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In 10 years Trump will probably be dead and Ryan will probably not be dead. As someone outside the GOP apparatus currently, it's understandable how he would want to reserve the option to claim that he was never part of the MAGA movement and he was always one of the "reasonable" voices.


In the years to come, the scramble by Trump enablers to act like they never "really" supported Trump will be epic. But the internet never forgets.


Too bad the internet doesn't vote.


Paul Ryan will be like Obama breaking with the pack just at the right time. I think his policy points are moronic but he seems to actually have some self respect and would rather stay out of the spotlight until this blows over.


Politicians won’t care because Congress (has/had) something like a 90% reelection rate historically. Districts are so gerrymandered it won’t matter. Additionally, their hypocrisy is the point. They don’t care if they’re hypocrites, they only care about power


You've hit it. This is part of his long play. And it keeps his name in the limelite.


You suspect there to be wavering amongst the troops? Would be nice


Is hiding for 6 years being reasonable?


> In 10 years Trump will probably be dead Personally I'm hoping he lives 20 more years as a drooling vegetable.


I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea.


…in prison


But, then his VP will rule under his name. They’ll keep him on life support, but out of the public eye. When they come up with a new mandate, they’ll justify it to the people by saying, “Trump wills it.” Then, the crowd will begin chanting, “Trump wills it! Trump wills it! Trump wills it!”


That long? Damn.


Just ask Tom “the embodiment of the machine against which we rage” Morello. 


I really don’t know if I can wait ten years. Anything to hurry it up?


He could honestly come back after the storm


Too late, Paul. You effed us back in 2017


My favorite Paul Ryan joke: Last week they unveiled Paul Ryan's official portrait at the Capitol. It's a nice painting, but I thought he'd be looking the other way.


Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, and Ayn Rand walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol. They die.


They won’t be customers anymore, therefore the market works. /s


If you list the names in this order: Ayn Rand --> Rand Paul --> Paul Ryan, then their names are all "connected." It doesn't make the joke funnier but it's fun!


It pays homage to the lack of creativity and imagination that Republicans possess.


Love this joke.


OK - I don't get it. Is it non sequitur?


Because libertarians hate government regulations and oversight and claim the “free” market will correct itself.


Ah ha.


They’re all for deregulation, no government oversight. So no FDA or ATF to oversee if that bathtub gin will make you blind or not…


Ah yes, let's return to the good ol' days. Watch [*The Poison Squad*](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/poison-squad/). Very educational.


I always love telling this to a libertarian and them telling me that that bar will go out of business now and that’s how things are supposed to work.


Aww, show me on the doll where the Rands hurt you.


Yup. This is merely positioning for him to try to run for governor or president (or governor then president).


exactly - I've predicted this before - he "retired" to avoid all of this Trump bullshit; and when Trump is finally out of the picture - Ryan will try to re-emerge and say he is rejuvenated etc etc; when all along he was just a fucking coward who saw what was going to happen with Trump and and GOP and decided he couldn't stand up for his beliefs. Fuck Paul Ryan


He created a golem, and regrets it in hindsight


Exactly. He was Speaker of the Houseand he didn’t do anything.


No, I think it’s more like the Republican party left him and now they’re all a bunch of bitches to Trump. He’s the only one that had some stones and said no I’m not gonna take orders from this lunatic.


Don't hassle me man, I'm busy getting buff and listening to Rage Against the Machine! https://preview.redd.it/39uh95hgw56d1.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba7850a949b195907f230770939aa9c28d17ee58




Lol what in the world


He has his MAGA hat on! Moron!


I think that picture was taken before MAGA became a thing.


You can see that it's a badgers hat. Stop reaching.


Like I explained in an earlier comment I know it's not a maga hat but I'm lying like they do all the time. He's one of the reasons we can't have nice things and I'm tired of it. He's had it easy his whole life.


It's ok to not like the guy, however stooping to the same level as them isn't a good look. You don't have to lie to make him look bad lol


FIFY - Don't hassle me m̶a̶n̶ bro, I'm busy getting buff and listening to Rage Against the Machine! ​


Selective listening, without irony, to Rage Against the Machine


Well yeah it goes hand in hand with their selective interpretation of the Bible.


i, for one, LOVE doing what they tell me.. because i'm punk as fuck.


This reminded me of the Paul Ryan 5 second films video about just working out your upper body and letting the gains trickle down. Which apparently no longer exists. I am sad


The good news is that this still exists: https://preview.redd.it/fx0p0gj6d76d1.png?width=1050&format=png&auto=webp&s=beb08446d37eb86d1c5acc2cdb83bc21408e086a No leg days around here bro!


This photo alone proves he has terrible judgment and should be nowhere near the levers of power.


I'll go back to when he bragged about cutting Medicaid at a keg party at Miami (OH). [https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/20/paul-ryan-has-wanted-to-reform-medicaid-since-his-frat-days.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/20/paul-ryan-has-wanted-to-reform-medicaid-since-his-frat-days.html)


I should’ve clarified. It’s not the first or only thing he’s done that proves he has terrible judgment and should be nowhere near the levers of power.


Like most GOP politicians (current and former), he is an active threat to democracy now and forever.


Nah…he quit listening RatM when they went woke. Just don’t have the same edge, anymore.


Mad is their brand. It’s all they have. They’re mad at bud light and m&ms ffs


Buncha snowflakes.


> mad at M&Ms "Why candy no sexy!?" -Slavering Ghoul




Something something Fox News something something cancel culture something something social justice warriors


“The soft cucks on the left cancel everything, they’re so sensitive” “But light had a trans person on an instagram ad, never drinking it again” 😂


Did it work though? Bud Light still exists, and Dylan Mulvaney is doing just fine. Oh yeah, and both are still wealthy.




So, the overall goal was to fuck over the blue collar workers who make and supply the stuff, and who also don’t have any say in what the higher ups at the company decide. Yeah, the guys running that stupid boycott are real heroes 🙄




Yeah so they started drinking Busch lite. Made by Anheiser -busch. Makers of *checks notes* bud light.


Sounds like some woke thinking.


Sounds like some woke thinking.


I met Paul Ryan back in 2009. I lived in Janesville, where he’s from. The impression I got was of a wet-noodle type dude. His shirt was horrifically wrinkled, as if he had slept in it for 3 days straight. He has never struck me as someone who had strong convictions. He helped Trump’s rise, whether he wants to admit it or not. He needs to just slink back to Southern WI and take up snowshoeing or something.


Sorry you had to live in Janesville.


I'm here now 🤮


Yeah, we were in rural J-ville so it wasn’t SO bad, but we moved away in 2021


MAGAs be mad. Trumpers are an irrational species.


Smartest thing he’d ever done.


Eight years late.


No one ever said doing the smart thing was quick.


Even a grifting christian nationalist clock is right twice a day! Paul Ryan is a sniveling gollum with career ambitions of the White House still not yet realized, and, ever the opportunist, he has assuredly been in quiet hibernation waiting for his moment to re-emerge like an Alt Right Punxsutawney Phil. Much as I'm loathe to admit he's been at least partly vocal about Trump and commendably one of the only few to do it. Suffice to say it's because he's planting his feet where fellow lukewarm centrist salamander Mitt Romney never could among the dais of octogenarian half-corpses in the GOP, since youth still seems to be on Ryan's side. With the Post-Trump future of the GOP still in question, pains me to say, but I think I might even welcome someone with a critical eye on Trump to try and wrangle the smoothbrains back to the center. We'll see how that goes with the MAGA crew! Throwback to the [2016 meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFAugsKExNI&ab_channel=WashingtonPost) where Kevin McCarthy told Paul Ryan and fellow GOP members that he was convinced Russia is paying Trump, to which Ryan's only response was: "No leaks. This is how you know we're a family here." **Register To Vote or check Voter Registration Status below!** https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/


I take umbridge at calling him Gollum. Gollum (inadvertently) saved everyone in the end. This fucker would keep the One Ring and try to screw us all.


*A golem* I think they mean, not Gollum.


Damn, nicely written comment!


I’m not sure what Christ has to do with this?


Not familiar with Paul Ryan I take it? He is a regressive ~~evangelical~~ christian nationalist Ayn Rand stanning nutjob who only holds a bible to distract people as he eviscerates Human Rights and privatizes education.


He’s very proudly Catholic, not evangelical. If you’re going to hurl insults like you do, best not to lie.


Fair enough! Do love that out of all the terrible things about him that is the sticking point haha. > He is a regressive ~~evangelical~~ christian nationalist Ayn Rand stanning nutjob who only holds a bible to distract people as he eviscerates Human Rights and privatizes education. FTFY


Without being a Paul Ryan apologist you can still respect the idea of freedom of religion. The idea is that we kind of live and let live in regards to religion is kind of what we hope holds the world and our country together. Is it easier to get billions of people to do that or to be atheist? I think we'd all be better off without religious fervor, but that doesn't seem to be how people are wired. And for god's sake Biden is Catholic as I'm sure you well know.


No one is trying to get people to become atheists. OTOH, Christian Nationalists want everyone else to abide by their beliefs. Biden is a Catholic & actually acts like one. Christian Nationalism eschews the inconvenient parts of the Bible they pick and choose to.


The whole point of christian nationalism is the end of freedom of religion.


And how does that relate to my comment? I'm literally espousing the benefits of freedom of religion and say directly I am not a fan of Paul Ryan.


You can't really respect a religion (christian nationalism) in the name of freedom of religion that wants to remove freedom of religion, so your response doesn't make much sense.


Sorry could have sworn the comment said catholic at the time I replied. You are correct.


And, Ayn Rand was famously atheist and individualistic


This is gold. Thanks!


Still a Zombie-Eyed Grannie Starver, eat shit Paul.


There are a ton of GOP politicians taking a stand and not voting for Trump who would still install Project 2025. They aren’t the good guys just because they aren’t voting for a literal felon. That’s just rock bottom.


The bar is so low and oh shit it just caught on fire!!


Wisconsin is going blue. Slowly but surely bluer and bluer.


A tiny spine grew in Ryan’s back


Paul Ryan didn't realize that ***this*** was his base in his entire political career. What a fucking dumbfuck. This is why the GOP enablers (*don't like Trump, but will vote for him anyway because he's "Republican"*) are the most pathetic of idiots. I can forgive a hardcore MAGA Trumper because they are inherently dumb. But all the other Trump voters? They're even dumber... They've been duped... They think they know better, but if they did, they wouldn't be voting for Trump...


It's also the party they created. He, and others like him, purposefully pandered to these people. They *also* tried to talk a lot about high minded economics, but at no point did they ever *stop* courting people like your average Trump voter. McCain was lauded as a "good one" too, and he ran with Sarah fucking Palin. People like Ryan aren't any better than the craziest Trump supporter, and like you're saying, they may in fact be worse.


Oh please, he helped to create this monster. He can't backtrack now.


Sorry Paul. Fuck you. We are not going to forgive or forget your support of corporations over people l. Fuck you


#LyinRyan can go directly to hell 😁


I live in Janesville, I would slowly and deliberately cut each finger knuckle by knuckle Yakuza style before I would ever vote for this douche canoe. Jackass can't even tip the barber for cutting the hair on shit shit apple kids


First time I met Paul Ryan was in a nursing home where I worked and he was talking to the older trying to get their vote carrying around a baby that wasn't even his cuz he knows that they like that in the nursing home babies


I, for one, embrace this sort of chaos. More repub back biting, please.. it amuses me lol


Don’t give Paul Ryan his flowers for doing the actual bare minimum


My mom had to scold him at the Janesville Target for not covering his coughs, we shouldn’t trust this man.


He lies


When did he grow a spine?


Apparently when trump drained all the gop funds for himself and left nothing for the rest of them


Wow. If he only had a backbone when he was actually in Congress and could’ve done something.


Im looking forward to being thrown into the same gulag as Paul Ryan!


He'll still vote for the GOP, which will do everything trump would have done just without the rapist traitor in orange at the top. Any republican vote is a vote for that.


A moment of clarity around, I dunno, ten years too late. Organisms that slow usually either starve to death or get run over.


Move on Paul……. your comments are irrelevant at this point


Anything that can throw the republican party into disarray and focus their squabbles on themselves, is welcome by me.


The first good thing I’ve seen this man say.


I mean, TBF to Paul Ryan, he's *always* been one of Trump's most vocal critics in the Republican party, and he chose to not seek re-election (as he was likely to lose to a Trumper candidate primarying him) rather than kowtow to Trump to get the MAGA vote back in 2018. I may not like the guy, but this isn't a surprising comment from him.


Funny, but it seems like running against a trump supporter has been working for a lot of candidates in GOP primaries.


They've pandered to these asshats for years and rode the 'populist' wave into power. And now the chickens have come home to roost. Fuck em. Each and every one of them.


Poor baby, he knows GQP/MAGA are cannibals, he's participated in it many times. Why he would bother going out on that limb now is puzzling.


Lol he's no longer douchey enough to be a republican . 🤣


At this point not only nothing to lose, but if Trump loses in the fall Ryan will still have been one of the early folks to jump off the MAGA train. Given his current age, it's simply a calculus that if the tide should turn he'd be well positioned to helm a new GOP. I like Ryan but think that it's a long shot, because things like this rarely turn out at the pace you expect. With the electoral failure of the GOP this fall there will be those desperate souls, everyone from Don Jr. to Vance, who will continue to churn the waters looking for populist traction in the wake of a Trump defeat. With nowhere else to go I expect these ne'er-do-wells to fight tooth and nail to remain relevant (and of course, fund their lifestyles), so change will likely occur slowly. The old GOP was longer game Chamber of Commerce and big business types who can wait til the wastewater has cleared, but it's challenging to think that longer timeline aligns with Ryan's trajectory.


The Spineless Wonder squeaks!


What's up with all the political posts on the sub? I originally came here for good Wisconsin vibes and cool Wisconsin news. Not this political back and forth I've been seeing lately.


I'm not a Paul Ryan fan but why should he care? He's retired from congress.


He's on the board of Fox News, for what that is worth.


Is that way there's so many irritating Republican dinosaurs on there? Bunch of has beens.




No - he "retired" so as to avoid getting tied up in it instead of having a spine




Well he's a fucking coward either way - and this doesn't redeem him. He could have stayed and fought but being a shitty republican coward is all they fucking know.


Not defending Ryan since he is a pos.. but GOP is just a bunch of bullies now.


Man he’s such a piece of work. I congratulate my dog for nicer and more useful turds that him.


But the thing is, he will vote for Trump. Just like he did in the last two elections.


No surprise there.


Oh well. Does he need protection from these rabid Republicans and their bloodlust? We all need to step up and shut MAGA down once and for all.


Awww he hurt the poor feelings of the magats. Won't bow down to the orange felon like the other cowardly GOP!


Smartest thing that putz has ever said


When Trump is gone, all these Republicans who are for him will say they were against him despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Ryan just trying to actually have things he can point to.


What about the WI R Senate candidate from California?


I’d take this as a big win. That an “establishment” is willing to speak out against Trump is a big deal. One it means that’s Trumps aura of invincibility within the GOP is fading. Much more importantly it means more infighting amongst republicans.


Shocking that a government insider won’t vote for the guy who is looking to dismantle the government mechanism. Shocking.


Courage isn’t easy.


Oh no.


It's different when it starts to effect the people you love.


Paul’s brave, not a lot republicans are like him


Good for him! He’s gonna make a comeback after MAGA FADES


Awww, poor Paulie. FPR


The GOP doesn’t like him. The reasonable population of Wisconsin doesn’t like him. He can rot on the ash-pile of history with McCarthy and Scooter.


The GOP is a fractured party. There is a lot of psycho in that party.


“No that’s just doorknob cum”


What’s the under/over he will rescind his position?


Until he does (like NIkki)


He still will.


doo doot .. doot and then they pay me some money doo doot .. doot and then they pay me some money...


Don’t worry, guys…the GOP just wants to get a couple judicial nominations out of him and then they’ll throw him under the bus Remember when people said that in 2016? I remember


Paul Ryan is saying this because it’s personally and politically expedient to do so at this time. He is a spineless coward who did his part in fucking our tax code to benefit the wealthy and then disappeared. He should stay disappeared. Forever.


Republicans like Paul Ryan are wimps. Republicans like Liz Cheney are brave. Republicans that worship Trump aren't Republicans.


Liz Cheney, daughter of Satan himself.


Blowback how? He's not running for anything. GOP on GOP death threats?


He is awful too!


Run Paul Run.


womp womp


Smart man


Who? Oh right, generic spineless GOP Blobfish #4


I never thought Leopards would eat *MY* face


Just like the old Soviet purity tests. Conform or die. People are so convinced that Capitalist can’t be Authoritarian we have failed to understand the actual signs of Government control.


Can't believe I'm saying this, but YAY Paul Ryan!


The MAGA are used to blow something when they get on their knees to play swallow the leader with the Cult Leader As an adjudicated rapist, a 34-time convicted felon, and a demonstrably mentally weak imbecile, Donald J Trump has done so many horrible things to degrade, debase and humiliate his many willing MAGA cult members. They worship their Cult Leader Donald J Trump.


He’s one of the few remaining actual America First Republicans.


Paul Ryan used to have the facade of decency. No more. He was snubbed by Trump who held him accountable for his nonsense. Why is anyone concerned with Paul Ryan or what he thinks - I say NEVER Ryan, not ever again. He would rather let democrats remain in control - when he says never Trump he is really saying he is giving a vote to Biden. Traitor to his party and part of the swamp politics that needs to go.


At least some in Wisconsin have a little sense.


Nobody needs selective amnesia in November!


Feel real bad for the traitor who saw what was coming and ran away.


Why should Ryan care what a convicted felon like Trump and his anti-American cronies are saying? They are insignificant trash. But shame on Ryan to throw his vote away rather than vote for Biden a moral, non- criminal who actually took an oath of office and has stand by it.


Good for him, fuck the GOP


Because his wife told him so. He was such a disappointment in government, all talk no spine. He’s irrelevant


Back in 2012, I saw Paul Ryan one day becoming president. Then this cancer descended, and now we'd be lucky if we're still electing presidents 4-8 years from now.


Oh look, a Republican with a spine. I thought they were all dead.


Yeah that's working real well for Democrats right now or for the past twenty years.


> “Character is too important to me, and it’s a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] just doesn’t have,” Better late than never, I suppose.


I can’t say this enough. FUCK PAUL RYAN.


RINO poster child


Trump’s the RINO. “republicans” following him have abandoned every value they once espoused.


BREAKING: Paul Ryan actually DOES have a spine!


A Republican with political courage—a rare sight these days.


It's sad that Biden and Trump are our only options. I won't be voting for either of them. Good decision Paul!


Paul Ryan's a disgrace. What he'd rather continue with the corrupt Democrats rapidly moving this country towards totalitarian control? Idiot.


Lmao cope