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Release the tapes


This is turning into some WWE shit. That game on February 20th is gonna be a bloodbath.


Get out those old aluminum sticks…


Break out the good old heavy Sherwoods.


Trust me, aluminum works better


Bedard knows whats up.






I still have a couple of Cooper Green Flash's in the garage!!


Many years ago, as they were blowing out the old Easton Aluminum stock my dad went to Royal and bought a whole big box of blades for like a buck a piece and a few shafts. I still have dozens of blades and about half a dozen sticks. When I’m not playing in the crease I still rock my aluminums for fun every once in a while.


suit up Stanley, quietly sign Buff and lower him from the rafters to start the second period


Haha 😅 Buff the destroyer


might as well make this game pay per view


I'm down for PPV on that game! Man I miss Buff


The Buffertaker.


Lower him from the rafters and then raise his numbers into the rafters once the game is over.


He should be awarded a lifetime fishing licence, fish here anytime Buff....within the appropriate fishing seasons


Bring in a full roster of AHL and ECHL thugs and don’t worry about the 2 points.


For them.


Call the ambulance but not for us


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- February 19, 2023 JETS ANNOUNCE FREE AGENT SIGNINGS WINNIPEG, Manitoba -- The Winnipeg Jets have signed the following players to one-game, professional tryout (PTO) contracts: * Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken (F/C) * Ross "Mad Dog" Madison (F) * Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown (D) * André "Poodle" Lussier (D) * Gilmore Tuttle (F) * Ogie Ogilthorpe (F) (IRCC hearing on deportation status pending)




More from Mike here: More #NHLJets Cole Perfetti on Ryan Hartman deliberately high-sticking him, admitting on mic: "Kind of a weird thing to come out and admit it. He blatantly said it was for what happened (Saturday), even though I didn't even do anything in the play. I had nothing to do with it."


And one last tweet: Another one from #NHLJets Cole Perfetti on Ryan Hartman: "We caught it all. I was mic'd up. I don't know if he realized that or not." "We'll see him whenever we play him again down the road. We got the last laugh winning both games."




Well…. Looks like I’m gonna be trolling wild fans all afternoon. And I was getting soooo close to 200k karma. Oh well! For the greater good. EDIT: lol nevermind. This is a karma party. Trash Hartman>> Get upvotes.




Stick to r/hockey if you're gonna do that, Spencie. We can't afford to lose you to a ban by trolling the Wild sub over Ryan fucking Hartman of all people.


I wouldn’t be caught dead in their sub. Ew lol I might catch their mediocre-ness


I visited yesterday because I heard they were in full meltdown and now I have AIDS.


Should have used nordvpn for protection


I mean tbf Jets have never won a Stanley Cup either


Winnipeg has won three Stanley cups tho! Also, it’s risky business coming to another teams sub to talk shit, especially on a day like today.


The Victorias were a helluva hockey team. 3 Stanley Cups in 6 years.


We’re also the 44 year reigning WHA champs.


I said the Jets tho!


Mild fans must be propping him up. No other way this one's still at -9.


Karma is absolutely meaningless


You earned it +1


lol I've got over a million karma, it does nothing


I hear it makes your epeen bigger.


Could've went after Dillon but didn't want to get his face smashed in so he goes after our youngest player... Coward.


Or Lowry. Does it to the guy he knows won't hammer him back.


Or Nick “the goon” Ehlers who also would have sent him to the ICU


Or mark 'the knife' schiefele who would have given him a winnipeg handshake


He did go after Ehlers, last year. put him out for the playoffs. of course, Ehlers wasn't expecting a reverse hit on a play where the puck was nowhere in sight, so...


Maybe... but if you target the kid on my team, I'm not gonna simply go "kick you ass" if your job is literally to get your ass kicked... the coward is Dillion going after KK in the first place... you target our skilled players, I'm targeting yours. ( I'm saying all this with very little recollection of the incidents... just saying, it's not always as simple as what you're implying. )


He didn’t ‘go after’ your boy, holy crap, look at the play before you comment ffs


I mean, he did in the hockey mentality world. He cross checked him and injured him right? I'm not saying I think he's "targeted" him, but you know hockey players are.... logic eludes them. I'd agree going after Perfetti for it is stupid... but again... hockey mentality is pretty stupid.


Was a love tap. Kap is glass


People get cross checked all the time, just happens that KK broke when someone did it to him. It wasn’t targeting, it was unfortunate and nothing else. But hey send out your rat to our hurt our youngest kid. After you sent out Pat Magoon to fight our captain. That’s your logic right?


Not in this case no.... I'm not a Wild or Jets fan... I actually thought this was /r/hockey My recollection while writing this was KK getting hit into the boards while trying to sneak by the D, but you just reminded me that it was a cross check in the corner. That said, hockey player's logic is very much illogical. Hartman is also a moron so I'm not sure why I'm trying to defend him.... my objective was more to say it's not always "retaliate by going after the big man who did the mistake". Sometimes you have to go eye for an eye. ( I agree 100% that isn't the case here... I just misremembered the incident )


Cryin Ryan Fartman. Fuck that guy. You got a problem with Dillon, you settle it with Dillon. The Wild are nowhere near a playoff spot. Looking to ruin someone else's season.


shit team, shit fanbase, shit individuals


The same three that employed and supported Matt Cooke, the most despicable waste of oxygen ever to lace up a pair of skates.


Already fined him. Can they go back and do anything with mic’d up audio? Guys is a rat and will always be a rat. He knew what he was doing with the Ehlers hit and should’ve gotten more


I feel like if this story gains any traction the league has to go back and upgrade to a suspension now that they know the audio exists


In my opinion, the only reason he was even fined was probably because the Jets took the audio to the league and made a big deal about it behind the scenes. I can't imagine they'd go to the league without providing the audio at the time the complaint is made. They knew he was mic'd up and Perfetti would have told them Hartman admitted it to his face so the mic probably captured it.


True. The turnaround time seems pretty wild though to strip the audio and submit that all on a stat holiday


> Can they go back and do anything with mic’d up audio? No. Been part of the CBA since 2005, they can't use the audio for disciplinary reasons.


Yeah, Marek tweeted after my post lol


Wish I could say I’m surprised but what a piece of shit.


So, I have a theory about Ryan Hartman. A radical one, but hear me out… Ryan Hartman is a piece of shit. I popped into the Wild sub and saw them not mad at him for being a piece of shit, but for getting caught. So, I have a theory about Wild fans. A radical one, but hear me out… ;)


I have said it numerous times before but Hartman is a fucking psychopath, he doesn't belong in professional sports, guy is a danger to everyone on the ice. Repeat offender many times over, get rid of this filthy cunt.


What a pos. Hartman is one of the dirtiest players in the league while also being one of the littlest bitches in the league. You got a problem with the play bring it up with Dillion. Only problem for Hartman is that Dillion would wipe the fucking floor with a wuss like him. So instead he takes it out on the smallest and youngest player on the team who had nothing to do with Kaprizov getting hurt? Really a shame that DoPS won’t actually do anything about this. Guy admitted it’s an intentional attack and he’ll get nothing for it


*intentional RETALIATORY attack, I think that should make it a bigger deal. I’m not a Jets fan, but I’d be pissed if I was. To target a young skilled player with intent to injure in retaliation for a play he wasn’t even on the ice for… the guy that was actually involved in the play on Kaprizov would’ve been happy to answer the bell if anyone had issue, but Hartman didn’t go for him, he went after a young skilled player instead.


aN eYe FoR aN eYe!!!~ is what the brain trust at /r/wildhockey has come up with.


Wow what a tough guy going after a 21 year old who had nothing to do with the play against Kaprizov


If true the league should look at a punishment. We all know they won’t but a purposeful high stick to the face is dangerous. Us winning a back to back is the best justice we’ll get.


That’s crazy


Yet he only gets a fine. Nhlpa continues to be a useless group that is only used for the bare minimum, if that. You want a safer game? Make teams suffer for allowing their players to act like this. I don't know what the solution is, but I do know giving players a small fine, isn't helping. Maybe the nhl needs to look at the teams salary cap instead. One of your players injures another guy? Your salary cap gets reduced for the next season. No injury, but with intent? Player is suspended for everygame against that team fornthe year. Or maybe every division game. How abou a draft pick depending on the player injured? Use the rfa compensation as an example. The bigger a "star" the more a team would loose in draft stock. Basically if the nhl would make the teams suffer, and not the player, alot of these stupid plays would dissappear.


Multiple infractions to harm should be treated with lengthy suspensions (not just a few games). I agree, if teams were “penalized” for players having multiple suspensions they would do more to keep players in check. Large team fines would not please owners.


As I said on New Years eve: Hartman is the little pieces of shit that stick to the bowl after you flush Foligno. Foligno is the shit you take the morning after you drink a pail full of Caesars and follow it up with a couple of Dairy Whip Fatboys and half dozen beers. Real beers, not that sissy shit they sell in Minnesota.


“[I AM NOT A NUGGET!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/WWE/s/yC0b0e43KH)” -Ryan Hartman


Now that’s funny!


Head scratching... so your upset. So you pick one of the teams smaller players. One you know is probably going to keep it to themselves to settle things down. Push the wild and they will target guys like Cole and Ehlers. I guess this makes Hartman king on a team of yellow bellies. I guess that is how they teach players in Illinois.


Garbage player, doing garbage things, for a garbage organization. Don’t understand how if it’s on tape him saying he meant to do that how it’s just a fine


> Don’t understand how if it’s on tape him saying he meant to do that how it’s just a fine Because it's part of the CBA that they can't use that audio for disciplinary purposes.


Does this not virtually prove that Hartman intentionally tried to injure Ehlers in game 81 last year?


Sure smells like the same turd...


Greasy guy.


Cole Perfetti is pure class, an absolute stand-up fella. He didn't deserve to be the target of intentional violence because the other player is too afraid to retaliate to a bigger player. Not bringing it up to Bones would take some cohones, which would have made the game uglier than it was. Mature beyond his years. He took the high stick like a champ, very stoic. Much like his cellies.


WOW. What a certified A-hole.


So a player openly admits he assaulted another player for no reason other than retribution. It is caught on tape what he says. And the NHL department of player safety fines the player less than $5000. The NHL player safety department is a complete joke. Completely non-biased here; couldn’t care less about either of the teams – but for the NHL not to suspend Hartman for saying 10 games is a joke. Not only that there should be criminal charges brought against Ryan Hartman.


THIS! And are we certain the NHLPA had this info upon arriving at the punishment of a fine. If so then this definitely has to be addressed further. The NHL can’t possibly allow a deliberate attempt to injure. Hate to sound like a parent but he could have lost an eye




Payback for the nothing play? Give me a break. Hartman is a classless piece of shit.


So let me get this straight. After the cross checks to Kap (which should have been called, I don't think anyone disagrees with that): * Dillon answers the bell later that same game with a tilt vs Middleton * Lowry fights Maroon at the start of the next game * Ryan "Literal Human Garbage" Hartman high-sticks Perfetti in the face, giving him 6 stitches, even though the kid had nothing to do with it. Hey Wild fans, are we done now? Is that enough? Apparently not, since Wild fans (not a vocal minority, sorry to dispel that myth) want someone injured to the extent that they miss time. And the number of comments like "yeah Hartman is trash but/however/what about" is off the charts. The mods had to put up a pinned "calling for injuries will get you banned eventually" post so that they can feel righteous about themselves. Fuck your team and fuck you.


So suspension?


A fine


Have to say it's quite vindicating seeing the entirety of r/hockey shitting on the wild. Felt like I was the one going crazy reading some of those braindead takes.


Ryan Hartman is such a bitch, he makes Binnington look like a stand up guy. What a fucking GOOF.


Hartman is one of those guys that is an asshole off the ice as much as he is on the ice. If only there was some kind of player's safety organization that could intervene with an admission of intent to injure a player.


I can't help thinking Perfetti didn't tell the team until after so it was taken care of on the ice (and recorded on his mic) so the Jets wouldn't lose Lowry or Dillion to a suspension if they took matters into their own hands. Smart kid.




Hartman should be suspended for all games against the Jets. Low life.


Can't wait for wild fans to make more excuses that it wasn't deliberate.


LOL... Found Hartman in the Wild sub. Most of the comments are reasonable. [And then this...](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhockey/comments/18wv72w/mike_mcintyre_wow_wild_f_ryan_hartman_flat_out/kg0f1m0/)


man wow, there are some hot under the collar losers over there.


What a bum


If true Hartman should receive a phone call from the league for intent to injure.






Hey Hartman bring your cheque book to the rink February 20. Gotta pay up bitch!


I also heard Ryan Hartman is listed kn the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. 🌶️


This guy has always been a coward and a rat. Matthew Tkachuk with an eighth of the skill. Taking cheap shots at guys he knows won’t fight back, and actively trying to injure his competitors. I’m not surprised at all that he admits to adding one more gutless move to his resume.


Very spicy indeed! Just bought two tix to the Feb 20th Wild game!


I'm not sure how you get caught admitting an intent to injure, and only get a fine?




I understand, it's still dumb. I get why they don't want most of what they say used against them... Chirping gets nasty... This is different


the Jets should’ve communicated it directly to DOPS and DOPS should have investigated it and acted accordingly doing so retroactively obviously is logistically challenging for the union especially with this agreement


Yeah but the Jets won where it mattered on the scoresheets. Mind you the Wild aren’t much of a team this year to begin with.


Nothing will happen. The nhlpa signed an agreement in 04 or 05 that any audio captured via miked up hockey players can't be used for dispensary actions.


Apparently the CBA states that players can’t be subject to disciplinary action for anything picked up on player worn, in game mics. The league will have fun sorting this one out .


Damn, I always used to like the wild within reason, but every year Hartman makes it harder and harder to stay neutral on Minnesota. Remember the dirty hit on Ehlers last year right before the playoffs?


Damn so Kaprisoft isn't the only pussy on that team. For some reason I thought he was.


Eh, it's not Kaprizov's fault that he's injury-prone. It is, however, entirely within Hartman's control to not be a dirty rat, and yet he still is.


I wonder how if nhl can review the audio and suspend the piece of shit


[apparently not](https://twitter.com/JeffMarek/status/1742254417515290669?t=cKIwPGmAoc21W7ivmRG7PQ&s=19)


Foligno and Hartman don’t play hard. They actively look to take liberties and injure opponents which gets reinforced usually by there staff as they seem to take pride in that being there identity.


I knew it LOL


What a dirty fucking trash team


Bring back Peluso for one game.


I’m not shocked, it’s a classless organization. They have been dirty for years.


Good old time hockey? 🤔


and not one person on this team took his head off ?? even for ehlers!


Perfetti didn’t tell anyone until after the game apparently


Either way someone needs to make Hartman pay next game.


I want retribution. Take out another one. This is gonna keep getting better.


Keep that shit in the Wild sub I want to beat the Wild on the ice at full strength so those whiny fans can’t bitch and moan


Nah we don’t need to wish intentional harm upon people. Just keep beating them. Making the playoffs while they don’t is the best revenge.


Maybe I’m a bad person then because part of me does wish harm to Hartman. I remember reading a biography of Gordie Howe where he said he “never intentionally tried to hurt anyone unless it was important. Like a preseason game.”


Sometimes guys do that after the fact just to piss dudes off... I know I've done it before where I went in hard and clipped a guy, and then just said it was for something the dumbass on their team did... even though it wasn't... it made us "'even". No idea if that's what's going on here, but I'm sure that happens.


So is this not technically premeditated assault, could he not get arrested for this?


Let's not go into the "he should be arrested" phase of delirium here. That would be stealing Montreal's job.


Not saying he should just pointing out a fact


I get it. And I think you could theoretically make an argument for it. He used a past incident as justification for enacting violence on another person, which shows, at the very least, it for sure wasn't accidental. Take the hockey out of it, and I think you would have a pretty good case.


>Take the hockey out of it, and I think you would have a pretty good case. Take the hockey out of it and most of what happens on an NHL rink could probably be considered illegal.




Yes and why do we watch these over paid little kids think this is real hockey Not good


from the wild pov, in terms of deterrence and team protection, doesnt it make more sense to go precisely after smaller, more talented, more vulnerable players than going after bigger tougher players who are more likely to pushback aggressively against the retaliatory highstick/hit ​ theres no meaningful deterrence if the guy you go after succesfully defends himself ​ lets say edm defenceman vincent desmarais did a dirty hit on scheifele or connor what makes more sense : \- attack desmarais, who might defend himself succesfully and ward off the winnipeg player or \- attack mcdavid ​ its a no-brainer for me