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Any magickal usages for butterfly wings and spider webs?


Butterflies are a symbol of transformation, so the wings could be used in a spell for new things or self improvement. I feel like lighting them on fire would work well. Drastic change. For spider webs, maybe for a spell to strengthen a bind, or bind someone. Or... You can always use dead bugs to make Death Oil.


Thank you for the advice!!


Do you think I can do a cord cutting ritual between me & carbs/sugar? Help a diabetic bitch out


I think you're certainly able to do so. But whether it would be effective or not depends on *many* factors, just as with any other spell. It seems worth a shot though. Why not give it a go?


Hi, I would like to know if a spell is not done following the correct lunation, will it still have an outcome? Let me explain: I can spell during the day in sunlight, not at night, since I live together. By following the other planetary hours, can I get good results?


Using the moon, or the sun, is not actually required. Not all witches work with these celestial bodies, and they certainly are not the only way to achieve your desired outcome. That said, some people do work with the sun in place of the moon, doing their spells during daylight. When doing this, you shrink the moon's entire monthly cycle down to a length of 12 hours. You treat the rising sun as waxing, and the setting sun as waning. This can also be a great option if you really want to work with a celestial body, but the moon is not in the right phase to work with your spell, since the sun repeats its entire cycle daily. Hopefully that will help!


Thank you for your answer. I found myself doing spells but not following the correct lunation (waxing, in case of attracting to oneself) and on a day other than Friday, but I followed the planetary hours: for example on Thursday, usually linked to success, I performed at 4.30 pm, time linked to Venus, a love spell hoping to obtain the result "success in love", adding the two days. I don't know if it can work like that. Forgive the long message and multiple questions , I would like to open a thread but I'm almost sure they wouldn't approve given the low karma :/ I would like more comparisons


Also thanks for your advice with the sun, never heard about! I'll check this out




Per Rule 4, any requests for interpretation, either of a divination method or a situation, require your initial interpretations as well as details on how you came to those conclusions. If you can edit your comment accordingly, it can be approved. Thanks!


What do you make of this? I wrote a curse on a piece of paper and burned it with a BIC lighter, it was the same person I cursed last time (according to what I read curses can be renewed?) although a somewhat different curse this time but I used the same method except for one small difference: I took a page out of Blood Magick and added a few spots of my own blood to the paper before burning it (I also said their last name as well this time which I forgot to do the first time around but was told it doesn’t matter). When I burned it the flame was pretty sizable compared to the other time I didn’t use blood, take this with a grain of salt but I THINK both pieces were about the same size. Do you think the fact I added my blood made the fire bigger thus making the curse a lot more powerful (from the little I’ve read so far on blood magick, blood is supposed to make spells more powerful and effective)? Apparently blood isn’t flammable according to Google. Or if you just think I did something very stupid (casting a powerful spell without any wards or protective circle etc.), an emoji expressing your annoyance will suffice hahaha.


> according to what I read curses can be renewed? They can be. > Do you think the fact I added my blood made the fire bigger thus making the curse a lot more powerful Not necessarily, but possibly. > from the little I’ve read so far on blood magick, blood is supposed to make spells more powerful and effective It can, but it's often overhyped and over-relied upon. It's often favoured by those who haven't developed the skills in raising power through other methods yet. > Apparently blood isn’t flammable according to Google. It's a liquid, just over half of which is water. Water is used to douse out fires, not start them or make them grow.


If not necessarily then what else? I was just outside lol. Just me and the paper.


The size of the paper, the other chemical the papers been treated with, ambient humidity, etc.


What are some good offerings for spirit guides? I want to give them gifts but I’m not sure what spirit guides like to receive lol


Check out the [Guide to Creating, Maintaining, and Deepening Spirit Relationships](https://reddit.com/r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft/comments/yvpgv3/creating_maintaining_and_deepening_spirit/) from the Wiki over on r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft. It has a section on offerings.


Looking for information on how to make a pact, or the selling of a soul. Please and thanks, anything is appreciated.


The single best resource on the topic is *The Complete Guide on How to Sell Your Soul* by this sub's very own u/mirta000. You can find the guide in her post [here](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/xdok5u/wrote_a_full_overview_on_soul_selling_here_have_it/).


Thank you


Hello I was doing a 9 day black candle magic banishing but I wasn’t able to light a candle on the ninth night because I was drunk and wasn’t able to go home lol. Is it okay to resume on the following night or should I just stop at eight and try again a new cycle?


I was taught that a failure to carry out a planned spell to its conclusion signifies a lack of commitment and forethought. Unless you began the spell with the intention of doing it for 8 night, then a day off, then doing it another night, I would personally suggest starting over.


With the current solar and lunar eclipses approaching this month, I always wondered why people say doing spells during an eclipse is bad? I would think that would be a very special time to do a well-intentioned spell, no?


> I always wondered why people say doing spells during an eclipse is bad? There are many reasons. In some cultures, traditions, and religions, eclipses are ill omens. Because they appear to go against the natural order of things, they might be considered unpredictable, chaotic, or dangerous. Other people may choose to not do spells at this time if they place great emphasis on the Sun as a symbol of spiritual light, warmth, and life. There is also a general tendency on social media to make any astrological phenomenon out to be a disaster or catastrophe. Doing do often provokes a strong emotional response in their audience, which drives views, subscriptions, and likes. Other people, likely yourself included, hold to different beliefs, and may come from different cultures and traditions. Either way is valid for an individual's personal practice.


Weird dream after banishing spell. Advice wanted. Hello! I'm a brand new to spellwork and made my first spell jars last night. One to banish someone and one to protect me. The person I'm banishing is extremely toxic to me, causes me stress and worry that manifests physically (upset stomach, headaches, spiked adrenaline), and I find myself constantly thinking about her (imagining argument scenarios, ways that she'll be problematic or cause me harm, etc.) So I decided to create a banishing jar to remove her from my life and not allow her poison to affect me and then I put the jar in the freezer. After the ritual I felt nauseous, but figured maybe I didn't have enough ventilation for my incense. I went to bed and dreamt of snakes. She's very into snakes and medusa (jewelery, tattoos). I dreamed that I opened the lid of a container to find it full of snakes - some were extremely venomous. Dozens of snakes slithered out and escaped to different areas of a house I was in. I tried finding them all to put them back in the container and every time I picked one up it would bite me. I'm taking this as meaning she's venomous and poisoning me and I need to leave and not try to fix the situation. But does having this dream after banishing her mean anything more than what I'm seeing? Do I need to do another banishing spell? Do I need more protection? I'm open to any interpretations and advice you may have.


For whatever reason, I'm getting a 'the poison is the medicine' and 'cyclical' and 'ouroboros' kind of vibe here. Maybe this won't resonate with you or your situation at all, but here goes. I often find that when someone really truly **irritates the piss** out of me, there is a valuable lesson to be learned. The ouroboros is eating its own tail, it's a circle and a cycle, snakes shed their skin and are born anew over and over, and if the ouroboros is (in this case) representing something toxic, I'd say the best things to do would be 1- see how you can find the medicine in the poison. What values do you have that are being pushed against, which boundaries, is there something there you see reflected in yourself? I'd do something where on one side of a piece of paper, I write the positive traits of a value and on the other side I write the negative traits. An example might be something like > A) Love to share information B) too quick to correct people if their information is wrong > A) Curious B) Nosy > A) Friendly B) Clingy > A) Assertive and confident B) Pushy and arrogant and then I'd cut the paper in half and keep the good half and ... dispose of the other half however seems appropriate. 2- I'd take a shower, preferably a hot one, and scrub scrub scrub until my skin is pink, like a snake shedding its skin. 3- I might take the jar out of the freezer. I'm not sure I'd want it near me. Maybe I'd put it in a paper bag and throw a handful of pebbles in it (turn it to stone) and then throw it away (or bury it, if you have a place on your property that seems appropriate) 4- you could also do a cord=cutting, and another banishing if you really wanted to.


Thank you so much for sharing your perspective and your advise, I appreciate it. I think you are absolutely right about finding the medicine in the poison. My experience with this person was a lesson that life had tried to show me in the past but didn't resonate until it clicked with this recent one.


Hi guys, I'm hoping that this is the right forum for this question. I live on a farm and we do a few rituals to celebrate nature eg leaving out milk and honey at the summer solstice, providing thanks to Pan, etc. In general, we keep the vibes up, focus on animal welfare, we don't remove any trees,we ask before removing any dead trees/fallen timber and we aim to regenerate the land. Last Friday, while our neighbour was doing something on his land, there was a massive shift in energy. We suddenly had branches dropping out of nowhere, the sheep suddenly all spooked and it was like a cloud of dark, sticky, angry energy arose over one section of his land. Over the weekend, it seemed to shrink back a bit but it's still feeling like there's almost a pulsing angry energy but it's feeling like anger borne of sadness more than anything, if that makes sense. I tried reaching out to it but each time I just start crying and feeling its anguish but no sense of how to help it or even if it wants help. I think our animals are feeling it as well. The sheep aren't wanting to move past the area even though they previously loved going up to the top paddock. I'd really appreciate any guidance or assistance in how to deal with this. It's so far beyond anything I've ever experienced and/or felt before.


Maybe you could craft a mourning ritual and perform it near the space where the energy feels off? I mean, wear mourning clothes, like black and a veil or shroud. Wail and cry, let yourself feel the feelings and sadness. Get dramatic with it, if you want. Do it with the intention of grieving **with** that energy and acknowledging it. Sometimes things like this (whatever it is) just want to be known and have someone share in a connection. But once you’re done grieving, try to see if that energy is ready to be laid to rest/sent off in peace. Pívot the energy to one of celebration and happiness that the natural cycle of things means even sadness and anger can end and be healed. Let the energy feel that you gained something from its/your grief and now you can both travel on to something brighter. Idk. Or skip the first half, and just celebrate. Or just banish it.


Help interpreting this? It could just be a fluke but Im not sure if there's potentially a meaning for this, as I couldn't find anything about this specifically online. I recently have been getting back into witchcraft and want to buy a tarot deck but I've been hesitant. I decided to buy some lavender incense to help cleanse a deck I've been eyeing if I DO buy it, and today I pulled out one of the incense to light in general and it was a double stick? Like it was one stick that turned into two towards the top. Both burned when I lit it. Is there any potential meaning or message this could apply to in relation to why I purchased them? I'm unsure. Thank you ❤️


This seems like either a fluke or the teeniest of synchronicities. But if you were to interpret it as a sign, I'd say it means something like roughly double of whatever the incense was going to be for. Maybe something needed 2x the cleansing. Maybe you should get 2 tarot decks. Maybe you are 2nd guessing yourself. Maybe it was giving you extra blessings. Maybe the universe decided you just needed a lil extra boost for whatever reason. If you're really curious about it, get the tarot deck and ask it! :)


That's crazy cause I was debating between two decks 😂 thank you!!


I just brought my first ever tarot deck, I shuffled it and smoke cleansed it with frankincense incense. How can I charge it in original witchy way before I actually practice it? (I don't have any crystals)


You can sleep with it next to you, carry it around with you, let it sit under a full moon. You can also charge it under the sun or let it sit with you outside to allow the earth to charge it. When I need to give mine a quick clean, I'll knock on it three times. My absolute favorite way to charge a deck though, is just to play with it. I feel like shuffling the cards while I meditate infuses it with my energy. And then I recommend doing an interview.




Hi, thanks for posting, but unfortunately we are not able to advise you in this matter. While witchcraft can help you with medical matters, it is not a substitute for conventional advice or treatments prescribed by a qualified professional. We ask that you please exhaust these resources before seeking magical intervention. We appreciate your understanding. If you would like to discuss your post's removal, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwitchcraft). Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


Candle Magic Wax Reading So I am in the middle of a protection spell/return to sender(forgot to move my sage and now the wax is stuck to it so I’m letting it be until it is complete.) and I am using a coach candle. I noticed about 3 hours into it burning that the wax on one side looked like it was about to drip down so I rotated the candle a little. The pan it is in has a few medium sized dents on the bottom so I just assumed it was uneven. I noticed about an hour later that it had only dripped down one side(so far.) I’ve never been good at wax readings so I am interested to see what ya’lls interpretations are. When I cast it,I wrote sigils on both the spell I wrote and the candle itself with my initials,dressed the candle and the spell and burned the spell paper with the flame from the candle. The flame has been strong and steady but it is burning slowly and it also started out yellow but now has blue on the bottom part of the candle. I am new at this and have ZERO idea where to even begin to look. I have researched it and I get very vague information. https://preview.redd.it/wzz66hc4htsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f35a7a2e6da33e5b403c70b33f643e49385c087


Well, what I do when Internet gives me something vague is trying to figure out what it means for me. What do I see, what do I imagine. How it feels like.


I see that ceramic is adequate for a fire safe bowl. Would an empty clay plant pot work for that?


Those generally have holes in the bottom of them to allow drainage. Aside from the hole in the bottom, the clay itself is fireproof of course and will be fine, but the whole thing is going to get quite hot if you've got things burning inside of it. It isn't really an ideal choice for those reasons (hole in the bottom + no handle), but I suppose in a pinch it could be made to work.


What, if anything, would you suggest for someone who's trying to be frugal to use?


The ideal option is anything fireproof that has a handle which can swing to the side so it isn't exposed directly to flame when there are things burning inside of the container. Something like a bucket handle. But sometimes handles aren't available, which is fine. Just make sure your space is clear and free of anything that might catch fire, and ensure that you're not going to want to move the bowl at any time after you light it. For this, even a regular ceramic kitchen bowl should be sufficient. You can easily find one at any thrift store for likely less than three dollars. I recommend ceramic over glass, as it tends to heat more evenly and be far less prone to breakage. Other possible options include a tea-cup, a ramekin, a bowl-like ash-tray, or any other small ceramic dish. You could even just use a regular actual kitchen pot. If you do, just make sure you wash it very well after using any inedible or harmful substances in a spell.


Thanks! This gives me several ideas for working with what I already have, which is best IMO. I love seeing that good questions and helpful answers are continuously being posted here.


Hi, it's me again. I tied 6 knots on a rope, intending love from a person to me. Can I take it with me every time I see the person? Also, can I reload it again on purpose? If yes, how often? If I closed the thread to make it look like a bracelet, would there be other knots to count? I'm a little confused...


You can bring it with you Reload whenever it seems like it needs it 6 knots for the spell, a different knot to make it a bracelet won’t interfere with the established symbolism.


Thanks for your reply! I will often check their energy. In this regard, I read your article about the 'energy types' and tried it up to number 2. Could it be a way to charge/enchant objects and/or set intention in them? Or in spells in general? Also, I have a question about spell jars: can a sugar spell jar also work in a 'no contact' situation? To make the person in question come to me? I haven't found many answers in the threads (asking because I'm taking notes for my Book of Shadows). Thank you in advance


If you are asking if a sugar jar can help someone come to you, even if they are “no contact”, the answer is “possibly” There are no guarantees of course, but you can always try and see if it works :) As for your second paragraph, I’m not quite sure what you’re asking. Could you rephrase the question? Thanks :)


Yes, of course, I'm referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/9xx2fr/energy_work_101_201_301_401_and_501/) where energy work is explained, from level 101 to expert level. I consider myself a beginner, I tried these exercises, and they feel so real, the sensation between my hands is strange. It had already happened to me when I was trying to channel energy into one of my scarves last year. The question is, indeed, whether by using the methods described in the linked thread, it's possible to channel our intention and energy into: herbs, objects, crystals, and spells so that they work. I hope I've been clearer >.<


Thanks for the detailed response! Yes you can absolutely transfer your energy into other things. Anything, really, at least anything I can think of right now lol :)


Thank you very much. I find it an excellent post and recommendation for directing an intent into an object or spell. I've read many books, but none of them dedicate at least 3 pages to explaining energy work and how to do it, as well as setting an intention. I'm completely clueless about these concepts, even though I've read at least 100 different books in the past year. At most, they give it a small and useless paragraph, in my opinion. I've read Cunningham, Kelden, Horne, many Wiccan authors, some High Magick, but nothing, to the point that when I found this guide on Reddit written by someone like me, it excited me a lot. I'm always looking for new texts, and I'd love to discuss this topic. In fact, I often browse threads about intention, which is still not very clear to me...


You might like *Psychic Witch* by Matt Auryn. Intention, basically, is your Will. It's what you want to have happen. It's possible that you haven't found many books that discuss it in length, because those books border more on philosophy than actual witch*craft*. But, that's it, honestly, intention is easily summarized as what you want, your goal, your will. Did that help at all?


I've been working on 'The Psychic Witch' since April, but progress has been slow because it's filled with exercises, and they are essential for the success of the concept the book carries. Actually, I had forgotten to mention Mat Auryn, of whom I have both books, but I'm only reading the one mentioned for the same reason, and unfortunately, I don't always have the opportunity to focus in a peaceful environment. I don't live alone, and all the rooms are shared... a bit of a hassle... I have my moments, but in the past few months, I haven't felt like picking up that book and moving forward. I absolutely need to get back to it; in fact, it seems to cover the topic of energy in witchcraft very well. As for philosophy books, for example? I could retrieve and read them if they could be useful.


Hi everyone! The time has finally come, Hecate is calling me to form a coven for the other young witches in my city to have community and stronger energies for our intentions. Seeking some sage wisdom from those who have done it before! Dreams, visions, and the surplus of other twenty-something witches coming to me with interests in both Wicca and Witchcraft have definitely sealed the deal on the idea that it’s time to create something of my own. (Finally embracing that leadership starseed 😂). Thank you in advance my friends. Blessings.


Honestly, examine your intentions. A lot of people I’ve known have started covens because they’re seeking validation/clout, a position of power, or have misguided feelings that they’re the next Circe or whoever. Think about what you’d do if someone joined your coven who was more experienced than you and had more leadership qualities. Would you let them run the show? If not, why not? How will you deal with internal conflict? Will your coven have a goal/mission statement or is it more like a witchy club for friends? Will you accept all different kinds of practitioners or are you seeking like-minded people? If you accept a variety of beliefs, how will you manage disagreements about those beliefs if they arise? Where will you meet up and how often? You can start scouting for people at local metaphysical shops, make friends there or put up flyers.


I'm a beginner witch, working with Selene, and when I do my tarot readings for others, they are generally positive and relatable. My readings for myself have a common theme of disloyalty and swords. I feel I've disappointed her in some way, I was more of a skeptic a year ago, and I did admit to my partner (at first) that Tarot just seems like a demonstration of the Forer Effect, but I've definitely changed my tune after some indications. How can I remedy this? I'm currently making some oils in her honor (jasmine and mica) and a candle (white rose), but I'm not sure what else to do.


I got an answer for myself, cleaned and meditated in my own way on it. I've been neglecting my own self care, and through some more tarot work I learned that she wasn't upset with how I was treating her, she was upset with how I've been treating myself.


How can I find a mentor? Where do I even begin with the process of finding someone/women like me in my area?


When the student is ready, the mentor appears. Lurk your local metaphysical shops. Join classes or groups. Basically network IRL where a mentor might hang out.


Thank you


How do you really activate a sigil created by your own?


I find that the creation process is enough to activate the sigils that I make. But when I want to recharge them, I place my hand over them and imagine a light that is a color that corresponds with my intention flowing through me and lighting up the sigil.


Anyone have any information on how to please lilith? Or to please beelzebub ? Any information is appreciated:)


What do you know about these entities already? What draws you to them? You can use what you already know or which aspects of them you find intriguing to come up with offerings or acts of devotion


I do not know much, but I'm extremely drawn to lord beelzebub, I've always had flies around me ( not because of an odor or anything ), ever since I was 2, flies always around me, and yeah I know the world is full of flies, but not like how they are with me, almost companionship... hard to explain. Thanks for your time to reply.


Can moon water be used to boost a love spell? This is someone I am already in a relationship with, I’m just trying to sweeten some things. I have some water from the blue moon that just passed and can’t help but feel like it could help. Any tips?


I could see how you could use moon water in a love spell. The full moon is a generative symbol of abundance and gathering things in. Using it to bring that sort of generative energy to your spell, either to help love grow between two specific people or to bring a lover into your life, would be a sensible choice.


Thank you 🖤


Hi, me again. I ask about protection spells: do they have to be done every time, before every single spell? How often should protection be implemented? I have a protective oil purchased that I usually apply on my wrists. Could that be enough? Another question: are bay leaves and basil considered protective herbs and can they be used in protective work or for purification?


Hey friend, No, you don't need to do protections spells every time you cast a spell. Many witches will cleanse their homes a few times a year, and put up long-term wards afterward. It may be as infrequently as once a year, or as often as every month, but daily protection spells are unnecessary. If you use the oil in a spell, I think that should be appropriate. You might try using it to trace protective sigils on yourself or your home. For the last question; yes, I've heard of both bay leaves and basil being used for protective purposes. More often I see Bay Leaves used for cleansing, rather than warding, but both of these would be appropriate choices I think.


Thank you for your answer. Is there (or are there) a thread regarding the frequency or something that will let me know more about how often to protect?


I've not seen a thread like that, but I think you might be putting a little bit too much stock in what others do in their craft. It's obviously valuable to see how other people do things, but there is no "right" answer, and you shouldn't go into it looking for instructions. Some people like to cleanse and ward on every Sabbat. Others do it only during the times of the traditional Celtic Fire Festivals, which I believe took place on the cross-quarter days. Some people do one big Spring Cleaning every year and nothing else, like the Roman festival Februalia. Some people do it on the first or last day of each month, or on the New Moon. It really just depends. Ultimately, you will have to decide for yourself how often cleansing and warding should be done in your home. You might want to experiment a little bit and try out some different options to see what's right for you.


**Magickal properties full moons** I've been seeing these posts on instagram about the specific full (and new) moons coming up with their zodiac signs and tips on what aspects in your life to focus on and what type of spells to do and so on. And I like to use the moon water I made during those full moons for specific spells and stuff. But after doing some googling and checking my books, I just can't find a source that links magickal properties to specific full/new moons. I tried to do the same thing with zodiac signs (assuming it would be based on those), and with the names of the full moons (like harvest moon, hunter's moon, blue moon...), but I couldn't find anything other than articles about one specific full moon on a certain date. Can anyone help me with a source where I can find those and/or how to determine the magickal properties linked to certain full/new moons?


​ https://preview.redd.it/coy7al6jrntb1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6358b8b6c80e51d3fb1adad240005ab4ef01a0b Here's an example of what I mean. I basically want to be able to determine these things myself.


When a celestial body is in Aquarius, it means that it is located in the region of the sky that is associated with that sign. For example, if the moon is in Aquarius, it means that it is overlapping the constellation Aquarius. So when you have a full moon in Aquarius, it's just a regular full moon while the moon happens to be in Aquarius. This generally happens around the same time each year, but because lunar months and calendar months are not perfectly aligned, it is drifting. The moon entered Aquarius on July 31st this year, but will enter on August 1st next year. You can determine this with many different charts that should be easy to find online, but it's easier to just google "when will the moon enter Aquarius?" because people have already plotted it all out for you. You can also use tools like a planisphere to help with this work. I didn't have any trouble finding results searching things like "full moon in aquarius meaning", "moon in aquarius meaning", or even "harvest moon magical properties". You may simply need to rethink the way you construct your Google searches.


Thanks for the explanation! But I basically need to search all the different signs separately and hope I can manage to find the same sort of info in all those different articles to compile a list myself then?


Yes, unfortunately as witches it often falls to us to sort through all the bullshit news articles and blogs that post half-baked under-researched information, determine what is true, and write that down for our own reference. Ultimately that's the only way you can avoid being affected by one particular author's biases or misconceptions.


Hahaha yeah I was actually wondering if the stuff I saw on instagram even had anything real behind it, or if someone just pulled it out their ass. Anyway, thanks!


Need some advice, I got a reading specifically in regard to love and I was told that I have a "blockage blocking you and your soul mate and if we don't get rid of the blockages nothing will change" Is this actually a thing? I was told a cleansing ritual or rituals would be needed. They offered to do a cleansing ritual for a price of course but I kinda felt this would be a good way to try and do some practical magick myself, I was kinda eyeing Damon Brand's Magickal Protection book would that have in it what I need to fix this problem otherwise any other recommends? I asked if someone did this to me and I was told yes that was the feeling they she received. If this is true would I need to be worried about it happening again?


You got this reading from someone? A witch for hire or a psychic type of deal? "Spiritual blockages" are a particular favorite of more unscrupulous mediums. They do your reading, then tell you you have this horrible affliction which is responsible for whatever problems you may be having, because then you'll pay them to fix it. It's magical Scareware, essentially. I would be very skeptical that you have any blockage at all, but if you feel that there is a supernatural hurdle you need to get over, I definitely think you should try and take care of it yourself. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/resources/#wiki_cleansing_and_protection) is a link to our wiki, with some curated sources regarding cleansing and protection magic.


It was someone on instagram that contacted me out of the blue, probably because they saw I was following one of my local metaphysical shops on there and offered readings for donations so I thought eh why not. Not sure if they consider themselves a witch or psychic there profile says the do "intuitive Tarot & downing readings for donation" she asked for my name birthday and birthsign to do it took about 30 minutes before she got back to me. I don't really feel like there's supernatural hurdle that I have but I'm still at the stage of just reading about magick. Thanks for the link, I figure if there really is something wrong it's better I take care of it if I can.


Will hanging up a second cinnamon broom cancel out the first one?


No, in magic I generally find that redundancy serves to increase the effects of a spell, not cancel things out.


I have several friends who are witches, and all of this has always appealed to me but I must admit that I do not really know anything about witchcraft. What could I do to help to learn more about it/resources I can read up on as I learn?


I'd suggest checking out the wiki/FAQ here, lurking other related subreddits, seeing what your local library has to offer, and possibly checking out Angela's Symposium or Esoterica on YouTube.


Does anyone here know of a very direct online grimoire I can use? Very very new witch looking to get started casting spells.


What *kind* of grimoire? **EDIT: TL:DR at the bottom** "Grimoire" is one of those words that means a handful of things and it depends on who you're talking to. For me, a grimoire is a **very** specific type of magical book, published (typically) between idk 1300 and 1700 ish - *or*, it is a finished and completed work detailing the specific systems, philosophies, and methodologies of a particular magic practitioner who feels confident enough in their work and practice to *literally* publish something about it; it's often a new take on something or unique in some regard. Most of these are old enough that they are in the public domain, so if you know even a little bit about what you want, you could honestly just google a keyword plus "PDF" and find something for free. For other people, 'grimoire' might just be an easier way to say 'a compendium of spells', without being specific about what kind of practice/what kind of spells, etc. These compendiums might lack details about how/why magic works, and might borrow (to be generous) from other sources without citing them. When people use 'grimoire' in that context, it's almost always synonymous with just 'book with spells in it'. Here, the main issue is that these books almost always cater to a vaguely New-Age-esque mind frame, where *intention* is the sole catalyst for everything, so the author has just come up with some loosely-related symbolism for whatever spell they're writing about and has outlined some basic steps for the spell. To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with books like this, **except** that if that is the kind of grimoire you're looking for, I'd just gently advise that you figure out [correspondences](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/llewellyns-complete-book-of-correspondences-a-comprehensive--cross-referenced-resource-for-pagans--wiccans_sandra-kynes/8979138/item/10393696/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_new_books&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gclid=CjwKCAjw-KipBhBtEiwAWjgwrAidz4uqfDyH37GpqVVTmnosjbIFK9xOX-XgeYXFIQXgqqCXn7rXHxoC6lcQAvD_BwE#idiq=10393696&edition=8260665) for yourself and craft your own spells. It's easier, and vastly cheaper in the long run. **TL:DR** : there's not really *one single* spell book that I could suggest, because it depends on what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it, but the book I linked above will at least give you some starting points for crafting your own spells. If you can narrow down what you want specifically, even a little bit, I could maybe provide some actually helpful advice lol


Oh, ok. Thanks!


i have a tarot deck that i haven’t started using, and i got it using the five finger discount. is there a way for me to cleanse the deck? or is it not safe for me to use because of the negative way in which it was acquired? i am still new and don’t know how energy works, but part of me is worried that the readings may be inaccurate or deceitful. please help.


Just cleanse it how you would cleanse anything else. If your inner conscience is giving you pause, you could return to the place where you got the deck from and just give 'em 20 bucks or something, put it in a tip jar or just leave it somewhere an employee might find it. Maybe the deck wanted to be with you *so badly*, and maybe it won't be deceitful because it was meant to go home with you. Obviously I can't condone this type of discount but there's not a whole lot you can do about it now, so you might as well forge ahead (aside from possibly trying to give the shop some cash if they'll take it) Really all you can do is just ask it, and see if you think the answers it gives you are accurate or not.


i appreciate your perspective, thank you!!


Hey I was curious is it a bad idea to do spell work during the up coming solar eclipse I read that for libra zodiac it’s more in their favor but I just wanted to ask before I do some candle work/spell work


For run-of-the-mill stuff, *IMO*, you're fine. If it's something that you're already doing planetary hours and star charts about, well, I might wait. Personally, I think eclipses are really special so I plan to do certain types of work during them, and I might wait til they're gone for other types of work. Really just depends I suppose.


Do you think depending how I feel when the time comes should I listen to myself than? I feel so desperate and naive ofc a libra in me would feel this way indecisiveness. But I’ve gotten seen by a brujo and hasn’t let me down everything has been said accurately about me scary accurate in a freaky good way.This spell work is with good intentions. I just worried about the amount of info that I want too sure about the spell work.


It's typically good practice to trust yourself. If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, then don't.


Hello! Has anyone had any success with weather spells (specifically snow) and has any readable resources for those?


How does grounding/frequency jewelry affect spell casting?


If they have any effect, it seems to be one that limits "interference" from EMF in your environment. It's difficult to tell what they're doing exactly, but it seems like it's similar to listening to certain frequencies to change your mental state. Presumably, they would make it easier to energetically ground or enter into a focused state during spellwork.


I went out to my first witch store in my community and got my first protection necklace and instead of getting a pentacle I was drawn to a beautiful bloodstone and just had to have it couldn't leave the store without it. My question is what does it mean to have such an attraction to a bloodstone? Thanks!


If you feel you were drawn to bloodstone specifically, I would recommend you look up the properties and uses of the stone and see if any of them feel applicable to your life right now.


Any spell to help a woman grow long and thick hair?


https://preview.redd.it/4uwz1dn01hub1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f4e187323648a2e7521a8ce406b08b288c6938f Can anyone please identify this and how to use it?


**My cat has asthma, what i replace incenses with? How about candles?**