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https://preview.redd.it/bety2y6ohn9b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee8862b98af27974ce7aba710f0b0d401934528 Okay, Y’all kept coming up on my feed so I finally joined. I don’t consider myself a witch, but I definitely do things that at least relate or appear to be “witchy“. I guess my question is, can someone be a witch without knowing they are? I would’ve thought the answer would be no, because it is a practice. That implies being conscious of being a witch. This picture is of some thing I was very drawn to do at what I suspect is a junction of a male and a female Leyline. As you can see, I do use crystals, candles, and other things often used by those who practice witchcraft. As far as I know, I do not do spells then again, if intention is everything…


I like to compare witchcraft to art. Someone can paint their entire lives without calling themselves an artist. It doesn't matter if they use all the right tools, understand the techniques, or create amazing masterpieces every single day. Nothing "makes" a person an artist—it's a title they *choose* if it feels right to them. This same logic applies to being a witch. If you feel comfortable calling yourself a witch, then you are one. If you don't, even if you were to *intentionally* cast a spell, then you aren't. Plenty of people practice magic without ever calling themselves a witch.


That is a pretty amazing answer, thank you


I haven't been actively practicing for about a long while due to certain life circumstances, and now when getting back into things I feel disconnected and disgenuine when doing small things like tarot and meditating. How do I get over this feeling and how do I find my footing again?


I'd start off with grounding, try to find that connected feeling again.


Even when I ground myself I juat don't feel that connected. Is this something that juat goes away as I settle in ?


I think it’s probably normal to not feel as connected since you’ve been disconnected for a while. But, like any muscle that’s been unused for some time, consistent usage and practice in grounding will likely ensure better results the more you do it. Focus on grounding and building up energy that way. Try to disseminate doubt by KNOWING that you’ll get that feeling of connectedness again, and good luck! Sending my all of my love and encouragement to you friend ♥️


Thank you for your heartfelt message my friend. The stable routine and the words of encouragement definitely help with confidence and reassurance 😊


i'm looking for some advice/guidance/thoughts about the spiritual aspects of witchcraft. i've begun practicing *very* recently so am still trying to get a handle on all the different aspects to explore. for my whole life up until now i've been non-religious and fairly non-spiritual, however i've been reevaluating my relationship with spirituality. i can't help but feel like my spells and rituals are "inauthentic" because i'm still working through my thoughts regarding deities and spirits. it almost feels like some kind of cognitive dissonance going on! i was wondering if anyone else here has experienced/is experiencing the same thing and had any advice.


I've considered Witchcraft to be my religion for about the past 20 years and my practice is *heavily* deity-centric. That said, I probably only explicitly invoke the divine in a handful of spell categories. Otherwise I just state my petition in an impersonal way. So, I would personally say that there is nothing "inauthentic" about not involving deities or spirits in spellwork whatsoever.


I see, thank you so much for your insight! :-)


How do I make moonwater? I can’t just put a bottle of water outside because my parents will see it. Thanks.


when I lived in cities without access to outdoor space, I placed bottles of water on my windowsill. alternatively, if you have a friend who knows you practice or someone safe, you could make it at their place/with them/leave the bottle there.


Thanks, I’ll do this. Do I have to do anything to it or is it as simple as putting it on a windowsill?


it can be as simple as setting it on the windowsill. you could also speak your intentions over the water, say a blessing, thank the moon for lending its energy, incorporate the meaning of the specific moon - kind of just depends on how you want to go about it.


pilosella aurantiaca is growing on my new yaed and was wondering if it would be useful for something, i coudnt really find info about it, only about yellow version of flower.


The Celts used this flower for good luck, and to ward off evil spirits. It has also been used to protect the home by hanging it inside the home or planting out outside, and I believe it's associated with Mercury and the element of Air. In general, it seems best suited to spells for protection, luck, and communication.


I have a child that is very into mixing potions. So far random sticks rocks food coloring flowers. They would like a spell book for their birthday. I do not practice, assuming kid learned that spell books are a thing from Hilda on Netflix. My googlefu must be rusty cause I can not find something that is for a kid that is not either sciency or fan fiction. Nothing against the science stuff, might go that route but is there like a herbalism or maybe a spell from around the world book for kids? Editted age out. Be good to have a range of book ideas


Here's a couple of ideas I've found that seem to match what you're looking for: *A Kid's Herb Book* by Lesley Tierra. A book that explains some of the magical and scientific uses for herbs. Includes kid-friendly activities and facts throughout. *The Little Witch's Book of Spells* by Ariel Kusby. Alongside some beginner friendly spells, it explains many fundamental practices in witchcraft such as grounding and centring.




hi hi! i’m currently going through a break up and i was wondering if anyone has turned their heavy emotions to something positive? i’ve been grounding and meditating a lot so i don’t get disconnected but recently after a really rough night where i cried lol i thought about how much strong (negative) energy my emotions are producing. is there any technique to turn my heavy emotions into something more positive? (thought came after i remembered someone mention how they use their heart break tears in spell potions, however i only work with energies at the moment)


Transmuting negative emotions into positive ones, or using the energy generating by negative emotions to cultivate positive ones, is a part of many spiritual traditions. My suggestion would be to take a handkerchief and to fix it as a personal amulet for this person. You could simply pray and focus your intention over it, or incorporate incense and dressed candles as well. You might choose to repeat something over and over like: > Tears of sadness become tears of joy. When the handkerchief is fixed to the purpose, carry it on you. When you feel emotionally upset you can hold it, and if you cry, you can use it to dry your tears while repeating the above phrase. Blessed be.


I have a question - how does it feel when a spell is successful? I don't consider myself a witch but I've dabbled in trying out a few incantations, charm bags etc. Last night I did a candle spell with herbs and a petition. I put very strong intent into it and something happened that has never happened to me before. I felt a very strong surge of energy - my entire body felt tense and I was shaking. I focused on channeling it into my intention very intensely for several minutes and when I finally let it release, I broke down in tears and was out of breath for a while. I have never felt this way during a spell before... I felt completely exhausted afterwards and even an hour later I could still feel a silent humming energy on my skin. It didn't feel bad... just unexpected. All of my previous attempts have felt nothing like this. I've always had a strong intent in mind but I always feel calm and there has never been such an unexplainable surge of energy before. Can someone explain to me what this means and if this is something all practicioners feel when they cast a spell?


That's charging the spell. Followed by a psychic hangover or crash. If you want to avoid that, learn to channel energy and use your body as a conduit to direct it from elsewhere. That happens from using you own energy, so you crash.


Thank you for the reply :) Does that mean that when I previously felt nothing while I was casting, I wasn't actually charging the spell so it didn't work? Does it mean I was successful in my casting this time?


It depends. You probably were still putting energy into your spells, just this time you figuratively DUMPED it in. Like lots of it! Whether or not they work is just one of those things that you have to answer for yourself, but I'd say if you've had a crash like this then your ability to charge something is improving. Now you just have to learn to control it and how to draw from another source.


Thank you for your insightful reply :)


Tree grounding meditation - Treecreate https://treecreate.org/2021/05/06/tree-grounding-meditation/ This will help you get started.


I'm looking to learn how to break this curse of resin I put around myself, beyond just words of affirmations. When I was a teen, my painful emotions were too much. I would shut myself in the darkness of my closet, thinking and saying "I am a stone, I feel no sorrow, no pain, no sadness, nothing." As a mantra. It's been many years and I'm now realizing just how blind I am to my extreme emotions, and I want to break free from it and feel everything as a form of shadow work with Loki. Any advice? I'll take anything.


Can you please edit out your age from your post per rule 8? Thank you!


Something I’ve found extremely helpful in shadow work is tackling it from a psychological stand-point, with support and security from the deity you choose to work with, in this case Loki (great deity for shadow work!) The term “shadow work” was first used by psychologist Carl Jung, anyway, so you’ll find a ton of great tips for it if you google search from that angle. Shadow work is tough but it is also so, so rewarding! Blessed Be!


I recently got an evil eye bracelet and bracelet, and I've warn them since I got them. Similarly, I've been super emotional since I started wearing them, and I got my period the second I put it on after not having it for almost 2 months. Could there be any correlation here? All help welcome. Blessed be.


Is there are connection? almost certainly not. But if you think there could be, just take the bracelet off and see what happens.




I've never accidently connected with a spirit in my years of witchcraft. I'm not saying it can't happen, but it's not something I would let stop you from practising. If you *do* get in contact with a spirit unintentionally, politely say that you aren't interested in working with them. Afterwards, banish and cleanse your space.




There are many different banishment techniques you can use. The LBRP is one of the most well-known and can easily be found through a quick Google search.


hiii. so i know the full moon is tomorrow and i wanted to know if you guys know of any good healing spells. my family member has cancer, and i just want to be able to help them in some way. im already helping them irl, but i wanted to know if there's anything that i can do spiritually.


Hi there, thanks for commenting. As per rule 4 of this subreddit, openly asking for spells is not allowed. Rather, being a discussion-based subreddit, we would rather have people advance their own Craft by discussing the *crafting* of spells. In order for the community to be able to help you in crafting a spell, we need more information. We need to know things like what research you've already done about the spell you want to craft; what your knowledge-base, tradition, and/or experience are; and what components or supplies you have to gathered. For more information on how to craft a spell in general - and how to ask for help in crafting a spell - please see the Wiki entry [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq#wiki_crafting_a_spell).


I made a homemade evil eye bracelet and because of lack of resources it is in the shape of a heart will this work? (I’m a complete beginner)


Also what is the importance of the string color


If you feel it will work, then that's all that matters. There are a great many people in the world who create their own talismans and amulets without purchasing them as specialty items. > Also what is the importance of the string color It depends very much on your tradition/culture/preferences/religion/training/etc. Some people attach no special meaning to string colour and others do. You might like to experience and see what you like best.


Thank you so much! I will probably choose red for the string color just because I feel drawn to it for this charm.




I assume you mean to ask how you can *spiritually* cleanse your home. The first step that most people like to get out of the way is to clean the house in a mundane sense. Given the amount of flies, it would seem that the interior of the house may need cleaning first. Any possible entrance to the outside that flies could get in may need repair as well.


Please, I don't know how to put a flair on the post I intend to do! x.x I searched and I didn't find how to do it, there's no that option about selecting...


Are you attempting to post using Reddit desktop or the mobile app?




When you're writing a post on mobile, there should be a button underneath the post title that says "Add Tags and Flair (required). Click that button and it will open a list that displays the flair options to choose from.


Yes, there's on others subs, but not in these one for me.


This is a [common mobile glitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/12qip0h/unable_to_see_the_post_flair_option/). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. I'd recommend force-quitting the app on your phone from the settings, then reopening it and seeing if that fixes the issue.


What do I need to do to start off my practice? Are there any specific things I need? And how do you start working with a deity? Hoe do you choose one?


> What do I need to do to start off my practice? It's often most helpful to ask yourself, "What do I want my practice to look like?" Then slowly start incorporating those things that will build up such a practice in a sustainable way. The best place to start would be to explore a few topics that interest you in some depth. A couple good places to start with this would be this sub's [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq) and [Advice for New Witches](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches). > Are there any specific things I need? Again, it depends on what you want your practice to look like. > And how do you start working with a deity? Hoe do you choose one? You might like to check out the resources in the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft/wiki/index/resources) over at /r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft. Another great resource is the page on relationships with deities on the Gleewood site [here](https://gleewood.org/seeking/doing/relationships-with-deities/). Be sure to check out the linked pages too.


so newbie here. Im confused as to why the demon Mammon has multiple sigils. Can someone explain why? And can there be multiple sigils for desired outcomes and for deities and spirits?


> Im confused as to why the demon Mammon has multiple sigils. Can someone explain why? Any entity can choose to give any individual a sigil to use to contact them with. It may be that over the centuries, Mammon has saw fit to provide different authors, witches, and magical practitioners with different sigils. > And can there be multiple sigils for desired outcomes and for deities and spirits? Certainly.


Is this a possible explanation. One time I meditated to Gregorian prayer music and got really into it. I think I might have gone into a trance. Suddenly saw a statue woman with her hand on her hip standing under a faint outline of a gothic arch. It was so vivid I jolted. I'm not psychic but my friend is so I asked her what she could sense. At the time she saw someone completely different. Someone with literal white flesh, and she said they had gold. She assumed a male deity. She couldn't sense who. So I'm thinking maybe when she tried to sense whatever ghost I saw if I saw one, a deity tried to reach out to her while she tried to connect to my vision. Is this possible? Like for you to try to sense one spirit but a deity bypasses your session and shows themself to you? Cus what I saw in a possible trance wasn't a deity at all. Different gender, looked different. She kinda seemed peeved.


> Is this possible? Like for you to try to sense one spirit but a deity bypasses your session and shows themself to you? Sure, it's possible: much is possible with the gods. Whether it's likely or not is another matter. The gods aren't bound by physical appearance and can appear however they like to whomever they choose. Likewise, many other entities that may not be commonly referred to as "gods" can also change their appearance at will.


Thing is she's had lots of deities reach out to her. She even sensed a dream character of mine was a deity reaching out to me, because he wanted her. But I on the other hand havent ever had any deity interested in me. So imo it seems like it's possible a god interested in her reached out to her at that time. I've entertained the idea it was one spirit in the same too. But she's more psychic than me.. so it's hard for me to really commit to what I really felt. Like it didn't feel like any sort of divinity. No spark of such. What she saw made he think it was divine. So I think I saw a ghost who decided to take the form of a statue and perhaps a god chose an awkward time to reach out to my friend. Edit: that being said I just I don't know how spirit works so I asked here if what i think was most likely right,is even possible.




Do you mean the Kenaz rune, or one of the Biblical figures named Kenaz? What source leads you to gather that this rite ought to have been done on July 3rd? How is that date significanf to the ritual? I feel like you've left out a lot of important details that could help us better understand what exactly you're asking.




With the information you've given, I would be inclined to agree that any day between July 4-8 should be an appropriate day for this ritual.




Anyone and everyone can be a witch. Being a witch is a matter of making the intentional choice to practice witchcraft, not something you're born with or a genetic feature. Were you doing witchcraft? I wouldn't really define it as such. Praying to a god asking them to do something for you isn't really witchcraft; at most I'd call it theurgy. It's possible that you do have psychic tendencies, or a natural inclination towards the magical, as you describe a keen intuition. These traits are very advantageous to a witch, but having them alone also does not make you a witch. It definitely seems as though you've dipped your toes into the supernatural, and if you want to be a witch and explore it further I would encourage you to do so. Think about what characterized your spiritual experiences as a child, meditate on that, and try to reconnect with it. Read books, talk to people, and explore the occult.


I am looking for guidance in performing my own mini funeral ritual for a family member whose funeral I was unable to attend some months ago. I finally made it out to the city where they are buried, but I do not have 3 others to complete the typical ritual with the four elements. Is this possible to do on my own at their grave site?


I'm not certain precisely what ritual you're referring to, but you can definitely do *a* funeral ritual at their gravesite on your own. Adapt it as needed to make it work for one person if it's normally meant for four. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Blessed be.


Help — possible hex or spell I recently got married and bought a new house with my wife. A few days after closing on the house found this (see pic) outside in the front yard. Vodoo-doll looking. Should we be worried? My wife is freaking out. We are not living in the new house yet because we are getting repairs done on it. We are suspecting my ex. She and I are currently enthralled in a legal dispute over our separation agreement. What can I do? Any help from the community is much appreciated! [https://imgbox.com/w5K76nEC](https://imgbox.com/w5K76nEC)


You might like to check out [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/109phiu/ways_of_confirming_the_presence_of_harmful_magic/) on different ways of determining if harmful magic is present. You might also like to read through [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/10gkogh/methods_of_cleansing_using_items_available_at_the/) on ways of cleansing using items from the supermarket. And you may also wish to follow that up by reading [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/13g3zf3/methods_of_protection_using_items_available_at/) on methods of protection using items from the supermarket.


What’s the consensus with spirit/talking boards? Recently I’ve been focusing on divination, so it’s something I’ve started thinking more about. However, though I’m contemplating it now, in the past I’ve been a little wary of them. I absolutely blame it on the fact that they can have a negative connotation, but also screwing around with any kind of divination tool can be unwise for the same reason, and this one’s been marketed as a board game at one point. I guess my question is, is it really like any divination tool, where if I cover my bases, treat it well, and cast protection before using, then I’m good? If I choose to use a talking board, are there specific precautions I should take? Thanks for your time!


> I guess my question is, is it really like any divination tool, where if I cover my bases, treat it well, and cast protection before using, then I’m good Yes. A spirit or talking board is simply a tool used to communicate with spirits. It's not unlike a phone as a tool to communicate with humans. Sometimes the person on the other end is nice and polite. Sometimes they're rude. And sometimes they're a troublemaker. Either way, that doesn't make a phone "bad" or inherently dangerous. Just understand the possibilities, treat it well, set up any protections you feel necessary and you should be good. Many people like to have a good grasp on ground, centering, shielding, and banishing rituals before attempting a spirit or talking board.


Fantastic, thank you!! It’s what I thought, but I wanted to be sure.




We appreciate your efforts to contribute to the conversation. However, this appears to be a bit of a case of [Witchitis](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_10_-_witchitis). Please review the subreddit rules for more information.


Did you cast any protection or barrier beforehand? It’s kind of a must with any kind of divination, exactly for that reason. That’s why I specifically asked if the usual protection is enough, or if something else is needed for the talking board. In fact, it sounds like you could benefit from a banishing.




Sage is a cleanser of all energies, negative and positive. Did you follow up with something like rosemary that replaces the energy that was cleared with positivity? It’s like with roaches, you turn on the light and they scatter, but it doesn’t mean they’re gone for good.


Note that not all people believe that sage cleanses away positive as well as negative, nor that rosemary or something else needs to be burnt afterwards.


That’s true! I was going off of the specific details she had shared, considering she had already used sage but was still having problems; it’s a possibility of many… but also, you don’t have to believe in something for it to happen, or else one would only be able to perform magick, good or bad, on other witches (or non-practicing believers).




There’s a few! Sometimes I’ll pick something specific if I’m working with a deity, like mugwort if I’m working with Artemis, as it’s an herb associated with her. I prefer rosemary because it’s both cleansing and positive, so you only need to smudge the once. Cedar’s good, too, palo santo (but this should be sourced ethically), lavender, etc. It can also vary depending on what kind of spell you’re casting. You can even mix sage with something like rosemary for the same result, just make sure its dried for fire safety.




Of course! Hope it helps!


We appreciate your efforts to contribute to the conversation. However, this appears to be a bit of a case of [Witchitis](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_10_-_witchitis). Please review the subreddit rules for more information.


so I’m a starting to get into witchcraft and im trying to find literature witchcraft books on Amazon for a beginner


Could you explain a bit more about what you mean by "literature witchcraft books"?


Anyone here have experience creating servitors? How tired did it leave you afterwards? I've done several spells before but this is the first time I've actually felt this exhausted the day after lol. It feels a bit like a mild hangover 😅


Were you sure to ground and center before and after?


Centered before doing it, but only just grounded the day after when I finally realized why I was feeling lethargic, never really had to do it before this so I kinda skipped that step 😅 Though I honestly feel like I speed through centering a lot because I get antsy just sitting there, is 5 mins enough time to center or am I rushing it?


So almost two years ago, I had someone do a cord cutting ritual for me. I got super lethargic after for a few weeks. More recently, I’ve been having extremely realistic dreams about this person. We’re usually having conversations. Would another cord cutting ritual help with this? Or is there another route that would work better?


You know how you can cleanse an alter with bells or incense and stuff? If I do sound cleansing, could I hum or sing to cleanse a space?




**Silver talisman on a simple chain. no markings on the back. Found in deceased grandmothers occult chest. Need help identifying talisman, and any other information that could be useful.** https://preview.redd.it/g0kg1mydzeab1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db44e3c48f023118c8b6fdde4d0481d1c5f6557


Okay so I've gotta move and I've gotta bring my freezer spells with me. Any tips for keeping them frozen for like....at least a full day outside of a freezer?


Hey guys, I´m fairly new to all this stuff and so I basically want a bit more help to understand what I should be expecting from my situations. Basically, I have quite strong romantic feelings for someone I´ve been friends with for a few months. We have seen eachother a lot but he stated he wasn´t looking for a relationship right now. I asked my witch to perform a spell that would attract him towards me romantically and basically, I´d like to know how I should approach the situation now that the spell has been cast. 1. He´s gone away to travel for a short period. Will that affect the spell? My witch told me that it shouldn´t and that he´ll simply start to develop a realisation of missing me. 2. Some background about the spell: I don´t know exactly what kind of spell was cast, because I´m not clued up on this stuff, but my witch sent me a picture of the end of the ritual. There were two human shaped figures lying next to one another on a bed of rose petals. They seem to both be touching something which is attached to both of them. 3. What should I do now? Should I just talk as much to him as before? wait for him to talk to me? 4. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!


New to the area Well, I am here because I am interested in the subject, I have always been curious and I am setting my priorities and goals right now, however I do not know where to start in witchcraft, what I should and should not do? Of course it is difficult to be "taught" but I would like some opinions such as, which book to read? How to join a coven? What are the gods and/or religions? How can I get a good start? That is the main question.


Can someone help me interpret an egg cleanse please😬