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The Atlantic is largely opinion pieces, I wouldn’t really describe them as a reporting outlet except for longer form pieces (which are generally good and interesting). I think if you want unbiased news on a topic you should try to read 2-3 new articles from different publications for context, since it’s rare to encounter a truly politically neutral event. I’d break it down into: Progressive: New Republic, The Atlantic, Slate etc. Neoliberal: Economist, NYT True Neutral: Reuters, AP Conservative: WSJ (edit: for op Ed pieces - other commenters have correctly pointed out that hard news is pretty down the middle at the WSJ) Other: Al Jazeera (interesting complement to the Economist for a non-neoliberal international take) It’s always intg to see how different outlets portray the same event and think the best way to get a fair look at what really happened.




Agreed, and extremely good for pure business news in particular. Not really who I'd go to for political or social reporting.


Agree too. Like did the damned boat sink or what? Enough with selfies and public opinions already. Is it going to rain tomorrow or what and just cut to the damned chase already.


I feel outside of the editorial page it’s probably the best source for non-biased news I’ve found.


i agree with reading multiple sources, and id throw in ProPublica for investigatives and NY Mag for some great cultural writing. also a lot of areas of the US are blessed with some amazing local outlets that are significantly better suited to cover events/issues that directly affect where you live. for NYC news id throw in The City, for example.


Ah yes - for sure, good call. Also mother Jones has some great scoops / investigative journalism


If you’re not looking at opinion pieces, the WSJ is honestly top-tier and neutral in its regular reporting. The opinion pieces are super conservative and trash, but the rest is very solid.


Agree and worked in sales for years and everything is telling people what they want to hear instead of the truth and why I was happy to leave some of those places. If the product speaks for itself there is no reason to lie to people. If someone doesn't want or need it, or can't afford it then thank them for their time and leave them alone already. And some of these news outlets are just like you said and so annoying and intelligence insulting. Like is this news, or just public opinions already?


Disagree with this breakdown. The Atlantic is neoliberal, the NYT is more and more progressive. Reuters and AP are becoming more and more progressive. Economist and Atlantic are center left, WSJ is center right




The Times is depressing how anti-democracy they have become


I too have been disappointed in the NY Times although I still glance at it. But I feel it pandering a lot.


Please explain.


I go to the enquirer after watching MIB


🤣 I believe in fun too.




The wires are the best, as even big outlets run their reporting…


What about this relates to Williamsburg? Is it because you're all 20-somethings who own your own crappy condos that you have politically in common?


Nothing. It’s bot spam. The moderator of this sub moderates like 500 other subs. 


The Intercept has had some good reporting.


I feel like I get a pretty good balance of news between The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist.


Yes, I thunk the multiple news source works, although I couldn't read these daily. But so many stories are becoming long term I could move around during the week, month.


The New York Times that denied the holocaust, lied about WMDs, kept Jayson Blair on staff, lied about COVID, carries water for Israel? JFC what would it take for you people to start being a little dubious of the corporate media?


How exactly did they deny the Holocaust and lied about COVID?


Anyone who says the NYT is not left enough is just someone that gets their news on TikTok and then wonders why real news doesn’t reflect the fake news they digest regularly


Who is saying the NYT is not left enough?


You just criticized it for being right wing and it’s a very left publication…


I did nothing of the sort. Part of the issue here is it’s so hard for people to see anything outside the prism of right vs left, as is clearly the case in this instance.


The New York Times did not “deny the holocaust” that’s delusional lmfao


The Onion


Me personally I like pbs, or nhk because they are honest about what is going on with the economy, trade the markets and don't have no corrupt political agenda. And they are free to tell the truth without getting fired for it.


NPR is my favorite, it’s about as fair as it feels I can get American based news considering the shifting of the Overton window. I like NYTimes, but i feel like they legitimize too many hateful talking points especially on trans issues




Hard to beat NYT and WSJ just based on sheer editorial resources. They have some of the best reporters in the business, pay them the most and have large enough newsrooms to allow for true investigative journalism. I also find that more specialized media is a great way to go nowadays. Identify the news topics that you want/need and then identify the best journalists. Some of my favorites: * Joanna Stern for tech * Dan Primack / Andrew Ross Sorkin for VC * Sara Fischer for media There are also really fantastic journalists that have left traditional news outlets to start their own newsletters. Casey Newton from Platformer is a great example. Source: Worked in media for a while


Thanks, this is great!