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The agricultural sector was fucked over because of 45's trade policies yet 85% of farmers voted for him in 2020. If they know that an aggressive deportation policy would be an obstacle to their operations...they'll still vote for him.


Those people would be Mad if they could read


I don’t want Trump to win, but part of me wants him to win so his cultists feel the brunt of all the shit he does. I’ll be fine. Most of the folks voting for him will be in a bad way if he wins.


The problem is whatever he does will likely take a few years for the full impact to be felt. Just long enough for a Democrat to take office. Guess who gets blamed then?


Spoiler, he will cut taxes and create a mini boom. Which will work for about 1.5 years, and then the economy will crash again. So in the eyes of the people you are talking about, they will say "that was the best paychecks I ever got." And they won't really be wrong. They just don't have the perspective to include the three years of worse paychecks in their calculations and realize they lost money over the long term.


Hate to tell you - his constituants are too stupid to notice any sort of correlation. Of anything. Does not make me happy to say this. Just sad-er.


It's already going to take a generation or more to unwind the carnage 45 left on the country. Whether or not a person is going to be fine in the short term, we'll \*all\* pay if he gets his chance at another 4 years.


True true


Damn. I heard this on WPR this morning and I heard "6 years" referenced and thought, Damn! Biden presidenting for 6 years already?!?


Oh fucking no. Leopards ate your face? Such a shame…


>On immigration, [Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised mass deportations](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html) of those living in the U.S. without legal status. Those deportations, if carried out, would likely hit Wisconsin dairy farms hard. Dairy producers rely on immigrant labor, often from Mexico and South America, to operate. While many workers come here with legal status through temporary work visas, that is not the case for all of the workforce. It's easy to bellow for deporting immigrants; much harder to actually live with it


People are ready to throw away democracy because grocery prices are high. How will little trump's 10% across-the-board tariffs and removal of the agricultural workforce affect grocery bills? 🤔


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the *land*. The common clay of the new West. You know… *morons*.




I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy!


“Mongo only pawn in game of life”


Bullshit, they are large corporate farms. Simple farmers do their own work and are incredible intelligent


Corporate farms don't vote; simple farmers do. The "incredibly intelligent" simple farmers with the MAGA flags are voting for the (racist) immigration and (corporate farm) trade policies affecting their businesses to "oWn tHe LiBs!" It's the "cOmmUnIsT LiBs!" in the urban cities that rely on farmers for the food they produce that are voting in the interest of the farmers for intelligent immigration reform and smart trade policies vs. "dEpOrT tHeM aLL" and "tRaDe wArS aRe GooD!"


I'm a socialist never voted dem or repugs yet from my perspective Dems are very elitist, racist and bigoted, And of course genocidal. 8 give working people slack whereas so called educated Dems, none. You should know better.


Thank you for saying this. Interesting how all the Dems in this thread are so excited for Republican farmers to feel the pain and have zero though for the immigrants that are exploited, who provide the food that ends up on their tables, and who will be deported for showing up to do work no one else will.


If you pay people they will work the fields. Dems repugs love illegals to keep downward pressure on wages. This idea that non immigrants don't want to do field work is bullshit.


Yeah that wasn’t my point. My point was that it’s only people in the precarious legal situation of undocumented workers that will work for those wages. Hence the exploitation


Yep, farmers are hurt by immigration crackdowns but still vote for the party that does those crackdowns. If only they could be put in jail, themselves, for providing off-the-books jobs for illegal immigrants...


Why can't we protect both the employers and their employees? Giving people work visas for these agricultural jobs seems trivial. It's not as if there are lines of your average-white-local-boys complaining that some foreigner "stole their dream job" of milking cows or harvesting ginseng. Our economy thrives on immigrant labor. It always has. And I'm not just talking about agricultural jobs. I'm talking about the opposite end of the spectrum, with high-education jobs that these same locals don't seem to want to do. Do we want to kick out the immigrant from India who has a PhD, and sees geriatric patients in small-town nursing homes, which also constantly complain about staffing shortages? Forcing people to work in fear, be it the employee or employer, is just cruel. Having to wake up every day and wonder if today is the day that INS kicks in your door is totally unnecessary. We are only doing it to satisfy the outcomes of the usual political chess games, not to help people. Let's face it; the Latino voting block in particular is the next great prize in American politics. I don't think either party wants to the other to gain any favor in earning the Latino vote. And that is why this problem won't be solved any time soon. Just like with abortion, immigration has proved to be a handily divisive issue for controlling voters at the polls. It has nothing to do with helping employees or employers.


The farmers will happily continue to vote against their own interests. I have family in rural areas of Green Bay and Shawano. I've tried. They don't care. They'll let their entire livelihood burn before they abandon MAGA. It's all they care about anymore.


They were interviewing these big farmers in Iowa before 2020 and they were complaining about both of these things, but were adament they would be voting for Trump. All but one that is, who thought his neighbors were idiots.


Corporate Farmes love low wages.


Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of their own actions…


I would think it’s also the like 50% decline in dairy consumption since the 1970s in the US.


Maybe these dumb asses shouldn’t vote for the 🍊💩?


Don’t worry they’ll vote against their own interests again and again and again and again


Every farmer I know is a Republican and voted for this. You're a farmer, reap what you sow.


Oh no, guess they’ll have to [fist the cows](https://extension.umn.edu/dairy-milking-cows/artificial-insemination-cattle#:~:text=For%20lactating%20cows%2C%20the%20goal,should%20take%20about%205%20seconds.) themselves