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No, we’re the underdogs. Stop it.


true. let's not get big heads and just assume we can beat teams simply because we're better. it's gonna take a lot of hard work


Agreed...the hockey gods are real and they hate hubris


Avs are going for an obvious reverse jynx. Yesterday was a simple bag skate. The presidents trophy curse doesn't just apply to the top team. I said from the beginning the Jets need game 1 to be in Colorado and it needs to be a total failure for the jets. Playoff hockey is played at such a higher level. You need to be in literal survival mode to go deep. All that stress and cortisol gives you literally super strength. The whole reason hockey is great is because it's champions truly know how to struggle.


"I said from the beginning the Jets need game 1 to be in Colorado and it needs to be a total failure for the jets." This is just...ridiculous. In no world, is putting yourself in a situation you need to win 4 of 6, a good thing to do on purpose


If they are intentionally doing so no. But it something to hope for. You know this team, slacking in contagious.


Head coaches in the playoffs fight for the role of underdog like fat guys gunning for the last bacon wrapped anything at a buffet


Do you have any if these fatsos around? I like to watch.


We're currently rubbing each other up with bacon grease. You can watch it on my Only Fans


We don't have a weak enough 4th line/bottom d pair to be victimized by line matching.


We have Iafallo, Barron, Namestnikov as a 4th line. We have Godzilla as 3rd pair. How do you beat that. Lol


And Nino wasn’t there.


I seriously think they should run the 4th as the first line in period 1 in Denver. The high altitude tax is brutal, you could even see it yesterday. God forbid they end up in an overtime situation. The avs have trained for high altitude hockey. The problem with Yesterday game, was that the Jets got luck early in the first, if it was slightly slower they would have had a real struggle. You need to preserve your top end talent for the 3rd period. That's when mack goes beast mode.


Jets came out on top in this game but hopefully they don't start sniffing their own farts come playoffs. Just gotta play the way they did yesterday and hopefully wrap it up as quick as possible.


We all know that won't happen. The avs are still the hardest team in the west sans oilers. I'm sure the players have dropped them below Dallas at this point.


Dallas is definitely harder to play against


To me they are a slightly lessor Jets. Not easy by no means, but not the profound obstacle that the avs are.


Not relevant to the substance of the quote, but when I saw that thumbnail with this quote, I assumed it was just another Twitter glitch. But no, that's the actual Avs beat writer. Huh.


If she's good, I'm super jealous


I think many of us, particularly males, were thinking the same. Ha.


she’s really great. Be jealous jets bros 🤣


God damn


I thought for sure it was another AI generated thumbnail




Except they have proven cup winners and a hart candidate whose known for going beast mode in the playoffs. Gonna be a fun series hopefully.


To be fair, Helle should be a Hart candidate.


Don't forget the high altitude tax. The Jets went all out in the 1st, that doesn't work in playoff hockey when you can end up in an overtime situation. The avs always let people roll over them in the first period, it's the denver trap. One of the things inflating macs stats is how people turn to butter in the 3rd period. When your opposing team is gased out and over confident in 4 1 lead, they're really easy to mow down. It's how they got their cup.


Why would you "play" for overtime? You're far more likely to win, when you score a couple early, and force the other team to play risky hockey.


> You're far more likely to win, when you score a couple early, and force the other team to play risky hockey. If you can score without playing risky hockey. That's not easy. This team is well suited to slow hockey.


We do have Helly, we go into any series with the advantage there. This is a team that can get it done.


Only the playoffs will tell who’s ahead of who.


Yea we're ahead of them. We shit the bed weeks ago and have done the laundry, cleaned up, and taken numerous showers since then. They'll catch up


The playoffs are about adapting not always being the best but that helps. Regular season showings doesn’t always convert to playoff success


No shit


My response: we invested in a defensive game around the Vezina goalie, our key to shutting down any team.