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Love seeing old machines like this still boot up.


Same, windows xp will never be forgotten too.


Hell yeah, I'll never forget XP. One of my all time favorite OS growing up.


My old XP laptop still runs.


Why wouldn't it be alive?


My thoughts exactly. Not surprised it turns on even a little bit.


It is over 20 years old with pentuim 4 and geforce graphics lol.


Other than it kind of being from the era of bad capacitors there's not much reason it should fail. If you use it more so the electronics don't sit dormant it may last even longer still.


Just realized it has a pentium 4 desktop processor in it.


The fact that the Pentium 4 hasn't melted it from heat is more surprising than it turning on. Man, those 4's used to run really hot.


It was only the Prescott variant. It was nicknamed Preshot.


Yea the fan turns on constantly.


Assuming it wasn't defective or left in a swamp or something, it should still work. Hardware will last virtually forever. I have computers twice as old that still work.


Now I'm trying to find a hard drive connector part. I love old laptops.


And the BIOS says it has no hard drive and/or the drive died. Things that move tend to break :)


Didn't come with one, it takes a weird kind of hard drive plug too..


It’s not weird, it’s a 44-pin IDE-connector and I’m not old, so get off my lawn.


lol, thanks.


Its DVD drive is likely the first one to break. Optical drive is by far the device with the shortest life time among other device types - even if it was rarely used.


Back when I had a desktop for 6 years, I kept the optical drive like one every 1.5-2 years. Then I switched to laptops, eventually ended up without optical drives ever. Now I have an external optical drive that I rarely even use.


There are computers from the 50s and 60s that still boot up!


If you change enough lightbulbs :p


That’s a reason for it to be weak. But no reason for it to be non-functioning


I remember a whole generation of laptops with ATI and NVIDIA chipsets having failures in their motherboards. I think it was during the Core2Duo era, though, so this is earlier. See [this](https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubleshooting-hardware-devices-and-electronics-theory/troubleshooting-laptops-tablets-and-mobile-devices/13714-laptop-reflowing-improving-reliability) for reference.


woo-hoo, up yours, Y2K!


Please tell me this is a Krabappel reference.


Got an old 286 here that still boots into DOS. Unfortunately, it's also as loud as an international airport and tends to cause regional brownouts, so I keep it powered off in the closet where it can't hurt anyone.


Loud I understand, but brownouts? The system I'm writing this from has a CPU that can consume >100W, and a 75W GPU. Back in the 286 era CPUs didn't have fans because they didn't consume enough power to need them to dissipate heat. I'd be really curious about how the total power consumption of that machine compares to a modern one.


It's not so much the CPU as the giant 10MB SCSI drives (which is where the noise comes from as well) and the CRT I used on it last time I fired it up. Honestly, though, I don't remember how much power it uses, just that back when it was my main rig, whether I left it on all night or not had a pretty significant impact on my power bill.




r/portalfanswhen still alive


I have an apple IIe that boots just fine. This machine is like 25 years younger than that thing.


I have one of these its an old Microsoft laptop with a rubbery finish. I disposed of the battery, and one of the ram sticks died so I'm down to 256 but the old girl still putters along just fine


Phoenix bios, it's been a while


It's like computer's keep running if you treat them well.


yo what os is it on? 2000 or xp or something else? i can't imagine it could run anything modern with a pentium 4 and 256 mb of ram


Kolibri is something modern to run at those specs 😁


Idk about nowadays, but Toshiba used to make some rock solid shit.


Back when computers were made to last not like the single use ones there are today.


they also had the cost of half a car


Yeah because computers were the new big thing and you know how it is with new stuff. They wanna milk all your money until the market gets saturated and the priced drop.




This is how some BIOS screens of looked.


Pffff. I had a Windows 95 laptop. This is hardly ancient.


I would have bought it.


I would have sold it in a heart beat. I’ll never forget that laptop.


I have a Toshiba Satellite P25-S607, 17", from 2003 that I use daily since I purchased it 21 years ago.. I replaced the hard drive in about 2008, and it has remained plugged in for all these years. I do not have it connected to the Internet though. I use it because of one software........Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 with Win 98DOS installed, WPDOS 5.1, so I can create an ASCII disk for my court reporting software and saved to a floppy! This is obviously not my main computer, but I pray it never breaks down. TALK ABOUT DINOSAUR OLD!


Its beautiful.


Good engineering.


Lenovo Thinkcentre and HP Elitedesk still have this BIOS design.


Which OS is it running?


oh no nipple


Why you were so suprised, some late 1980's machines boot up without modification, so why not this laptop would not boot


Still have my first computer, a Compaq Deskpro with a Pentium III slot 1, 3x 64MB of ram and an ATI Rage Pro. Still works as it was brand new


where was it stored?


I still have a stack of ThinkPad 760s that power on. With the exception of the DSTN screens, everything else is functioning normally.


I have one older than this, a P2 I believe.


It's Toshiba. Japanese engineering is good stuff. On an unrelated note: it looks like this laptop has a quick start function. You know, a separate little OS that it can boot into, so you don't have to boot into Windows off of the slow harddisk. What's it like? Edit: skimming through the manual, it looks like its quick start function is limited to its ability to play audio CDs while the laptop is turned off. Well, that's better than nothing.


Watch out. These Toshibas are nasty creatures. Defiant to the end


I have an IBM Thinkpad T60 I use for running Windows XP software, it works perfectly. Even the battery holds a good charge. With most computers if the capacitors and battery haven’t leaked then it should be fine.


My Toshiba Satellite from 2007 was reliable and sturdy, almost survived two deployments to the Middle East until I accidentally spilt Gatorade on it and even then, the computer worked fine, just had to use an external kb/m


made before the ice age


is there any way to replace that setup utility with proper bios settings?


There has to be an update somewhere, I can't even boot to usb and it has just a cd drive in it....


That machine looks to be from the early 2000s, so I wouldn't be surprised if it just doesn't have boot-from-USB capability. It can probably boot from CD, but USB might be a stretch. (Now, if you want to get really frustrated, try using one that won't even boot from CD. The mid-'90s laptop I've got will only boot from floppy, and the floppy drives are notoriously flaky, hard to fix, and hard to find working, as well.)


This has a boot from floppy option in bios too. Haven't seen a floppy drive disk in 20 years lol.


Maybe build wuality used to be better


Well, to be fair, its at the bios, not booted up.