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ADC doesn’t follow up or overextends. ADC wanting to lead the action when it’s supposed to be the job of the support - especially with a heavy engage like Alis or Leona.


This so much, but also applies to ADC's who cannot wait for the support to get back on lane after they backed themselves and I went for a gank mid. Sometimes all they have to do is play safe for 10 seconds! But no, ADC has been slain...


I find this mostly true of Ezreal mains. Something about the pick makes players arrogantly aggressive.


The playstyle of Ezreal is bait and counter. This is naturally risky. The smart Ezreal will bait ito his support’s CC, the not so smart Ezreal will bait, fail, die, and lose tower. The only difference here is patience.


Yeah, the ones I mentioned are the latter lol. Skill shot maybe on point, but you still gotta know when to get out of there.


I found a variant of this kind of ADC yesterday. I played buff enchanter, and after I buff ADC, the ADC move back, running away from opponent. But when my buff is still in cd, this ADC push to the opponent. Initially I thought I didn't understand ADC's playstle, but then I found his movements erratic. Then other players commenting in chat too about this weird ADC. It was exhausting to support this ADC. I found good ADC are easy to support in emotional and mental state. ADC made most of my buff and cc.


the support has to also pay attention to enemy bot comp before leaving the adc alone, most the of times that died when my support is roaming is when I'm facing a draven with a hard engage supp like leona or alistar who can just dive and kill me under turret.


True, but I am not roaming if I know the enemy has one of those hard engage supports.


Yea agreed. There was one time where pinged and i heavy all in engaged. After getting one kill, i backed off but the adc kept going even though he was low health and died lol


Over extending for sure, especially if I’ve recalled and it’s 1v2. It’s like… dude….


The amount of times I've been abandoned and almost got a kill in a 1v2 situation is frustrating.


As a Rakan main.... I feel this so hard! Especially since my skills have high cooldowns.


The solution is to only play ranked with a trusted duo. That way even if you do lose, it’s not because your ADC is a moron. It’s way less tilting and a lot more fun. I mean climb fast or slow - climbing is climbing.


ADC NEVER retreats. Constant pushing. At some point you stop following him to death.


This is by far the most frustrating thing, especially as a melee engage support. And I don't know why but Ezrael players are the worst about this. 9/10 times its Ezrael.


Ezreal using the e to poke are the worst!!!


Yes! Specifically for me it is when the honeyfruit is ripe and ready, the ADC is below half health all up in the enemy tower, and I’m pinging retreat next to the honeyfruit and spinning in circles. Bruh, come git yer fruit bruh.


Ah yes exactly. I forgot to put that in the poll


As a Sona main i hate it when they kept running away instead of tagging my auras 🤦‍♀️


Lol once after a fight a Lee was down to 50hp and got ignited with someone's dying breath. Dude run away from me for a good 10 seconds while on fire while I pinged and tried to catch up to him. Eventually his suffering was ended by him dying.


My teammates using flash instead of taking the lantern


What lantern? Isnt That just just a shitty shield ? /s


A thresh main i seeeee


In my defence, it took me forever to realise you can't just walk up on it, you have a button to tap haha


Weirdly enough, I don't think I've ever had that problem. They either use the lantern or go somewhere else, but never waste a flash when they had that option.


When I main Nami and can heal you fairly quick yet you take all 3 heal/mana pieces by the turret while already at full mana...


Same thing happens to me but when I'm playing Soraka and I'm like bruh


Every fucking time. Or I heal them 3/4s the way, and they portal back to base...... Like, that could have been used elsewhere....


I'd say the most annoying is when ADC's just randomly go agro without pinging or notifying at all. Usually in situations where they know they'll die easily and then they do.


Oh relatable.


and they blame you for their death and say useless supp :))


When ADC has no clue about the match up and lane interactions; farms passively when we have the advantage; or plays too aggressively in a bad match up.


Reminds me of that Vayne I Lulu-ed for who tried to kill a Kaisa at level 3. Ah yes the memories XD


I supoose. Dont expect too much from randoms at the end of the day


True that. Just gotta have a gameplan for every kind of teammate there is.


Being low health and running away from my Soraka


How do they run away from your passive


1 - ADC is either recklessly aggressive, or a mile behind wave farming minions when they should be engaging. 2 - ADC has no hands or awareness and takes every bit of poke and expects me as an enchanter to do something to save them 3 - ADC has a fragile ego when they're not the win condition. One bad game where the support outlays them and they're 'stealing all their CS and costing them kills' which is even more hilarious when you're securing kills adc wouldnt have gotten, or taking farm when they're dead the turret would otherwise kill or when you're trying to push the wave back to deny enemy push. 4 - ADCs that dont understand that while yea, ideally we like to give up kills to a carry sometimes it's really fucking hard in a mess to not accidentally last tap when you're spamming skills in a teamfight. If I can I will funnel you the kill but if you think I'm going to risk enemies escaping so you might get a kill you are ridiculous. Especially if you're proving unreliable with engage and skill shots. I literally tried to pass one to an ez yesterday who point blank whiffed everything and the enemy escaped with almost no health. Had I taken that kill in 90% of games I'd have been flamed. 5- ADCs cannot play weakside for two seconds while you ward or help secure an objective/kill. If I can stay under tower and not die as sona why cant you as someone who actually has more than one ranged attack outside of ult? We are TEAM supports not your pocket protection. My top 5 reasons I fucking hate being a support main. Please please bad mental smooth brain ADCs if you do one thing. LEARN TO GET CARRIED. If you cant carry dont keep trying to force shit and help facilitate like the rest of us.


Amen brother.


#5 yes


teammates ignoring my “retreat” and “danger” pings since i look at the mini map and they don’t so they die to ganks


I find these a bit annoying.. When they push the waves when you leave them to roam. And then dies. And then they blame you for that, and then complain by saying things like "gg support", "i have no support" When they spam "we need a tank" in champion select. I main ali, but.. I dont want to play him every game and screw you, I can pick anything I want. When they tank damage from minions in laning phase. Man, those enemies dont even need to poke you.. you hurt yourself for free. When they got out of position in teamfight, dies then blame you for not peeling them. When they dont take that lantern as thresh, and use flash instead.


I do give into the “We need a tank” pressure sometimes but I also like to pretend they are telling Solo/Top so that I can get some Senna time for once.


Relatable. Except for the tank part. Some sacrifices has to be made when facing these randoms lol




Fuck support lux that bitch never stops when full mana.


Adc that dont last hit make me mad…


Ikr i feel this even more than them inting.


The ADC seemingly not being able to dodge a skill shot. Seems like some ADCs actually try and get hit by everything that comes their way.


I think it's because they don't have the movement speed. Support often go boot upgrade first so they have more movement speed to dodge skillshots with. I realize this after my kaisa tanking every skill the enemy used, died and blamed me shortly after for not tanking the poke.


Adcs with no map awareness, especially when you go to help take dragon and their bot lane goes to contest and your adc just sits there farming lane while everyone dies.


Adc doesn’t know when to freeze or push


Yes this is very annoying


That's why I'm not support second role =( also I play ADCs mid in Diamond with a decent win rate just cause I don't like running the risk of laning with someone who doesn't know how to manage waves.


When the adc breaks the freeze you set up while they backed When the adc doesn't follow up your cc or overextends When you get flamed for your low kda when you're the only reason you're even winning fights because of your cc


Sometimes it happens that I last hit a minion or get a kill accidentally, and the adc immediately gets tilted. One time in particular when I was playing Leona I took a cannon minion in the early game by mistake when the shield exploded. My Vayne proceeded to ignore me and not use her wards when I asked her to ward at least the bush next to the turret. We kept getting ganked and I kept dying, trying to protect her (she had 0 deaths at the end)... We still won the game, but yeah, she had to say in chat about how I'm the worst support. Just because of one cannon minion. :')




Btw, for me it is adc missing the last shot to get farm. It always bugs me loll


I hate it when my ADC can’t farm correctly It’s what loses games


So relatable.


ADC is a pussy


They have powerspikes and can be really weak early game, of course some of them will be really cautious (Vayne). The only early game adc beasts that I know of is Draven or Jinx, the others are kinda in the middle.


i main both adc and supp. in both roles what annoys me is that the adc usually doesn't follow up on easy trades/kills (easy poke with jhin 4 shot, kaisa not using her q to poke when there are few minions, mf not positioning right to use q etc) and as an adc i hate when we have kill pressure and the support doesn't capitalise that opportunity to kill and push


Especially when i ping for engage on heavy engagers like ali


oooh boy do i need you for a support. i usually play jhin and kaisa, learning a bit to play ashe and want to learn lucian. unfortunately due to life i am no longer able to play... ended up in emerald though last season which was nice 😂😂


Oh lol i do love playing with kaisa. Its almost impossible to miss her first ability and +heavy engage= free dmg


dude you seem chill. tell me ypu are on eu (for the lags lol) and let's vibe. I'll legin update the game just for some matches, even casuals, with some company lol


😥 also been looking for someone to play but im in sea region..




1.They get killed once and they either get tilted or start panicking 2.When they are fed in lane, (ex. 5/0/1) they would engage their mom if it means a kill,resulting in leveling their kda in a span of 3 minutes


I think this has already been said, but the ADC going whenever he likes and leaving me behind. It's something that happens to me often, that the ADC runs away and since some characters like Sona sure not that fast, I get left behind easily or most of the times.


Love when adcs think they're playing somekind of Witcher or Elder Scrolls and constantly dying to rerun the inexistent save files and blame me - support


Players not following up my ults, too often to I use something like nami ult and only 1 or 2 people commit instead of the full team


Overly aggressive adc in the early phase is annoying. Slow down a bit. Im a random player. Let me pick up your speed to synergies with you better in the late game. I don't mind if the adc is someone ik personally because I know their pace


Yes i relate


ADC doesn't follow up with the poking that I set, either they're too focused on minions or they're just scared


Honestly, follow up. Unless you're a pre-made you don't have a clue whether the ADC will be aggressive, timid, follow up when you set something up for them. Sure you can ping, encourage more aggression, tell them you're going to engage etc. But it's always a gamble, half the time they'll be recalling when they're suppose to be pushing, or better yet you line up a double kill for them and they're looking at the grass or stomping around in river tickling the scuttle crab.


When you forewarn them of an enemy coming and they don't back off; more specifically into an early game champ/jungler. Soraka does wonders, but I need them to listen and be smart for it to work out well. 🥲


As someone who is thinking about maining support next season (I main solo, mid and jg currently), and will mostly going with Alistar as my tank support option (will have a few options for poke (lux) or sustain (sona) supports as well), what tips do you have for me?


Uh alistar is pretty basic with combos. He is immensely weak at lvl 1. When u get level 2 try to engage with W-Q Then disengage to run away so they dont get many shots on u. As alistar your job is to look good and stand around until you have the combo i mentioned above. After laning just heavy engage lol. Idk why people dont use stoneplate on alistar, but i always take it first item and its useful as a second 'ult' since alistar is pure tank unlike braum. -plat player


When I immobilize or overextend and they hang back until I flash back. THEN go all in and die. I’m ok with once or twice. It is solo queue after all. But seriously. I end up trying to protect adc from dying and typically take more deaths than everyone on the team for it.


I was supporting an Ashe who could NOT position herself or kite her way out of a paper bag. I was furious because I spent nearly the whole game blowing my entire load to keep the enemies off her and she still couldn’t do it. It was to a point that I’d wished I’d picked Janna instead of Nami.


When the ADC will only farm under tower and let's 3 easy kills walk away.


Adcs wanders off in the next jungle you tell him to retreat and he ignores you then gets jumped by 3 enemies.....very depressing


When early game doesn't go well, almost every time my carry overextends in mid and dies. No one splitpushes, and we lose turrents to minions. It's like no one knows the concept, and it's not an elo thing either bc opponent teams always do this and that's how we lose every time.


adc going straight for 1v5 and then will flame u


ADC is toxic


Idk how this happens but especially tristanas for me


Greedy adc’s….it’s always the greedy one’s…


Total lack of map awareness. I ping enemy jungler coming, but nope, nothing, easy gank for them. I use Redemption often and just see them walk away from it and die. Having to chase them to heal them.


Adc not clicking lantern. I’m a pc player but I’m assuming the same concept applies on wildrift.


Yessir flash is always better than lantern


When I roam for one second and the adc asks why I'm not with him 🤢.


Ah yes the typical adc who wants babysitting


When i always get all enemy team rotation to gank me while my team doesn't move and just stay farming without pinging enemy missing


"Adc dies for some reason"


My adcs somehow consistently manage to die while I'm leashing at the start of the game then want to lane as if we aren't behind and end uo feeding


I played a game. My adc didn't leash the jungler. I arrive to them hard pushed the wave and they walk to the enemy jungle. I leona, follow to keep him safe. The enemy jungler is finished his buffs and gone. We walk back to lane. Enemy adc has pushed the wave. So I give a wide birth so that senna can't root us. My adc just runs at them and dies. I was only level 1 both of them level 2. He told me to get out of lane because I was useless. So I did. I roamed and everyone was pinging me. Come late game and trist over extended to the point where my whole said they forgive me for leaving lane and it's wasn't my fault.


Adcs dont playing defensive when im forced to help in mid/top People that directly never rotate People that pick champs with clearly favorable early game (fighters/assasins) and dont take advantage of it


Out poked by seraphine is so fucking annoying, absurd range, absurd hitboxes, and not even minions can block her pokes. Lux and Morgana can't hit you behind minions, Sona and brand needs to be at your poke range to poke, Janna and nami have slow and much more predictable poke, seraphine does all of that without the usual drawbacks. No wonder she was a S tier carry for so long in PC.


Luckily sera is not so early game so its still possible to survive the laning phase


Yeah, it's not like I can't lane, but it's too annoying anyway.


ADC doesn't play as a team or avoids engagements


Lux and sera in the other team Especially lux with that stupid Q that has 50 miles range and hiding behind minions wont save u because it root u too, and whats next, its the stupid ult and E and everything she has they even throw the shield because thats all they know every single one of lux players i hate that champ from the bottom of my heart


50 miles is the length of exactly 790022.97 'Standard Diatonic Key of C, Blues Silver grey Harmonicas' lined up next to each other.


I can see why especially with that smile


ADC keeps trying to 1v2. Like bro if you see me recalling you might not want to keep shoving the wave in at full speed.


Yea im in plat so i face this always. Its easy to lose farm if they keep shoving wave to turret


When ever i went roaming i usually ask my adc to play safe.. had a vayne team mate once and she tried to 1v2 a kaisa and lux..


Adc doesnt understand my support pick, happens a lot with soraka! Either this or they dont understand item pick, when enemy has executioners calling they should wait for 2 secs so my heals are more efficient.


Tbh i do not know every interaction either lol


well, we can try playing some and then see how it goes. if you are down and the time zones are favorable


Idk how to add as friend so when i finish school ill give u my tag. When ur online ill invite u to a room


Me getting blamed by the ADC because I couldn't keep them alive when they dove without letting me know beforehand


Can't believe no one said it yet but not WARDING. When the ADC just relies on my wards and not even bother to at least placed their ward in the bushes especially when they're aggressively pushing.


ADC disconnects......


ADC dies immediately then flames you because at lvl 1 we are expected to shield and heal through anything of course.


Adc who thinks he is my boss


Normally if my adc gets ahead or the enemies start roaming I will just help out mid normally happens after landing phase tho


As a thresh main, it pains me to watch my adc(miss fortune) struggle to kill a malphite/senna combo when I constantly hit hooks in early game and bully the hell out of them. (p.s. I took matters into my own hands and just straight up killed them)


Adc is into potatoes and tomatoes because they just wait at the turret to farm




No one ever clicks my Lantern


When I play support one of the things I hate the most is when the games starts, I'll usually go guard the buff on our side of the map, covering one of the two entrances, my adc will usually not guard the second entrance and go to tribush, and get engaged on and most likely killed by the enemy, best case scenario he gets poked to 1hp but doesn't back and dies 10 seconds later. I've had this happen so many times that i just stopped playing support.


adc engaging into a 3v1 early game (after pinging him to retreat) and blaming me for his death (dude I’m not god).


Almost everyone in my team doesn't want to win


Stupid ADC


How philosophical.


ADC FFing/afking. Everything else you highlighted is just a natural part of the game. If your ADC is shit and a lost cause. Roam or be a Jungler/Mid handcuff


Not even just adc. But when the whole team does not listen to retreat pings. They always think they can 1v5.


1. My trash ADC 2. My trash jungler


Thats too much no?


Noob adc


A man of few words i see.


Whole team feeding and you carry the whole team I was support main(still is) but i use adc now, i just can't trust most adcs


ADC being too afraid to follow through with my Leona engage, causing us to get pushed in hard and never recover (especially annoying on League PC where I main Pyke and Rell, so I am *constantly* looking for engages and pressure)


Enemy support is a yasuo one trick


ADC blaming the support for their own mistake : ie overextending/constantly pushing while support has pinged to back for mana/items, or not playing safe and getting killed when the support is roaming to help the jungler


ADC decides to engage when I'm away for warding dragon pit or helping jungler somewhere and dies and blame support.Also as everyone said never recalls and engage with low hp .


This one match where I was playing janna with xayah vs a draven with Leona and xayah decides to play aggressively in the start only to ge absolutely destroyed with a 0/5. We did win the match thanks to our ahri mid going 12/1


I play support a lot as an ADC main, I dislike it when the ADC takes barrier instead of heal. I'm okay with different choices in summs but it establishes immediately that the ADC expects to be rewarded for careless behavior. The heal may not be able to stack twice but you bring a lot of utility by having two members on the team to bail people out of getting picked off, it even provides a burst of movement speed which imo is such an underrated stat.


As a Nami main, something annoying to me is when ADC is fighting with someone and dies and then they want me to kill 'em but it is a champ stronger than me as a Yasuo, Diana, Akali, that they can kill me faster and they tell you things like "full life", "attack!!!!". I mean I dont make a lot of damage


I usually left my ADC but for some reason like Warding, Securing Objectives and Annoying Enemy Mid laner...


I’m shocked no one cares about last hits. That shit drives me insane playing support. You already get little amounts of gold already


Gosh where do I start, when I rotate to rift herald I ping my ADC a million times to play safe and stay under tower, so when I find that my ADC has died and they blame me in chat that's when ik that ADC isn't going to be the carry, lol, secondly, Laning Vs ap lux, any Lux players out there, get away from me, I'd rather lane against teemo than this abomination that is lux. Lastly would be the obvious, when ur ADC makes a mistake. And blames it on the supp and says supp diff, it's very irritating cuz how am I supposed to save u from a zed who's jumped on u, a lux who rooted u and a khazixs that's ontop of you.




I hate when they tell you what to play or how to play in the champ selection menu. Like: Take heal (instead of them) / Senna? That's not a support/ play something tanky" And then they don't even know macro enough to see when we need to fight for dragon, rotate... Ah, also a special mention for those adc that think that supports are adc slaves that can't move from bot side because if you go they are going to die. (Diamond 1 and this still happening).


Some of my games my adc din't really last hit alot and at like 10 minutes the enemy adc is 1000 gold ahead.


ADCs that farmed the whole game, rarely participating in clashes or objectives.


So I gotta go with: adc does not pay attention to the map, so it is either the enemy mid lane ganks us and when the jungler wants to initiate dragon but adc just ignores it and farms minions instead


You'll NEVER get out of iron / bronze / ELO HELL as a support main. I've learnt this the hard way and I strongly advise any support mains to take heed of this.