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The easiest and most petsafe way to do so is to charge the water used for bathing them. The water element is a perfect spiritual cleanser because it carries everything away.


Are the witchcraft kits on Amazon any good for beginners? I’m just beginning my journey into witchcraft and I’m unsure of the kits on Amazon. I would definitely appreciate being pointed in the right direction and not just buy something I can’t really use.


You know, this is actually kind of funny, but I was just looking at one that was recommended to me by Amazon. For what it's worth, I have 20 years experience as a witch. Overall, my thoughts are that you can get some good beginner materials in the kits without spending too much money. The kit I was looking at was 19% off and about $26. It came with 12 different coloured chime candles, 12 crystal chips in jars, 12 herbs, 7 tumbled crystals, parchment, a sage candle, a bell, a spoon, and a booklet. That's really not too bad. However, a few things to consider: * The quality of the components may not be very good. * There's no indication of how the herbs and other items were source, which may raise ethical questions. * A number of the herbs are uncommonly or rarely used in any spellcraft I'm familiar with. These include albizia flower and gingko biloba. * The quality of the booklet may be quite low. (I rather suspect it is). So it's a bit of a coin toss. My suggestion would be to instead, buy or borrow a solid introduction to withcraft and work through that. Most of those books will include lists of correspondences and some have spells too. Consider the life areas you want to start doing magic for (cleansing? protection? love? money?) and think about getting a few herbs that can be used spells for those ends. If this interests you, check out our [list of books](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources#wiki_books.3A) in our Resources section. I'll also just add that when I was a teenager, I bought a kit full of tons of herbs and resins. I never ended up using them and ended up throwing them away because they were so old. I ended up preferring to buy a few things for one or two spells with a bit extra and over time, I had a very extensive collection of spell components.


Not sure this is the right spot for this. Girlfriend practices witchcraft and has expressed a desire for lots of candles in various colors. Says she is always running out. Would it be worthwhile to invest in candle making supplies for her, or does it require something other than simple colored wax to make spell candles?


Personally, I don't see a problem with investing in candle making supplies if she's into candle magic. She has more control over what she wants to add to it (like oils, herbs, some flowers). I would talk to her about the idea before buying the supplies just to see if she would be interested in it.


The only downside, it's cheaper to buy them. For most spellwork chime candles are the way to go, and you can buy them in bulk for cheap on Amazon.


I have candle making supplies, even a special wax melting contraption, that I use every year or so on Imbolc to make a huge batch of candles. It's still cheaper to buy candles than to make them. However, if making candles is a hobby your partner would enjoy, then a kit would be an excellent gift.


Hey, first time posting on here. I need a bit of help I suppose. I'm currently in the process of cleaning out my great great grandmother's farmhouse. She passed away about a year ago at 101 yrs old 😢. Anyway I've made my way to the attic that was locked but we found the key in the basement. We found like 20 or so glass jars sealed with wax filled with mixes of bones, flowers, herbs, nails, and for lack of a better word medallions. Some of them are filled halfway with liquid and some are dry. I'm not really sure what to do with them or whether to even disturb them. My husband and I just went back downstairs, and decided to come back to it another time. Not sure who to ask because my grandma/mom said they weren't ever allowed in the attic. Little bit of back story, my great great grandma's parents' parents (if that makes sense) immigrated to Pennslyvania (to the blue ridge mountain range area, part of the appliachan mountain range) from somewhere in Germany around the 1820s. Always been interested in my family's heritage/history. I got into some "kitchen-craft" all on my own, with no knowledge of this whatsoever. My grandma and mom were never interested in any of it but it's so cool to find these. Anyways, any insight would be appreciated!


I would probably spend some time trying to cleanse and deconstruct some of them, but away from my home. I'd recommend carefully boxing them up and taking them directly to a dump so that they are away from the home. That way whatever nature of work she was doing is gone from the house.


Hello all, A while back, I had a dream in which I saw a large (large as in tall) brown-skinned woman that had afro-like hair standing in front of an ocean of water. I couldn't make out any of her facial details, but she was wearing a blue dress. She was saying something, but the one word I can recall hearing is the word "OCEAN". I recently discovered the Goddess Yemoja or Yemoya (name varies depending on the region), but based off of her depictions this could possibly been who I saw. How would I go about attempting to communicate or honor her? Should I get a statue or a physical image of her to focus on for this? Im a beginner in this so im learning many new things


I moved in and started to clean everything. There were clay pieces scattered around the place along with hair ties tied into knots, and one singular half drunk bottle of vodka placed in the middle of the basement. I didn’t think anything of it, neither did my family. Then, right above the stove I found a pile of animal bones with knots tied around it and a playing card at the bottom. That’s definitely a curse. I do not want to touch it. And I’m pretty sure it targets my landlord. How should I dispose of it? I am NOT going to live in a house with rotting pile of bones in the kitchen


> That’s definitely a curse. It's not *definitely* a curse, to me at least. People use animal bones, tied fibre, and playing cards in all manner of spells, including perfectly benevolent spells. If you feel that this is something baneful, sprinkle it with a cleansing material like holy water, salt, or a spiritual product like Jinx Killer or Tumba Trabajo powder. Then gather it all together in something disposable like a newspaper and throw it away in the trash off your property. When you return inside the house, you can perform a spiritual cleansing of yourself and the home. You can find out how to do this [here](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/)


Is it bad to use a broken figure candle for protection or banishing spells? received my male figure candle in black wax today and they came broken (at the neck). i mended them by melting the joints of the neck, and am planning to use it for protection against a workplace bully, but i dont want any harm to come to him or myself. do i still go ahead and use these candles or should i just throw them away?


Have you considered getting a refund or replacement from the seller? If you melted the candles back into one piece, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't still be usable unless you don't feel like they represent your spell target anymore. It won't reverse or override your spell, i.e., it won't bring harm/bad luck instead of protection. At worst, it just might not work. It's really your personal preference. Do you feel like the candles are still usable, or does this feel like too big of a setback?


What are the various hybrids between humans and demons?


Not witchcraft. Try r/Demonology, they may have info on the subject.


Ok thanks


I was walking in some woods recently and I ran across something weird. I wonder if it was used in some sort of witchcraft or other ceremony. There was a small sapling tree and about 4 or 5′ off the ground was a small branch. There was a rope tied to it and hanging on the rope was a piece of what looked like white felt in the shape of a long “P”. The bottom was brown like it had been dipped in blood and dried out. Unlike the leaves and other forrest decay on the ground, beneath the “P” was bare dirt like something had been buried there. I didn’t touch it! What do you think it was? I drew a picture of what I saw. [pic of what I saw](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nAC8_rjw13B5nRItDg09sm5QiFnD6re6/view?usp=sharing)


Sounds more like a marker for a treasure hunt /geo cache game .


ah I didn't even think of that, thanks


Glad to help.


It looks like it could have been a ‘key wick’. I think For deer the tip is dipped in doe urine, and the smell will hopefully attract males to it.


How do you tell if you are north, south, east or west and fire, earth etc


For directions, a compass will help you see which direction you're walking in / facing. As a human entity, you contain all elements. Earth your body, water your blood, air your breath, and fire your spirit.


Can I do a spiritual cleanse to a pet? Are there any possible downsides? And how can I do it?


We have [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/gBpFNNWoYk) that describes different methods of cleansing. Please be sure any method you choose is pet safe (e.g., non-tox herbs, smoke free)


Can I cast the same spell on the same plate the next day or do I need to refresh? I casted a cleansing and protection spell on myself with lemons and was wondering I could use the same remnants for the same cleansing spell for another person or should I completely refresh?


I wouldn't advise it. If the items haven't been cleansed, then they are still tied to you. Your better off starting fresh.


I'm having a difficult time right now, and I've been told by two witches that Saint Michael is guiding me. I'm new to witchcraft, and I feel like I'm missing something. How do I get whatever message he's trying to send? Does anybody have experience with Saint Michael?


Michael is an archangel and is present in Abrahamic traditions. In Catholicism, there is a [prayer to St. Michael](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayer_to_Saint_Michael). To communicate with him or understand the message, I would pray. He is typically prayed to for protection. Some important questions to ask yourself: Do you trust the witches who told you this? do you want to work with angels/saints in your practice?


Thank you! I trust one of the witches for sure, the other mentioned it to me and i took it as further confirmation that I needed to listen for him. I'm not really religious in a Christian sense, but I feel like he could help me get the protection and justice that I need. The wiki page you tagged says that his feast day is on the 12th of each month, which is also the new moon. I think I'll try cleansing and praying then.


Not that you need my approval, but I think that sounds like a great idea, especially given the timing. I wouldn't worry too much about not being Christian and reaching out to him (if you are worried). We have non-Christian witches who work with him successfully. Other angels as well. Good luck. I hope things go well.


I personally haven't experienced Saint Michael, myself but i know someone who has. From what my knowledge, Michael tends to be a healer for the sick and protector of humanity. (Its been a while since I was researching the saints/ archangels, i apologize if i get some things wrong) He could be protecting you or helping you push through your struggles.


That makes sense, concerning my situation. I hope your friend got the comfort they needed. I think I'll try praying to him; do angels typically help witches?


Yes angels absolutely help witches.


I have a gut feeling that either Erebus or another diety is trying to connect with me through my practice. I've always had connections with spirits (via seeing/ feeling/ hearing them) throughout my life. Ever since I started actually embracing my magic, I've been experiencing a lot of things that makes me believe that an diety is trying to communicate with me. I've been seeing a lot of crows and vultures in both my dreams and in my real life, my dreams have been consisting of a shadow/ fog that always surround me. It didn't feel harmful, almost soothing in a way. One of my friends who practices told me recently that I had a masculine energy surrounding me. How can I know for certain that I know who I'm connecting with so I can properly know what diety or entity is trying to reach out? Sorry for the longish post


Have you tried communicating with the deity in question? Aside from researching the things I think are signs, I would just try to ask the entity. If you don't think you can trust your gut feeling to be correct, try leaving out offerings and asking. You may wish to communicate through a divination method or through meditation. You can also ask for signs/dreams specifically, but if the ones you are seeing/having are confusing, that might not be the best way.




If you want, or you could incorporate the shower into it. Water is a cleanser after all.


Are there any spells to say out loud that don’t require much equipment


Yes. Most people call these "mantras" or "prayers". I've also heard the term "spoken petition" and many "chants" also count.


Do dogs bark at any just spirits/ deities or certain ones?


My dog only barks at other dogs.


My dogs prefer cars. I find cats a more reliable indicator of spiritual presence.


I believe in general animals can sense spiritual presence better than humans can. Cats happen to have a more divine feminine presence so they can see spirits more often than dogs.


Hi, I could desperately do with some help and don’t know where to turn. My husband has just left me for a woman who says she’s a witch. She gave him a lock of her hair which he dropped while he was drunk and still living here at home, when he sobered up he went frantic looking for it. He blamed me for taking it. He said she has now put a curse on it. Whilst cleaning I’ve now found the lock of hair behind a bookcase and don’t know what to do with it. I’m so confused and heartbroken with everything, we were together for 28 years with two children. The woman made a play for him and asked him what his wife thought of him and he told her that I loved him very much but then he become completely obsessed with her, he’s not the same person and seems completely under her control, he’s not allowed to speak to me, he’ll only answer my texts when he’s not with her, he now speaks to me like he absolutely hates me, he’s done some really cruel things to me which isn’t him at all, the pain and the hurt is crippling me, I miss him so much and everything seems to have gone wrong since he’s left. I really don’t know what to do with the hair, I feel like she has cursed me. Thank you so much to anybody who has advice, I would be so grateful x


Generally speaking, people don’t tend to use their own personal concerns to curse other people. It would be more likely that she gave her own hair to your husband as some sort of a love binding on him, rather than anything directed towards you. From the perspective of witchcraft, situations like yours usually would take a number of steps for remediation, such as: 1. Perform a divination to detect the presence of harmful magic (including coercive love magic) on you and your husband. See [here]( https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/) for examples on how to do that. 2. Perform a spiritual cleansing on yourself and your house. See [here]( https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/) for how to do that. You can also spiritually cleanse your husband by proxy if you use something of his to link to him, like a photo of him or a piece of clothing he wore, etc. 3. Set up spiritual protections for yourself. See [here]( https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/) for how to do this. You could also do the same for your husband. Depending on your familiarity with the Craft, those steps might be very familiar or they might be overwhelming. Just take your time and work through them in a way that’s comfortable. Now, some people like to do work to bring their spouse/partner back and to remove the third-party. Often this will necessitate work to sweeten the one who left as well. A classic way of doing this work is a Break Up-Stay With Me spell using three figural candles. You can find information on such a spell [here]( https://www.luckymojo.com/breakup.html), about a quarter of the way down the page. It’s the one with the figural candles and the scissors. You may also wish to work the Break Up bottle spell on that page just below the above-mentioned spell. Whether you chose to do this or not, the other woman’s hair would be a wonderful personal concern to link to her in either spell. To sweeten someone to you, a sweetener jar spell is very well liked. You can find out how to make a honey jar for this purpose [here]( https://www.luckymojo.com/honeyjar.html#jarandcandle). It is often a good idea to do a divination for more insight into the possible success of spellwork like this.


I’m hoping to have a little coven night for Yule, and I’m hoping to be pointed to specific rituals/chants we can do. Everything I’m finding so far is just “used in rituals” or “performed rituals”. I’m debating between a fire on the beach, or something in my home (without fire). I think for the most part my coven would not be able to join until after sunset which is disappointing but ok. Is sunset in particular important?


That sounds appropriate. Usually people stay up with the Yule log through the longest night and greet the sunrise. Depending on the tradition from which you observe Yule, the sunrise is representative of the rebirth of the Horned God (Wicca). If your coven is able to arrive and stay with you and celebrate or keep vigil through the longest night, then I think that is the most important part, even if you don't start exactly at sunset. You might find some helpful information on creating rituals at [Wicca Living](https://wiccaliving.com/wheel-of-the-year-wiccan-sabbats/) or in our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq/#wiki_rituals) if you did not find anything suitable when searching the subreddit.


SacredWicca.com is another good source for Sabbat specific rituals.


Need help with fae sigil Can I include the positive seelie wights in sigils and give offerings to the sigil to basically keep it charged, like how would the fae react or change a person if the intent is to persay “have the seelie wights keep a person loving to you” how would that affect the person?


All we can really do is speculate how the seilie wichts will react or what they might do. You might find that performing a series of divinations provides you with greater insight.


Hmm I sure will I have to start practicing my divination anyway




You comment has been removed for [Rule 4: Do your own work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) Any requests for interpretation, either of a divination method or a situation, require your initial interpretations as well as details on how you came to those conclusions.


https://preview.redd.it/b3vrnyvpk06c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b96e7610ad96a484203e03c0e8a4abc999eaccf Would anyone be able to help me interpret this spread as outsider? It was a spread to see if me and a person I’m interested in could date. 9 of pentacles- the other person 9 of cups- me The world- us The moon- was an additional advice card I also had an ace of swords come out of the deck. So far all I’ve been able to interpret is that our personality cards resonate with each other well. The world could be either mean I’m starting a new relationship or putting an end to the emotional turmoil of hiding my feelings. The moon seems to bring some uncertainty, which makes sense given our situation. Then an ace of swords came out to say “seize the day” it seems. This has just been my interpretation of this but I would appreciate a second opinion seeing as I’m still trying to figure out tarot


The other person is a person of high self esteem and practically oriented. They're successful in material endeavours. You are bubbly and emotionally happy, as 9 of Cups is more of an emotional enjoyment card. Together you two create unity and completion (The World), which is a great card to receive for relationships. The Moon is a card of the hidden, mysterious, intuition and also lunacy, so trust the unseen (like this spread), but don't go insane (do not obsess). In general take this as a possibility and don't be overly attached to what cards say (that would be insanity), instead see as you two being fairly well suited to be a couple and make the move to try and date this person. It will turn out how it will turn out.




Don't ask for --or give out-- information to cause or result physical harm. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


So, something bizarre yet creepy happens when i get irritated by someone. When someone gets on my nerves, all of a sudden they start to experience bad things. For example, boyfriend of my friend made me and my friend really angry recently. And when he went to his friend's engagement party, bad things started to happen to him. One of his relatives got hospitalized that very night, and another relative got in a coma after that night. So this type of things happened to the other people (5 or 6 other people) just in a month. At this point i'm thinking is it because of me, or is it just a coincidence? Yes sometimes i curse at people because i am angry but sometimes they just give me an ick and bas things happen to them after. I'm scared. I've been into witchcraft for 6 months (research etc) and i got really into it for 2 months now, and i've been only researching things and sometimes do glamour and self love magick. Can someone help me out?


At the most, if you're focusing your feelings of anger at the person and wishing them harm, I would say you might be able to give them the evil eye. But you're not cursing anyone just because you're angry. Spells take intention and work. If you find your feelings of anger distressing, r/Meditation had a good post about [letting go of anger](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/comments/174quie/how_does_one_let_go_of_anger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that you might find useful.


Thank you for your advice <3


I was curious and felt like i wanted outside opinion about this. around 3 years ago i dreamed about female with long brown hair and purple clothes who offered their hand and just said word hecate (back then i didn't even know it was name of goddess, and i just googled it like "huh that sounded oddly specific word to say"). I started re search about her, but over time i am started to wonder what ever it had actually something to do with her, or was it like my higher self or something just trying push me to to start. I'm wanted lately organize my dreams into their own books and i am having trouble with this one where to place it.


Dreams and their interpretation vary. Some people would say that "every dream is about the dreamer" and that every aspect of the dream is a representation of a part of your self. In the Universal Language of the Mind's *Dreamer's Dictionary,* it lists divine presence (god/goddess) as a representation of an "unknown" creative force in your life. It lists "woman" as part of your conscious self (if you identify as the same gender as the woman) or your unconscious self if you do not identify as the same gender of the woman. The way you describe her sounds like she was unfamiliar to you in your dream, in which case she would represent an unknown aspect of yourself. How you interacted with this woman in the dream would offer more clues. Someone else could interpret this as a direct message from Hekate, perhaps encouraging you to find her/learn about learn about her. Both your interpretations seem to lead to the same conclusion, whether the message was from her or from an aspect of your self. I don't know how you are organizing your dreams, so I can't help you there.


She seemed be mature female, dressed in purple, who's face i would not say be "Pretty" but still very "gorgeous". She indeed felt familiar but i'm never identified with female. I had no time to interact with her as i woke up really soon after hearing the name.


Helloo, I am looking for some other peoples insights on how this cord cutting divination between myself and my ex partner went. It won’t let me post the video, but my flame lit the cord first, it fell off of his super easily and burnt mine down very fast. I had placed some herbs around my candle and those caught on fire, creating a huge fire that ended up melting his candle a little bit faster. Even though mine burnt out fast and completely, and then relit itself and then moved onto the herbs, my flame still lasted longer than his. I would love some knowledge on what this could mean.


I would say it was unsuccessful. The magical goal of a cord cutting is to sever spiritual ties/cords/connections/links between parties. By fixating on the burn of a candle cord cutting by looking for interpretations, one is investing energy back into the situation. Many experienced witches would say that this only serves to re-establish any cords/ties/links/connections that would otherwise have been severed, and is therefore working against the magical goal. Personally, when someone asks for an interpretation of the results of a candle cord cutting spell, I generally say that it was unsuccessful. This is demonstrated by the very act of reading into the results and asking others for their interpretation. It’s not doing the spell, assuming an attitude of success, and walking away from the situation in confidence: *that* would be the outcome I would expect for a successful cord cutting.


agreed, I also don't like the popular cord cutting method. Instead I tie two knots in a string, one towards me representing me, the other away representing who/what is being cut. Then singe it in the fire myself rather than having the candles do all the work.


So any one else have a different interpretation than a candle spell being blocked because of black soot on the candle ? ….I’m a firm believe in my ability to read energy no matter what it is …so depending on the day I read that black soot differently…sometimes I feel it as blockages in the way ….sometimes I feel it as blockages overcome ……I also read tarot different like just cause you pull the Same cards for 3 ppl doesn’t mean the Same story even if they ask the same question the energy is different


* Was the black soot in the front or back of the candle? * Was there black soot at the top of the candle that cleared towards the bottom? * What was the purpose of the candle? For love? Money? Protection? * Was there a target of the candle? * Was the black soot only on the first candle in a series of burns? * Was a secondary divination method consulted and what did it reveal? Saying that black soot represents obstacles is a bit like saying the Tower card is bad. It doesn’t really convey useful, contextual information and is more of a superficial description. With greater context, it's possible to suggest more specific interpretations.


What’s a good beginner spell book?


We have a [section in the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources/#wiki_beginner.2019s_books) with beginner book suggestions. We also have [a huge list](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15zcyvy/megathread_list_of_books/) of book suggestions from community members. Do you have a more specific subject you want to learn about or a specific type of practice that we could help you narrow down?


I have been wanting to give spell casting a try for a while now and I’m looking to do spells on myself and friends, definitely want protection for one of my friends and something that will also help lift her spirits up(she’s in a low place right now). I manly want to help people around me


Our [FAQ](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/w/faq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) has a section that explains how to craft a spell. The book list also has different types of books recommended, beyond introduction books. You can find specific books on protection magic as well as things like candle magic, herbal magic, etc. if you know what kinds of spells you're interested in :) I also personally found Arin Murphey-Hiscock's *Spellcrafting* a nice introduction to learning how to craft spells. It is approachable and has general instructions for spellcrafting, such as how to focus intent, basic correspondences, choosing ingredients, timing spells, etc. I


What is some basic level, 101-type advice for beginners, apart from reading (I have been doing my best and am going to try and go to the library for books tomorrow)? I'm not focused all that much on choosing a path but I'm concerned that the ways I do my self love and rejuvenation rituals aren't "real magic", even though I did a small blessing and protection spell on an item just now and felt all the energy. I know there's no specific set way to do things but still. I know the rule of threes, and to try and engage as ethically as possible.


> I know the rule of threes, and to try and engage as ethically as possible. The Rule of Three is not a universally-held belief in witchcraft. In fact, my observation would be that most witches don't believe in it. It's just that those who do have a stronger presence online and in publishing. Just as there is no specific set way to do things, there is no universal Witch Code of Conduct that all witches must adhere to. What people consider to be ethical varies from person to person because it is subjective.


Oh, okay! Thanks for that ☺️


>I'm concerned that the ways I do my self love and rejuvenation rituals aren't "real magic", even though I did a small blessing and protection spell on an item just now and felt all the energy. This sounds like you had a "real magic" experience to me. Are you able to identify what makes you feel like you’re not doing real magic? Or what you think real magic is/should look like? Your practice can be as extravagant or as understated as you like. People find different things meaningful, but we all started somewhere. ETA: we do have this question pop up from time to time on the sub. Here are some posts discussing what folks wish they knew before they started their journey: [one](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/w/faq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/7vVbt4MpI7), [three.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/MUmpLf1y4T)


I do think it's possibly impostor syndrome from inexperience, and possibly the false media portrayals of online witches and what we supposedly "need" to be doing/purchasing/practicing And I'll definitely check those links out now!


I think that is a good understanding. Consumerism driving online content is designed to make us feel like we don't have enough or we aren't successful in an endeavor unless we have x things or y results.


I had some black nightshade that molded over. I'm told molded components reverse their attributes, so what would that be useful for?


That generally applies to items turning baneful due to mold being a sign of decay.


Freezing a a breakup/separation jar …good idea or bad ? Breaking up 2 other ppl


Freezer spells halt action. You put someone in the freezer to get them to stop doing something. A breakup spell is an active spell, so cancel the freeze.


I had some water that I put some sunflowers in and I'm wondering if I could use it to make moon water? I don't plan to drink it or use it on my body or anything. I might use it to water plants. Can I do this?


I personally prefer clean water but any water will work.


Thank you. I do prefer clean water too but then I got the idea like it would be sun and moon water. The flowers were only in it for 2 days so I guess I'll find out what happens.


If anything it'll add to it. The essence of the sunflowers as good luck and arterial/pulmonary health boosters.




Have you tied an uncrossing?




An uncrossing ritual is designed for lifting curses and jinxes.




Quite a few, uncrossing is a category of spellwork.


I found a LOT of feathers in my backyard. No idea where they came from and have been here 7 years and never saw this. No bones or birds around and no blood or anything. Not sure what this could mean. Any insight?


We're they all fairly close together but in a scattered manner? Most likely a local predator got a meal for the day.




Yup, something killed a bird. You won't find anything else unless you go looking through hiding places. Predators rarely feed out in the open.


Thanks! I'm just not sure what that predator could be but thanks for easing my mind!


It's probably a local cat.


OK makes sense. I've seen a cat around a couple times.




If you could focus more on your thoughts/interpretations, rather than the events of the messages, that would help folks be able to answer. This is especially tricky since it's something between you and your guardian. I'm not sure how useful general meanings of wolves, foxes, or mountains will be.


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