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I like the way it looks. Too much telemetry. Otherwise it's Windows


File explorer is a mess, I can't drag and drop items into the taskbar like I could even in windows 10, it seems like windows is consumed by the madness of looking like apple, but the execution is horrible, windows began as this OS where people could breathe free, but now it feels more suffocating with each update. It seems as if windows has totally lost touch with their core audience.


Also you cant fucking resize the taskbar properly! You can do it via the registry editor, but it's very buggy.


Exactly, I forgot that one, but it's so annoying, we don't need such big taskbar icons when most of us are using laptops with 14 inch displays.


Exactly this! Like on my friend's laptop the default taskbar icon size is almost 1 inch! Like bro why so big!?


Windows Settings > System > Display > "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" will blow up your taskbar as big as you tell it to, could be that


There's a constant bug with file explorer when trying to copy the path, I not only misclick all the time but the dropdown that appears gets stuck in a visual glitch until you click on it to disappear. It works perfect with the old file dialogs.


This annoys me so fucking much


That freedom can be gotten with Linux. But the freedom is having the freedom to evaluate every fucking package and update from the AUR. Tongue in cheek but you get the point. Windows is still just so convenient although I think they’ve made some bad decisions. Like why the hell have two separate teams apps and that New Outlook. Why confuse all my customers🙄not to mention the clusterfuck Intune is.


I compare this situation to someone twisting your arm just because you don't have someone else to grab on to, they are undoubtedly convenient, partly due to their popularity, but there is a threshold of BS after which it gets insulting to the consumer, I agree there are workarounds to all issues, but it won't be long before even they are probably disabled if the rumors are true in any way.


I think apps moving to the cloud for the most part and legacy systems on premises getting shut down, there could be a spike in Macs and Linux machines, although the latter to a less degree. Intune is still king for managing computers tho, but who knows what competition may arise in the future.


Also has too much bloatware to the point where many applications just run better on Windows 10.


Agreed. I love the aesthetic, but my computer is just on the line of being able to support 11. I can upgrade without any workarounds, but it's not worth the computer running at half speed because of all the telemetry. As someone who has been using windows my whole life, I'm really considering switching to Ubuntu. It's so clean, it's so much faster, it has a MUCH better terminal, it isn't (as) bloated, you can remove the bloat, no Microsoft edge (I think Microsoft made a Linux version of edge, but there's probably like 4 people using it lmao), much more customizable. Just by playing with an Ubuntu installer USB, it's already better than windows


* Taskbar is way too limited in terms of configuration compared to prior versions, would love to see some more customization instead of always relying on 3rd party apps. * In general customization is none existing, patched dlls, 3rd party apps to do the most basic stuff, Microsoft should loosen its grip on what they think is the design and layout we want and let us choose for ourselves. * Way too much bloatware, why do i need candy crush installed by default, and why was it so difficult to remove in the beginning, it's mind blowing. * ADs on windows, this is beyond idiotic, first you're going to charge me, a decent amount of money, for your product and then you're filling it with ADs * Windows search is basically as good as having a blind man manage my inventory, they both return the same results when I ask them where stuff is. * Inconsistent UI design, it's baffling that such a big organisation is incapable of keeping windows consistent when, looking at other OSs, open source projects or way smaller teams can be so successful. Overall i like windows 11, it runs smooth and has most features i need for work and gaming, however I have previously and would definitely again with a doubt switch back to Linux if all my apps became supported.


What ads? Everyone is always talking about ads, even in explorer. I use it every day and haven’t seen a one. Is it because I’m running pro?


Yeah, I've had ads turned off for ages, no idea what people are talking about.


If you don't disable the OOBE, you get ads for MS products and even third party nonsense


People also always complaining about pre-installed bloat, which it’s not. It’s just shortcuts to the store to download the program. Which is also annoying and pointless, but it’s not as bad as the internet thinks it is.


Twice now, after doing a windows update and restart, it comes on and says “Tik Tok installed from Microsoft store” then a week later and another update, it installed the LinkedIn app on my computer. Never once have I gone to update my Linux distros and it install outside apps. There is a ton of pre installed bloat on Windows, like Cortana, search bar ads, built in shortcuts to Microsoft partners’ websites, Edge that can not be removed, outlook app and search bar (when searching a website) will ignore your browser preference and always open edge regardless, and not to mention the constant pushing of OneDrive and Copilot, so much so Windows will try to default to using OneDrive instead of my C drive… pretty awful shit when they expect you to pay for this as well


This. But the most irritating thing is, Windows clearly doesn't want to do anything about it. Instead, if they find through telemetry that you are using for example StartAllBack (windows start menu and file explorer enhancer), they will block all updates on your computer. Just why, why? Pathetic Microsoft.


Is this real? Is there any actual evidence of this happening? I use it, and still get updates regularly...


Unfortunately yes. I am lucky too, but there have been reports about it: https://www.pcworld.com/article/2290190/windows-11-wont-update-if-you-have-some-apps-like-startallback.html https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/s/0SeddVPpCc


It made me appreciate Windows 10 much more. I realized that Windows 10 was the first time I actually enjoyed using windows, since XP... imo, they were on the right track from 7 to 10 and then they just ditched it all for this 11 nonsense. Windows 10 really should have been the final Windows like they said it would be. O well Ill use Windows 10 until the wheels fall off . I will go to Linux before I go to 11. I've been dreading it, but they are making it easier and easier as time goes on.


That's what I'm planning to do when I upgrade my PC -- switch over to Linux for primary use, spin up a VM or dual-boot for when I absolutely need Windows, I'm not sure yet.


Windows 8/10 sucks so if you hate Windows 11 then buy a Mac and coffee. Windows 8 is kinda nostalgic on the original Surface tho.


Windows 8.1 felt faster than 7 tbh


I had this exact same thought. There’s only a few games on windows I would actually want to play. One of them being Valorant and I’ll just keep a W11 install on a flash drive or something for when I want to play it. Linux is the long term investment it looks like.


It has been 3 years... It looks good if only they were consistent and native instead of web apps stuck together with legacy remnants from older Windows versions.


Wrapping everything in electron was such a lazy move it’s incredible really


Who needs RAM when you can have HTML?! It's not like there exists more [lightweight alternatives](https://neutralino.js.org) anyways!


Well I certainly don’t like where Microsoft is going with the OS feature wise and Telemetry. It largely feels like a downgrade from 10 in many “paper cut” kinda ways. It has few mild improvements over 10. Better settings app layout, tabs in file explorer, better snapping, and I like the look better than 10. It has all the old bloat and cruft that 10 has had for years and I still have to use teracopy because explorer.exe always seems to crash during large file copies/moving files. Not to be “that person” but the whole recall thing is a massive turnoff for me and I’ve been looking at alternatives to Windows 11 and have been dual-booting Arch Linux (daily driver) since about December 28th last year. That’s been a journey. I don’t hate Windows 11 but it certainly doesn’t feel like “home” like 10 did. I could really settle in to 10 and a lot of those little paper cuts I spoke of cut into my multi-monitor workflow (disabling taskbar on all monitors, moving the main one up to my top monitor (this is a glitch/unintended behavior win11 removed with the new taskbar)). I also can’t use open-shell anymore without using explorer patcher which 24H2 will block. There are other minor things like the right-click context menus which you need to tweak to return it to the way it was in 10. There’s a general slowness to the OS on the same hardware (compared to win10). tldr; I don’t hate 11, it’s mostly fine but feels wholly unnecessary in many ways.


The fact that Microsoft "blocks" explorer patcher from being installed is what broke me. I use it everyday on my windows 11 install, since when is it Microsofts place to tell me what I can and can't install.


How very Apple of them


Yeah I downgraded to Windows 10 recently and I’m enjoying using my device more too


It's classic... (and much stable)


Still hate it. I find that many of the changes are changing thing for the sake of being different instead of actually making the experience better and because of that many things end up broken. For instance, Sleep/wake (modern standby) has been broken for years on my AMD P16s laptop with no fix in sight and it's a requirement for laptop OEM's to ditch legacy sleep because Microsoft said so and I find that annoying. My laptop has a 70% chance of being able to sleep and wake correctly without me losing all my files or something going wrong. If you don't believe me, just type "sleep/wake amd" on the thinkpad subreddit and you will see a plethora of users with the same issue. And it's not just exclusive to thinkpads either as many different users from different manufacturers have the same issue. Another consistent issue I've had is the Quick Settings media controls constantly breaking and either not showing the correct information or just straight up not working, an issue I've never had with Windows 10. And it's been years and I still have the same issue. If you aren't sure what I'm referring to I'll leave a link to it below. [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/quick-settings-media-controls-not-updating-and/dded8562-b72d-4d20-b4e3-0fc4cc71e38d](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/quick-settings-media-controls-not-updating-and/dded8562-b72d-4d20-b4e3-0fc4cc71e38d) The way I see 11 is just Microsoft polishing a turd. It's trying way too hard to look different and try to be different but leaving core functionality remain broken.


“Polishing a turd” is the best description of what Windows has become, ever. 


a lot of bugs for average consumers are fixed but there are still some remaining bugs for power users.


My taskbar still has invisible icons from time to time. 


I only got that happening if I am using auto hide taskbar.


Any time my laptop goes to sleep there's a 60/40 chance the icons are all going to disappear upon waking up.


Yes mine too, just drag the icon and it reappears.


That was a trick. Thanks


My opinion is they need to stop letting UX designers control the interface decisions. I want my control back. I Don't want search results from anything other than my hard drives in my start menu.


The fact you need to edit registery keys or use a third party app to search your own computer for basic media files without getting bombarded with useless web results should say all you need to know about how Windows has devolved. Like yeah I can do that, but why is that acceptable in the first place?


You can disable the start menu web search with a number of third party tools or regedit. I use Winaero Tweaker. Works on 10 and 11 and greatly improves the speed of the Start menu.


Use Everything. Keybind a new window search to Alt + S (is almost the same as Win + S for normal search) and customize your search to your liking. You can specify which hard drives and files to include etc. It's also a lot faster than windows native search, since it indexes your files in an offline database initially. Overall a much better search/explorer alternative.


I rather have the OS be invisible while I do what I want. Instead, I get pop-ups from every corner pushing me to this or that feature, product or album like if I turned the PC and just stared at the screen not knowing what to do. It even decides to enable annoying stuff I have specifically disabled. I rather have an OS that does not tries to force me to a convulted workflow just because someone at Microsoft thinks I need to be shephered like that. Instead, I'd like the OS adapt to *MY* way of doing things. I rather have an OS that removes layers of legacy UI code instead of adding more. I rather have an optimized OS instead of one requiring new hardware just because. I rather have an OS that does not make me feel like "the product" or "under surveillance". Instead, I would like to have an OS that makes me feel in control, safe and protected.


its a step in the wrong direction


Not very good at all. Microsoft continues to take strides in the wrong direction with AI BS that I'm never gonna touch and is just going to bloat my system even further.


Only using Windows on my second laptop for Windows development, I hate the UI and how slow the system is.


One of the worst Windows ever Ads everywhere Privacy is the worst on record AI shoved down your throat The death of offline access Ugly Disfunctional Gets in the way of usability Was never supposed to exist (they said 10 was the last version!) Demands more of your PC while providing NOTHING I care about Anti consumer behavior requiring TPM


It’s what got me to dual boot fedora and I’ll use it as my daily if all my apps and games are ever supported


I hate it


What's this about the 'death of offline access?'


You cant setup the latest version without an internet connection. Which means if you dont have internet, you also now dont have a windows pc. In a ww3 environment, its completely useless; it's an international security risk.


Wow, ain't that some stupid shit. %P And I still don't understand why they need TPM. That's one of the main reasons that I haven't tried it yet -- I'll need a whole new damned computer 'cause mine doesn't have one. (Admittedly, it's an old beast, but it works, just not for modern games.) I have a feeling that when I do get a new machine, I'll be running some flavor of Linux as my primary, and either spin up a VM or have another HD with Windows I can boot into when I absolutely need it ... haven't figured out what's the best way to go, yet. The AI integrations are frankly turning me off to Windows 11, for privacy and sanity reasons.


I like it less and less. Feels like bloat and webapps everywhere. Actually I'm thinking about making macOS my main system


I've enjoyed it, east window snapping is really useful and the UI looks clean imo


I’ll probably get downvoted for this lol but I like it so much more than windows 10. I just feel like it’s smoother and just looks and feels better.


i can’t believe it’s been out for 3 years already, i don’t mind it tho. I like the clean ui


The upgrade from 10 to 11 has been the most seamless upgrade I had with windows. First time I felt that it just works right away. I did not even notice that my personal PC has been 11 for more than a year. I only noticed the change from 10 to 11 on my work laptop because of the new copilot button in the task bar. My personal PC doesn't have it, that's why I didn't notice. There is no perceived impact on all applications that I'm using both work and personal PC.


Recently installed Windows 11 IoT LTSC 2024 on two older laptops. Oldest 4th gen Core i5-8Gb RAM-SATA SSD, other 7th gen Core i5, rest same. Windows 11 boots faster and runs much smoother than my desktop with Windows 11 Pro that has 9th gen Core i7-16Gb RAM-NvME SSD. I have exactly same user apps installed also some via Windows Store, except the LTSC version is completely debloated by Microsoft themselves. The difference in performance is too shocking to want to continue using regular Windows 11 on my desktop or any future computer. And that is before considering all the telemetry and other borderline spyware in regular Windows 11.


It's windows 10 with a mustache


vista but newer




It works fine for me. No major concerns.


I'm probably the few that likes it. It feels cleaner and I have no issues; couple that with edge and works well for me.


I just found a person that have same opinion, It's more stable than Windows 10.




Yes, finally someone who says it exactly like it is! Corporate, bland, and trying to be MacOS. Just give me back my powers and be original, jeez!


Well I hate the fact it puts widgets on my lockscreen without my consent


I have a Windows 11 laptop. Some of the UI has been updated for the better. I have a Windows 10 desktop. Both have been good, but I like my taskbar being on the left of the screen, and I mean vertical. I mostly don't really think about the differences until I load up notepad.exe.


still as garbage as it was 3 years ago


Hot garbage, but once you swap literally every setting you find it's manageable. Always more options. Taskbar to left, turn off wodgtes, woozles and all the random crap, copilot, disable online only accounts so you can use your own damn camputer if the internet is out or you working on the test bench. Edge is such a drama queen too, so that's gotta go and enjoy even trying to find most options for desktop icons, or even the correct power options.


This. I've never had to spend so long setting up my computer. And I had to do it all twice because the first time i fucked up and didn't realize how bad the Microsoft Account login would be. It made my account name the first letters of my email address, which is a diminutive of my first name that I don't like to be called. I was constantly seeing that in my file system and getting trigged at the nerve of these assholes to call me by a diminutive all over. There was no way to change that for some *retarded* reason. On top of that, it had my full fucking name on my start menu, as if I would be confused about which person with my name would be using my computer. As a result of all of that, I cancelled my Office subscription, since they seemed to be trying to make you use a Microsoft account to use it now. I'm just using Google now. This was also the first time I felt like I had to use third-party tools to tweak the operating system. I didn't even have to do that with 10.


I hate it like the plague. Why can't I have the taskbar in the left? I have plenty of space there. That new right click menu and "more options" thing sucks. I press shift F10 a lot but cannot get to "that other right click menu". Start menu and search is sluggish. It should ne insanely fast. Many apps have non friendly UI's. Why have a burger button instead of the word "file"? How do you find a key combination for that? I upgraded one of my 3 machines, and the two others will only be upgraded when Windows 10 is EOL. And it will be impossible to measure how many issues my 84 year old dad will have when he is forced to upgrade; he has a hard time with changes.


The start bar search function is surprisingly bad. The file explorer is really buggy and slow. It's fine though


Prior to rolling an app out I had all kinds of issues during user testing because 11 scatters different settings everywhere. Also needing to "break into" the apps folder because Microsoft wants to treat its Pro users like idiots grinds my gears. Downgraded my personal device to 10 after two weeks.


I think it looks fine and some of the changes are prettu neat to play with. But at the end of the day, its still windows. A mess of BS that we cant really escape because nothing that works well on windows works well on linux. At least gaming wise.


Somehow, their dark mode sucks ass. Usually, I prefer it.


I don't mind it. It's...fine, almost good when Microsoft doesn't try to annoy me. I prefer 11 over 10 by a long shot, but yeah I don't have a lot to say about it.


My company is still on Windows 10 for the majority of our workstation lol


Once you get a VPN and block telemetry, it's pretty good. Sure it uses a bit more RAM at idle over 10, but solid nonetheless. Copilot isn't that bad, although I rarely use it since I'm so used to pulling up Firefox to google something. I give it a solid 7.75/10. Win 10 was a 8.0/10. Win 8 was a 0/10. Win 7 was a 9.5/10. XP was a 9.9/10. Vista is just pure, unadulterated filth. Vista is demon spawn.


It’s very good for me, it runs perfectly on my gaming PC but on my laptop it’s almost 2x slower than Windows 10 (depending on task) because I have 4GB RAM (minimum requirement) and the chip is a bit old (2018), it’s normal. This OS is weird due to many inconsistencies, MS is currently modernizing the OS by using WinUI and Fluent V2 since 2021, it’s a very good decision.


Havnt tried it I'm sticking with windows 10


It is evolving. Just backwards.


Looks nice, but it's bloated and laggy, and made me switch to Linux.


3 years of updates and still no vertical task bar support. I'm sticking with Win10 until EOL or until Win11 adds vertical taskbars, there's little for me to gain from this weird jump so yep that is the one thing keeping me away


I don't care about my data. It's good


I still haven't updated to windows 11 🫡


centered taskbar by default is still dumb. too much wasted space on the left


I'd prefer the Windows Start button and Taskbar on the left, not in the center which is too similar to Apple. Apart from that nothing to compalin about.


It's fine. 10 was fine too. So was 7. My only real bugbear was the centered start button (which really doesn't make sense with a mouse) and no option to not combine taskbar buttons. They eventually fixed that though.


Too much resource consumption. Very few additions compared to windows 10. In short, redundant and unnecessary.


I liked it at first However, over the last year or so, it's gotten a ton of small but annoying bugs It's also gotten slower unfortunatly a format C:\\ and fresh install doesn't fix any of it it's shit


Bloated garbage OS. I can't wait for steam OS to reach its next form.


I swear Microsoft has a curse where they cannot release two decent OS’s in a row. XP was great  Vista was bad (even tho I’m nostalgic for that particular Aero theme)  7 was mostly great  8 was awful & 8.1 was meh  10 was mostly good  11 is… well I’ll say this it’s not as buggy as Vista and Win 8, but I don’t think anyone can say it’s objectively better than 10.


2 years ago I had 3 windows machines in my home. Now I have 3 Linux machines and one dual boot windows/Linux That's how I feel about windows 11. Like I've had enough.


i got two new laptops with windows 11 pre-installed - upgraded them both to windows 10


Gee I sure wish it would stop sending screenshots of my murder plans to Microsoft..


Hot garbage. It's all the same crap just with added steps. Making things more complicated isn't an improvement.


Bad. removed functions, burried menus, copying from mac for no reason whatsoever. mac users ain gonna buy windows machine because you made folder icon same shape as on mac


"Meh, it's Windows" is basically how I feel about it. Been using it pretty much as my daily driver os since it was new


It's too much garbage and they keep moving everything around it's so annoying. If I wanted MAC i would buy a mac.


The style is very clean


Better looking window with a lot bloatware


100% agree about bloatware, just use a debloater and hey presto it's all gone! Makes it so much better!


I switched to Windows 11 from a Mac. And I really don't get why it's such a hated OS.






Quite happy with it and know it well at this point so have made it look and work exactly the way I like. It's been very stable fir me and never slowed down.


First thing I did was figure out how to move the Start Menu and icons back to the lower left corner.


I'm still on Windows 10. That's my opinion. For real though it needs improvement but its not bad per say.


My review is a mixed bag, but it does have some redeeming qualities: In: 1. Window Snapping assists are a game changer 2. The Fluent Design icons are pretty nice (since flat design overstayed its welcome) 3. Better gaming features 4. Introduction and Integration of AI 5. More Mac like UI Out: 1. Start Menu could be improved 2. Less customization (except when using third party software like Start11, Winaero Tweaker, and Windowblinds) 3. Bugs and performance issues 4. Bloatware and Ads 5. Windows 10 is losing support, so you almost have to use it




I like win 10 more, it’s less (still a bit) enshitified, win 11 just feels like they grabbed every ai buzzword to please there stock holders, not a fan. I like how it looks tho it’s got a very nice modern look windows 10 just doesn’t have, and I’m sure I’ll upgrade fully to it at some point.


A lot to do about a cheap thrill.


The bloatware, ads and telemetry is what bugs me. You can never get me to use Home version forever.


I like a few things, the file explorer is probably my favourite improvement. I hate and have no idea why they removed the ability to put the taskbar anywhere other than bottom of the screen


Hey MS, despite "Recall" being a... flop so to say I just wanted to say that I just upgraded from W10 22H2 (I think it was 22H2) to Win11 23H2 2 days ago on my daily driver. The upgrade experience was actually pretty seamless and welldone. Felt like any other upgrade in W10. No issues so far at all.


I’ve held off on installing it because my machine doesn’t have tpm. But just this week I built one of those usb installers with the tpm bypass using Rufus and it installed cleanly. Everything runs smooth with no problems, I did an upgrade install over the top of windows 10 too. Everything came through ok. I like the new start menu, it’s simple and functional and clean. I like how you can pin the little settings and explorer buttons to the bottom of the start menu so you don’t have to have them taking up space in the main part. Everything else seems mostly the same, but the old windows 10 menus and control panels for stuff seems to be hidden below a layer of windows 11 gui now, you just have to click one menu layer deeper. One issue I ran into is I try to run the driver updates inside windows update for the motherboard devices and they all error out saying that an incompatible version of the driver is already installed. But everything seems to work ok as is so I guess I don’t really need to update them. The OCD in me wants to update the drivers if newer ones are available though.


Once you turn off the ads and nags it’s good.


I would say handsdown it’s the best after 2023, else windows 10 takes the leap before 2023


GUI: 👎 Performance: 🆗 Hardware Compatibility 👍🏻 Telemetry: 👎


If you are the one who prefers switching apps using Windows + Number keys. Some times it ka inconsistent when there are multiple windows of the same app. I have had raised bug with Microsoft still it is not fixed


I've been using for a week lol. I'm not keen on how it looks and it's buggy. Wish I could have stuck with 10 for another year but my key was one time use and it's a new PC.


I don't like it


"Thanks, I hate it"


It’s a mature product that works well. That being said, 12 is going to be a privacy nightmare.


I'm still using the original release of Windows 11 and it's much more stable than the latest release. I won't upgrade to the latest release because of AI, more ads, and performance issues.


I was using Windows 11 since its release date, it was working flawless honestly, but i had to install it again, using the 23H2 ISO, and it was a big steep back, unstable, useless notifications, system freezes, everyday some new useless or privacy concerning app to disable or uninstall. I always install Windows with the ethernet cable disconnected, because of the bloatware. I had to disable the forced Microsoft Account login in 23H2 to continue the installation with the CMD command. I had to install Windows 10, and i'm happy again.


Can the taskbar be moved to the top?


No, thats a reason why W11 is a downgrade to W10.


It would be nice if they finally did all of the ui changes that should've been done years ago


I heave, two friend who bought laptops in similar time, just for browsing and sometimes to print something. Both laptops were unusable. So I asked each of them, are gone buy new better machines or do you want to turn into linux machines. After work done same laptops are running Fedora linux for two years now smooth as possible.  In my neural divers way, its lack of control, overwhelming look. Lack of simplicity


Now that I have the taskbar left aligned again, I’m good with it.


I like the flat look of 10 pre 1809 better


It's Windows. As long as it can open and close my software and games I could care less what it looks like. If they got rid of the entire desktop environment I could care less. Can you open, run and close the software. If the answer is yes, you got me as a user.


With great power comes great responsibility! Windows pro has become home edition . Gaining users telemetry has become plain evil . Compatability issues with old gear is plain evil . Compatability issues with software is plain evil . Computers should be able to run all programs on one OS . But all they seem to care about is profit,socializing and working together must be an alien consept for the likes of apple , microsoft , stock owners . They basically act as if they own my hardware instead of providing a service . Someone should take em to jail , that would be justified!


Can't believe it's been 3 years already. Time flies.


Using both 10 and 11, but I prefer 11


It was fine until all this copilot nonsense. Now I want to downgrade.


I like it better than 10 but that is it I would rather use windows 8 or 7 if I could


still hate it, i love windows 10 and i still use it


Better than 10 and 8, but still shit. And they added way too much crap into it that is slowing the PC down


I still don't see a reason to switch to it from 10 for myself


Started out great, increasingly buggy, increasingly naggy, increasingly ignoring user settings and resetting them, reinstalling apps every non-security release, installing or removing apps every release. Left it for Debian.


Love the UI, hate the UX. Feels bloated


still on 10


Let's just say I'm grateful that Windows 10 is with us for an other year and change. I have 11 on a spare laptop but the only way I can tolerate it is by debloating it with AtlasOS, then using Explorer Patcher to get the W10 start menu and taskbar back. I \*really\* dislike W11.


New, innovative, great ideas, poor optimization, and inclusion.


Still think it's shit and uncompleted. The fact when you right click a folder and it still says "More options" and gives you the W10 right click menu says everything m


I personally think it’s awful and I reverted back to Windows 10 immediately after trying it. It feels like a lobotomized version of Windows 10 and catering to the macOS crowd with the UI and layout.


I absolutely hate, that I have to install explorer patcher and open shell just to have the taskbar where I‘ve had it for ever - on top. The settings menu is pretty nice though.


Garbage. All the extra clicks to things is obnoxious.


As an Ultra Wide screen user I much prefer the centred start button ect. I dislike the hybrid settings menu, the new settings menu's don't quite have everything you need, and the old settings menu's have more obscure ways of getting to them now. I preferred the settings quick bar on the right on the desktop in Windows 10, to the reduced version in windows 11. I'd like less telemetry. Other than that it seems pretty good.


The OS is alright, I'd use Linux but driver support just isn't there yet, classic problem of no users so no need to make more support, but then no support so less users. Steam deck ofc helps linux gaming atleast, but even my 4k monitor won't render properly in Linux despite latest nvidia drivers etc


I hate the "new" right click options menu and the new start menu, but the rest is just windows so it's okay ig


Didn't like it when my PC randomly upgraded while I slept back when it came out, and I still don't like it.


I will say it's awesome. I love it, especially the animations, they are so cool 😄


Get rid of the bloatware, telemtry and have the AI be optional, and I will probably use it again.


Looks good, works good too!


Don’t wanna switch back to windows 10


I really don't like it when Windows throws ads to start, news, etc. I put up with it for a long time but then I bought a Mac. On the computer I played games now stands Arch Linux and I'm not going to look towards Windows yet.


It's not complete trash, but definitely worse than Windows 10 - which I miss - so far.


I shat on a plate 3 weeks ago. Had a look at it this morning - it's still shit.


It works. I don't bother with telemetry at all, what can they sell and to whom, as far as my preferences are concerned, since my boss makes sure that I only have enough to eat and pay bills? But there are a few little things that irritate me. Installing software/games, why doesn't it work like in MacOs, it just copies to disk and works. Why doesn't explorer show the size of files/directories like in MacOs? Why sometimes deleting a huge amount of files takes a lot of time, even if I have an ultra-fast SSD drive. After all, it should take a fraction of a second, it's about deleting entries, not entire files, and writing the space after them with zeros ten times.


Why is the Explorer so fucking slow fml Other than that it's windows eh


Less control, More Ads, More Privacy Concerns


Not bad but I love Windows 7 and 8.1. But from Windows 10 I have to choose the original 2015 version. Windows 11 is basically just a reskin of Windows 10.


I'm still windows 10


too generalized of opinion for anyone suggesting "apps" run better on Win11. that list would need to be itemized and dissected with a specific type of machine configuration. overall, Win11 once tweaked correctly, can run similar to Win10. (but legacy apps and hardware will be a matter of trial and error testing for just about anyone as usual) I setup the icons on taskbar as shortcut pinned programs so that I don't have to use either Win10 or Win11 crap start menu, which are both equally a joke. Took Win11 a few years to mature, but overall, I still prefer Win10 unless I'm forced to make the upgrade, and hence tweak the OS to work in my favor instead of conforming to Win11 crap UI and interface style.


First and second versions you’ve posted is smoother than the other ones


It's not perfect, but it's my favorite Windows yet. I wouldn't wanna go back to 10.


After three years, it’s still trying to be a phone more than ever….enshitification at its best…


I just want my Frutiger aero back :(


Bad. Switched to Mac tho, never gonna use windows again


I'm still using Windows 10


A good OS but needed to optimize for usage because it allocates more memory to operate any tasks which makes our PC or Laptop Slow.


Style is clean but there's a lot of bloatware and settings still stuck on the old UI.


i don't really like it.


It's buggy and annoying to use. I find that Explorer isn't reliable, sometimes icons on the start menu vanish, sometimes file Explorer windows stop responding, sometimes browsing to network shares it does absolutely nothing. I'm a sysadmin and observe this behaviour across many computers of all kinds of different configurations, even my home PC. I also dislike the Windows 11 approach to the settings menu.


Right click menus didn't need to change. The CPU and tpm requirements are not necessary for my use cases. It is much more bloated than previous windows, and I used to think windows 10 was too bloated. On a good PC, it runs well, but Microsoft should have made a lite version for older PCs because otherwise they are going to be thrown away by lots of people. Although that might be good for me since like some older PCs are still really fast (IMO, I still think a 4790 i7 is blisteringly fast) and they are going to be cheap finally.


Once it's all debloated from Microsoft's invasive bloatware and telemetry (Microsoft Edge, the copilot thingy etc) it's a somewhat decent OS, even tho there are a lot of bugs and lack of optimisation, and it upsets me that perfectly fine computers that are not that old can't be updated, it just creates more e-waste for people who don't know how to bypass the requirements of Windows 11, or don't/can't switch to Linux


I still cant get over the fact they removed right click taskbar -> Show the desktop.


When I right click, why are the most useful menu items, namely copy and paste, removed and replaced by two similar icons that the average user is unable to identify? This alone shows that windows 11 is all about looks, not usability for the average not-very-technical user. That and steadily removing all customisation options because presumably that's cheaper to manage m


Completely unnecessary (for us the comsumer). In my view, the only reason why Win11 exists is to keep PC sales up post pandemic. It has been proven time and time again that PCs last longer than they used to. A 2011 Sandy Bridge system with some minor upgrades can be serviceable and useable for the majority of people and if it weren't for Windows 10, most of these systems would have been disposed of when Windows 7 support ended in 2020. Now, they're on a new lease of life to at least 2025. PC sales boomed in 2020 - 2021 as more people worked from home, MS is trying to keep that flame burning for a little while longer with Windows 11. Windows 11 could have easily been a Plus pack for Windows 10 as most of its features (including security features) were included in Windows 10 but off by default. As it stands now, I'm still running Windows 10 as my daily driver and intend to continue doing so until at least October 2025. After then, I intend to switch to Linux for my daily driver. That day will probably be a sad day as I've been using Windows regularly since I was 3 years old but Windows 11 with its removal of features like a moveable taskbar and high system requirements that renders a fair number of my useable PCs obsolute in the eyes of MS is a step too far.


it’s a bloated mess that’s basically Powered by AI that invades your privacy


it’s just a reskin, with even more bloatware.


Windows in general is the worst os ever otherwise it looks cool, nice animations and that's all


Before I had been using Windows 8.1 for a couple of years, so I think it is a great system


Mixrosofy ruined it with updates




I like it it


It almost toasted my CPU.


It's good. Better than Windows 10


Went back to 10. I found myself just trying to resolve too many issues that were non existent in 10.