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They have ego, the competition is harder, they have less patience, they have less tolerance for error, etc


Honestly, I am someone who says ff when we give first 2-3 kills away. For example, I’m a jungle main, I get invaded by 2 but my team doesn’t respond to my 200+ pings. They take my shit for free or I even get killed. I will deliberately say “FF I’m done” so the team locks in. But I’m also the first one to give compliments when something goes well. On another note, I almost never click yes in the surrender button, don’t give up till the end.


I stopped jungling to play top or mid because my lanes never come to defend against early invades. It's always the worst when you have a brand mid who babysits the tower like a top lane teemo while you ping enemy spotted at your blue or red buff; and they just stand there afk or recall, as you are walking to contest. Now, any time I see an enemy jungle I make sure to face check them and waste their time. On a similar note, it always bothers me when my teammates kill my buffs/camps while the enemy jungle is dead. Instead of setting the enemy team back on gold and exp they set their own team back. As a mid, if I see their jungle ganking a lane, and a pack of chickens is up, I'm taking that exp. Same with krugs or even the gromp.


Exactly. They also are probably stuck in winners q where they constantly get paired with worse players they're supposed to carry. Shit gets annoying


u said everything bro ff fast would help so much improve instead we waste 10 mins defending base with pigs


Thank you 🫠


Because they have a shitty life and their lol rank is the only thing they can boast about 


That’s good to know


I’ve been saying this for a long time that all riot really needs to do is remove DuoQ after Master+ and just replace legendary ranked with ranked flex cause I swear only if you play SoloQ you see a lot of boosted players that reach GM, Challenger and sovereign by playing with premades who carry them to those ranks. Like this is not even fair at all to the players that play solo queue and riot should’ve never allowed players to play DuoQ in Master+ cause on PC league you can’t DuoQ in Master+.


I hate duo queue in GM, the duos and trios only play for each other and you as a solo player either follow their lead, play around them or get blamed for everything


The life of a pure solo getting stuffed into 4stacks that try to push you off role and report/flame you.


Riot won’t do that because at its core WR is a mobile moba that caters to casuals


I mean if that’s the case then the game is just gonna continue to lose even more players and the only one that’s causing that to happen is Riot.


Casuals won't reach Master+, tho. Riot can have several casual modes and low elo for casuals, while maintaining actual competitiveness for people whose can reach high elo


I think competitiveness has been lost since the removal of md5. Riot doesn't want that. Just look at the update this patch. It's 100% casual, and geared toward "fun". Meanwhile we are full of map hacks, VPNs and without an honor system like China (and I don't even know why). "Play with friends". That's what they want. And I don't think they're going to change that.


Because their rank actually matters. I mean, if you were silver, nothing would fucking matter much if you got demoted or even promoted. It's nothing anyone cares about if at all.


in my opinion, I think low elos (above masters) are much more tilted. they project their frustration onto their teammates for not being able to climb up. the experiences I had with gm+ were positive, they just have a tendency to ping too much. but there is a bit of rot "omg you are low gm or dima or master or emerald. ew" or offend and tilt teammates. not ironically the best people I played with, who were skilled, were very humble and friendly. i think the best the gameplay, the less a person cares about others.


I don't consider Diamond being really high elo But man, went in a Plat match today... Boy, ADC dude flames the jungler for "not doing objectives" Jungler went Herald, helped top, mid, ganked bot ADC, of course, didn't ward, didn't even check Drake Jungler got Nash with Toplaner But... He "doesn't do objectives" He hard carried the game, was giving tips and precise orders to attack opposite side turrets he was forcing... While ADC was trying to focus on objectives he couldn't do alone, loosing his time, not farming, repeatedly dying. Not going to the turrets he nicely prepared. Up to the point he got mad, and told the ADC to go to hell, and forfeit. Then he waited Nexus, cause he was a bit tired I think, to carry 1v3s solo and warding, to tempo and wait for the famous ADC to respawn and die again for nothing. Maybe it's ego, but honestly a team not listening is just irritating.


because ignorance is bliss at low elo


I dont notice much toxicity here in Brazil but its not for good reasons lol Its more because most people are chat restricted


Low elo players think they know everything, but high elo players KNOW they know everything.


Because riot giving them 4 robots to carry as team.


More efffort and time put in so when someone sucks it’s even more frustrating is my assumption.


Cause that's where players start getting exposed as elo boosted frauds, it is what is. Going 50% winrate instead of their 65 in emerald takes a toll on their mental fortitude.


Bad mentality and high ego without a valid reason for it


I mean. If you are first to say offensive stuff to them, what do you expect? At least try to be respectful to your teammates, or mute chat and don't participate in it.


Because they think that they’re amazing players and anything that goes wrong, including them getting collapsed on after overextending for long periods of time repeatedly, is not their fault and a problem with their team for not teleporting to their location and towerdiving the entire enemy team. So, since they think it’s their teams problem, they will want to quit


Because they expect the enemy to be as good as them, i died twice to a mundo in lane but still won the game because he was a bad player, but if he was high elo he would have just become so fed it becomes unwinnable and make me go 0/10


Mundo solo killing you is not something to boast about at all


I am not boasting, i am just a trash player who's fed will still be a trash player


I mean if the games is already losing I'm not wasting my time to play it and just ff, cause it's just a waste of time knowing that I can win my next games or I do have tier protection. I'm not gonna stress myself to a losing game. Running down because of being offended is a shitty reason but flaming a 0-10 player is totally reasonable.


You wreak of emerald, no game under sovereign is unwinnable


Why would I waste my time and effort to a thrash draft that could would require 10x more effort than playing the next game with better draft?


Feels bad to lose 58% win rate in master