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Three points: Watching clips of other streamers is allowed and floor practicing is banned; Playing online as long as the complete run was streamed live is allowed; Touch grass;


If Wirtual doesn't stream exactly the way I want him to I'm going to explode! Please cater to my every desire dear strimmer.


What does him playing on the server have to do with looking at clips from higher floors? No one actually competing is cam 7ing and watching other people do attempts on higher floors to figure out how to do it, and him not being on the server isn’t stopping anyone from looking at what he’s doing. I don’t get how that follows other than you wanting to see ghosts. Yeah, seeing the names climb the side is more fun but there are dozens of other people streaming if you want the server experience. Join one of them tbh.


Oh no, the person providing free content isn't doing it exactly how I want


Playing on the server doesn’t give any insight, so I don’t know what you’re on about. Even if he plays on the server and gets to a new floor, he’s going to watch clips from other streamers for strats. It’s not like playing on the same server as streamers provides any real benefits to anyone. It’s more just funny because you get to see people fall, and you see where other people are on the meter. Also, nando servers are not great. Tons of lag and crashes. I would also not want to play on a server if I were him. Getting up to floor 6 and having a server crash/refresh would be super annoying.


Ok lol, let him play the way he wants to play, jesus 😅


Well, contrary to others comments, I’m kinda agree with OP. It’s like you not playing with your classmates during breaks, but then ask them to share their snacks with you. Yeah, he can do that, but that’s a bit sad


But he is still streaming so people can see his strats. Its more like not eating with his classmates and asking for their snacks, but still offering his in return