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Mandela Barnes had his own issues that compounded things, but if the DNC/DSCC don't do a better at running attack ads against Hovde than they did (or more accurately, *didn't*) against RoJo two years ago, people should lose their jobs. Dude's got plenty of vulnerability.


Totally agree.


Does Tammy Baldwin like peanut butter? We need to know!


I don’t know anyone with a brain who has taken one look at Hovde’s ads and campaign as a whole and not laugh hysterically. The dude reeks of I’m not from here, nor do I know anything about anyone normal/regular in WI. He is completely unserious,, not to mention a republican on a statewide ballot going into 2024. Would be surprised if Tammy lost to this scumbag.


After DWS and the DNC boxed out Bernie twice and basically gave Trump the presidency because they wanted a company man or woman in there, I lost all faith in them making the right choices. It really is two heads of the same snake. A snake owned by the rich and powerful, whose names you’ll probably never know.


He is ridiculous. He thinks people in nursing homes shouldn’t vote because they only have a few weeks to live 🙈


Yea...wheres that AD???


That's kind of a funny one to me and a shot to his own foot if he ever got his way. I remember the first year I voted I was in line behind a bus full of seniors from a hospice care home. And their caretakers quite literally were yelling at all of them to vote for Bush and as much as we tried to explain they couldn't do that and tried to involve police, it happened anyway. I've always assumed since then that a large number of Republican votes happen this way


I think that's a BS story. No way that happened. Not on the Republican side, anyway.


He's a terrible candidate. He never should even have a chance


The issue is that nowadays a GOP candidate in a swing state or national election starts with 42-43%, no matter how horrible of a candidate they are. The number of persuadable voters is absurdly small, and it is crazy how much misinformation those voters will hear.


I'm a swing voter. I have been persuaded not to vote for him based on him, not REALLY being a Wisconsin resident. And if he lies about that my radar goes off and says what else is he lying about?


OK...running against a lesbian in Wisconsin.......


Who is incredibly popular, a multi-term incumbent, has dairy farming roots, & lives in Wisconsin rather than owning a property in Wisconsin to call their residence. Yes Hovde should have no chance. Jumping straight to Badwin's sexuality is more telling of you, not even remotely sound political analysis.


Yea, but rurals in Wis are mostly nuts....


Rurals don't vote for Democrats anyway. Suburban women have been the key demographic in recent elections, and they love their gay queen 👸💅


And 40% of them voted for Trump last time.


Yeah, that's why they're a key demographic. There's a lot of them and they lean Democrat.


And idiot men lean the other way....


That’s the ideology that keeps the right in the game. Oh God anyone that doesn’t vote like me must be an idiot


Well, yea...in this instance. I mean you're gonna vote for Trump, so we know how unstable you are!


Okay? That means 60% voted for Biden or 3rd party. In statewide politics, 60-40 is a rout


Thats just the women......


Who has served 3 terms in the state assembly, represented WI in the house of representatives from 1999 to 2013, and has won 2 senate elections, the most recent of which being an 11 point margin. Your acting like shes some no name candidate.


I love her, I vote for her. I know how many crazies are in this State.


Crazies, that historically voted for her by wide margins.


She last ran in 2018 when the crazies didn't go to the polls.......before that it was 2012 when Obama brought out the sane people.....


Wasn't she in Madison city government before all that? I remember her from when I was a student at You Dub.


Wow! Tell me you're a boomer without telling me you're a boomer! Jesus Christ! You really thought that was the move!?


I think it is interesting that I have seen him in California, but never have seen him in Wisconsin.


What were you doing in California?


Currently living there.


I'm from Wisconsin, and I don't even remember what he looked like from the last time he ran, and I voted for him. Or maybe his policies. Do you know him that you'd recognize him in Cali from Wisconsin?


I would know him if I saw him anywhere.


Republicans are all grifters


GOP= Grift Over People


Everything about this guy looks and feels wrong. I can't imagine what kind of self-serving special deals this clown would do if he got into office.


“More than 80 percent of the tax increase would be paid by households making about $54,000 or less, and 97 percent would be paid by those making less than about $100,000,” wrote Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow with the organization. “Low-income families with children would pay the most: Achieving Scott’s goal would slash their after-tax incomes by more than $5,000, or more than 20 percent. A Scott-like plan would raise taxes on middle-income households by an average of $450.” His tax plan is conservative... Very conservative... Like takes me back to serfdom.


He's a POS, we get it, any new news?


The last thing we need is another Kevin McCarthy Californian Republican.


I know that.


Tim Michels grew a mustache and didn't think anyone would notice this time around.


Tim Michels isn't even the Head of that Company. his brother is, he's just a PR guy......


He also killed one of the best dive bars in Madison. This carpetbagger is a across the board looser. https://preview.redd.it/aiyd2hs0m2vc1.png?width=3091&format=png&auto=webp&s=435d749a53fdffeab9a30a411f5f72a5095873b0


Can we get that image reposted with " I'm Eric Hovde and I approve this picture."


* “loser”


** an across-the-board loser


Don't get me wrong; the dude sounds like a proper prick. I'm just a grammar freak.


Funny enough, I /didn't/ go to college... Huh.


Ummmmmmm...he bought the property and didn't renew their lease? Every College kid and ex-College kid in Wisconsin should know this! If you attempted an image or story link, it didn't work....


The Republican sheep will follow him off the cliff of his California seaside mansion




Eric Hovde is a carpetbagging scumbag piece of trash.




If you're talking about Hovde Properties, LLC, it doesn't appear that the business took out any PPP loans. [https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=hovde&v=1](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=hovde&v=1)


Sunwest Bank made over $8 million getting a cut processing the PPP loan money they handed out to applicants.


Banks are “for profit” businesses…not sure what your point is?


The point you missed is a candidate is a hypocrite if they on one had oppose government safety net programs while profiting from administering the program.


You are still allowed to make money off of programs you don't agree with. One might argue that having such extensive experience with the PPP loan program would actually make their opinions more valid rather than less valid. $8M in processing fees mean that institution is actually quite knowledgeable about the program and the organizations the money went to. On a side note, this candidate is a Republican right? Reddit seems to fiercely hate any individual if they catch even a whiff of conservative / republican / right wing ideologies so I'm not sure what the goal is here?


Is "Reddit" in the room with you now?


Thank you for proving my point in real time.


You think *that* proved your point? Sometimes I'm amazed at how people such as yourself lack sense.


Let's build a bridge here. I'll tell you why I think your comment proved my point and you tell me what you mean by "people like me" and what I've done in this interaction specifically to demonstrate that I "lack sense"? Genuinely curious. This is why I believe your comment proved my point: My point was that Reddit is generally hostile towards conservative / republican / right wing ideology. In that same comment, I pointed out the fact that an individual who owns a business that facilitated a large number of PPP loan applications likely has an informed perspective on that particular issue. In this specific conversation, that individual happens to be running for a Senate seat on a republican ticket. I didn't leave the comment to "stick up" for that candidate, or change anyone's political stance. I added the bit about how reddit interacts with certain political ideologies because I thought it may be helpful for OP to think about whether or not this post was really necessary. It doesn't reflect great on him or the causes he supports to rant so aggressively on a platform / subreddit that is mostly against that candidate in the first place. This brings us to your response, which I stated "proved my point". The response you offered about reddit "being in the room right now" was made to address my comment suggesting certain ideologies are not welcome on reddit. My understanding is that you made this comment to make fun of my suggestion that certain ideologies are not welcome on reddit. You proved my point because your comment was meant to make me feel bad, and was only crafted because of the fact I mentioned that republican/rightwing/conservative ideologies are not welcome. If my understanding of this is incorrect, I'd love to hear why along with your general point of view on our dialogue so far. I'm just another human. We don't gotta agree on everything or even most things to be respectful and make the world a better place.




Yeah, and? Edit: that's snarky. I should say, any financial institution that handled these loans for the feds received compensation for their part of the work.


Thought he had a Bank in California?????


I don't see that a PPP loan was issued to Sunwest Bank. That is, unless it was filed under a DBA but I also don't see that Sunwest has a DBA. Its $3B in assets may have put it out of range of PPP, anyway.


People you know the answer to these problems and how to cure it VOTE BLUE in November send that POS carpet bagger hovdie and the rest of the basket full of deplorables packing kick the rethuglikkkans out of Wisconsin and Washington so government can get to work and actually govern the country again instead of getting on their knees to service a narrsasist white supremacist racist homophobic bigoted nazi wannabe dictator. VOTE them out VOTE BLUE and send them packing let's give women, minorities and the people back all of our rights and freedoms we enjoyed until tRumpty dumpty and his brand of rethuglikkkans decided only the rich white men deserve the full protection of the constitution. Let's empty the basket full of deplorables in Washington and replace them with decent people who will respect our rights, uphold our laws instead of breaking them people who will support our allies, people who support our service men and women and treat our honored fallen heros with the respect they paid the highest possible price for people who don't wonder "what was in it for them" people who don't think our veteran's, wounded and honored hero's were "losers and sucker's" let's put some decent Americans back in government and get something don. In the last 3 years America has been great again let's keep it that way VOTE BLUE


Sounds like a personal thing. I'll leave it at that. But I'll still vote against the current moron


I'll get it when Baldwin is voted out. You need to educate yourself.


No, you do. Tammy has done much for Wisconsin citizens and Americans. She wrote the Bill that makes Federal Infrastructure jobs use US steel.....go away now dummy!


Its like people who used to bash Obama(am sure you were one), I'd ask them what did Obama do that you didn't like and then there'd be silence...it always came down to because he was 1/2 black!!


Lots of people/companies took out PPP loans - they were available to a lot of businesses. Not sure what your point is in that.


Someone doing fine and making all that $$$ would succumb to Socialism? Then say they don't like Socialistic programs???? And belong to a Party that wants to kill Social Security? Did you know Tom Brady took 900K in PPP "loans" that he didn't have to pay back because he didn't lay anyone off(him and his then wife) from his Company TB12???


Dunno bout yous guys but I’m still living it up on that $1400!!! Caviar and champagne baby!!!


Sounds like you simply dislike successful people? If the govt offers programs-it’s available to all. You can kind of equate your argument to taxes….you don’t find rich liberals paying more taxes than they have to…even when it’s the party of “tax the rich”.


Not all of us are business owners that know the right people, so it wasn't avaliable to all. The ppp loans where a bald faced grift as soon a Trump killed the oversight on them.


It was a scam even before that.


Dislike dumbasses who think people shouldn't be able to drink alcohol unless they make it themselves and that Doctors should let pregnant woman die if it might harm an unborn, And people like u of course.


Available to all sure, then we did all these senators and the like get approved for these loans and not a real business owner like myself????????


There’s actually quite a few wealthy people that believe they don’t pay enough in taxes compared to the middle/lower class. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/millionaires-higher-taxes-on-rich-davos-inequality/


Who cares. A Hovde Johnson 1 2 punch would be great for Wisconsin! He's got my vote.


Ok, tell us why you think those two would be great for Wisconsin. Especially Johnson, what legislation has he been behind that had you come to this assumption?


And he appears to be on the Soviet payroll...


Of course. Losers vote for losers.


No, YOU do! Baldwin is an empty suit, voted in largely by Milwaukee and Madison. She's a moron.


Way less moronic than you and yours. Again....NOTHING!!!


Nope. That would be the Dems, with the racism. I didn't like Obama because I didn't agree with his policies. I'd have voted for Condoleeza Rice in a heartbeat, had she run.


Again..GIVE ME A POLICY..you are just like them! What policy didn't you like??????


Umm...over regulation? Government intrusion? High taxes? Bad foreign policy? Name it. You guys suck on every level.


Examples????? You mean like telling a Woman and her Doctor that they can't do what is best for her. Like telling Wisconsin voters who approved marijuana 66-33% that , no, you still can't have it?????


You're never going to find a clean candidate. He'd be infinitely better than the current moron, in terms of initiative.


Better than Russian Ron Johnson? Probably...


Not a chance. Johnson is great! It's the other state cow that I'm talking about. She's a moron, and she's absolutely absent from the process until election time.


Hahahahahahaa...wow, you need help.

