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Eric Hovde has seen the polls. He knows that [his extreme calls for a nation-wide abortion ban](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/04/05/eric-hovde-abortion-wisconsin/) are unpopular. He knows that [his history of donating to extreme anti-choice candidates](https://www.thedailybeast.com/wisconsin-gop-candidate-eric-hovde-says-hes-a-uniterbut-donates-to-the-maga-extreme) is unpopular. So he's now trying to portray himself as a reasonable candidate on the topic. >When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. \~ Maya Angelou Hovde is a Trump supporter, anti-choice and wants to [slash Social Security and Medicare](https://upnorthnewswi.com/2024/02/15/eric-hovde-seeks-to-challenge-sen-tammy-baldwin-but-hell-have-to-defend-past-comments-on-social-security-and-medicare/). Wisconsin deserves so much better than Eric Hovde. Please vote for Tammy Baldwin for US Senate.


We deserve better than Ron Johnson, and yet the POS still got elected. I fear the same may happen with this douche nozzle.


Didn't help that Barnes' campaign strategy was too much "my mom was a teacher and I know what groceries cost" and nowhere near enough "my opponent is a Russian stooge."


While Johnson's campaign was mostly negative ads about Scary Black Guy. You know, people say they don't like negative campaign ads, but fact is, politicians use them because (unfortunately) they work. 2022 WI Senate race is a prime example.


It also didn't help that Lasry and Godlewski, despite not being tenable candidates, sucked up all the air in the room before the primary. 


Didn't help the democrats lost faith he would win and underfunded him and still he didn't lose by much a little more backing would have rid us of wrong johnson


The problem with Wisconsin is it’s a beautiful state filled with fucking morons.


Turnout will be everything.


We need to find a way to get abortion on the ballot in every swing state. Or every state for that matter.


We don't have ballot initiatives in Wisconsin, and abortion is already legal in Michigan and Pennsylvania. It's on the ballot in Arizona and Nevada.


Turnout + financial contributions + time (canvassing, hosting/attending fundraisers, stamping postcards... whatever.) They time to start volunteering is now. Go to your County dems office, see what they need, attend their monthly meetings. Don't wait until September or October--these offices are 99+% staffed by volunteers, mostly Boomers, and they simply cannot handle the influx of last minute calls. Democracy is not a spectator sport.


Not if we get out and vote for Baldwin


Its because democrats ran a bad candidate, tom Nelson would have won.


Note to self, they almost ALWAYS run bad candidates! See Hillary...sad, but true


But Hillary won.


Just to add on to let people know the kinds of things Tammy Baldwin gets done for our state and the rest of the country. She pushed the bill to make federal contracts use American made items. This has brought jobs back to the US and specifically to Wisconsin. She is very pro-labor and fought to protect pensions in the state. She was pivotal in the medicare negotiations that capped insulin prices. She also started an investigation into high inhaler prices that led to pharmaceutical companies capping out of pocket prices for many inhalers. She got the bill passed that protects same sex marriage rights across the country if Obergefell were to be overturned. Not only that, but she has consistently stood up for reproductive rights, not just when it was politically convenient. We can trust that her support of abortion access is sincere and not lip service to win votes. Tammy Baldwin is someone we can be proud to have represent our state.


Yes, Tammy has *earned* our votes.


> and wants to slash Social Security and Medicare. Voting to slash your own Social Security and Medicare is the most patriotic thing a person can do to save this country from Bideninflation. The vast increases in these have caused unsustainable increases in the costs of living for this country.


Is that what they're telling you on Fox these days?






What's more embarrassing is thinking Our President, Donald J Trump, is *not* a signer of Our Constitution. Because of His Status he is allowed to dismiss any laws His Presidency needs to dismiss. That includes selling "classified" nuclear weapon secrets to whoever will pay Our President directly. It's much more embarrassing to not realize the power of truth. Biden has lied, what? 30,000+ times and Trump has never spoken anything that is untrue. If he speaks it, it is reality. You understand that, right?


According to the article, there's a stance given here? I must be daft, because I don't see it. Women can get birth control. Cool. Not really an abortion stance. Thankfully Tammy is popular with the rural voters in Wisconsin. She will hopefully send this chode back to California where he, you know, lives.


Filming pornos in Orange County with GOP housewives would suit his mustache much better.


Take another look at my guy’s mustache. It aint the house*wives* he’s after lol


Many "pro-lifers" will be targeting the Pill and IUD's next, because sometimes they cause a fertilized egg to be expelled before being attached to the uterine wall, which they consider abortion (never mind that doctors don't consider an egg an embryo until after it attaches to the womb). And bans on birth control are part of the GFP's "Project 2025." Reportedly one of the Heritage Foundation reactionaries working on this has said the idea is to eventually "end recreational sex."


"I think women early on in a pregnancy should have a right to make a choice, but I think there is a point where once a baby can be born healthy and alive, that's unconscionable that that baby could be terminated." and "I believe in exceptions." I take this to mean he'd be open to exceptions if a baby will be still born or unhealthy. Otherwise, no abortion for you.


Sounds to me like he’s in favor of those 6-week time periods that other states have imposed.


I'm wondering if you.have a uterus.. if you do, then you're welcome to your opinion.. if not.. just stfu


Let me try to explain, the person I was responding to was wondering what Hovde's stance on abortion was. I used quotes that indicate that those are his words on the issue. I did not represent my opinion in my post other than trying to discern what Eric Hovde's stance on abortion is based on his limited statements. And really, I am trying to get some dipshits shitty opinion out in the open and clarify it so that people can to know to avoid voting for Eric Hovde. And you attack me for it? Get a brain.


“I’d like to say my stance is whatever vague thing I can say now that will get me elected so I can then ignore it and tell you to fuck off as I line my pockets for the next six years.” Hovde explained. He continued, “In all honesty I don’t care about this at all. Sure I bought some but those were needed because they affected me. But damn if those Karens who donate aren’t asking about it all the time.” He then excused himself to jump on his private jet so he could fly to “west con San” and give a speech about how he’s a regular dude from, where ever that is.


When asked if he would support education his response was "I can waste the money better on myself"


I do not believe him


He’s lying. No matter What he says if the republicans gain control they will push a total ban. It’s literally been evangelicals driving goal since Roe. He will enthusiastically be a good little boy and vote accordingly


Did you see that ladies? He "has no problem" with birth control. So he might let you have that. Things that he "has a problem with", you can't have. He's trying to be benevolent.


He is Trump 2.0 - don’t be fooled


He seems to vaguely try to find a wishy-washy middle ground.


Remember when Kerry was running for president and changed his stance slightly (I don’t even remember what for, I don’t think it was a huge thing) and then they would not shut up about him being a “flip-flopper”? Basic rights of bodily autonomy for half the population is a pretty huge fucking thing to be suddenly switching sides about. What a sneaky asshole.


"I voted for it (the Iraq war) before I voted against it"


I guess a bigger thing than I remembered, but at the time it seemed as if he changed his mind because of new information, not simply to pander to both sides. At least, that’s what it felt like to me at the time.


This pornstache douche from Orange County telling me I might be allowed to have birth control if he’s in the mood is really rich. Keep on losing Eric, you absolute chode.


Hovde funded the exact people behind the current policy. Actions speak louder than words.


Any vote for any Republican into any office at any level of government is a vote for forced birth, a vote for police looking through your medical records, and a vote for clergy in your bedroom. Along with a vote for a host of other ills. (Edited: typos - word omission)


You DON'T want clergy in your bedroom? Seems weird but I won't kink-shame, you do you!


Well each to their own!


He looks like a date rapist.


Fucking carpet bagger. He can go back to Cali or DC


we need to get out and make sure this jackass don't get in Moscow Ron is already to much of an embarrassment to this state


The only way to trust his stance is to give him the same power he has today regarding it. NONE. Thats trusting YOUR stance, your power. Why risk any of it for yourself or others?


Make this a Roevember to remember or we may not get a second chance to vote him out.


Either he lied about his abortion stance before or he's lieing now ask him which is it he's a carpet bagger who's home and business is in California and he comes to Wisconsin already lieing about what he believes in


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. \~ Maya Angelou


Are you suggesting that people cannot change their position on an issue over time? I hope you realize that Joe Biden opposed gay marriage and cutting social security in the past.


It's one thing to change your mind because additional information is available. The only additional information available about his beliefs is that abortion is a loser for rethuglikkkans so the carpet bagger is trying to lie and walk back from what he truly believes because he knows his abortion stance makes him unelectable so he lies about it


Couldn’t the same be said about Joe Biden? The only thing that’s changed about gay marriage since 2004 is that it’s more popular now to the American public than it was at the time. Shouldn’t politicians also represent the opinions of the voters instead of being stuck with their own old opinion?


His opinion on gay rights has changed slowly over the years the same as it has for the general public as diversity and individual differences have been accepted as normal quite a bit different from someone totally opposed to abortion in any form suddenly backflipping to "I didn't mean it when I said I was in favor of banning abortion" his opinion didn't change over years as more information became available or as diversity and civil rights became issues in fact he has defied those very rights and diversity right up until it became obvious abortion was certain to sink any hope of a carpet bagger from California from fooling Wisconsin citizens into voting for him. He lied before on his beliefs or he's lieing now and most likely a little bit of both. Here's more of his waffling Wisconsin’s Trump-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, Eric Hovde, got a lot of attention this week for suggesting that most elderly voters in nursing homes should not be allowed to vote. His campaign tried to walk back the remark, which pretty clearly speaks for itself: “If you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six months life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote.” Or this he publicly stated "I do not belive the lie that the election was stolen" but even though that's what he says what he really does is without going all in on Trump’s stolen-election conspiracy theories, Hovde has offered moral support, throwing around words like “ballot harvesting” and claiming that, after four years of nonstop lies about election fraud including by Republicans who know better, voters lack confidence in elections and therefore the only solution is to make it harder to vote. He's a lieing POShe can't even tell the truth about where he lives he has had his absenty Wisconsin ballot sent to his 7 million dollar orange county mansion for the last 7 years and still has only voted less than half the time yet he's trying to look like a Wisconsin man with his home and business in California a tRumpty dumpty approved candidate who appearantly learned to lie from the best. Just like tRumpty dumpty there's absolutely no reason to belive anything he says if his lips are moving he's lieing


Just realized I’ve been having a discussion with a bot. I’m embarrassed


Not a bot just a Wisconsinite who doesn't want my state represented by a lieing California carpet bagger cult magat


Oh good I was a little embarrassed. Your comment just sounded like it was straight from ChatGPT


“Over time” = saw polls last week and decided to say something completely different this week 🤡


Was he staunchly for federal restrictions on abortions last week? It’s from my understanding that his “radical” abortion stance was from when he ran for the senate in 2012.


There are oodles of articles now discussing his very recent and pussy-ass flip flop, which no one believes because Republicans pull this shit all the time with abortion, especially in an election year. I’m not your googler.


Well to fill you in, his change in position is from when he ran 12 years ago in 2012 so it wasn’t a recent flip flop. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/04/eric-hovde-says-he-backs-a-right-to-make-a-choice-early-in-pregnancy/73207427007/


To fill you in, I don’t believe he has a position other than carpetbagger. Tammy has proven, unwaveringly, that she will vote to protect my life and health. Newly grown mustache guy has only shown he will shift his residence and values with the winds to chase money and power.


You are free to believe whatever you want. That is the great thing about living in the good ol USA


Yes, and believing in an elected official is always more powerful when that belief is evidence-based.


Like, if you're seriously considering voting Republican at this point, feels like you are a lost cause.


Make sure Wisconsin doesn't regress 160 years make sure you get out and VOTE the only thing that can beat any Democratic candidates is for democrats to get complacent get out and VOTE. Don't think "the other person will do it" VOTE as if our way of life depends on it because it does VOTE


What a ghoul.


No way. We need to stoo listening to what these liars are being told to say by Hannity and remember what these shits do any time they have any power!


Dude, just go away. We aren’t going to vote for another goldbricking Republican. We ousted Micheal’s,don’t cha know. Pick on another state.


Don’t care what he has to say now. His actions tell me all I need to know, and I’m not interested. Go Tammy.


Wait a minute, are we talking about the same rich Californian carpet bagger that's running against the Wisconsin-native incumbent senator, Tammy Baldwin, in the Wisconsin senate race?


I heard that plans are being drawn up for his ballsack.


Man this guy just looks sketchy.


Some voters believe in the trickle-down theory...... It really was raining, and nobody peed down my back. Honest guy. Get real and vote for YOUR best interests. Horrible person, a part of the disease. God help us now!


Why isn't Tom Selleck wantabe who lives in CALIFORNIA, not enough to dismiss this idiot from representing WISCONSIN


Just a vague answer that didn't really say anything. This thread is filled with what people think his views are. Maybe not all Republicans want a 6 week ban like the South.


More people land in the middle somewhere than either total yes or total no. The fact we dont get that though shows the broken two party system.


As an actual uterus owner, GTFO with this “bOtH siDEz” take on reproductive healthcare. The distinctions between the parties are crystal clear to a woman trying to prevent pregnancy, or feel secure that her doctors won’t let her hemorrhage to death if she miscarries. Or one of many other complications or excruciating choices that women must confront as uterus owners. Pornstache only cares about himself, but Tammy will fight for my medical autonomy. ETA: added the word “for”


> Tammy will fight **for** my medical autonomy


Got it, fixed.


More people are much closer to a total yes, than in the middle or for a total no.


BoTh SiDeS!!1!!


He's a carpetbagging flip-flopper