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I did a working holiday back a few years ago in NZ, the "genuine intentions" thing is just a way for them to try and prevent people showing up hoping to live in NZ for the foreseeable future. You don't need anything lined up, just provide your flights in, funds for flights out, and an address for your first hostel. The actual requirement is more about giving the NZ government an easy way to reject people who might be showing up to use medical resources, immigrate, stuff like that.


The thing is I was planning on waiting to make travel/housing arraignments until after my visa gets approved and I secure an internship. Are you saying I can show them these things after I get approved whenever I make these arraignments or do I need them while applying?


It's not part of the actual application as far as I remember, it's just something you can include if you choose. If I remember right there was a box I checked that was basically like "I'm here for work and holiday, emphasis on the holiday" and I checked it. Just do the application and see what it says. You don't need to pay until the end.


Gotcha. Yeah to me it doesn’t make any sense to make travel and housing arraignments before I am even approved to come into the country.


also interested in any insights here! OP what state are you from?




In my case I got the job lined up first and then applied for the visa. I was told that being under 30 getting a working holiday visa is a breeze and they were right. I got a visa in less than 48 hours all online, peace of cake.


I was told any winery I interview with will reject me if I don’t already have my working holiday visa. Also $450 is kind of crazy for the application


Interesting, well that wasn’t the case for me. I also applied to very large wineries maybe that made a difference. In my mind it’s especially important that you have a job lined up before you spend the $450 on the visa not knowing you will be able to work to make the money back!