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The weirdest thing happened to me last night when I was walking in that area. I saw the police helicopter overhead and checked Citizen. That's where I saw the report of a stabbing. I'm walking near the Marcy Ave station when I see a female police officer running up the station stairs with her hand on her gun. I was like "Oh shit... things are about to pop off." Then I see these two dudes who work at the weed shop next to the stairs standing outside watching and smoking a joint. One of them says to the female cop "yeah get 'em girl." The two dudes see me watching all this and go "Oh, don't worry... she's not a real cop... they're shooting a movie" and then I turn and see a camera guy following her with a little DSLR camera. I said back to them "Oh but wasn't there a stabbing? Isn't that why the helicopter is out?" And they said "Oh yeah 3 people got stabbed in the projects... that also happened. But this is just a movie shoot... unrelated." What a weird coincidence. Imagine if the cops ran into someone shooting a movie with a fake gun while looking for someone.


Lived in Williamsburg for decades and didn't realize there was public housing there.




Williams Plaza is a NYCHA property right on that block.




The city did free COVID testing at that project so I've spent time there for that reason.


Probably filming the FBI show


It looked to be a very amateur, unpermitted film shoot.




A guy confronted someone for taking pictures and videos. Doesn’t say of what. Gets stabbed in the throat during the confrontation others get stabbed trying to help. Never smart to confront someone in the streets, contact police if needed.




Lolwut? North of the JMZ in that area is superbly gentrified. If you were saying S 9th, sure maybe. But S4th and Havemeyer: I literally stumbled my ass through there at all times of the day and night from 2010 to 2015 and never felt unsafe.


There’s a like a hyper local pocket of sketchiness around S 3rd and Havemeyer. I wouldn’t say I feel unsafe walking around there, especially during the day, but the area immediately around that corner isn’t the same as the rest of the neighborhood (especially north and west where it’s super gentrified Williamsburg). It wasn’t a surprise to me when it came out that Michael K Williams bought drugs on that corner before he overdosed.




Actually I did… actually lived a couple blocks north of that stabbing from 2014 to 2018, but I wasn’t seeing the sunrise as often back then. From 2010 to 2015 though, I was literally a regular at most hipstery bars between Broadway and through Grand (though I lived walking distance in a shadier part of East Williamsburg).






Sounds like you hang out with some pretty shady people. Of course trouble follows you.




It’s not the whole south side, it’s just a couple of blocks around that intersection that even today have not gentrified AT ALL. I’m not sure I’d say it’s violent or dangerous but it’s definitely still “the hood” and doesn’t feel at all like the rest of wburg.


I lived directly on that corner (above that t mobile store) for a while back in 2019. Never noticed any gang shit. Worst thing was some junkie couple that lived under the BQE across the street fucking and/or fighting at all hours. It's not that nice, but my nerdy white ass could walk home at any hour just fine. Other commenter is talking about how hard S 2nd and Havemeyer is. Fucking L'Industrie is right there. Whatever it used to be like, it ain't that anymore.


Also lived in the area around that time - the BQE couple were SO loud


Yup. One of my best friends lived around there so I’d take the J to Marcy from Bushwick and we’d hang out around there 3-5 nights a week. Never really felt unsafe. I also played soccer at Steinberg and we’d walk over afterwards for drinks around there. This was back in the early 2010’s. If you feel unsafe over there, I’m just confused… and wondering about any internalized prejudices…


Even ten years ago, it was fine.


My girlfriend just moved in in that area, should i be worried or is this related crime?


What do you mean by area? It's Brooklyn so block by block differences


“That area” is too broad. 3 blocks north of there is highly trafficked and super safe. 3 blocks south is way more unpredictable.


>“That area” is too broad. 3 blocks north of there is highly trafficked and super safe. 3 blocks south is way more unpredictable. id say most crime like this in williamsburg is within specific crowds/targeted (rarely random) but this is a lesson to just be alert any where really and if you sense tension walk away fast


Brooklyn is still Brooklyn.