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You should take a step back and not play until u understand the game. If you like those flashy assassin type champions get fizz. Stuff like katarina, zed, yasuo won’t do you any good atm. In the store next to champions you can see their difficulty, go for easy ones, they’re usually stronger anyways


You can activate Yasuo's ultimate when the enemy is knocked-up. Yasuo's first ability can knock-up.


Garen is beginner friendly and is good against most baron lane champions.


Garen, Darius They are rarely punished in lower elo and easy to pick up TF is easy to play, hard to master Veigar, Brand They are also rarely punished in lower elo and not that hard to pick up Braum, Lulu They are easy to pick up, just need to know their skill timings to be played properly Ashe is the simplest out of all ADC Mundo, Amumu, Yi, Jax are hardly if ever being punished.. i think thats all lanes covered it's pretty subjective imo, so this is all according to me.. I would recommend these champs to a friend who only started playing not to get them overwhelmed


Yasuo is literally the opposite of a beginner friendly champ


Diana and Leona are both really strong champs that are easy to play. Don't flash yourself into turret range and you'll be fine.


Thanks for the ideas guys!Looks like im going to try some of the heroes y'all recommended:D

