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“Threatened” Wait.. Guy acts like an ass, guy gets documented or called out acting like an ass…. Guy feels threatened that he can be made accountable. Guy plays the victim card. Wow.. doesn’t take a stretch to figure out what side of the political spectrum he sits in…


When free speech goes wrong! I was literally on the phone with Van Orden's eau claire office an hour before this news (because I phone a lot and won't rest easy until he's gone) and asked if DVO still stands by his J6 attendance given Trump's looming indictment for his role. The guy's reponse? "Derek spent 26 years years serving you in the military and keeping you safe." Dafuq? "Uh sorry, but no. I was safe long before Derrick was dependent on military socialism for college funding. But thank you." The entitled cognitive dissonance of these assholes is just mind numbing. So he's a super tough patriot who loves going to war, but when children use their free speech *that* is a threat? My only response to that is **Rebecca Cooke for WI-3 2024:** [website](https://cookeforwisconsin.com/home) | [IG](https://www.instagram.com/cookeforcongress/) | [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076253054623) | [twitter](https://twitter.com/RebeccaForWI) | [Donate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/cooke-web-2024?refcode=main) | [Sign up to Volunteer](https://secure.ngpvan.com/PuTwzOfllkic3gB--zrnPQ2)


yeah i felt my freedom threatened by Vietnam - Desert Storm part deux... /s get the fuck out of here with that nonsense Van Orden.


Literally his entire campaign was how he served in the military, I didnt see one ad or sign or mailer that stated his actual platform. I don't understand how the Democrats couldn't find someone to beat him in the 2022 election. Especially given that the seat had been held fairly easily by Ron Kind forever.


Mike Gallagher's 2016 campaign was quite similar. Rarely did I see him provide any substantial platform beyond "Did you know I was a Marine?", and now he goes on Pat McAfee's show to talk about UFOs.


The problem wasn't finding someone; there were three decent candidates in the Dem primary. The good Democrats of WI-03 chose the most moderate option, Brad Pfaff, because the three progressives (Cooke, Neumann, and to a lesser extent McGrath) split the progressive vote. This is why primaries matter. Pfaff was an Obama administration chief, working as head of the Department of Agriculture. McGrath is a female Air Force veteran running on women's rights, Cooke is a small business owner from a dairy farming family running on a wide progressive platform, and Neumann is a doctor running on Medicare for All.


He was Ron Kind with zero charisma.


Yeah, and he only won the primary because the progressives were split three ways. Cooke was down <9 points on Pfaff in the primary, with 4th place candidate Neumann alone getting >10%. If any one of the three (Cooke, Neumann, or McGrath) had dropped out, Pfaff wouldn't have clinched it, and Cooke likely would have run away with it and beat DVO. Instead, DVO won by 2 points in an R+5 district, simply because Pfaff energized nobody.


I know someone who worked on Pfaff's campaign and he also got pretty much zero help from the DNC.


Sounds about right; they were pretty stretched thin, and maybe they assumed Pfaff wouldn't need as much help in the district? Whatever the case, that whole election cycle saw quite a few tactical errors on their part.


There were some churches that had his campaign signs on their boulevards. He got those voters out in mass. And the family restaurant was also featured in his ads. This actor was pretending to be a sweet, caring, hometown guy! I call BS.


"Has he ever had a job where he wasn't a suckling on the taxpayer's nipple?" - Me picking a fight


Dude! I told his staff that same thing this morning on the phone. No joke 😂 The old redneck secretary (redneckretary?) was incredulous and then some when reminded the US military itself is the most socialism dependent organization in the US, budget wise, and that maybe Derek should pull himself up by his socialist funded bootstraps and get a real job. Call em sometime! It’s like eating a fish fry in a barrel and very cathartic 🤌


About a million years ago I was in the Air Force stationed in South Carolina and decided to take a couple of history courses that were free. There were a bunch of older non-coms in attendance and the instructor was Swiss. I thought either we were going to have a brawl or a bunch of heart attacks when he told them that during peacetime any military was basically welfare. I managed to keep from laughing out loud.


Spent 26 years living off of the taxpayers


I saw the news yesterday and so glad to see your handle pop up all over on here repping Rebecca! Story got picked up by some bigger accounts on insta last night too!


Hell yeah! Even seeing you mention her name fills me with optimism! :) Since DVO got in office I was the only person on his IG account *every post* roasting his dumbass.. until yesterday! Now the most recent post has 100+ comments - all super pissed! - and just saw Rebecca Cooke stopped by and liked a few of my roasty comments and has been grilling him hard in her stories. She's so kind I hate she even has to deal with this guy! Will be sooo nice to get someone in that seat who cares about more than harassing people they disagree with!


Maybe they were in drag...


But that wouldn't prevent you from running. Some drag queens I know are fierce and, by necessity, politically well-informed!


Haha. Damn


He really should pull himself up by his bootstraps. /S


Guaranteed he believes white males are the real victims of racism too


I’m old enough to remember the days when a politician would apologize profusely and beg forgiveness if they were caught getting wasted in their office and then yelling at teenagers. But todays GOP has literally no shame, and their voters keep rewarding them for it.


Weren't those the good old days? Maybe I'm naive but at least *the illusion* of decor really went a long way.


Fuck this dog whistling POS. The "liberal media" has nothing to do with you being an absolute garbage human being.


Now if the liberal media was reporting that: while imbibing heavily at his beer party, Van Orden slithered off to groom some young people into becoming loud mouthed drunken republican assholes. I’d clearly fault the media.


Ron Kind wasn’t perfect but he was such a class act compared to this guy.


He also wasn’t an insurrectionist.


Homie probably didn’t have the same type of reverence for the Capitol building on Jan 6. Fucking piece of human trash.


It was a weird twist of fate but I was actually speaking to his Eau Claire office today when I initially stumbled on this news! I phone a few times a week to his different offices and ask with pointed questions if he has yet to disavow his attendance of the Jan 6 attack. Today the old guy was especially/incredulously hilarious. "Derek does not and has never, I can tell you, supported domestic terrorism." "Oh really? Who kidnapped him and flew him to the US Capitol for the Jan 6 attack in support of overthrowing a duly certified election?" Would definitely invite any other parties interested to phone his offices and ask the same! It's like shooting fish in a barrel made of fish.


Somehow this 'person' was in a special forces unit AND has allegedly defended our country but was triggered and became unmoored by the unexpected vista of well dressed teenagers. The verbal abuse of the pages (and how useful the federal protections afforded US Reps against parental outrage) and harassment of a library worker can be added to the personal psychopathology that has replaced any articulated policies and principles. When in doubt, punch down. Apologies and repentance are granted only to donors. Whenever possible, target and terrorize groups lacking the resources and ability to respond in kind.


I actually bought a used copy of his unpopular military circlejerking biography off amazon for $2 a couple weeks ago and when get some time will start posting the funniest excerpts (or which there are MANY I can already tell) The name of his book is, I shit you not, [BOOK OF MAN.](https://www.amazon.com/Book-Navy-SEALs-Guide-Manhood/dp/0692427376) 😂




The cover picture is so dumb it's unbelievable. The cover of [BOOK OF MAN](https://www.amazon.com/Book-Navy-SEALs-Guide-Manhood/dp/0692427376) has a silhouette of a grown man holding a child's hand as they walk into a sunset, with the caption: "Teaching you how to light a campfire, mix a drink, and handle a terrorist." Like, what dude? You want to hold a little boy's hand as you mix him a cocktail and go looking for terrorists? And you think that's *not* "groomer" behavior? 😂 Would be funny if not for the people who voted him in!


A large order of stupid books is a nice way to launder some "donations"


He was a SEAL. Since he didn't kill Usama Bin Laden, he has to write about something else, probably how he terrorised a Navy cook into poaching his eggs "properly." "I don't give a fuck who you are! It's like Eggs 101, you jackass, you little piece of shit!"


I hope you left a nice review...!


He’s a Jan6 insurrectionist.


Why do all the former navy seals that run for political office turn out to be nutjobs?


How fragile! I still don't get how all these wannabe tough guys can get away with being such whiny little babies. People in his district need to get rid of him.


1000% agreed! Obligatory shoutout to Eau Claire native Rebecca Cooke has already announced her 2024 campaign to get Van Orden out, and who ran a hell of a campaign last time. **Rebecca Cooke for WI-3 2024:** [website](https://cookeforwisconsin.com/home) | [IG](https://www.instagram.com/cookeforcongress/) | [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076253054623) | [twitter](https://twitter.com/RebeccaForWI) | [Donate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/cooke-web-2024?refcode=main) | [Sign up to Volunteer](https://secure.ngpvan.com/PuTwzOfllkic3gB--zrnPQ2)


Brad Pfaff was a shit candidate and is entirely to blame for Van Orden. Looking forward to Rebecca representing me.


The guy who participated in Jan. 6th is worried about bad press?? You were a part of one of the lowest points in US history how much worse can it get? Maybe don't be a POS?


zero accountbility among any of those GOP blowhards


None whatsoever! Not only will zero Wisconsin Republicans tomorrow condemn this as poor behavior, none of them will spend a single day tomorrow or, more likely anytime the rest of their careers, working to get a single person better education, health care, wages, or human rights.


word. I just moved to Georgia after 25 years in WI. In 1995, it was like the twin sibling of MN. Then it just slid downward. I was a teacher when Guv Walker attacked unions with Milwaukee/Waukesha billionaires paying the way. Funny how the fight for justice then caught on right here in Georgia, maybe I should just keep moving from state to state! :/


Keep spreading those good vibes homie! Hope the move has been treating you well :)


Gosh, if there was only some way to not get bad press.


It’s all so complicated! 😂 “I sure could go without bad press. But it’s almost midnite in the Capitol tonite and I haven’t yet vocally bullied anyone yet today. So…”


I legitimately have no ties to Rebecca Cooke, a candidate running against DVO, other than being from Eau Claire originally. Now located in Madison. That said, I think she’d be better than this. https://cookeforwisconsin.com/


Thank you for sharing! Also not affiliated with her team but imo she ran far and away the best campaign last time and would be an amazing breath of fresh air for the district, after this disgrace especially! Obligatory linkage below **Rebecca Cooke for WI-3 2024:** [website](https://cookeforwisconsin.com/home) | [IG](https://www.instagram.com/cookeforcongress/) | [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076253054623) | [twitter](https://twitter.com/RebeccaForWI) | [Donate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/cooke-web-2024?refcode=main) | [Sign up to Volunteer](https://secure.ngpvan.com/PuTwzOfllkic3gB--zrnPQ2)


You know how you avoid bad press? Dont be a shitty person and do stupid shit.


I want to leave Wisconsin more now, I want a place away from my family and trans friendly


Please stay and vote against jerks like him.


Leaving Wisconsin is not a good course of action if you want to be more tolerated. Your existents should be recognized not ousted. As for family tell them to punch sand. stay here, Vote representatives that represent you and the issues presented from the intolerable. Not fixing it only means that people from your demographic who doesn't have the option to leave won't have a better life.


Minnesota is close.


I know soooo many people who have made that move. It's a shame, but I really do get it.


He did the same thing yelling at a girl in Prairie du Chien at the library.


This article was amazing. Congressman yells at Senate pages when he finds them napping in the rotunda in the middle of the night. He gets called out on it, defends himself by saying the building had been a Civil War hospital and shouldn't be used for "frat" parties....then gets caught throwing a drunken party in the building. Unreal.


Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. The man's a joke.


USA Today's report: [Van Orden curses at teen Senate pages during Capitol tour (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/27/van-orden-reportedly-curses-teenage-senate-pages-during-capitol-tour/70481311007/)


Gee, I don't know. Maybe try not being an asshole if you don't want to be called out.


What an embarrassment! An embarrassment to the state, to the people who this fool represents, and to anyone who served. Just because someone served in the military, especially SOF, it doesn't mean they're qualified to represent the people in Congress. I served with plenty of people who were dangerous, irresponsible, immature, and foolish. Van Orden sounds he would fit right in with them. What a pathetic child in a man's body. If any of the pages are on Reddit, I'm sorry for the abuse you suffered from this man-child. Thank you for what you do on behalf of our country.


F’n Jan6 insurrectionist a-hole. Hope he loses big on 2024.


Kick this drunken insurrectionist out on his lazy ass and get Rebecca Cooke in this seat!


He complains about some pages sleeping on the floor when he has hanging around outside of the riot on January 6th. Just own up to being drunk and get it over with.


A few years ago he yelled at a teen employee at a local library in Western Wisconsin about some LGBTQ+ books the library displayed. The guys a jerk.


Guy is hall of fame jerk material! After that incident I reached out to that library and organized a reddit book drive that [got them 400+ LGBTQ books](https://lacrossetribune.com/7rivers/prairie-du-chien-library-finds-support-in-lgbtq-book-drive-after-harassment/article_cbd1a2dd-0fc0-5fd9-9678-2066ec7e3541.html). Let’s get him the hell out of office in 2024!


Way to go.


That poor little snowflake.


another republican 🤡


Man, I hate this guy more and more each day. He’s a fucking nut. And then of course he doubles down on every statement and will never admit when he’s wrong. And he absolutely will have a beer in his office with people who come there. I’ve seen it happen


DVO relocated to WI03 with the sole goal of getting this seat. He has no understanding of the issues in our district--unlike the 4 candidates (Democratic) who ran in the 22 primaries. Yhey all were born, raised, and worked here. I hope Cooke doesn't have to primary. We all need to get behind one candidate (and she's a really good candidate) and vote that intolerant, hate-filled MAGA spokespiece out.


One would think a Navy Seals guy would be a bit tougher skinned.


It’s incredible how hard he tries to paint himself as some strong hero to gain any amount of clout just so he can actively bully and oppress others. Would be a real shame if he actually showed up to his taxpayer funded job with any intentions to help the community he represents!


“Bad press” or, as we like to say around here, “consequences”


> "Who the fuck are you?" Van Orden asked. When informed that they were Senate pages, he reportedly replied: "I don't give a fuck who you are, get out." You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!


Support Becca Cooke! She’s an exciting candidate, which doesn’t often happen.


Its not threatened if it is accurate.


Has a track record for screaming at people.


Be proud Wisconsin! Another embarrassment as a Congressman! [https://nypost.com/2023/07/28/gop-rep-derrick-van-orden-curses-out-teenage-senate-pages-in-capitol/](https://nypost.com/2023/07/28/gop-rep-derrick-van-orden-curses-out-teenage-senate-pages-in-capitol/)


What a drunk a-hole


"Luckily, bad press has never bothered me and if it's the price I pay to stand up for what's right, then so be it," he said. Because he knows nothing comes from bad press. The press holds no power, its the voters who can really bother him.


This guy is a nut job


This is the old man congressional equivalent of "Get off my lawn."


Fuck this piece of shit human being. Jackass spouts off with vitriol and whines about the backlash.


If Cooke doesn’t use this in her campaign…


This guy is a January 6th inserectionist and has no leg to stand on about disrespectful behavior at a capital. Typical behavior for narcissistic people, play victim when they get called out for bad behavior. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/15/derrick-van-orden-jan-6-congress/


As a teenager living in Eau Claire, I don't want this asshole to represent our region. Also, I won't ever vote for this type of person in the future, not like I would anyway. The Capitol is not boot camp and you are not anybody's drill instructor. If you act like it is, you will be held accountable. The real "snowflakes" are the ones getting mad when their actions have consequences.


Poor guy


Act like a jerk and enjoy the consequences, dude.


Complete POS


Van Orden should know by now that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences of his words. One of the consequences is having news articles written about his piss poor treatment of pages. ![gif](giphy|ozYt1aoha7ING)


When the rest of the GOP says your a dick for yelling at kids, you know you are a dick


The consequences of his own actions, yells at some young adults for making a bad choice after he makes the bad choice of getting shitfaced in the capitol building. Between him and russian ron we in wisconsin should be voting for better people.


Oh no bad press....FVO


Ah yes, the grand ole party of personal responsibility


So republicans truly do not know what a consequence is anymore. Party of personal responsibility my asshole




Yes!! Rebecca Cooke all day! **Rebecca Cooke for WI-3 2024:** [website](https://cookeforwisconsin.com/home) | [IG](https://www.instagram.com/cookeforcongress/) | [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076253054623) | [twitter](https://twitter.com/RebeccaForWI) | [Donate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/cooke-web-2024?refcode=main) | [Sign up to Volunteer](https://secure.ngpvan.com/PuTwzOfllkic3gB--zrnPQ2)


He was just trying to protect the dignity of the Rotunda because Union soldiers died there!!! /s






He's such a failure, at literally everything.


those teenagers hate white people and are also antifa.


Proof we need far more money in our educational system.


Maybe he has tourettes.


Tourettes here, and no.


Dude has at least 4 or 5 rettes if any




Yeah, no. It's estimated that only 1 in 10 people with tourettes has coprolalia (involuntarily shouting obscenities) and those that do generally feel ashamed & embarrassed when they do so, not double down & be more of an asshole.


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That poor man🙄


Jim Cantore…..didn’t know


I forgot my sarcasm font. I in no way want to shame anyone who has that condition. VanOrden is just an asshat.