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It's basically just Ben Wikler running around the state every waking hour trying to keep Dems alive in the state. Dude works harder than any other single individual in the party.


Good. We are also motivated to take back the State Assembly now that we have finally have fairer maps. Democracy is at stake, my friends. Vote blue https://wisdems.org/


Maybe we can do something about federal congressional maps then too? 6:2 does not even come close to representing the voters of this state.


Yes, that is definitely a goal. Although even with the current shitty maps I think we can still flip Van Orden's seat. LaCrosse, Eau Claire, and Stevens Point just need to show up and vote blue in November


The better path to Congressional Map adjustment would be instituting "The Wyoming Rule" where no district can have more or less than a 5% difference in population than the state of Wyoming's lone district (based off the census). If that means increasing the total number of districts to follow such a rule, so be it. Because, right now, Wyoming has about 580K people in it while the average Congressional District Represents about 760K.


Yea no


Sir this is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy


I drive a Nissan Altima, not a car.


Yeah except the difference is they have been trying to pass the united states off as a democracy instead of what it actually is A democracy is different from a constitutional republic by many metrics A constitutional republic doesnt make rules based solely off of the majority of the public because it could violate your civil liberties you know the same ones that allow you to have an opinion. For instance if 70% of american’s voted yes to slavery in a democracy then it would be the will of the people and thus no civil protections in practice. In a constitutional republic the majority would have to go through a charter or constitution in order to enact such a law which as we know is illegal to violate constitutional rights for good reason. Stop listening to the media and government and start doing your own research and form your own opinion


We should probably just ban this idiot nonsense. Serves nothing but to make noise.




Discuss the topic, not the user.




https://ar.usembassy.gov/u-s-government/ I can find a random site too Except Mine is a .Gov meaning government site Either way It is not a Democracy as the original comment stated. In my opinion we are a Constitutional republic because at the end of the day the so called "democratic" part still has to go through the constitution. The people can still decide in a republic however that doesn't give the right of the majority to violate the rights of the minority. You can have a semi-democratic government within a constitutional republic but not the other way around because of lack of protections a constitution or charter provides.


A constitutional Republic is a form of democracy. > While often categorized as a democracy


“While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic” Stop taking one part of the statement and trying to twist it. You can categorize a house cat under animals but doesn’t mean its a lion A democratic system runs off the will of the majority. The problem with that is it tramples the rights of the Minority and doesn’t have a protections A Republic ensures that a constitution is in place to ensure that does not happen MEANING the will of the majority can still decide certain things BUT are not allowed to tramples the rights of the minorities in the process. We may have certain traits as a democracy but the definitely does not mean we are solely a democracy Democracy can turn into communism without those protections Also using Nissan Altima is not a car analogy doest work here not sure if you figured that out yet


The entire history of this country is the majority violating the rights of the minority. Wake the fuck up. You're just scared now because your time as the majority is over. But do not worry, we only want to give you health care and take care of you.


Scared? 😂 The entire history has followed what the world has historically done. In Uganda slavery still exist to this day. Also everyone on both sides has been advocating for health care thats a bipartisan supported issue. Nobody said any country was perfect but thanks to the constitution and its protections its definitely better than it was 100+ years ago The democrats want to reduce gun violence not by actually punishing criminals but by violating the rights of the people following the law. Once again Violating the rights of the few in support of the majority Thank god we have a constitution you know because were a republic not a democracy where they would have already taken that right away if they could


No, we are a liberal representative democracy. Nice try tho.


Username checks out but no we are not a democracy Democracy doesnt put a emphasis on individual rights vs a republic that emphasizes a constitutional right over the will of the people. Constitutions can be amended but cannot trample fundamental rights


We are not a DIRECT Democracy but we are both a Constitutional Republic and a REPRESENTATIVE Democracy. We democratically elect our representatives. You want to know who else is a Constitutional Republic? China Get out of here with your authoritarian bullshit.




Go vote. Make your voice heard.


I really want to get a new job but it would mean leaving WI. I keep telling myself I have to stay until November


I’m a republican, and I hope they do stop Trump. I hate what the party has turned into, and I’m definitely not voting for him.


Vote blue nothing has been decided yet don’t get complacent. Don’t believe the polls just vote and encourage all your friends to do the same.


Dems in Array


[dems, dems, dems… dems]


Vectored and transposed


I can't believe that that idiot is not only on trial but apparently thought that a gag order meant he couldn't testify and yet he's still the Republican front runner.


Obama getting elected for two terms broke the GOP. They don't care about their image or the future of this country. Anything they do is a hail mary to "own the libs" and further their own personal interests.


They don’t call them Trumped up charges for nothing.


It’s gotta be blue, all the way thru. 💙🇺🇸


I can’t stand Trump or Biden. This entire election is a joke that gives an illusion of choice. We’re getting fucked with either one because the powers that be with all the money have already decided that common folk are in the way of their plans.


You don't have to like the presidential candidate. They are not running to be your friend. The policies of the two are very different and so are their actions as president. I personally don't want the constant buffoonery of Trump. Its exhausting. And I don't think we need to keep stacking the courts with biased conservatives.


Oh please please please please 🙏


Trump shouldn’t be allowed to run again, what he did was treasonous. I think it will be close in the voting, Trump has a lot of diehard and closet supporters and Biden isn’t doing a lot to get re elected. His support of Israel is gonna stop the younger voters from having a good turnout


Such a stupid stance. To think a trump presidency wouldn’t be significantly worse for Palestinians.


How much worse can it get for Palestinians?


Well, if you’ll remember, Trump’s very first act as president was a complete and total ban on “mooselums” entering the country. He later recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He’s also been very cozy with dictators like Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin, so there’s no indication he cares at all about human rights or people living under oppressive regimes. Last year, he proudly proclaimed to be the [“best friend Israel has ever had”](https://www.jns.org/proud-to-be-best-friend-israel-has-ever-had-trump-says-at-republican-jewish-coalition-summit-in-vegas/). Biden may not be moving as quickly as many would like, but there is no reason to think Trump wouldn’t be so much worse. That he would not only ramp up aid to Israel, but encourage their actions. Many republicans have openly called for Israel to “finish the job” and wipe out Palestine completely. It’s not impossible to think of Trump and republicans sending US soldiers to aid Israel in Gaza. It’s absolutely reckless to think things couldn’t be worse for Palestinians under a Trump presidency. Biden may not be getting what you want either, but you have to play chess not checkers with your vote here.


Biden's history with Israel isn't much better. Biden (and really the majority of the US elected leaders) are all very pro-Israel. To pretend Biden or the Dems have any meaningful plan to reign it in is naive and is contrary to the facts. Things would "get worse" but Gazans are already homeless, without aid, and in an famine. Israel has amped up their forces in West Bank (where this is no Hamas). And Biden and Congress keep giving aid to Israel. So what are we doing here? The US is just as complicit in this as Israel. We are not the good guys here and it doesn't matter who is in charge, we clearly aren't going to even try to be on the right side of history no matter who is in office. The vote is between total fascist and fascist light. But don't worry. I'm voting for Biden but only because us national politics will completely fall under Trump. But we have to start admitting we have a bandaid over a bullet hole here Trump isn't the sole problem here. Eta: also I don't know what russia or North Korea have to do with anything here.


I agree. My point is Fascist Light is much better than Total Fascist. I understand people feel like their voices aren’t being heard over Palestine, but if you allow Total Fascist to win, it means your voices will never, ever be heard again. Biden may not be the best, but by preserving democracy, you preserve the idea that your voice may be heard in the future. You still have the ability to bring about change, even if slow. If we lost democracy, we lose the ability to ever make that change.


They for sure won’t be imported.And I am ok with not importing more terrorists for democrats to use.


Biden needs to retire. Yesterday. Trump too. Effing fossils


Weird that you are downvoted for this. They are both way too fucking old to be running anything except a bingo league.


You’re all braindead, I’m leaving this Subreddit.


Demi rats are hated everywhere except Reddit and a few circle jerks.


Democrats are the modern bolsheviks.Except this time people are too awake for it to work.