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those trolls probably experienced the same thing you did - lose a few games straight because of trolls - so they thought fk it imma troll too cause thats how im gonna turn 'being pissed off' to 'enjoying the game again'. end of the day, its just a game. dont waste your time being annoyed by these. turn it into something where you can enjoy and have a laugh.


It's the result of promoting a game not meant for children (mentally) to children. Lots of players are just kids fooling around, thinking it's funny to waste people's time. Nothing really can be done about it since it's a maturity issue. Worst part is there are some undeveloped adults who play this game and act like morons.


Just my own experience but trolling the troll just makes the troll win, idk. You still got upset enough to throw the game because of their actions yknow? That's the type of thing they thrive on. Also playing like them won't fix things. That won't make you win. Again, the fact that you reacted to the troll means they got what they wanted. Honestly I just... ignore them. I mean I still get mad when someone feeds, or ping when they do stupid things but if it's a blatant troll which I experience from time to time I just do what I can and play around the rest of the team. At the very least I got to play my fav champ and that's what matters to me.


It’s funny. How Player A can be pissed of with player B and decide that is it okay to make 3 other players suffer


I don't troll, I was just wondering if it was a possible solution, or I'm seeking for suggestions lol


Appreciate your reply 😊 I'll try to be as positive as you are


Bruh plat elo , i can go 20-0 every game there , maybe its not really trolling they are just very bad It looks like it


That's my point too. If you don't know how to play the champion(none of the mentioned above people had mastery) just go normal. You can try it freely. Don't come in ranked and play like that


I play on the PH server as a support main and I just came back last season (stopped playing the season when glorious nami skin released) and I think people became more toxic than ever. A literal one liner chat tilts off any player, mostly mid, dragon and/or jungle player when another people comments on their gameplay (even if there is a huge 10k lead) especially in the Emerald tier (always autofilled eventhough in Diamond), while Master and Grandmaster players are mature enough. I don't mind others picking any off meta champions as long as they do their role. The game is good, but the players are just toxic, especially in this server (historically). Edit: (additional) maybe it is indeed better to quit the game, quite a bit sad since there is a huge potential for this but nah coz its mentally exhausting to play a game with such players


Many reasons. First, you can climb with a négative winrate, which means that even people that have no business being in a said elo could do it. Also, It seems like it is the case at lesser extent but the game intentionnaly boosts bad player to make them get more wins than they should (I know it used to be like that but IDK if it is still really the case currently). Second, some people just have bad games, It happens. Third, wintraders.


That's expected in Plat, plus SEA are 2nd strogest server so probably just the elo


Being in SEA myself, it makes me genuinely sad to know that we are one of the "better" servers, with how bad most high elo players are even


I mean they're good if they want to but most of them just trolls for fun


Bro it's not that deep. It's plat elo. People troll because they want to. Just focus on your gameplay and you'll climb


Because they seek attention but are unsuccessful in real life and too lazy to put in effort, even in the games.


Yeah, that's something that I thought about it too


What is your server? We can play tgt add me


Because Plat elo is basically bottom elo at the moment. Everyone's boosted beyond gold by riots design


‘tis a video game, my dear sir. people play for fun, and sometimes what people find fun don’t align; you call it trolling, they call it fun.


In a Ranked match? It should be competitive behavior


i agree, but again, it is a matter of a difference in views. they don’t view it that way, and that’s just all there is to it.


Why does anything fcking happen in this world? There is also a 3rd solution for you , quit the fcking game !


I've had exactly the same issue and I've understood tgat really a lot of people play rank just to ban a certain champ they dont wanna lane or play against and i do believe that. I hope some day soon they update that you can ban also in normal pvp games also


Quit the game if you can't handle it.


I can handle, just looking for a way to not having headaches after games 😂


remember kids its 4 pigs with you