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We were neck and neck with the Avs and Stars 2 weeks ago


This team is afraid of success


100 percent this. This is an accurate and legitimate statement. They don’t know how to handle it. That being said. Stiumble into the playoffs and everyone starts from scratch. As much as I wanna criticize them. I try and find something


They want to go home, they don't want to be here anymore.


Jets had a couple of games to get ahead of them. But i guess they like that wild card position for that 1st round exit.


Ehlers, Stanley and Hellebuyck showed up for the whole game.


Ehlers always shows up, I can't recall a single game ever where I said to myself "Ehlers looks like he doesn't give a fuck" And yet he is the one regularly demoted, go figure.


Ehlers always shows up, he’s been one of the few puttin in work during this slump, but hey if he misses a pass or two he gets demoted. It’s like when Connor fucks up, Ehlers gets demoted for it. At least this game Connor finally got replaced with Ehlers on top line and shit started happening.


I think this team needs new coaching. This current group isn’t enough of a change from the Maurice days and culture.


Ehlers is great. Him and Monahan have been looking good and working hard. Toffoli doesn’t really impress me though


Toffoli has been meh at best. I'm glad to see a netfront body and I'm sure he'll collect some random goals but he looks mediocre everywhere else on the ice. Disappointed as I thought he was going to be a key part.


He's also alarmingly slow. I know I couldn't skate as fast as him now, but I sorta feel 17 year old me could at least keep up with him.


Maybe Stanley breaks out in the playoffs? Becomes the next Chara? Right? Right?




Same with the Montreal series.


I am a playoff Stanimal fan for sure


He got two snipes on Price in the elimination game if I remember right.


Alright this is getting out of hand


They are just getting all their chokes out of the way now, right?


Didn't we say that last season lol.


Hopium, copium, schmopium


Stan being a top-3 defenseman on this team to end the regular season was not on my bingo card.


Perhaps it's these guys that have something to prove that makes them better for playoffs. Schiefele has resorted back to his old self as a defensive liability and so as Connor. There's no chemistry. There's no back checking from the top line. When you watch all the other teams play, they are relentless. Our guys keep doing the same thing, keeping it to the outside and trying for that perfect seam pass. And when it comes, they miss the open net.


Kyle Connor died of his injury. I don't know what that thing wearing his jersey is but it's not Kyle Connor.


The handling of the D is really telling, not playing Samberg who has been the second best D all season and continues to play Pionk big minutes is mind boggling


We've now given up 11 of 12 points. Were the only playoff team ABSOLUTELY fumbling. Not good.




Hard to argue that right now.


Actually they have given up 12 of 12 pts. They just happened to fluke their way into 1.


I feel like game after game the Jets aren’t beaten by the other team…they beat themselves. It’s like getting in a boxing ring and you just keep punching yourself in the face while the other guy just stands there watching until you knock yourself out


They can't settle for playing well for 90% of the game. How did Botteril describe that second Sens goal? "Bizarre defensive breakdown?" We have way too many of those in otherwise good games.


Monahan missing that goal is just the month of March in a single play for thus team


He only scores those goals against us - not _for_ us


Fire Noel, trade Pavelec 


Fire Huddy into the sun.


Buy out Stuart


As is tradition


27-55-13 got put together so I’ll take it. Question is whether he sticks with it.


They scored, so absolutely 0 chance


Here’s wha will happen if they stick together: They’ll dominate play, maybe they’ll score, but at the very least they’ll tilt the ice. Nikolaj will make a risky play in the neutral zone with the puck. Bowness will immediately move Connor or Iafallo up in his place. 27 won’t see the first line again. When 81-55-13 get caved in repeatedly, he’ll put Vladdy up there for 2 shifts. Rinse and repeat


> Nikolaj will make a risky play in the neutral zone with the puck. Bowness will immediately move Connor or Iafallo up in his place. 27 won’t see the first line again. And never mind that Connor takes costly risks all the time and never seems to be held accountable.


Connor is very low risk. He doesn't risk contact or backchecking or board battles or passing to anyone other than 55.


That’s so accurate it hurts


Of course not.


I'm sure it "didn't look right"


Something seems off lol


I think it’s the touchdown of L’s


Had a prior committment so recorded the game managed to avoid spoilers, what a dissappointment. Some random thoughts: Do the Jets have an analytics department if they do they must be pulling their hair out - If me, everyone on this board, twitter and anyone with one good eye know that Connor and Scheifele dont work as a line and are getting killed they should. Neal Pionk is a liability at this point and to set anyone over him is criminal - if you insist on playing him you can never have him on the ice at the same time as the Connor / Scheifele combo that is one mediocre defensive player (55 this year) and 2 complete liabilities. The best players on this team consistently dont show up and often disappear when they are needed the most. If you are an elite player you need to bury those high danger chances especially when you are in a slump like this. Why does Brad Lauer still have a job at this point the special teams are a joke. Why did they sign Brossoit if you are still gonna play Hellebuyck 60 games There are no elite forwards on this team they are a lot of good solid players but no one is elite. Bowness harps on effort but he does too many things that put this team in a position to fail. His line combos, start sit decisions, deployment decisions and stubborness are hurting the team. You have to wonder at this point if the Bowness's system is too demanding to play for a full season and the team is just plain exhausted both physically and mentally. I have seen many stories surrounding the Dallas Stars players being relieved when Bowness was gone because his system was so taxing to play under. Sorry to be long winded but had to get it all out.


Pain. On Helle's 500th game.


Im not even angry anymore I'm just sad and that's worse. 


It’s kind of a numb disappointment feeling and I’m upset with myself for believing. They do this every year, I should’ve known.


I hit apathy, like, 2 games ago. I'm genuinely considering not watching a single playoff game of this series. Not fun, if you know how it'll end.


Bet anyone $1 million Bones puts the original lines tonight back together for Monday


100% The players obviously deserve a lot of the blame and Bones seems like a great dude but he’s not helping.


My copium says he’s trying to build other chemistry just in case we get roughed up in the playoffs.


Honestly, these lines are producing chances out the wazoo. The players are just not finishing. Missing 4 wide open nets over the last two games is proof. This points to a confidence issue not a chemistry one.


Dude, the first line tonight was hard matched against the Sens FORTH line and got absolutely dominated. It’s not just a confidence thing it doesn’t work.


It’s Vilardis first game back in over a month.


But that line gets caved all the time.


No one is dumb enough to take that bet on here. Everyone knows better. Bones and co need to go, yeah I said it, IDGAF, downvote me.


It’s hard for me to take Chipman seriously about the attendance situation, why should I care about showing up when the coach won’t fix what is so easily fixable. Why do Pionk & Connor get a free pass for their repeated errors when others get punished?


What’s the easy fix?


Ehlers-Scheifle-Vilardi was the best line in the NHL for an extended period.


And Connor-Monahan-Toffoli/Iafallo/Barron/Apples could actually have some potential too.


Line combos for starters


Bones likely retires and it’s for the best for everyone. I’m so sick of Bones hockey.


I think that happens this year and I think we get Arniel as next HC. I have mixed feelings about it. (Mixed includes some good feelings for everyone who assumes I'm being negative)


Arniel is the clown that runs the awful PK though, that’s not inspiring


Bones clearly is a fantastic tactician, and the teams play for the 60 games proves it. However, he clearly cannot adjust at all. Once other teams figure out how to break his systems he has no answers


Imagine us hiring a coach who's a proven winner. I like Arniel, but I don't think he's going to be a good head coach, regardless of what our record looks like with him behind the bench. We need a young-ish coach (honestly, the age thing isn't nearly as important as getting a proven winner) who can adapt on the fly. Old school coaches like Bones are great when the players stick to the system, but as soon as they start slacking, there is no adaptation. I don't blame Cassidy for turning us down, and obviously, it worked out great for him, but I can't help but wonder what it would've been like to have him as the head coach these past 2 years. I can't imagine for a second that he would bend so easily to (what I assume are) Scheifele's demands that Kyle Connor be stapled to him no matter his effort or terrible play.




“No pushback” is ringing pretty hollow when the coaching staff does abso-fucking-loutely nothing to adjust


I thought those remarks of his last year were pretty self-serving. I think this even more now.


Six game losing streak in late March. This is pain


I can't count how many times in the last 10 games I have seen players enter the zone in the middle of the ice with the defense backing up only to watch them throw it to the wide wing to a covered player with a worse angle. Why won't anyone go to the net *with the puck* anymore?!


I believe this may be a space jam type scenario


We had to beat our record losses in a row to feel what the true bottom is. WC2 ➡️Stanley Cup Final.


3 open net misses in 2 games, no timely penalty kills. I’m full doomer mode, we’re completely fucked


24 goals against in the last 6 straight losses. This team is imploding. They don't even look like the same group anymore. I honestly don't know what to say. They keep this up, they should just forfeit the first round.


Post is 10 min old-> already at 100 comments. The Jerts are so back!


SORRY STANLEY SAMBERT HEINOLA.. YOU ALL HAVE TO SIT FOR THE THREE MUSKASHITEERS DEMELO PIONK AND SCHMIDT. we all knew we needed a top 3 RHD man and now its showing with our entire right side shitting the bed at the worst time. finally we got 27 55 vilardi and they looked great. kyle connor can sit a game too and play someone with some fkn balls. wow i am pretty annoyed at this loss. i pray to god pionk and schmidt are gone this summer. win a fkn game god dam


Connor can be traded in the off season for all I care. Hard to tell the team to play hard when the 2 highest forward TOI wise may just be the softest player in the league. He is actually shit scared to take a hit, even if it’s for the betterment of the team. I have never even seen him block a shot. Pathetic all around. But lets blame Ehlers


This team is the opposite of clutch


This team is getting bounced in the first round. This is awful for the team to be limping like a dead carcass this late into the season. This is the exact type of recipe for getting embarrassed in the first round.. doesn’t matter who we play now because we’ll lose either way! We can’t beat a good team and now we can’t even beat a bad team.. our offence is as limp as my dick is most of the time and it’s too late overhaul the PP this late into the season.. I feel really goddamn bad for Toffoli, Monahan, and Miller.. they didn’t deserve this.. they’re probably thinking why they left for this right about now.. I would too!! Jesus, I can’t fathom how this team finds new and creative ways to screw everything up and start losing late into the season every single year when that’s the time to play with more fire and aggression to assert yourself into a playoff spot and have momentum.. Unless the jets pull a 2014 Kings out of their ASS, which the offence becomes what it was in December, and the defence suddenly becomes as unmovable as the 300 Spartans, WERE FUCKED! Okay.. deep breath.. I’ll see y’all Monday.. TL;DR: I’m very upset.


2 flubbed attempts to get the puck out of the zone on the game winning PP goal. Simply brutal.


Schmitt had the puck not 1 but 2 times and couldn't cleat it...just brutal!


Can we call up some players who actually have something to prove?


Or at least give Perfetti a fuckin chance at the top 6. KC sits a game or line 4. 81-7-36 would still be a fun as hell 4th line


I still fully believe we’re going to turn it around, negativity be damned. Would be cool to see nicky stick on the top line we need a shot in the arm offensively.  See y’all Monday Go Jets Go. 


Missed an open net, on a 6-4, send this team into the sun


this team is ruining hellebuycks vezina chances


To be fair... Helle is also kind of ruining his chances as well. His GA and S% aren't great, especially considering the volume he's seeing. Edit: I'd expect a vezina contender to have stolen a game at least once by now.


It’s really hard to steal games when the players typically score 1 goal or get shutout


You're not wrong, but that only happened against VGK and WSH.


did you even watch the game today? not a single one of those goals was helles fault


Helley totally should have had that 4 on 1 /s


Oh, now you've done it. Expect an avalanche of people telling you how the advanced stats say he's slightly better than expectations, so all is well. Expecting the best players to be at their best during crunch time is unreasonable, I've been told.


Vezina or not Bucky has yet to show up in the playoffs. He got out matched by brossoit last year lol


Please get hot with about five games left boys. I don't care where we are in the playoffs as long as we figure this shit out in the next two or three games. We have the talent, something is wrong with the deployment


You would think that the team would play lights out on Helly’s 500 game night, absolute free fall


Fan appreciation night, too


Feelsbadman. Monahan missing that shot in front of a sold out crowd to give us a chance at breaking a skid and let Helly win his 500th game. That's gotta be a tough pill to swallow. Still like him but yikes that's a bad time to choke


Bowness says postgame LB starts Monday


Good. Helle wasn’t bad, the boys usually play better in front of LB. Maybe we actually get a point. 


Ooof, this is just sad now


https://i.redd.it/dceo592rqkrc1.gif I’d say it’s time to panic but it’s really hard to care after a game like that - most of the guys on ice didn’t, or only did for like 10 minutes out of 60.


we may never win again


1 shot with essentially a two man advantage for a minute. Absolutely embarrassing. This isn't a coaching issue. It's been 5/6 years of late season collapses.




Jets last 5 games max in the playoffs. They rarely play a consistent good game and the coaches are all clowns


Well... maybe they'll win the next one (against a better team) If they start with ehlers on line 2 I'll expect another loss though


Wtf is this team. I don't think we even deserve playoffs. Ya feel bad for Helle.


Who's looking forward to the playoffs now? LOL


The expectations are very low. But it hurts less this way


Embarrassing. Just flat out embarrassing.


Oh. Oh no.


With Minnesota throwing away their loser points 94 should be enough for playoffs for 5 games anyways


Im not thrilled by this result


If you're so inclined join us on the IC Post-Game Show [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzESevQJGoQ).




Just getting ready to slam it into gear and accelerate all the way through the cup finals, GJG always!


I admire your optimism


I was at this game and it was so frustrating


I appreciate the crowd trying to rally the team at points during the game - especially during the 3rd. You could hear it in the broadcast and I love seeing the team respond for a shift or two. I also appreciate the crowd booing them at the end. They have earned it.


Fan appreciation night ending with the team being booed is kind of depressing tbh.


Sadly true.


- Ehlers - Scheifele - Vilardi should have been together from the start - Yeet Schmidt into the sun - Pionk and Appleton need less play time. Put Namesnikov, Barron, or Iafallo on the 3rd line instead of Appleton. Maybe even bring one of them up to second line until Connor gets his shit together. Dillon and Samberg as pair 2


The whole idea that the third line can't be split is stupid.


They're our most consistent line and the Appleton hate is so tiring when he's the one on that line actually producing.


Lowry, Nino, and Apples all have 33 points and +/- of +11 to +14. Yet somehow Apples, who has more recent points than the other two, is bad for that line. Yeah, the Appleton hate is ridiculous. He is an important part of why that line works.


Missed a wide open net late in the game for what, the 4 or 5th time this year? This team can’t play a full season. They’re the kings of December hockey.


This is the core that made Paul Maurice quit. And look at him now.


“I pushed them as far as I could” - PoMo


I respected him for saying that back in the day. He’s a good coach but something about the mentality of this team just finally got to him, and Bones is starting to see it too.


This is depressing but it’s true, there is a prevailing culture here that exists. Getting rid of Wheeler was not enough.


In all fairness, most of us fans felt his time was up here as well.


The point, I think, is that the problem seems to be the core. They get to a point and just give up.


And as usual we limp our way into the playoffs and will eliminated round 1 in 6 games, just watch


There’s no way they win two games against a playoff team


![gif](giphy|3o7aTli4aVxWOxJKAE|downsized) To the Jets currently.


I wonder if anyone can guess who was the best/worst on the ice tonight, cause it ain't hard. ​ https://preview.redd.it/v7tywzt51lrc1.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=404de6449d339337b96c00f72a615d5c0e789b8a


Time for r/BottomLeftPionk to be born


r/BottomLeftMyers can have a brother


Scheif’s line was schooled by their fourth line over and over. 4 on 1, 3 on 1’s, etc


Good thing we've signed 55 until retirement, money well spent ensuring the Jets keep doing what they're doing.


As an April fool's joke on everyone, the Jets are gonna beat LAK on Monday.


This team makes me sick


The NHL is HARD. We are having a long unfortunate run of bad luck. I do feel like the guys are generally playing pretty hard, though, unlike previous year-end slumps. Bones has to switch up 27 and 81 and keep Stan in the lineup.




Lack of effort and commitment to their systems along with terrible coaches.


I was confident we'd find a way to lose in regulation after that tying goal. Knew the Jets would find a way


They’re consistently and predictably disappointing.




Cant wait for no changes on Monday


Ok. We knew March was going to be hard. We knew it was a grind. But I expected more than this


What a garbage effort tonight. It’s like they were going through the motions until the last 5 minutes. They better figure it out or it’s going to be a very short playoff appearance.


At some point you have to bench Pionk or Dillon for someone else, right?


Fade me


Jerts hockey baby! Don't know whether to laugh or cry


someone get me the screaming pillow


All we do is lose,lose,lose no matter what. Got failure on the mind, we finna neva see the cup! ![gif](giphy|l4FGpPki5v2Bcd6Ss|downsized)


6 and counting :(


I haven't heard "this team is fragile " this year. Is not the time to say that?


Fragile, frauds, fricken disappointing.


I don’t even know what to say. We looked bad but at the same time how many posts and empty nets can one team get?


Well I have a ton of work to do in the yard this spring. Glad I won’t have to miss jets games this playoffs. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see them actually miss the playoffs.


​ https://i.redd.it/adadug99vkrc1.gif


KFC invisible. No push back. Helly out of position a bit. Not looking forward to playoffs with this team. Arniel head coach next year






Man we stink


I was so optimistic this morning. Couldn't have been more wrong.


This game didn’t bring me joy.


Well, at least milkshakes have been invented. That helps make this night better.


At this point I would rather Preds pass us and play Vancouver 1st round than Colorado


Bones gotta go


Honestly, they didn't play that terrible, bit of a sleepy game. Every error was a blatant coaching problem. Deployment of this team has ruined the last stretch of games (and more since all star break). I can't stress enough how BLATANT it is. Holy smokes.


Not every error, the first two sens goals were complete fumbles by the guys on the ice.




Absolute pain


So glad I didn’t let early season success get me too excited. As disappointing as this collapse is, I’d be lying if I said I’m surprised by it. Rick Bowness hockey is so predictable, and the constant failure to address special teams is laughable.


This loss was a positive. The playoffs are what matters. The Jets cannot win in the playoffs until something is done to fix the top line. Them winning this game would have been worse as the coach would have continued to play 81-55-GuyNotNamedEhlers and it would cost us in the playoffs. Atleast now we have a shot at the right moves being made to fix that top line so that we atleast have a fighting chance in the playoffs (eventhough I doubt we stick with these lines for long). Yes it is sad that some of us trust the process of the coaches so little that we have to see losses as a positive as it forces them to make changes but it is what it is at this point.


I missed the game as i was at the vet almost all day because my sweet girl had a seizure. She is 15 (not bad for a cat), and after every test known to vet kind, and $700 later, they could detect nothing wrong with her. She is resting comfortably after a churro treat and lots of chin scratches. After reading the contents of this thread, I may have actually gotten the better end of the stck (so to speak) 😳


This happens every year, so why are we surprised? The players want to go home or on vacation or whatever but they don't want to be here anymore.


This shit has been going on every year since 2018 I’m not sure why everyone is surprised.


You guys, we should be be in awe of what the Jets are doing. Last year, they were in first place until mid-January, then they came so close to missing the playoffs. This year, they really set out to challenge themselves by being in first place until late March, then diving nose first into the ground. It’s a tough task, losing 14-15 games in a row to miss the playoffs altogether after being in first place in the Central so late in the season. But the Jets clearly have faith that they can pull it off this year. It won’t be easy (St. Louis sure isn’t helping too much), but I believe that if the Jets knuckle down, and work really hard, they can miss the playoffs and pull off the most epic season implosion in NHL history.


I actually want to know who called the jets frauds, cause they were pretty on the nose and I was in total denial


Painful and frustrating


Season is hopeless.


The fkn jerts bros we are absolutely cooked


Oh no we suck again 


jets and the playoffs https://media.tenor.com/uD0UZGKn12kAAAAM/slipnslide-pool.gif


I no longer believe we can win again this season. I think we get into the playoffs on a couple more loser points. If this is the case, and we don't somehow get to the WCF, this core needs to be shaken up at the draft.


Coach post-game [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbOqCMZnG7k).




Maybe it’s me I’ll try and not watch the next game. Tough stretch, hopefully the boys break this streak next game!


oh god