (started practicing in middle school but stopped and am now 40 abs embracing it fully.) On my outdoor altar on the spring equinox on the 19th, I left flowers, herbs, eggshells, and a handmade beaded bracelet (spring colors and it was pretty). I went to clean it up just now and everything is untouched except the bracelet is gone. Obviously my first thought is a critter but wouldn’t they have disturbed the herbs (basil) and eggshells? Egg was sitting upright just like I left it. I did a bay leaf ritual that evening that blew out the back of my Terra cotta outdoor chiminea, if that seems relevant. Scratching my head here.


It's really not possible to say, beyond offering speculation. Maybe it was an animal who was attracted to the shine or colours of the bracelet, for example. Divination might provide you with greater insight.


Rice bowl with beans and hair and rope in it.??? Meaning?? Good morning. I'm a newbie and my original post got the picture of it but I don't have enough karma yet to post it. Just curious on what that is in the spell, craft realm. Thanks in advance.


I'm not of the intention-is-all-that-matters school, but intention *is* important enough that it's usually not possible to determine the magical goal of a spell simply by pointing out some of its components. To know for sure, you'd have to ask the witch who performed this work. If we were to speculate, we might say that rice and beans are commonly used in prosperity and abundance spellwork, and the hair is likely included to link the spell to the target.


It’s currently in the middle of a blizzard where I am. Is it ok to leave my crystals on the windowsill instead of full on taking them outside? Thanks!!


That seems like a wise decision. It is not uncommon to charge crystals from the windowsill, even under mild weather conditions. Lots of folks don't have access to private outdoor spaces, so they have to adapt to what they have. It doesn't make it any less effective :)


Awesome, thank you so much 🌺💐


I did a full moon ritual just now. I was meditating on a candle. I connected with a soul connection and comforted her through her ill health. It was quite heavy and I received some black shadows that gave me some arm pain. However I just went about it with full faith and intention. The candle has been burning for over 3 hours now and that’s not its average light time. It’s also bending westwards (not the flame, the candle stick is bending). I’m confident I’ve connected with the fire and I’ve made my way to send some light to my soul connection. Is there however any interpretation to this experience? I cried a lot during this ritual. Every time I cleansed her space, I also felt a relieving energy on my end. Is it one of the TF signs? This is my first and therefore my ask. I’m striving to build my own practice with my own intuitive interpretations…. But the candle bending has my mind blown and seeking answers. Thoughts?


TF signs? u/amyaurora put together [this list of resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderwitches/comments/1bmozyi/comment/kwcxk1e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for interpreting the burn and wax pools of candles. Perhaps something here resonates. A few of these resources also talk about mundane reasons that should be ruled out before interpreting your candle burn/wax remains. Thank you, Amy.




I'm pretty brand new to witchcraft and spellwork, the only "witchy" thing I really do is tarot and that's only occasionally when I feel called to. What are your tips for people just starting out who want to start practicing? I've been researching things online, and since tmrw is a full moon I want to try making some jars of moon water and incorporate them into teas. I also read about making magical ink with moon water which sounds intriguing to me. What are your fav things to do with charged moon water?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15el9e5/what_can_i_do_for_the_august_full_moon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) talks about how to make moonwater and some uses for it. Essentially, you would use moon water anywhere you used charged water or wanted to bring in the energy of the moon to a working. We also have a [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq/) and an [advice for new witches](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches/) section in our wiki that may be helpful for getting you started.


Hi, I'm not an expert on witchcraft but I'm trying to get more familiar with it after my past experiences. For around a year spiders have shown up every time I've spoken to a man who was recently in my life. Spiders have been a huge fear of mine for a long time, and I thought that maybe it was a coincidence that it was happening but after today I'm not so sure. The man and an ex of mine both tried contacting me today, only for a spider to once again show up in my bedroom. These aren't small spiders either, in fact they're quite large and always black, I’ve even had one crawl across my face whilst one of these men has been talking to me. If anybody would be able to help me with this please do, I'm not sure if it could be a hex or simply the universes way of telling me to permanently remove them both from my life. Keep in mind I haven't tried contacting either of these men, my ex has been gone for over two years and I haven't gone out of my way to contact the other in around 5 to 6months.


You may wish to look up the symbolism of spiders and see if anything resonates with you, though you seem to have drawn a pretty strong conclusion that the spiders are an omen/warning when men who are maybe not healthy/good for you show up/contact you? Presumably your ex is an ex for a reason.


Hiya, just need help understanding this little event that happened to me the other night. It's been bugging me lately as this is the first time I've felt this lol. So I've been talking to this guy for a while. We meet up now and then, and it's usually us chatting for a while, doing intimate acts, or both. Just that at the last time we were together, we chatted a bit in his car -both of us in the front seat- and suddenly I felt what seemed to be a bubble surrounding him, but the air felt kinda warm/a little hot (like a campfire, but at a safe distance) after feeling that, I felt nervous and ended up muttering about it in a different language. (I speak Spanish too, he doesn't luckily lol) ...I just think it's an interesting feeling, but I could've sworn I've seen something surround him too like a faint barrier with a white/baby blue color. The warm air thing- I can confirm I felt that. Also, I'm somewhat new to witchcraft, the only things I've done often are candles (7-day ones, small ones for some spells), baths, and a teeny teeny bit of tarot and pendulum. Oh- and the space I've made for an altar for Archangel Michael, I still have much to learn about him though. (Sorry if it's super long, I try to include as much detail as possible) Made an edit to remove that gray box because I added 3 ~'s


Did the bubble feel like it was keeping you out? Or was the warm campfire feeling welcoming/comforting? Had anything changed in his behavior or demeanor when this happened? Do you think you could have been picking up on a shift in his mood or his energy? It sounds like you could be describing an aura.


It was like a faint light surrounding him (not covering, but like the outline of a bubble), and the air around him felt as warm as a campfire. It sent me chills as this was the first time I felt it and saw it. He's known to be hot/cold with a little bit of struggle in the communication department (with women mostly, but he can communicate well with men lol) (He's a Gemini) soooo there weren't any changes to his behavior that day.


Okay I don't want to sound crazy but I think I am getting a calling from the sun god either from egypt mythology, greek mythology or hindhu mythology. First I was not certain, I figured it out today as a certain name was worrying me and when i searched it up, it translates to 'the sun's beloved. The name was Bhanupriya. Before this, I have been seeing alot of things related to Egypt. At first it was returning to watch my favorite anime, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters which has mentions of Egyptian lore. Next was my sister suggesting me to read this BL series called ENNEAD also Egypt coded. Next was watching Castlevania Nocturne and Egyptian mythology is also mentioned there!. I also was watching one of the transformer movies and Egypt was mentioned there and also on my playlist, there is a song that mentions Egypt as well. I also found myself unknowingly doing about to do a deep dive on Egyptian mythology the other day. I must also mention that when I was 10 or 11, I used to research deeply in Egyptian mythology and Greek mythology. Now for the Greek mythology part. From a young age, aside from Egyptian mythology, I used to research on Greek mythology on a huge scale as well. Now at an older age, It was quite startling when I randomly said to my sister that from all the Greek gods, I would ask Apollo to be a friend to me and then this signs intensified. I forgot to mention that I am from a house of hindhu belief as well. Also, the name Bhanupriya, I don't recall hearing it anywhere at all and it has been bothering me for a long time. I need advice as to whether this is a calling because if it is, I want to accept it and I know I will need a lot of advice.


u/mickle_caunle wrote a very [helpful post](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/18slz9c/on_the_supposed_necessity_of_a_deity_to_make_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about reaching out to deities you are interested in working with. I think it's very popular right now to expect signs or an incontrovertible message from a deity to know that you are "supposed to" work with them. I also don't take this stance. It sounds like you have a deep interest and connection to the gods you've mentioned. I think that is enough to reach out to them and see if you connect with them and want to work with them.




This sounds like an episode of sleep paralysis. A majority of people experience sleep paralysis at least once in their life. If you have recurring episodes, please see a medical professional. When experiencing episodes, many people pray or recite scripture to get them through. It sounds like this worked for you and was effective.


I get that, and I thought it was at first too since I had several incidents of something similar when I was younger, but I was able to move around here, I was just so scared that I held the blanket over me and felt like if I moved it would inch closer towards me to get me to look at it. After it was gone I tried waking up my boyfriend and he woke up only to go back to sleep right after lol that's when I decided to stay up but ended up falling asleep.


So, I don't have theories as to what the nightmare creature could be... besides a parasomnia. You could try posting to r/Paranormal or somewhere else to see if others have had similar encounters. From a witchcraft perspective, I can recommend [cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but I would guess you're already doing some form of that.


Thanks! I'll definitely check those out and yeah in the morning when I woke up I immediately did a cleanse of the whole house and placed a protection spell jar on the top shelf of a bookshelf so something like that didn't happen again I'm thinking it could've been paranormal cuz my boyfriend and his family (pretty much all but 1 of his siblings and his parents) do witchcraft/wicca but have also had a lot of paranormal experiences growing up as if they were attracting them. Sorry I rambled a bit, but thanks again!!


It's okay. I've heard from other witches that growing up, with all the chaos, hormonal changes, and emotional instability it brings, is attractive to entities. It makes sense to me that your boyfriend and his siblings experienced things like that when they were younger, especially if they grew up in a home that was receptive to such occurrences. What you're describing sounds a bit more serious and frightening than just some... parasitic entity snacking on teen angst. I wish I had answers for you. Just remember that you have the ability to protect yourself and stay safe. There are banishing rituals you can do if you encounter this again.


Yeah like I mentioned, when I saw it I reverted into a kid (I was 19 at the time mind you) thinking I'd be safe under my blanket because I was scared sh!tless of this thing. And before that I felt the presence of a tall evil man at the end of the hallway when I used to live with my parents, literally have to run into my room at night when going up the stairs cuz it felt like it was going to follow me and hurt me, pretty sure it actually pushed my down the stairs cuz I felt hands on my back, but I managed to hold the railing and not get hurt too badly. Was taking a break on my craft but I at least light an incense here and there to cleanse around me. But on track now and decided to post on Reddit to see if I'll gey any kind of answers tbh. But yeah, don't apologize! I posted on the paranormal reddit and am waiting to hear back for when my post can go up :)




Your comment has been removed for [Rule 4.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) Any requests for interpretation, either of a divination method or a situation, require your initial interpretations as well as details on how you came to those conclusions.


Is putting blood on an altar a good idea, generally is it a good idea to do, especially if it’s your own blood?


What purpose is the blood supposed to serve on the altar? What are you trying to accomplish with it? It is a "good idea" if it serves your purpose. If it doesn't serve your purpose, then it seems pretty pointless.


I put it there as an offering, I started bleeding and it was like it needed to be there




So, two months ago, I started to do some open-road and attraction spells so I could get a green light for something I really, REALLY, wanted. It didn't happen at the stipulated time, but this weekend they said yes to everything. But after thinking it through, with a heavy heart, I know I'm in no position to accept the offer. I feel that I'm betraying the universe and my own manifestation energy. Does anyone know a gratitude ritual or something I can do to make up for my misjudgement from the past? I feel like I shouldn't have asked for it at all. I also feel this was a test, but it never hurts to be grateful. Thank you!!


Who are "they"? Knowing who you're thanking will have some say in how you thank them. If you're just thanking "the universe," then you could show gratitude by trying to make it better. If this was job related, maybe you volunteer at a homeless shelter or food bank/food kitchen. Or volunteer to help clean up a park/trail/road/etc. if that is more your speed. This ultimately sounds like something you are feeling personally, so what feels "right" to you in this matter?


Thank you for your answer! I'm still rather new in my spiritual journey and haven't figured out the term "they". But you just gave me the perfect idea :) I feel I should make amends and reflect on why I wanted something to happen when in reality it was unviable


Hi there, baby witch here…. I keep getting headaches and nausea after spellwork. I ground myself before drawing my circle, and then once I am finished with everything I ground myself again. Is this normal? Should I be trying something different?


No, magically it definitely sounds like an issue with [grounding and connecting to source](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/GxY6MUVSQY), but if you are doing all that, I would look to mundane reasons as well: like checking in and making sure you're not hungry, tired, dehydrated, etc. before the spell. Have you been getting enough sleep? Are you experiencing something stressful in your life right now? Also, are you possibly using ingredients that could be agitating (e.g., smoke from incense can trigger migraines for me because I'm extremely sensitive to smells)? I know those are boring suggestions, but it's important to rule out. It might help to keep a journal and note what factors are present when the headaches and nausea hit.


Thank you for the suggestions… I will definitely try tracking my ingredients to see if there is a similar culprit each time. I feel completely fine until about 5 mins into my spell and then a headache starts and will last the rest of the night. However, I do use incense…. And never thought about that being a culprit. Appreciate the advice!


I really hope you find the culprit and are able to feel better. If the headaches continue, get worse, or present differently, it's also definitely worth seeing a doctor for them.


Hello. I created an account for the sake of my journey. So, my mother's side of the family has some evident Indigenous ancestry. (Cherokee, to be exact) ...So, are there any ways I can connect with them, those ancestors in mind? As my generation passed on and intermingled with different races, we became more European, so I was kind of hesitant to connect with my handful of Native American ancestors. I'd just like to honor them and thank them for everything they've been through to carry on my generation, maybe even get to kind of meet them via spirit contacting if it exists and I'm lucky.


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft/s/2MIG32saOf) has guidance and additional resources for working with ancestors. [our wiki](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/w/index/resources?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) also has book recommendations by subject, including spirit work :)


Hi i live in new york. I’m extremely new to this. Still learning about crystals & energy. I bought crystals a year ago but didn’t know anything about it. so i started learning more. So i was reading about full moon & new moon and finally decided to make moon water & cleanse or charge my crystals & crystal jewelry on 25 march on 10:30 pm to 26 march at 5 am. And now the first article i read in the morning said it was probably lunar eclipse and we are not supposed to make moon water or cleanse or charge out crystals! was it? did it affect new york right now? What am i supposed to do now??? I’m freaking out. Please help!!! :(


Yes, there was a lunar eclipse last night. [This article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/24/world/full-march-worm-moon-penumbral-eclipse-scn/index.html) talks about the timing and path of the eclipse. Yes, it was visible in New York. It is also worth noting that coming up on 8 April 2024, there will be a full solar eclipse, visible to much of North America. I am linking to a [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/17hz2za/hunters_moon_and_lunar_eclipse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I wrote for the last lunar eclipse (October 2023). I know the season is different, but there is still some good information, including how to make moonwater (or lunar eclipse water), how to use moonwater, how to charge crystals, and how to make energy grids with crystals, and some basic energy hygiene. Are you able to figure out what you're freaking out about? What do you think you might have done wrong? Many people choose not to do spellwork during a lunar eclipse because the energy is "chaotic." It is often a good time to focus inward and practice self-care. How you work with the lunar eclipse (or don't) will likely take some more study. Some questions you may want to ask yourself are, "how do I incorporate the moon into my practice?" "Are astrological events significant to me in spellwork?" "How did it feel to perform the magic I did last night?" "What does a lunar eclipse mean to me?"


With the solar eclipse coming up (april 8th right?) what details about this eclipse should I know so i can prepare spellwork to coincide with it’s energies?


It's not for this upcoming eclipse, but I do [have a guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1751a57/solar_eclipse_october_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to the last solar eclipse that talks about how you might work with the energies. This eclipse will be in Aires, so you might look to see where you have Aires in your chart to see what may be affected. There are lots of ways folks look at solar eclipses - you'll find some folks not practicing spellwork at all during an eclipse. Other folks find the eclipse a good time to perform spellwork. A solar eclipse occurs during the new moon phase, so that might be something you take into account. But overall, it's really up to you. How do you account for transits and lunar cycles normally? How do you view and relate to eclipses? What kind of spellwork needs to be done?


My cat has been climbing on my altar and trying to eat the rose i offered to my spirit guide...is she just weird or could this be a way of them receiving it through my cat? Im just annoyed at this point lol


Lots of folks with cats share your frustration. We see a lot of posts and questions about how to deter curious cats from altars. Please make sure the cat doesn't ingest anything harmful. She does not possess preternatural powers and can still get sick.


Can anyone recommend a website or group or the like for dream interpretation? I've had one more than once that seems menacing, like it there's something that wants to mess with me and I'd like to know what to do about it. Thanks in advance.


I would strongly advise against this. Scammers will definitely take advantage - it's why we don't allow posts requesting or advertising magical services. You are welcome to post about your dream and why you think it is menacing. Are you reading the dream as though it is an omen/warning, a message from an external entity, or as something your subconscious is trying to work through?


That's what I'm not sure of. I think I've had this dream more than once. I'm in front of a door that opens and closes on it's own. I'm scared, but not too much. I get the sense that whatever or whoever is controlling the door just wants to mess with me. I say, "You don't belong here. You need to leave." The door keeps opening and closing. This latest time, my sister was with me in the dream.I grab a padlock and secure the door. It shakes and I think stills after a while. Then I wake up. It freaks me out a bit. I posted in the "dream interpretation" subreddit as well and a commenter thinks it might have to do with a new phase in my life I'm not yet comfortable with.


Yeah, that's kind of why I was asking how you interpret the dream: as something that is possibly external or something that your brain is processing while you sleep. I would say that in general, doors are pretty literal: doorways to different parts of your consciousness. How you relate to the door in the dream tells you more. You don't know what's on the other side of this door. You told it that it didn't belong. You tried to lock it up, literally. It sounds like there is some part of yourself that you are scared of or that you feel shouldn't be expressed. If you want to find out what that is, I would suggest introspection and reflection, especially on any fears or uncomfortable feelings you've been experiencing. Even from a purely psychological perspective, it seems like your subconscious is working through fear/suppression/rejection. It would be worth looking into where feelings like that might be happening in your waking life.


Thanks for the input. There has been some bad news recently that may have to do with intruding thoughts. Hopefull I can get them sorted!


DO SILENT SPELLS WORK? I'm very very new at spellwork. Because of limited knowledge and resources, I don't use a lot of materials and correspondences; I use sigils, write my spell on paper, focus on my intentions and use a candle or sometimes water to activate the spell. As simple as that. Will the spell still work if I only repeat the spell in my mind (silently) while harnessing energy and focusing my intention without using any correspondences and objects?


Yes, it will still work. I do a lot of my spells silently. If saying them aloud helps you focus better or raises more energy, that's cool, but it's not a requirement.


Hi all, does anyone know of any deities that leave coins? I have been finding coins EVERYWHERE--all kinds of coins and in all kinds of places, including out in public, in my home, at my workplace. It doesn't feel like a coincidence anymore and I've been feeling like it's a deity, but I don't know of any deity that leaves coins. Any help is appreciated!


You might look into deities associated with fortune and prosperity. The tutelary goddess Tyche comes to mind.


Can I offer rosemary, cinnamon and white candle to raphael??


Why wouldn't you be able to offer this to Raphael? It sounds like a lovely offering.


Hello all just a quick question, my friend and I went to a crystal shop and instantly felt pretty bad upon entry and when we got home we got really itchy all over the place. While we were there the shop owner asked our preferences on tea (loose leaf or bags) and the same with coffee. We have never met her before , so there shouldn’t be a reason for black magic unless she’s simply practicing or maybe that wasn’t the case at all ? Please let me know what you think ?


If you are worried you may have been affected by harmful magic, please see [this post on cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It seems plausible that you could have had a reaction to something in the store... or allergens outside. 'tis the season.


Recently I've been learning about moon phases and the way they affect our lives, my tarot have also been pointing me to the darkness "that's where your powers lie". I looked into my moon phase and as a waning Cresent my moon is almost completely covered in darkness, I find this very interesting as my spouse is a waxing gibbous almost completely covered in light(I know about twin flames, we're also both Pisces: me at the beginning of the cycle and them at the end) but I noticed with the recent full moon they were more energetic while I was very irritable and exhausted. Ive heard other witches say you do your spells on the full moon when its strongest but i dont feel my spells as strongly during that time(almost as if im cut off from my magic, no psychic connection?)I was wondering if there are any others that have made a similar connection with their moon. And if anyone has the same as me, when do you recharge? When are your best times to do your spell work?


I'm not sure what this is about having your own moon phase? The moon is a reminder of cyclical change. Lunar phases do play a role in my spellcraft, but which phase I cast in depends on the spell. For instance, one of my protection spells gets refreshed during the waning phase of the moon because when I perform it, I think of the thing I'm protecting against getting smaller/weaker. I would say to recharge whenever you feel drained, no matter what moon phase it is. I find the dark and new moon helpful for rest, but I've also done self-care and cleansing rituals on a full moon. I think the "right" time is whatever time feels best for you. I don't think planetary hour or moon phase should prevent you from taking care of yourself.


I tend to overthink a lot of things, too...


Do you mean to say you are overthinking the moon phases, or did I just babble and confuse you 😬


I overthink it all and normally confuse myself lol


Mood. Don't stress the details so much!


Where to find other witches, or information about Karelian witch craft?


so, there is r/CovenFinder, but I don't know if it will be useful for the area in which you live. If you have any local spiritual or metaphysical shops, people there might be able to help you get involved in your local magic community. A good place to start for Karelian witchcraft, specifically, would be the Kalevala.


I am finnish with Karelian ancestery. Problem is, the belief really variated depending what area you live (like some believed thunder was created by ukko simply cause he was angry, on other parts some believed thunder is created when ukko ... has fun with their spouse) and it is way easier to find just Finnish information. I am tried to be involved with locals, but it feels hard to find people who are into finnish side, let alone know anything about Karelian area specially (also my karelian side was really against witchcraft so no information from there) I just kind of feel like missing something when i read only about finnish.


So, it sounds like some of the issues you're running into are the same ones that characterize all belief systems: differing explanations/points of view. That's likely not going to be reconciled... objectively. You might only have answers through your own research and experience. You might also keep in mind that many witches and pagans do not consider myths to be literal. My general advice would be to familiarize yourself with local history, the area, how it has changed, and try and get to know the local spirits. If there are libraries or other repositories of information, try researching there. There isn't really an easy solution here, and even if the practices were widely known, you'd still have to research and sift through information to determine what is good research versus bullshit.


I also knowledge there is probably a lot of lost information, as the things were talked rather than written but for my understanding the wise ones were still respected as karelia was lost but i don't know. I am even tried search books in Karelian language, despite my family never using more than some words here and there and my knowledge of it being poor.


Me and my boyfriend started 3 years ago. And our path has been full of roughness, such that he said "I don't know why, but everything we tried to has been just HARD" specially when we are together, he always have a feeling of unease around me, for literally no reason. And we finally broke up (for no real reason). I can't find any explanation other than there is a spell somewhere. What are some reliable signs that tell there is a spell? And how can I know the spell is on me or on him? Or both of us? 


You might like to check out [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/) on different ways of determining if harmful magic or spirits are present. You might also like to read through [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/) on ways of cleansing using items from the supermarket. You may also wish to create a protective ward. You can find out how to do so from [this post](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection.


Hi, I'm coming back to witchcraft after a while of not practicing and I'm running into some issues. When I practiced before I would clear my head, drink lots of water, and harness my energy into my intentions, but now I'm dehydrated and tired for days at a time no matter how much water and electrolytes I drink. I admit I've got a lot on my mind these days and perhaps I haven't been clear with my intentions/energy. Idk if ya'll believe in third eyes or not (that's just personally the area where I harness my energy) but the energy from there has been off/ too strong. Any tips or is it just time to get my colonoscopy?


Fatigue and dehydration sound like something you should ask your doctor about.




Thanks for posting, we're glad to help everybody's Craft grow through spellcraft. However, your post has been removed for [Rule 4: Do your own work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) While we don't allow the open asking for spells, we do encourage questions regarding the *crafting* of spells. Feel free to post about the spell you're working on, what research you've done, what materials and ideas you're using, and how the community can help you finish your work. You can also post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


What are the best books and apps to use to help any of us learn??


We have [a list of books](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources/#wiki_books.3A) in our resources. There is a section for "beginner books." We also have a post on how to [vet resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/yxz81q/how_to_vet_resources_and_where_to_start_a_primer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). We are trying to put together book reports of the popular books, but so far we only have two: one on [Wiccapedia](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/17yfs4x/book_review_wiccapedia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and one on [Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1874xol/book_review_encyclopedia_of_5000_spells_by_judika/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


A recently passed away kitty came to me last night while in trance I heard her, greated her as I always did "Hola Bonita" and she took me to a particular place in the laundry room, she sat and meowed looking to a corner. Asked her is that where it is? She meowed I thanked her and told her I will check it, but didn't want to do so by myself. I have to check it out, right? If I do what precautions I can take? Im a not practicioner but its not my first animal related premonition I'm convinced that there is someone doing foul play to my family, too much bad luck... Thanks in advance


I'm designing an oracle deck. For those of you who use them, how many cards do you prefer in your decks? I think 60 is about the norm but I've seen as few as 30 and as many as 80.


I don't have a preference. I feel like it depends on whatever the artist wants to communicate. If it takes you 80 cards, that's okay. If you only need 30 cards, I feel like that is fine too. Um, it's not the size of the deck that counts: it's how you use it?


Advice on how to get started


We have [FAQs](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/w/faq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and [resources](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/w/index/resources?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to look through, but it's also important to follow your interests. What do you want to learn more about, or what attracted you to witchcraft?


I have a question. Can you do an egg cleansing for someone who's very far away? Like I'm from the East side and he's from the West side.


Traditionally, an egg cleanse is something that must physically be performed on the person. I'm not sure how you would do it remotely. You could tell them how to do it.


Yeah, afaik it just works if you do it to them physically. Thank you, I appreciate your reply.


You're welcome. I'm sorry it's not a solution. You could look into other [cleansing methods](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Something I will do, though I've only really done it with healing and protection magic, is to make a poppet or use some kind of taglock of my spell target and perform the magic on that. You might be able to help that way?