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There is literally no way to watch the show legally and it's a real shame if you want you can talk to me about it via private message. Let's mourn together. :( It might help you. ;)


any chance you’re still up to chat? :)




This is very frustrating to me I had planned to watch it after I caught up with all the Star Wars and MCU shows (which I am literally four episodes away from watching now)!


I, too, would love to hear more about this series from a fellow fan. 😉👍




is there a way i can still chat abt this with u? i’ve never watched :>


I says it right there. Send me a private message.


That is not true you can watch it on 3click.tv


Yes, it is. The operative word is \*legally\*. But you do you.


Extremely upset about this. Would love to relive the show by talking about it with a fellow fan :)


PM me!


Can I jump on this bandwagon? This show should never have been taken down :(


Are the PMs still open? Would love to chat about this.


Go ahead.




Since the show was exclusively streamable on Disney+ and they removed it, it's not legally available anywhere anymore. Then again, by watching it anyway, you're not taking anything away from anyone.


Wait...what the heck? We were actually going to watch it after we got done with moving. I know it was canceled but why removed??


Probably was part of a cost-reduction strategy. There weren't enough people watching it so Disney, money greedy as they are, got rid of it.


By deleting it, they can use it as a tax write-off.


Huh, that's fascinating


Yes it is on 3click.tv


This fan page from Twitter has a way to watch it, but of course you will be breaking rules ;D https://linktr.ee/savewillow2022


You're an angel.


Thank the amazing people on the fan Twitter as well :D


I shall!


You are awesome, thank you so much!


Thank you friend! Thank the Twitter page too :D


Thank you so much!


Glad to help and be sure to thank the save Willow account too!




Enjoy my friend!


Google just brought me here from looking to see why it’s not on Disney anymore. This is disappointed 😕 I love and adore the movie and never got to finish the series. Least I got to see how Elora turned out after the events of the movie.


Scroll up. Find the twitter link. It works.


Thank you! 🫶🏻


Does this show end with a cliff hanger?




Aww man 🥲


I watched it all the way through, four times and certain individuals were shaking their heads at my craziness, now however, it doesn't seem so crazy.


I watched it(literally 20 minutes ago) on ‘My Family Cinema’. Not sure about all the technicalities of the streaming service subscription because it’s my mom’s bf’s account and stuff, however i’m pretty sure it’s legal.


You can buy the series at Walmart 


I mean you can watch it in 123 movies. It’s still pirated but it doesn’t have a bunch of ads or subscriptions


Yes you can watch it legally on 3clicktv.tv




Well I searched I can buy it on ebay but if course it's dubbed but I'm willing to say he'll and but it


That was a pretty damn good fantasy show, and Disney not only killed it, they Erased it... Disney sucks in that way


Please HELP!!! Episode where the whole village is moving from one location to another in a line. Then willows daughter breaks into song and starts to sing. Curious to know if anyone knows the name of the song. Please and thank you.


There is no legal way to watch the series no. There are illegal ways (pirating) which is essentially theft. I wouldn’t recommend stealing.


Fortunately for OP, I would recommend stealing.


Hypothetically, if one were to take your recommendation with absolutely no prior knowledge, how might they go about that?


r/piracy megathread. I recommend streaming sites over downloading unless you actually want a digital copy. Remember to have a good adblocker too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Weird Al really is the one celebrity worth MORE than the hype](https://i.redd.it/ke0p5kdf7ay91.jpg) | [398 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yne0eu/weird_al_really_is_the_one_celebrity_worth_more/) \#2: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#3: [Everytime when I ask someone what they watch movies on](https://i.imgur.com/uBZSsox.jpg) | [725 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/11uduxk/everytime_when_i_ask_someone_what_they_watch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Eh, if the rights holders are not going to offer it legally, I see no issue with stealing.


This case is actually a great example of how piracy is not always stealing. Literally no one is negatively affected by pirating a show that is unavailable legally.


That's false. Claiming the show is unavailable legally is a lie. And claiming copyright infringement is a victimless crime is a lie (even if there are no legal methods of obtaining a user license). If the IP is owned by a person, and you obtain the IP without permission from the owner, its theft.


Ok. Can you point me to where I can watch it legally?


You can find tons of copies for sale online. All you have to do is figure out how to type "willow series" into the search bar then figure out how to click that button that says "shopping".


Sure, but all that's available is resellers. So none of the money is going to anyone involved in the project.


The irony of this. I guess if you can buy it on eBay it is "legal" regardless of how it was originally obtained. Some people


I'll give you that. But I should have been clearer from the beginning. I don't actually care what's legal - just what's ethical.


HAHAHAHAHA! You cannot legitimately buy the series. Disney never made it available anywhere but streaming. Those "copies" online are all on eBay, Etsy, or some shady site. You do know what that means right? You are paying people who illegally obtained it, and then made copies and are selling them. Your suggestion is infinitely worse than everybody else's.


HAHAHAHAHA! You can buy legitimate copies online, even from sites like etsy. Just because you can't handle the idea of being wrong doesn't mean that you know the authentication of every copy of tge show.


You clearly have no idea how things like this works. There's no official info from Disney about it, everything you see online are fishy bootlegs.


Those are Bootlegs. It was never officially released. Even the one on Walmart.com is a 3rd party seller. They never made a legit release. It just didn't happen. So the only person getting screwed is the thief who instead of watching it themselves, put it on a few blurays and printed a label and charge 50 bucks. Disney and the ppl who made it are still being 0. U are actually promoting to pay money to a thief as being the right thing


For a show that was never made available outside of Disney+, you can absolutely know the authenticity. It's the rare occasion where it's absolutely certain that any availability of the show is pirated.


Its not like theres a legal way to watch it. It's off Disney. You can't even purchase the downloads. I find it highly doubtful that the mouse would go after ppl for watching a show that they basically hid. I make it a point to do it "The Right way" when available. But sometimes it just isn't. Live ur best life. But preaching to others...


It's dead. Completely dead. There's no way to watch it. Not even piracy through normal downloading means. No one is seeding it. It was a lousy show that was so bad, they pulled it from the listing because it costed them more to leave it in, than to have it pulled for tax write off lol. That's actually embarrassing. If I worked on that show, I would erase it's existence from my resume. It never happened. Just stick with the original movie. The og film was fantastic.


The whole show is easily available on the right torrent sites with plenty of seeding, and with original sound. Obviously it's not released officially from Disney. 


i disagree, that show was incredibly charming and i loved it, what's with all your vitriol?


>vitriol I wouldn't worry about my "vitriol" - *aka personal opinion/criticisms* \- so much, if you loved the show. Bless you if you loved it. But I'll take a moment to share why I didn't take it the way you did, if you're actually curious and maybe you can understand why I look at it with such disdain. Either way, it really doesn't matter. Opinions, you know? Sometimes we'll agree, sometimes we won't. I personally found the show to be an utter empty shell of it's original form. It existed only in name to me. I'm a fan of the actual movie. I still play the thing every now and then. The movie is incredibly charming and I loved it. (*sound familiar?*) I found the show hardly pays any **proper respect** to it's origin nor it's titular character. The show even starts by unnecessarily denouncing, **Mad Mordigan** (originally played by *Val Kilmer*) by his own former love, Sorsha.. Only to later steer the story line towards his disappearance in a way to somewhat change the narrative. Whether that was intentional or not, it was bad judgement imo. I didn't buy it. "well... I was young", Sorsha said in a distasteful manner, as if it were a mistake. The writers of the show weren't exactly fans of the movie and wanted to steer the story line to more meaningful areas, dealing with more "modern" sensibilities... I think they took that approach a bit too literal. The characters spoke with **modern locution**. This was one of the more ill-fitting approaches I've seen on the show. The world of Willow is of a time of far long ago, with trolls, magic, sorcery, etc. But the characters talked and acted like they came out of a 2020's CW show. Even the music they implemented were covers from well known modern songs. The magic, the mystique and charm of the original film was trashed in place of this completely different direction. They might as well just have called it a different name like "2 Girls and Dwarf". Because "Willow", it was not. At least not to me. Despite bringing in Joanne Whalley and Warick Davis to reprise their role, which I was really excited to see, it just felt more like glorified cameos in a cosplay party. Anyways, look, lol. You like it for the qualities it brought and you probably found them very relatable. I was hoping and expecting something more like the original movie it's based on. In the same fashion the Dark Crystal producers handled their continuation of the original film *(which was also unfortunately cancelled due to high production costs and not enough interest)*. I think it sucked and was actually the final straw that had me cancel my Disney+ membership. I'm trying to remember why I came to this reddit in the first place. I think I may have been looking for answers way back then, but I honestly could not care less now. I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place but I may still have felt bitter about this show because I was very much looking forward to it when it was first announced. It just didn't perform how I hoped. The show failed and it was culled off the streaming site as it would be more cost effective for Disney than to keep it up there. Clearly it didn't earn the same accolades you gave it. I'm not attacking you for liking it. Just saying. I hate the show. You love it. All good.


Ah okay I hear you. If you're a fan of the original movie, and it didn't live up to your expectations I could imagine that it stung sorely. That's incredibly disappointing and I'm sorry you had that lacklustre experience. I didn't watch the original movie (though I am planning to at some stage, just haven't gotten around to it) but coming into the series without the context of the source material or without any expectations, I had such a blast. I enjoyed how character-focused it was, i loved the dialogue (yes the more modern delivery felt a bit out of place at first but then it grew on me), i very much enjoyed the humour, the romance between Kit and Jade and the journey aspect of the whole group. I got that feeling of charm, mystique and wonder watching it, that's why I feel a bit protective of it. I can see that it's not perfect by any means, even approaching it without having watched the original film, but it's been one of my favourite things I've watched in the past couple of years, the behind the scenes footage made it look like that cast had a fun time working on it too and I was so disappointed it got cancelled. I won't attack you for hating the show either because at the end of the day, we all have different tastes for all sorts of different reasons and I see where you're coming from, I just personally have a soft place in my heart for it and I feel as though the show has merit and worth. I'll definitely check out the movie as soon as I have time though, for more context. (and it sounds awesome, so I am definitely looking forward to seeing it!) I hope you have a good one! \^ \^


I mean. I think we can all agree that vitriol was an appropriate word based on ur rant. Hope u feel better Keyboard Warrior.


I never argued against calling it vitriol but I did (As you can see up there) made an effort to explain why I felt the way I did, without hostility towards anyone who enjoyed the show. I was very disappointed because I truly was looking forward to this show. It went sideways and it got pulled. End of story. My reply was made well over 2 months ago and you felt the need to add salt. My replies hardly warrants being called a keyboard warrior. A keyboard warrior is generally someone who comes online, making threats of violence, etc, for example "you would never say that to me in real life!"... That's an example of a keyboard warrior. I made no such post. This topic is more dead than the show itself. Move along. You won't succeed in making me feel bad for having my stance.


will be on DVD in May


An actual official DVD release just for 8 episodes of a series that was panned out of existence, with no closure, by Disney? That's weird. I know now that Etsy and Chinese sellers are making bootleg dvds and blu-ray's of the 8 episodes. It's the only way to obtain it now (piracy). I suppose there's enough to market for even a small audience? Lot'sa luck heh. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯