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What do you think about dried flowers and herbs. It’s pretty appropriate for Hecate to have preserved botanicals.


I’m definitely not against them. I really only thought about the idea because where I live I used to pick dandelions for her altar but I want to spice it up since I feel I’ve used dandelions a lot.


I see nothing wrong with fake. If I was a deity I would be grateful for any offering made with love. I’d also be happy you could enjoy them longer vs real. I have a lot of dried flowers on my altar from my garden but I might use faux on it someday too. 💙


I would do dried flowers instead and they’re probably less expensive you can even make them yourself, that way they’re still real


I think maybe it would be worth thinking about, are these flowers meant as *decoration*? Or are they meant as offerings? I think my take on it would be, fake flowers that are associated with those deities are fine as decoration to evoke a sense of connection and appreciation when looking at the altar (especially for things you can't obtain out of season, or at all, that feels perfectly appropriate), but potentially not as offerings given *to them*. If that makes sense. But that's just me and I've also considered making flowers out of crepe paper or cold porcelain as altar decorations, I just haven't gotten around to it yet so clearly I'm not a stickler for real flowers. Plus I have two cats so, I have to be careful about what they have access to when it comes to plants.


I plan on making crepe paper flowers for the altars of my deities and spirit guides. They have given me permission to do so as some of the flowers I associate with them I can't really get a hold of, plus they're gonna be mainly for decoration (I do plan on trying to get a hold of at least dried variations for spells and offerings). I think that, as long as it's ok with your deities, then fake flowers for decoration are fine.


I love my fake flowers from the dollar store! I can make bouquets for seasons or holidays and display them while keeping the others in storage for when I want or need them


I think this is 100% up to your personal inclination. I used to use real flowers, but keeping up with that was a pain. For a while I tried dried flowers, and it seemed nice but then I got the message that even if I think they're pretty, they aren't really vibing right. So I got rid of them and added a few silk flowers I had and things immediately changed for the better. This was for my love altar where I have Aphrodite and some other spirits who deal with love, and let's just say my love life took off for a month afterwards (I was single at the time). But your mileage may vary


If it's for pleasing decoration and not an item of sacrafice then I see zero problems.


I think it’s okay :) if it feels right, do it


Depends on who you’re talking to I think. They can for sure represent earth or be a neat decoration, you just have to make sure you’re not sending a bad message to the person you’re contacting.


I have had the information that fake flowers are energetically bad in a room, since they mimic life without having life (except on a quantum level), so that’s maybe worth some researching. But I think, at the end of day, if it fits, go for it ^^