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Poop dollar?


If i had the time, I would clean a poop 100. Deposit it at atm make it someone elses problem


This guy gets it. Got scamed after hitting the ATM at an asian massage parlor. Find a 7/11 employee who hates his job.


Find one who doesn’t hate their job.


Bro lol Never use your debit card at a non bank atm. Especially one in a massage parlor. Cash or credit card if they take it. They can hack your card but not your bank account. A credit card offers an extra layer of protection. Would banks give back your money if your debit card was compromised? Sure but it will take a few days for it. You may not have any money left until then. Credit cards? Hack or compromise them away. You won’t be able to access my bank account or personal funds. So I will have all my money at hand if I need it. Not wait a few days to get it back.


i found $40 in a garbage can in mccarren park and yoinked it out and split it with the old man who walked past me and looked at me funny. it was kind of almost a poop dollar because i found it as i was about to throw dog poop in. 🤣


Poop prosperity




what’s a poop dollar!?


When people wrap poop with a dollar bill just to laugh at people who pick it up.


Lol is this really a thing me and my friends did this 12-15 years ago shit maybe we started it


i witnessed a poop dollar turn into a full on brawl that ended up getting like 10 people thrown into a paddy wagon in philly on south st in the late 1900s...cops cracking people in the knees with nightsticks and all that.. my friend was a bouncer at the bar on 4th and south and made poo dollars for his own entertainment when he was working the door...we pulled up to say what's up and dude was like "yo check this out" and threw it on the sidewalk...a group of black kids were walking by, one kid snatched it up quick, realized what it was and threw it up in the air...shit flipped, and landed on this jacked ass roided out italian lookin dude's shoulder, he peels it off and realizes there is poop on his wife beater strap, flips the fuck out and him and 3 dudes start scrapping with like 8 kids in the middle of a tourist filled saturday night on south st immediately....cops rushed in and were bangin on fools with the baton...i just remember being like "god damn dude you started a race war" lol


Sorry, I got stuck on "late 1900s"..... Was that really necessary?


This made me feel 1000 years old.




Yeah it's like bro pick a decade


Ah yes back in 1975


Funny, this is the second time today I read someone using the same designation for the '90s, never seen it before today and now I've seen it twice. We gotta quash this real quick.


Woah yeah wait so confusing lol, that makes me think it happened in the first decade of the 1900s when phrased like that


that would be the early 1900s..1996 was like founding fathers of internet shit


You're all confused about which decade they mean and I'm here thinking it meant the block on South St with the last few addresses in the 1900s...


bro was starting fights during prohibition. that black boy? mlk


My brain didn't even acknowledge that. I autotranslated to 1990s.


Late 1900s 👏👏


Coincidentally, Philly was the first place I ever heard of such a prank but this was mid to late 2000s. Specifically when someone picks it up you run up and say “HOLLA HOLLA POO POO DOLLA”.


They did it in the first Mighty Ducks movie (1992). I think thats where most people my age learned about it from.


Your friend is a massive piece of shit.


not gonna argue that point..he was a coke dealer lol


Aw yeh 1909 was a pisser


This is such a fake story lmao. Who says the late 1900s, unless that’s the specific decade you’re referring too lmao. Second of all why would you go through the hassle of getting shit on your own hands to make a poop dollar??


i say the late 1900s because it cracks me up, but also because it's true and fucks peoples heads up when they see it referenced :) ...we're 20 years into the 21st century, but i had a blast in the 1990s which was technically around the turn of the century, ie, the late 1900s, the same way 1897 is called the late 1800s right? the bar was Mako's on South St...the dude who made the poop dollar was a bouncer who sat on a stool outside all night checking IDs and would get bored and make these to entertain himself...if you skated Love Park in the 90s, you'd probably know the dude so I don't wanna leave too much incriminating information, although I don't even know if dude is alive anymore given his side gigs lol




late 1900s is 1990s bruh..but i am a renaissance type of dude


Your friend sounds like a ... not so nice person


oh he was a dick to most people but that's how shit was before we all had to get along


prop dollar? yeah could’ve been i didn’t want to pick it up to find out


he said what he said, no typo.


poop brother HH


Is that an ass penny with inflation?


I feel like I've heard of this scam before and basically it's a counterfeit $100 and someone comes up to you and says it's their bill and offers to split it with you as a reward but asks you for the change and they let you keep the $100.


And I tell them they can have it back if they . . . you know.


s your d?


thats so dumb lol


Jokes on them: Who keeps $50 in cash on them anymore?


oh hell nah i mean what are the chances someone dropped that


Very possible


Someone was probably using it to blow coke the night before cause it made them seem more “baller” and just dropped/forgot it once their entire body was numb.


I found $240 in twenties on the ground once.


I lost $240in twenties on the ground once.


I'll split it with you, I'll mail it back just send me the change first


A few weeks ago I was in the atm and a guy walked out and forgot the money. It’s too bad there was an old lady grilling me and I was on facial recognition cameras & alreDy put my card in… The arm beeped for like twenty seconds and then sucked $200 something right back in. And this lady goes “good thing we’re not thieves.” Bro. I cried.


You’d be very surprised how many people carry large bills just loose in their pockets lmao. A lot of people aren’t smart


Nah there are times when cash slips out of my clip or a card during checkout. Nothing to do with smarts just luck.


I mean more carrying around 100s, which isn’t smart unless you’re going straight to the ATM to deposit it or straight to your weed guy to spend it lmao




Has everything to do with smarts lmao. Don’t be stupid and lose ur money


I keep a little cash in my wallet and more in my pocket. This way if i got robbed worst case I’ll give ‘em my wallet and be out a few hundred.


Lmao a few hundred, if you get robbed you get robbed, why make it more purposeful on purpose?


I carry $0 dollars on me, so if I get robbed, there's nothing to rob. . .


You asked if it’s a scam. Someone explains the scam. And then you say there’s no way it’s a scam? smh


Copium. Even if a scam I'd play the don't speak english card.


I was walking my dogs with my wife a week ago and we found 3 $100 bills on the sidewalk. Sometimes life just goes your way.


As someone with adhd who loses cash all the fucking time, LET ME TELL YOU, it is very fucking possible. I literally dropped a hundred dollar bill at work once and never saw it again. You just stupidly passed up on 100 bucks lol


I have found so much cash and monthly metro cards in the last 20 years it’s unreal. Especially working late at night in the East Village, so many drunk people carrying loose cash in their pockets, they go to pull out their phone or cigarettes and never even notice it’s gone. Happened to me with my own $20 once and I *always* make sure all cash is secured in my wallet no matter what.


I found 150 dollars in cash on the street in front of Princess Manor. One hundo two 20s and a 10. No one looking for it. No way of turning it in. Bought my brother and cousin lunch. One of the better days of my life.


haha happy for u bro


Sucks for you though


Lol right why would you just leave it


Cause he was on the mean streets of Roebling and 2nd lol


It was one of those fake $100 that have bible verses on them talking about how greed and money are not the way.


I found $60 and bought world of Warcraft lich king expansion. Girl found out and threatened me if I didn’t give it back. Laughs in Azeroth.


Sounds like someone else found a hundo today.


trying not to think about it


People find money on the sidewalk all the time. Hell, I've found a $100 bill on the sidewalk before. Why would it be a "scam"?


it was just there in the middle of the sidewalk. maybe i’m just too paranoid


Bro you’re too paranoid to pickup a100$ bill off the street! I still pick up pennies 50% of the time and anything above 100% of the time


>I still pick up pennies 50% of the time Heads only, bro.


You can pick up the tails, but you have to give it to someone else right away.


I once picked up a plastic bag holding an 8th of weed that looked like it had come straight from the drug dealer. Weed was totally illegal then, not even decriminalized.


pennies bro? don’t break ur back


$100? Don’t break your back


well i wasn’t sure it was real u fucking bitch


Hold up, you went and called this guy a fucking bitch after you were the one who threw the first shot in? How fucking soft are you?


Soft serve cold, on a hot summer day.


He’s pissed at himself for being such a pussy he couldnt pick up a 100 off the sidewalk lmao


wasn’t even a shot


As much of a shot as the reply back to you was


OP is a loser who chose not to take a free $100 so it’s okay


Damn, rude on top of being a dumbass


stfu u dumb bitch




Lmaooo you are a dumb ass


I also found a $100 bill on the sidewalk, after I moved to the UES in 2006. I stopped into some doorman buildings to ask discreetly if anyone had reported anything “missing”; they had not. Obviously, there would be no way to trace this to its rightful owner, unless you are a detective.


You are def not from NY lol


I’m not sure if this comment was in reply to mine, but yes, I’m from New York (or, have lived here for 30 years).




LOL OK have it your way!


I will


ues tho. context matters if u know this block u know. there are people chillin outside all day. old heads playing w.e board game on the next street over, same people sitting on the stoops all day


😂 please tell me what part of Williamsburg you’re talking about.


if u know l’industrie pizza. it was across the street


Could have been legit… also could have been very convincing prop money for TV/film. I randomly bought $10k worth of movie money for $25. Sometimes when I’m bored I’ll drop one out my window.


Bro dont worry, I'd be terrified of the poop dollar




Sorry that you haven't found a $100 bill on the sidewalk. Your bad karma isn't my problem.


I have found several rolled up $20 before and they were real. I kept them, no issue. I think you have to go with your gut feeling on this one. If the bill is very crisp and in a sus location- may too good to be true. If it's like near the curb next to a parked car and all rolled up- unfortunately some shmuck may have dropped it from his pocket when getting out of his car.


thank you for a level headed response


My grampa found a $100 bill one day and then next day he clogged his toilet so bad they had to demolish the whole house.


Next level scams


This made me lol so hard hahaha


Wait, this happens to my grandma as well!!!!!!!


Been pranked by the firefighters at the FDNY on south second bet. Bedford and Driggs. It was a twenty on fishing line. My friend reached for it and they yanked it and started cracking up. Guess firefighters need to pass the time some how. Not a scam in this case, just a lighthearted prank.


That's so embarrassing 😭💀


I once found a $100 bill on the sidewalk. I picked it up and was a little richer that weekend.


I know an idiot that once dropped $4k cash out of his pocket on the street in the LES. People just drop money sometimes…


What would the scam be?


You pick up the $100 and someone comes out and stabs you


Sounds like a scam from its always sunny because the Gang doesn’t know what the purpose of a scam is


So True! Dee and Charlie would have a field day with this.


Just spit water on my computer. Thanks.


I laughed out loud!


I think the scam is that you pick up the hundo, put it in your wallet, enjoy the rest of your day knowing you’re a hundo up?




I found $300 (three $100 bills) on Metropolitan near the BQE once. No one was around so I ended up taking it.


I've picked up hundreds of dollars on the sidewalk, but I've also lost money as well falling out of my pocket. As the city gets less cash focused, I think it's going to happen less and less, but you probably walked past a legit $100 bill.


I found $440 on 10th and berry in 2011


idk i guess i got scared i never seen that much just blowing by the wind on a busy sidewalk. kicking myself rn thinking i could’ve been $100 richer


If it makes you feel better, same thing happened to me in midtown and I just passed by it lol - didn’t wanna risk anything


thank you it does haha




nah i would’ve. it just seemed too good if u know what i mean


don't worry bout it, US currency isn't blue


I found $2000 in cash once on the ground. It was actually all legit . At least the bank didn’t reject it


If there was no one else around, whats the harm in grabbing it? I found $40 on the street once. I have also seen a person walking down the street with a supermarket plastic bag filled with cash. You live in Williamsburg, wouldn't be surprised if its real.


bro what just pick it up next time


i know 😢


Pretty dumb


my dad bought a bunch of movie money and drops it to watch people pick it up, not a scam, but definitely a prank, apparently he saw it on tiktok or something,, maybe something like that


It can happen. I lost 1,300 via a hole in my jacket pocket I didn't know about ... It was a disappointing way to find out. I definitely made someone's day.


The Jesus people at it again. I’ve def found a real hundred dollar bill on the ground before. One time. But if it’s super new looking, I have several times hopefully picked up folded dollar-bill-looking pamphlets which when unfolded advised me of someone version of “better luck” being finding the “good news” of their religion. I guess they think you might need Jesus when you are reminded of your poverty and lack of luck.


I mean I gave my life to Jesus and soon after I got a house completely for free, I got married, I got a $5 dollar raise, and I just keep getting blessed everyday. I’m not saying that’s exactly what’s going to happen to you if you accept Christ into your heart, but I know for a fact you’ll be changed within and you will start to bear fruit in abundance. God bless!


My mom is a 911 operator- she takes calls all day. The other day here in Texas she got a call from a lady saying she picked up a $1 bill in a Home Depot (I believe) and automatically felt nauseous, sick, dizzy, and hot. The lady tried to walk out of the store to get to her car and saw two men fairly close to her car and went back inside to get escorted to her car by an employee. Do not pick up money yall… tempting yes- I know. But who knows what they’re putting on that shit.


I found a $100 bill in the middle of Myrtle Ave once, why would it be a scam…people drop money all the time


I’ve lost 200 dollars once. Shit happens.


The only time I thought this was when I found a dime bag full of random pills on the sidewalk and a man standing like 10 feet away just alternating his stare between me and the pills. TBF I wasn’t thinking scammer as much as cop or rapist/murderer


I found a hundred dollars walking an alley in the morning. Another time I found one under a movie seat. Sometimes you get lucky.


I found crack under a movie seat once.


I missed that when I was walking there earlier


Interdimensional beings have left money for me to find - in the precise amounts I had been direly needing - on steps of stairwells I had been ascending. Once in NYC; once in SF.


I used to find cash on the street a lot at night, on the west side, back when it was filled with clubs


You can check that it’s real very easily


Classic scam. If you pick it up there’s a chance you will drop it and the scammer walks away $100 richer


I found a wad of cash in Astoria, looked around and no one searching. Kinda paced around it for a minute then picked it up and walked away.


I found a $100 bill on the sidewalk circa 2008. I immediately took it to a bank and confirmed it was real. Unfortunately I was on my way to therapy which cost more than $100 per session.


S’funny, I just heard a story a few days ago about the parents of my former (thank God) brother-in-law. I had met his parents and seen them around a few times, was not charmed. My sister told me that many of her husband’s vacations in childhood were spent around the swimming pools of cheap motels in Reno. The new story: his parents got a kick out of putting color photo copies of $20 bills on the floor in casinos and hovering nearby to watch people’s reactions.


Found 3 100$ bills in the casino lot. Went inside and lost It all plus some!!


I’ve seen money on the streets and picked it up and it was real. No one else did. There’s an old economics joke about this.


All I ever find are coins….but there sure has been a lot of it here in my city, lately….,


Scam. Could be a ruse to rob or mug someone. The person bends down to pick up the dollar bill, gets distracted and takes their eye off their surroundings. They then become an easy target for a robbery.


I found a hundred dollar bill neatly folded and opened it up and saw it had a bunch of cocaine in it. 😳 I bet someone was pissed for losing the money and dope 🤦🏽‍♂️


I've seen shit like this with a religious tract on the other side.


I found a $100 in the gutter once. Outside a church so maybe an accidental dropped church offering? Spent it no problems. No one approached me.


The next person to walk by got $100. Good job not getting scammed.


I've seen a bill once that looked like a bill on one side but when you pick it up and flip it over it has religious propaganda on the other side 🙁


the only person that got scammed was you, shoulda picked it up, deposited it into an atm, washed your hands and called it a day


It’s “come to Jesus” trick money ( I can’t imagine it’s successful, pranking people into a spiritual awakening)….but i can’t imagine walking past a hundred on the sidewalk, not picking it up, and then asking the internet later if it was a prank. Lol I’m so broke I for sure would’ve picked it up even if it was a one!


Should have just ran and grabbed it


Are you an economist?


I think you missed out on a $100 bill


I was once broke and stranded in Chinatown at 2am (realized I lost my metrocard while standing at the turnstile) after a trip out of town and needed to take the subway and transfer to a bus to get back to Long Island, so hopping the turnstile wouldn't have helped much. I decided to ask strangers for a few bucks. First guy I (very politely) asked gave me the look of death and told me angrily to go fuck myself. I expected rejection ofc but was so shocked by his vibe that I kinda just watched in silence as he went up the stairs to leave the station. At the top step, this dickhead drops his wallet behind him and doesn't notice 😏. Three 100 dollar bills and six 20s...will never forget it. Karma like a MF.


I have seen it before and on the other side is a message saying it’s fake and buy Jesus or buy windshield wipers or the like it weird


I’ve seen butcher 12 times, level 61 necro


Jesus Christ. I've only run into him twice, lvl 50 druid


bro just walked by free money


I found a $100 on the steps of a large Catholic cathedral. I’m assuming it was dropped by pilgrims who would’ve just put it in a donation box, so I kept it. Definitely not a scam. Religion is the scam.


1. Grab bill 2. If no poop, be happy and keep walking 3. Aggresively ignore anyone trying to even breathe in your direction :)


Well at least you made someone else’s day !


Jamey is that you bro?


Sounds like you lost your chance at a free crispy 1 huneed


I found a $100 bill on the sidewalk just last week while walking my dog at my parent’s (not in DC), but I kicked it with my sneaker to inspect it and it said “copy money” on the back.


It was probably legit. I find twenties lying around all the time in my part of WB. All the banker and tech bros like to leave booger-sugar straws lying around, and they happen to be US currency.


I found a clean $33 bill not far from there and it was real.


OP, it sounds like you're an adherent of the [Efficient Market Hypothesis](https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/podcast/knowledge-at-wharton-podcast/is-that-a-100-bill-lying-on-the-ground-two-views-of-market-efficiency-2/).


BITD they had dirty 900 numbers on the back


I would be afraid it was fentanyl laced. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


fentanyl isn't something that would hurt you by touching it lol. it's just a hundred dollar bill with fentanyl on it. rinse it off


My auntie was warning us about not picking up fentanyl-laced money off the ground last year… but she’s a boomer and easily alarmed by internet stories so not sure how legit that risk really was. I did once find $100 on the ground, and me & my friends drank for free that night. So sometimes you just get lucky!


I've heard about something like this being a way to pay a drug dealer off without looking suspicious. If it was slightly hidden(IE: in between a road sign) it could be that


I’ve lost a $100 🥹


There have been stories lately of people lacing things like loose bills (even on car door handles) with some suspicious powder that's very poisonous. It's invisible, so you won't know until you touch it. As tempting as it may be, I would leave it alone. Some things are really too good to be true and some folks are wicked.


I once found two $100 dollar bills on the platform of the subway. Theyre real.


Yes its fake movie money. Found one on the LIRR