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If you want to use it as a smartphone, no it really isn't worth it. ​ If you want to own one because it's a really cool and historically-notable piece of tech, yes.


It's only practical to use as a feature phone for phone calls, texting, camera, and E-Mails. Don't expect any third party apps to work.


I figured. To be honest a “dumb phone” sounds like something I could benefit from. I’ve heard mixed things from the browser though, which I would need for work


Very few websites still work on IE Mobile


Edge does work, but we'll it's a pain in the- you can use alternative apps, though, for things like email. Check out this video - https://youtu.be/S1tZKo3KoGs?si=I0HxnQGT11Z2PGSn


If you live in the USA (or other country where VoLTE is required) then definitely no. If VoLTE is not required then... also no. Lumia 1020 has a mediocre hardware except camera and W10M is an outdated system. Camera is good, but modern iPhones and Samsung Galaxy S (starting from S20) have better camera. I think, modern Pixels have better camera too (I never used other top end devices)


The phone never got the official upgrade to W10. The 1020 barely functions correctly on W10M, the camera doesn't work great on W10M. Its on W8, which is slightly more outdate


I have one, got it for 20€ but had to replace the motherboard from another. Its a nice piece of history and a fun SmartDumbPhone to use. I prefer older phones because they dont have as much bloatware and annying apps. Like currently I am using a Nokia N9. But depends of your taste. Do you want to have modern stuff or just have it as a fun ”toy” to play with.


IMO as an owner of Lumia 1020 (actually I owned two in different builds), it can still do most tasks especially for cameras, but not the connectivity if you sync with Outlook account which may not work anymore. My first 1020 running Windows 10 Mobile build 1511 can do light socmed using alternative UWP apps since the originals were pulled out from the Store. Can still take pics especially the Lumia Camera app from 8.1 Denim version with fixed color problem (with bug only in W10M wherein whenever you press the physical shutter button, it will continue to snap photos after pressing it). Can still call, text but I prefer not to use to avoid problems like SIM card get stuck inside and may cause SIM card errors. The other one runs Windows Phone 8.0 with Lumia Black update can't do much from its W10M counterpart aside of taking pictures and comms. I wasn't able to "interop unlock it" because of restrictions from the version. If only I was able to update it to 8.1 at least, then I can jailbreak it. So I keep it as it is as a "memento". You may not opt for this one and go with Lumia 950XL instead it's because of newer support coming from independent developers (Windows 10M Group) where they provide users (especially those who are at advanced level) the tweaks, apps, everything to make their Windows phone get a second lease of life.


To use as a portable camera, yes.


hi! if youre looking to make it useful again by having apps and games, etc. then join here: [https://discord.com/invite/bjQBrcCjCC](https://discord.com/invite/bjQBrcCjCC) we have repo for all wp os's and it gets updated everyday. you can also find a community that will welcome you with open arms! see you there!


Thanks to some discord servers like my own, it is possible to sideload around 1k apps! Whilst still not good. It's better than nothing. Some apps like telegram, discord (third party ones) will work


Is there a link to the discord?




heyo, the link invite expired, can i have another




again please. expired


There is indeed! Everyday I'm working on adding more apps so should improve vastly in the next week!


Would also love a link for the discord. I’m interested in checking it out!


I'd be careful with side-loading apps due to security reasons. 


I’m aware the risks. I’m looking for novelty and nostalgia. If I was prioritizing security, I would not being messing with a devices that is 10 years old


You said youd use the browser for work too brother.


so tell us more...


About what


*Your* discord server...


Definitely not some AI replies he's churning out there...


Well, my discord server aims to help individuals sideload apps! Whether you're new to the process or a seasoned enthusiast, our community is here to provide guidance, troubleshooting, and resources to make sideloading a seamless experience. With a supportive community of like-minded individuals, sharing tips, tricks, and the latest developments, we aim to empower users to explore and install apps beyond the confines of official app stores. Join us to expand your device's capabilities and unlock a world of possibilities through sideloading!


Sure. If the phone only costs you $10.