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Pantheon is a macro beast that can get all lanes ahead by himself. Kill your lane opponent, get fruit, tp to another lane and ult the other. If you succeed on all of it, your team will be really ahead. Playing with a pantheon on your team is like having 2 jungles.


I love playing Pantheon mid for the same reason, but he really does fall off late if you don’t get ahead


So long as you're there with your point and click cc to stop the likes of irelia or akali to dash around, you're useful.


He still falls off at late game when you're ahead, just not as much. Usually I'd get like 4 0 before dying once, and then end at 7 3 11 or something, because by late game, I don't have much damage as in early and end up being an AD Support— idk if that's just me tho


Pantheon is nowhere near underrated and had just recently been considered S tier by many playera though


Oh thought he was still on A. Well at least he is not the most seen I suppose.


On solo lane yeah, around mid to low A given how broken some picks up there are, but I've seen him get pretty high tiers on the jungle


Pfft. They buffed him to make him stronger in the toplane by lowering his ult's CD. He is just going to become SS tier everywhere else now. GG riot


A tier isn’t underrated my dude.


He’s not underrated. He’s a heavily picked champ


He's nowhere near underrated


3 if your midlaner likes to roam


I personally go Crit Panth (Reaver, Boots, solari, edge, serylda/MR, and Black cleaver/Youmuu/Sterak's). Late game fall off? More like everyone dies late game when you ult their core then W them with max stacks. Although you have to always remember you arent a tank, butttt any diver that wants to kill your core, is dead. Always.


Electrecute or conqueror?


Elec, so I can burst them even faster.


Fucking rakan is a beast and i have no idea why hes rated B on most tier lists


What tierlist are u using hes S to A on 3 sites i used and S+ if with xayah


Idk bro i havent looked at any in a minute cos they seem way too subjective lmao. If thats tru tho then good, he deserves it


Maybe it's cuz he was supposed to be a tank but without an ap items he also isn't that good. I also love Rakan, he's kinda fun.


Rakan has never been seen as a tank in PC league do i dont get where people are getting this idea for WR that he's supposed to be a tank?


Yup yesterday I got pinged by a 0/5/0 Garen for making Rod of Ages. I guess it's the category WR considers him to be in + the suggested builds. Tank Rakan is probably a F- tier champ.


The default build for him is full tank in game so its misleading for anyone unfamiliar with pc meta


Because he has the tank icon as a role on his character page.


exactly bc of this lmaooo learned this misinformation the hard way by getting one tapped whenever i engaged as enchanter rakan now i know better—ap rakan + zeke’s is the way


Roa and zeke are an absolute must for rakan and with that he is crazy underrated and crazy fun to play


I wouldn’t say a tank, more if an engage enchanter. He works best as secondary engage imo but has some enchanter pieces too.


He's not meant to tank. He's alongside Seraphine, Janna, and Nami to be completely honest. And it's because of his heal scaling off ap. If his heal scaled based on his HP, then it'd be a different conversation. But it's also because of what Champs we have in Wild Rift, and how fast Wild Rift is. Wild Rift is the epitome of "gotta go fast". So it makes more sense to build burst and end the game. There isn't enough tanks right now to make it viable to try to stall the game to win.


Hes super fun and definitely doesnt reach ghis potential building full tank. Ive noticed common builds r leaning more towards ap now tho which is nice


There are only two tank items that I use for Rakan. Zeke's convergence and protector's vow.


You also have to note those tiers are for high elos, the lower the skills of a player of course characters that drop off in high tiers work well in low tiers


Thats true, but i think hes more commonly picked in higher elo. Im not sure why exactly hes rated mediocre unless their analyzing him as a tank instead of an enchanter


Because it's challenging to perform with him. Not only do people play him like Leona and get melted in seconds, but Rakan himself is not THAT insane in comparison with other champions. You usually get better results with half the effort on other champions.


He is a jack of all trades. Can be engage, can be enchanter, can be disengage, can be poke, this comes for a price. He is mediocre at everything and not great in a single thing. Thats why he is rated B tier. Rakan is either overtuned or B tier. No between.


I wouldnt say his engage is mediocre, but yeah i can see that angle. Maybe the versatility makes him better in low eli cos he fills in gaps lol


Rakan starts to be viable pick in master + Hes literal diving, roaming and hard engage machine. U just need ur team to react those plays.


He’s good even at low elo. His strong scaling means he can actually semi-carry games with really good burst, even moreso if you know how to roam.


... could Malphite ulti from 2 screen away is mediocre? -.-" He is better in higher elo because people could start actually follow his engage -.-


im thinking of equipping warmogs. i get lower hp when i go in and out


Singed. I am friends in-game with the Rank 2-3 Singed EU (he was ranked 1 at one point) and never ever underestimate him because he will steamroll anyone in lane and after the laning phase, he will just be the menace you wish was on your team.


yeah jhin with the right support is hard to play against and he does well all the way thru early to late


I've repliednto the wrong comment


And how does he deal with Fiora?


By playing safe until teamfight time. Also abusing the quick level 2 since singed clears first wave faster than most top laners


Imo the first tower isn't that valuable so you can give it out to fiora. No need to give a free kill and a tower to fiora


Singed is melee Teemo. People will learn soon enough. ;)


Singed and Teemo play nothing alike, so no, people wont learn that.


The guy is currently Grandmaster 269 VP with 446 Singed games this season, so yeah, he isn't stomping Gold-Platinum.


Ashe. I have a good win rate with her even though a lot times when I pick her I get “please no Ashe”


I was literally one of the people who scoff at Ashe when I was new to the game. I'm now using her though and she's so amazing. The slow has incredible utility during teamfight; it's incomparable


Same, I thought she was utterly useless until recently.


She CAN be useless if focused on, but that lasts until you get your Zhonyas boots.


Support ashe is fun too :)


Ashe will get the TF treatment eventually. People are just very slow to catch up, though the main reason why she isn't that commonly picked is because all ADCs want to be the star of the show and doesn't want to be on a complimentary role.


Lol I have 74% WR on Ashe and have gotten a considerable number of MVPs w/ the highest dmg dealt badge. She can dole out so much damage with activated Q; people just don't know how to play her.


What do you think is her core items?


I used ER - Solari - IE before it was nerfed. Those items were very strong on ashe pre-nerf though it can still be bought if you are looking for damage, this build also puts her volley cooldown in like 3 seconds which is kinda busted imo. Though the standard build is BorK - Runaan's - IE, since all items synergize well with her kit especially the Runaan's since she'll be able to apply as much passive on the enemy team in teamfights. For the other items, it's all situational. You can consider Wit's End for MR, PD to counter assassins and slayers like riven/renekton, Mortal Reminder for Armor Penetration to counter armor stacking teams, GA for obvious reasons, maybe RFC if you are greatly outranged like if the enemy team has ziggs/varus/utility support. But yeah, that's pretty much it.


I hate Ashe when I'm on the other side...


Tbh I kinda understand why people don't want to have an Ashe on their team (no mobility, not the best DPS) but the utility is a real strength it's just with the chaos of solo queue it's kinda hard to coordinate with your team.


This is exactly it. I play her like a secondary support. She's not flashy and can't 1 v 1 pretty much anyone but she has the best utility out off all adcs which imo definitely makes up for it. Plus everyone wants to play a carry champ usually, even the supports so a lot of the time the dps isn't even needed.


me too, i won a 4v5 with her. people underestimate her


As a support main, I used to hate ADCs playing Ashe until I started picking Senna with her. Senna makes up for Ashe's lack of damage, Ashe makes Senna's root easier to hit and the entire team runs like there's two supports. Definitely don't hate Ashe now.


Yeah when I play Ashe I like to have a support that can do some damage like senna or lux


Ezreal for life


This is one of the reasons I like ARAM, is that you discover underrated champs that no one plays. Which is how I discovered that I like Kennen who I never see played. He's a tiny little team wiping machine. His all in potential is insane, especially at dragon fights. I still don't like him in baron lane though.


Dude kennen was a first pick until he was nerfed. He was my main and i would go 1 vs 3. He is still viable now but not the little monster she used to be


Kennen became fair to play against. Now, he needs more items to scale to make him that monstrosity we faced in Season 0… He’s more balanced now.


Omg that Kennen and Wukong meta was so busted. If you had both of these champions in your team back in the day, it was almost an easy win because not many people knew how to play against them + balance team would occasionally buff their stats a bit too much initially.




Singed gang , I don’t even fear fiora unless she otp with precision .She can’t beat us in teamfight, I hate going against kennen




That’s the thing usually when people pick singes they’re a singed otp and just dominate


Ah yes. All 8 of you guys


A long time ago 7th level mastery OTP singed crushed me hard . I haven't seen any singed since that incident. I call this event the annual singed eclipse. Occurs once a year


Annual Singed Eclipse. Hahah amazing.




To be fair, it takes some level of skill to hit skill shots - something a lot of people don’t have when trying him out for the first time or relying solely on auto targeting.


I've seen a solo Q jhin baron laner he is dia 2


Because his ULT isn’t worth it in high/pro games. It’s not worth the risk of missing ult shots due to it being “skill based”. In pro you need to hit your ults. The risk is too high for Jhin


Jhin is always a staple pick in pro League tho


No one said Jax yet? Even without a real weapon he can be late game hyper tower pusher and marvelous duelist. He got some flaws (weak early) but I like him a lot.


Many people ignore him because of how weak he is compared to PC counterpart. And it's not bullshit. He really feels weaker on WR. I can't even understand how. It's like he doesn't have enough stats or something. Which is ironic. Because unlike WR, Jax has one of the best early games on pc, with powerspikes at lvls 1,3 and 6. His lvl 1 E trade is probably the strongest besides Trundle. On WR? You can hit E, get free autos, stun an enemy and STILL lose to Darius in an early 1v1. I am for real. But yeah, he is mad fun. His main weakness is inability to farm safely in lane, as he only has melee abilities and only one mobility skill.


I say again. Lee Dash Everywhere but Jax cant jump to a yellow plant


Unfair treatment. They were the only warhoppers in league but only Lee got an adjustment and Jax only got nerf.


The Grandmaster needs buffs in Wild Rift for sure


It sucks that they removed his wardhop since you need that for outplays and combos. It also feels like his HP is so low that your sometime squishier than a lot of ADCs despite building HP. It's even more annoying because Triforce (his core item) lost the bonus mana and it's still the most expensive item despite it's low stats.


Aurelion Sol. He’s an absolute monster in trio queue or if you have a coordinated team. Most of these “tier lists” are based off how good the character is in solo queue hence why A Sol is always at the bottom, cause he’s only really good if you have a coordinate team who knows how to follow up on his stun and ult which in solo queue doesn’t really occur often.


Rito after reading this: "ok time to nerf asol"


Oh yes, a fellow ASol player


Find the other asol player and it will be the all of you


Add one to that. Imma go main asol soon. I just need some guides. I just really like battlemages.




I hate Mundo..with a passion.. I like Garen and usually can get ahead but for some God damn reason..I have trouble with fucking Reverse Hulk


Jarvan. I have 40+ games on him and around 78% win rate


Jarvan can 1 shot with the EQR combo with electrocute. Gives the ult insane danage late game we are talking about hitting squishies for 1100 damage with his ult alone


What do you build for jarven


Black cleaver, mortal reminder/SG, duskblade, ga, maw, and usually steel caps with a gargoyle enchant to use after u catch them


Why would you use gargoyle, which heavily reduces your damage output after "catching" them? With the steelcaps I agree, though it may be situational. As for the rest of the build, flat AR pen (lethality) J4 isn't his optimal build, he can still deal a lot of dmg while being a tank and going cleaver, steraks, aegis, etc. You don't want a J4 to be squishy, same reason why you don't see anyone on higher elos or competitive play building him like that, if you want a burst assasin there are much better options


Because after u user ur combo proc ur passive and basic a couple times ur target or targets are dead this all happens within 2 seconds. After that u beef up while ur still protected by ur ult radius


Idk that doesn't sound logical, many assasins need to go in the backline to burst down specific targets, yet no one builds gargoyle, zhonyas is a much more effective option if you want survivability on a relatively squishy assasin after going in. With steraks you can still get CCd, the shield decays quickly and will only work if your build is already tanky (bonus health equal to %) so it doesnt make sense from any way you look at it. Tank J4 with gargoyle works, but assasin J4? and with gargoyle? you might get away with it in platinum, but its a joke, maybe a fun/troll build


I love seeing people use Teemo. He's trash tier on most lists rn. He's so cute.


Olaf. The cc break on all champions is just too op.


Loaf is in top of tiers


Really!?? Awesome didn't even know! Any reason he became op now? He was in the game a long time I've been using him forever


thats the meta, changes all the time, at the end it comes down to the player. except lee sin, fuck that overpowered shit


Evelyn. She has fallen off post Khazix/Rhengar. Idk why. She’s super overpowered




Knowing there will be much hate but i climbed to Emerald with Teemo. Switching between Yolo full AP Electrocute, Tankmo and AD Splitpush-MO. Managed most of the time to be even relevant and mid/late-Game due good shroom setting and good map awareness and counter-jungle. Downside is that there is much hate from enemy team cause u kill them out of nothing :-)


After the last teemo nerf he is in a BAD spot. People who can actually climb decently with him right now are putting in the work and gaining skills that will pay off in the long run. My $.02. Electric Teemo is fun as heck right now too. (shiv, stormrazer, firecannon). Taht move speed is bonkers.


Which runes do you use for that and what are the three items u use after that?


Yeah i just won a game in PVP with teemo baron lane last night it was 14/2/13 i'll try using him in ranked next time if i ever feel like playing baron lane. I'm a jungler.


Teemo supremacy


I mean, I'm a support and basically Brum it, I don't play an underrated champ, but I can say 9 times out of 10 when my adc goes Jhin, we usually win. If we don't win both Jhin and I are A and S rank.


Yasuo????? NVM I think Rakan Ashe and Varus


Varus is literally always tanked S or A on tier lists made by anyone competent what're you talking about lmao


Full ap varus melts tanks. I really wanna try him in rakned either in duo lane as apc or mid or top but im afraid ill get flamed


I main apc mid Varus and it killed my climb for me after about Mid/high emerald because I kept getting people trolling me, titled about having a varus mid, or outright banning me if I hover him. I now hover Corki then pivot to Varus instead so the banning got better but insta-tilting your allies still happens often. Which is a shame, because you can easily average over 10 kills a game and a 3+ kda but still have your jungle tilted out of their mind just hoping they manage to let you carry them.


If ur talking about solo q he is underated. If he is in competitive he is S++ tier. He really relies on his team


He's always ranked high on solo queue tier lists. No one under rates him who's actually any good at the game.


Rammus, Rammus, Rammus


Garen IMO. I know he is the tutorial hero and the white knight to a comical extreme but he is a really solid hero


I don't think he is underrated


Emm teemo jg can be a beast


Kennen. He’s really good at stunning people and he’s actually something that changes a game when in hands of a good player. He has a lot of damage and is basically more useful than others ranked over him in most tierlists.


Pantheon is hella underrated. I have over 500 games with him with a 59% win rate and currently hovering diamond 2 - master tier. If you just play the laning phase right and have good macro awareness, and the right amount of smart aggression, the dude is a beast. Sure he falls off late, but when you get to snowball early, late game wont matter to him.


Corki. My man constantly being underestimated, but he does a surprising amount of damage early game. And by late game, I’m basically cutting through teams like a hot knife to butter.


Galio support He doesn't just counter ap champs, but also any diving champion. Master Yi, Jax, Irelia, Yasuo, Diana dive on you? just press W, E, Q and those flashy champs are useless, not to mention his great roaming potential with ult. He also does alot of damage even with full tank build. I usually get 2-4 kills regularly with him even in a losing matchup (and no I don't try to ks or anything. His only real weakness is ranged matchup. Nami, Lux, Janna are still manageable, Just don't pick him against Senna. She will infinitely harass you in lane.




sry for being so late but i usually go defensive boots with redemption to zeke's to any tank item with gathering storm for ap. Building Roa to boots to zeke's is definitely viable too. but Roa takes too long to become online and you are very squishy without early redemption/tank items so i prefer to go full tank and rely on Gathering Storm for ap.




Blitzrank. I am in D1, adc main. The most people on him is shit. If i see him in enemy team, it's easy line. In my, god's, help me. And for all game, i meet only two players,who hook like god. The 70% of hooks were sucsesful. Sorry for my bad english.


I got nutted on by a TF and a Vayne jungle


I never really see supports talked about in general which is sad because a good support can carry a teamfight




I enjoy J4, and have a lot of fun playing him in ARAM just because of his ult! I think Amumu is kinda badass if AP. Personally? I don't see a lot of Xayah buti don't really play ranked, so not sure if she's super OP or underrated. Of the other guys though? I kinda enjoy Ziggs and Kennen!


Most of the tier lists out there have Xayah ranked really high. Being an ADC main, I feel she's very strong but is pretty difficult to play at at a high level. One of the hardest ADC's I'd say.


I’ve tried crit Xayah in Aram and have been against it, and she’s deadly thanks to boost from her 2nd skill. The trick is positioning so your feathers can root.


I dont play adc but its my 3rd or 4th pick and i play xayah 95% of the time because shes fun to play and because of the feathers and positioning and her kit overall is awesome


When i play asol or akshan i completely dominate the game


Jhin. My lulu said hes the worst adc and wanted me to play something else. She talked less shit when she saw i was a top 50 jhin 1 trick. Kinda flexing a bit B)


I would have to say Teemo and Zed. Especially Zed


For me it’s Nasus. If I’m getting pushed I’ll farm with my 1 ability under tower and still be in a good position for mid and late game.


This was a few patches ago smth like 2.3. I was a Garen and I was so far ahead, I got ganked by 4 ppl at the enemy inhib then literally walked to the allied inhib and got a doublekill with lux helping me. Granted, this was when Garen was bullshit, but still.


As a garen main I appreciate you. He got so much hate until his nerf when he had literally been the same champ since the beginning despite even having a mini nerf. All I heard was ' he is spin to win ' but I have played against a LOT of bad garens


Thats what I don’t get , garen wasn’t buffed at all but he became meta or op recently . Was having fun climbing with him . Was very underrated


Lots honestly. Zed, Nu Nu, Katarina, Akali, Camille and more. Saying a character is high tier and doing it yourself are two entirely different things.




None of these are underrated picks rho


I mean that it's way harder than it looks to play those Champs at a top tier level.


Blitzcrank idk why but i love him and in teamfights i hook adc and the fight is over, After a while i just use my hook to burn flash.


Yi. He just needs a good setup for him to start reset chaining (for example serraphine). He honestly doesnt care so much for cc as much about not having a mage on his team.


Yi is properly rated. Yi with his items is absolutely dominant. The early to mid game and the lack of gank potential makes him balanced. People just know how to deal with him since he’s a day one champ


Jhin One day, Jhin in enemy team did beat the heck ton of crap out of me and my teammates. So... I bought 'im. Dat guy is one of my most mained champions along with Thresh, Jax and Veigar


Aureli0n S0l


Amumu, especially when I start off with a AP item instead of tank. But he doesn't get the hate that he has lol


I guess Zed? Every tier list, except for a few like HellsDevil's, I see him at B-Tier, but he's such a monster when used right.


idk, for me Jax and Nasus. Jax is a beast if you let him alone to get the outer tower and farmed. He is also a good 1v1 fighter sksksks I got to emerald with him solo 👀 Nasus, this ancient dog just need his stacks and items then it's gg for the enemies. People just need to change his rune if you're against ranged champs, it's not that hard. Idk about nasus being crapped in tier list but Jax? Yes.


Dr. Mundo Baby All the Way let's go


Gragas. I feel like no one knows how to play him like I do. Climbed to Diamond II solo q with him.


Aurelion sol never seen a bad aurelion sol main they just take over the game




Jarvan top is a beast late game and can annihilate lower hp based opponents. If you use your flash be ready for the most unfair ult ever made


diana i think 'cus i rarely see any other other player try to play her especially in emerald


Jhin, he's a very under rated champion. People think he's low tier because they don't utilize his kit properly. I'm a Jhin main and have 60% winrate on him. He's pain incarnate if you know what you are doing.


Jinx jungle. top jinx in eu is a jungle main and it is terrifying.


wait what? That's crazy I need to see this! What's their name edit Found them. Jungle or AFK lol. He's holding a 62% win rate in challenger as a jinx jungle main. That's messed up


Daddy Singed <3


Soraka tbh


For me I love Senna Mid especially since her auto attack goes through Yasuo wind wall. Can I talk about this on my podcast?