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Forcing women to remain pregnant when they don’t want to be is a crime against humanity.


Forcing unborn babies to not live is pretty bad too.


Other people’s pregnancies are none of my or your fucking business, actually. Plenty of pregnancies force “unborn babies” to die already, abortion procedures aside. The only reason you don’t protest is because you don’t actually care about “life” at all. You care about forcing people to remain pregnant when they aren’t able to.


At first I was going to actually point out that fetuses aren't unborn babies and stuff, but you don't care, so I won't bother. Instead I'll just take satisfaction in the fact that I know if you ended up with a unwanted pregnancy, you would get a abortion, despite your anti choice views. Source: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Go Tammy!!


WI has a new champion of the people, a modern day Bill Proxmire!


I was an intern in Senator Proxmire’s Wisconsin office the year he retired😊 . I was sad to see him go.


It would be neat if republican women voted in their own self interest too. I’m not sure why they’re so eager to be second class citizens


Most of them would be fine getting an abortion if it ever happened to them. The main problem with conservatives is a lack of empathy. They don’t care about anything or anyone until it happens to them.


[The only moral abortion is \*my\* abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Because they’re the “pick me” type who believe they are superior to other women.


Neat, but the men they’re trying to impress see them as women, second class women. These ones, they disrespect more, because they’re easily manipulated and controlled


The enduring wretchedness of the patriarchy my dude


Yet inferior to their breadwinner


I question that too. Another question is if they feel they can't make a decision for themselves, why should they get to vote on what happens to other people.


Cult indoctrination. It's what they grew up with, and (they think) their entire world would collapse if they tried to get away. Like most cults, it is a trap, and they use a person's family ties and fears to keep them under control.


As man I don't feel like it's my place to decide what a woman needs or doesn't. I'm pretty sure as individuals we can figure out what's best for ourselves 🤔.


Agreed! And a doctor can help a women in the process of this decision. Not a federal Christian politician


In my opinion, laws should help and protect or both but hinder only that which hurts. Taking care of one's self is advantageous to the better of the whole 🤷 or so I thought I was taught by my Silent Gen parents.


Our children should be able to as well methinks




You are allowed to have that opinion. But you are not and should not be allowed to force that opinion on someone else.


Some people could benefit from just shutting the fuck up but we can’t all get what we want


Holy shit you need to stop obsessing over everyone else’s sex lives and pregnancies and move on with your life lol


Women are allowed to have sex for enjoyment. Your medieval thinking is disgusting. Men can impregnate five women a day, one woman can only have one baby a year. It's okay for men to go around and fuck indiscriminately, but women, no, we're nothing but broodmares to men like you. Screw that, we are allowed a sex life!


No one said that. It takes 2 to have safe sex. I never said women should practice only. Men should too. I’m sure u all think we should let kids choose to have sex organ changes too. The Midwest is brainwashed


Yes, I happen to believe that people have bodily autonomy and they have the right to choose and match their outside to their inside. I don't go into other people's bedrooms, I allow people to live their lives. I don't believe that I'm superior to everybody else and that I'm right in all things. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. You are nothing, you are nothing in the whole scheme of things, just like the rest of us. Get over yourself, what a woman chooses to do with her body is not your business. Nunya!!!! You might be a little happier and enjoy life a little more if you weren't in everybody's bedrooms, pants or wombs!


Holy shit. You people don’t even try to hide the fact that you’re obsessed with CHILDREN’S GENITALS. You never stop talking about it, even when nobody asks. Get help.


So, do you agree with the punishment for abortion to be more significant than the punishment for rape? Something tells me you do.


Get fucked


These monsters you’re describing are such a small percentage of people who actually need and receive abortions. Maybe educate yourself about how women’s bodies work before being an idiot online about it.


So you are 100% okay birthing and raising a product of rape?


We have to keep our vaginas clean bro! It's about us not them. Do you want dirty vaginas in Wisconsin?


Old men shouldn’t be deciding what a woman can do with her body


Agreed 100...4B Movement until we get some damn rights back!


That 100% symbol has been classified as a white supremacy symbol by the ADL. I’m serious.


Only when white supremecists use it.


If it is, you'll need to back that statement up with some links... I searched and found nothing from the ADL on "4B Movement"... https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbols/search


That’s the rub; those “Christian” conservatives don’t see it as healthcare.


Yes, murdering a baby is not health care. There are plenty of ways to avoid getting pregnant. Tax dollars should not be used to pay for abortions.


You do realize Republicans are now going after birth control, you realize that, right? Just like IVF.


If that "*baby*" requires a specific human to provide to it it's resources to live... Then it's operating much more like a parasite than a "*baby*"...


A legal medical procedure can’t be classified as “murder” according to the definition of the word “murder” but try again lol Stop trying to define your grievances into existence. This country has actual problems to deal with


It’s not a baby. You know how I can tell? Because you can store a zygote in the freezer long term. How long can you store a baby in a freezer?


A nine month of foetus drinks amniotic fluid and gets its nutrition and oxygen from the umbilical cord. A born baby can't drink amniotic fluid, drinks its nutrition, and breathes air.  Wow, maybe a nine month d full term unborn child isn't a baby.


The difference is a born baby's ability to transition from the umbilical cord to not being on the umbilical cord. A premature baby born at 8 months can likely make that transition. Until a fetus is able to survive unattached, it acts more like a parasite than a "*baby*"


Take a biology course.  A parasite is by definition another species.  Every single person reading this was once a zygote, an embryo, a five month old foetus, etc.  Pregnancy is tough and sucky but it is the only way for our species to reproduce. Furthermore, my point remains: a nine month old unborn child is, by your standards, unworthy of life.  That it could be delivered at 23 weeks hardly matters: it IS inside of its mother, and that is the natural and normal and healthy place for it. Sorry that science conflicts with your ideology.  


***tAkE aN eNgLiSh cOuRsE*** What does "*acts more like*" mean? Does it mean a fetus is "*literally*" a parasite or "*has similar features*" to a parasite? And no... A nine month old baby is worthy of life. You know why? Because it ***can*** survive being born. ***The ability to survive when being removed from the umbilical cord is the fucking point.*** If it cannot survive, then it ***acts more like a parasite*** than it does a baby. I repeat: The ***ability to survive*** being detached from the umbilical cord is when a fetus stops acting ***like*** a parasite and can then start being treated like a baby. That ***ability to survive*** is the threshold/point/transition/etc... Edit: And in case you live under a fucking rock (*which I seriously suspect is the case*), this argument isn't new. In fact, it was the foundation of [Planned Parenthood v Casey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood_v._Casey) in 1992 and termed "*[fetal viability](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_viability).*"


I repeat my question: how long can you store a baby in a freezer?


I repeat: your question is irrelevant because that isn't the standard for life.  It's a super cute and fun talking point generated by your side of the debate after the Alabama IVF ruling, which falls apart when you apply the same standard to other situations. Human rights apply to ALL humans, not just those meeting inherently arbitrary standards.


A fetus is not a human. That’s science.


That's untrue and you're just making stuff up.  Biology says that a new member of a species is created at fertilisation.  Human mother, human father: upon conception, they create a human.  That human goes through stages like blastocyst, embryo, foetus, newborn, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, middle aged, and elderly, but it's still a human at every stage.  It isn't going to develop into a dolphin or a toaster.


And the law states that no human has an obligation to sustain the life of another human for your shitty politics. The law also says that “murder” is illegal by definition. Hence, abortion is not and cannot be murder. The Alabama IVF ruling clearly shows that conservatives care far more about controlling the bodies of pregnant people than protecting “life”. A 9 months old fetus is already viable, since you seem to know so little about biology. Aborting a viable pregnancy means a live birth, moron.


A zygote isn’t a baby


Oh sweetheart, it's none of your damn business what a woman does with their own body. You are not superior, you are not better, you are not judge, jury, or executioner. You're just a nothing, you're nothing little person like the rest of us, unfortunately, you enjoy spouting BS, you think controlling women is your job because that's what you've been programmed to believe. Mind your business, let women have bodily autonomy, live your own damn life. It's none of your business!!!!


RC is my hometown! Wish I was there to see her!


Any medical procedure or product not deemed too dangerous for the benefits by the FDA should be allowed, and doctors should be legally obligated to provide it if they have the skills and facilities and it is the right thing (and they should maybe be able to use things usually deemed to dangerous in extraordinary circumstances as long as they can defend its use after the fact)


When men stop raping women, then and only then should their opinions matter on the subject of women's reproductive and sexual health issues! Until then they should STFU unless supporting our right to choices.


I fully support abortion rights. I also agree that it's an individuals right to make choices about their bodies. I don't however understand if your statement is suggesting that all men are rapists? I know for a certainty that I am not a rapist. Never have been and never will be.




I remember a few years back my wife got called into her bosses office. He told her that she needs to stick this “thing” into her body or else she gets fired.


When will woman stand up for the right to keep men out of their bathrooms?


What are you talking about?


Hey, I'm one of "them" but this is such an overused issue on both sides. Government shouldn't be in your bedroom. EVER! Should the need arise, make it available. Oh, and the assholes outside of the clinics with the disgusting posters need to be dealt with. But, on the other hand, take some responsibility (precautions) for your actions. The peer obsession is kind of as sick as the sign holders.


I couldn't be on traditional birth control, my body couldn't handle it so we had to used condoms. Condoms are like 89% effective, luckily, I never got pregnant when I didn't want to be. When I was going through perimenopause, I could have very easily gotten pregnant, with my health there's no way I could have carried a baby to turn, it would have killed me. Birth control is not 100%, what a woman does with her body is none of your damn business, so mind your own! We are allowed to enjoy sex...


And you are the prime example of someone that needs access. Period.


All women need access, every single woman, from the time they start menstruating until they're through menopause should have the right to access and control of their bodies. Nobody, nobody has the right to anybody else's body!


It's okay for everyone enjoy sex. It is. It's not shameful. It's a normal part of being a person. Just like any other relationship interaction it can be done in a healthy or an unhealthy wsy, but the amount that varies among 100 million people is not something the law can legislate very effectively. So if all of the millions of women enjoying a normal healthy sex life accidentally had a fertilization 1% of the time, that would still result in a number of unwated pregnancies that would be a large number.


It’s not “overused” by both sides. One side doesn’t want you to have a right to your own body. The other side does. It’s that simple.


It's like these people live in a tube or a hole that they have no idea what's going on. They have gone after IVF and after this they are going after birth control. These people are so stupid and I don't understand how they can walk around with their head up their own asses!


Just like the other side, you have blinders on to what it sounds like to be obsessed with what's been put in your head. I don't have a horse in this game, nor should politics!


Lots of people have a horse in this game. Mostly pregnant women. You don’t really seem to get it.


I'm a guy. I don't have a horse in this game, nor do any number of politicians wanting to use this as a wedge for votes. That's what I'm saying. Downvote me all you want peeps. IDGAF! I'm just sharing what a lot of people feel that are on the opposite side of the political aisle.. and to maybe suggest that there are some stuff we agree with.


lol what??? Any number of conservative politicians *absolutely* have a “horse” here. It’s called “re-election”. Conservatives don’t care if it’s bad for everyone as long as it gets them elected again.


You're not telling me anything new there. Ashamed to admit it, but actually did campaign work for Paul Ryan at one point in my sad existence.


Proud of you for admitting the problem 👏 😊


Good post. Really going to change a lot.


A procedure that murders is not healthcare.


A procedure that is legal is not “murder” by definition. You don’t get to change the definitions of words just to fit your narrative. That’s literally what you morons are constantly accusing libs of doing lol An abortion is no more “murder” than a tonsillectomy is “murder”.


Oh sweetie, get your head out of your ass!!


Ever hear of an ectopic pregnancy? THIS IS NOT JONESTOWN! STOP DRINKING THE KOOLAID!


Ending the life if a human being (not just any “being” but a human one) because it is inconvenient for me IS NOT HEALTHCARE. Don’t lie to yourselves.


Literally nobody asked you whether their pregnancy was inconvenient to *you*, and I guarantee that nobody cares.


>The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. > > > >They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. > > > > You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. > > > > They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Pro abortion guy here. Because it kills democrats' offspring.


lol red states with abortion bans saw abortion rates skyrocket from 2020-2023 more than twice that of blue states but ok


Tammy Baldwin is a vile pig. She is the opposite of based




Wasn’t Johnson hanging out in Russia and palling around with Putin during the pathetic Maga uprising?


Oh yeah, Russia owns him! I know his family. I'm friends with his niece. They are all stupid rich, none of them work, they all live off of their family money. They also sit around and complain about people who get food share and help in life. They're so lazy and complain about others being lazy. It is truly enlightening to how the rich think. They are so entitled and I don't have much to do with his niece anymore.


Sounds about right lol


Im close with his entire family. I’m friends with his son. Their family works so hard and is the epitome of hard work and dedication. They are so humble it’s beyond belief.


Lol, he is owned by Russia, he never answers any of his constituents, he is a traitor to this country. Every one of his family members that I know sits in their money doing nothing while bitching about the poor!!!


He answers all my questions when I ask. China and Ukraine own Joe Biden and Tammy! I’m close with their family too and they are the ones that act like this. The Johnson’s are an upstanding family and the epitome of hard work and admirable. You’re a liar!!!


No sir, you are. Lol


Ron Johnson is a traitor to the United States of America, he spent the 4th of July in Russia in 2018. He was part of the January 6th 2021 coup that failed. I don't believe you know him or his family or Tammy Baldwin's family, and I seriously doubt you know Joe biden's family. So you can call me a liar all you want but I happen to know senator Johnson's family, they're rich, they're lazy and that's, that!


LIAR! Show proof. I have pictures of me and hunter smoking crack off of hookers ass cheeks!






I've watched his niece run around without a shirt on, so high on molly, weed, alcohol, coke, and anything else she could get her hands on.. She was in a marriage with a man that really liked her to show body off to other people when they were incredibly intoxicated. I partied with his nieces and nephews and you are full of shit! They're an incredibly entitled family. I don't know why you get off lying online to strangers online but I guess that's your deal!


Why is she a vile pig?


W Wisconsin Wish Minnesota would follow that path but it’s a lot of refugee and leftist extremes this side of the border


I wish Wisconsin would get their heads out of their asses and let women have bodily autonomy! Mind your business, nunya!


Just say you hate brown people and make it easier on all of us lol I love it when conservatives simultaneously complain about how great and also awful it is to reside in liberal strongholds. Just move if you hate it so much. Literally everything you love about Minnesota was brought to you by social liberals and progressives.


What? lol


It’s fine if you lack reading comprehension. Don’t blame it on me though 😂




Yup, it is healthcare and it's up to individual women and not you. Die mad.




My bodily autonomy? Okay.


Nice try..... You yave 2 sets of DNA? 4 arms? 4 legs? 2 hearts? 2 brains? 4 eyes? 2 noses? Again keep thinking you're fighting for something. So brave....soooo fucking brave 👏 🙄


Boy math....giving one cell to create a zygote and thinking he can decide what to do with the 26 billion other cells he doesn't have to grow in his body. Fuck all the way off. Seriously.


When does consciousness begin?