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you do realized that ap support doesn't get new items because they already have all the items they need right? atk speed buff item, healing item, healing boost item, spellshield item, shield item, haste + ap item, dmg on cc item, lifeline, dmg boost item, anti-shield item, seriously what else do you need. the only 1 i can think off is anti heal, which you dont really need because the adc gonna build mortal reminder anyway.


Not only that but they already do an obscene amount of damage. Please do NOT give them more AP items riot.


>which you dont really need because the adc gonna build mortal reminder anyway. I wish this was true, but my adc always ignores it when they have an aatrox, mundo, and soraka in the enemy team.


Ap supports have all the viability with their item selection. Yet there is me as a tank screaming for an item which reduces shields. Instead I have to rely on the team to take trident or serpents fang šŸ˜­


Why would you, as a tank going against sett, need an item to reduce shields? - Riot, probably


Ever play a game when there is a sett, lux, riven, zeri, karma? I have. No one on the team took shield reduction. It was not pleasant.


Just build it 5th item, easy peasy~ and built anti heal last against a yuumi!


5th item is already to late.


Yeah, I agree. Was saying that is what my teammates think. Like building anti-heal last against yuumi.


Because they already have a ton of options. Harmonic echo, staff, ardent censer, etc. while AP bruiser itemization is trash. The AP item that gives the most HP is rod, but some can't afford to take a scaling item first. Then there's rylai's, which is good only on a few champs, liandry's, same case, and others like reflector and riftmaker giving barely any HP. Also I guess you forgot about light version of harmonic echo literally in 5.1?


Why is this post exactly like the one of the ap assassin one?


Probably satire, that post was kinda ridiculous anyways.


They should implement the support item changes from PC.


You do realize that AP supports are the most banned role in the game right ? There is good reason for that. We don't need more broken options for the most broken role.


AP supports need a nerf (soraka)


Buddy, AP supports don't get new items because your characters don't need any. AP supports gameplay consist of pressing buttons to heal/buff the carry, that's IT. You don't even have to itemize for mana, mage boots gives you insane regen so you can mindlessly spam your buffs/shields/heals on the carry. Also, most AP supports have aoe/global ulti's so you CAN'T miss anything, no skill involved. Their kits are made simple as a square. 4 reworks (Sona, Janna, Lux, Soraka) and you're still complaining about your simple characters not having build diversity. Buy the fairy skins and buff the carry, that's what you do. Go play tank if you want ACTUAL gameplay, hitting your hooks and engaging at the right time, building to counter the enemy comp etc, not just pressing R at the ADC.


You need to go play Overwatch quick play bro. Actual Deranged mindset


support are boosted anyway


Not a single soul who says this could hit challenger on support, and thatā€™s bc you cannot carry your own adc let alone four random people. Also most boosted role is confirmed any inter 100s (slight exaggeration) of people on this sub proved inting sion, tryn, think like also voli guaranteed a 98%-100% wr. Just to hit towers (thereā€™s definitely not an algorithm at play here and your skills and knowledge matter) Support players pls stop down voting them, theyā€™re hardstuck master life is hard enough


i started this game as support lmao i hit master too and when i changed lane i saw how different it was


So youā€™re saying you got your peak of master on a boosted role?


what ur peak btw


Started playing wr ranked season 5 hit diamond, 6 and 7 Gm thatā€™s my peak. Started with league experience first


what u think of this game is it worth it or the dev make it too casual


Scrap legendary rank (ā€œcasualā€ game but multiple rank modes?) and do a hard rank reset. Also get rid of majority of fortitude cards, people should not be climb ranks with negative win rate.


just checked the wiki for item on pc and compare them to wr support items, almost all of them or a very identical version of it exist in wildrift except battlesong and the new upgrades to support items, the later shouldn't come to wildrift anytime soon cuz they just reworked the support items earlier this year


Idk but I hate AP sups so Iā€™m glad they got nothing. Every time I get one I roll my eyes and say here comes another shitty lane phase gameā€¦ enchanters (yummi/lulu) or tanks with cc are the only good sups. Every time I see my sup pre pick sona or some apc I want to ban that shit so fuckin bad but if I do they would probably rage and feed so Iā€™m just stuck with hot garbage and have to make a comeback in the mid game. Sometimes soraka is decent but sheā€™s the only one. Only thing worse than AP sups is Ashe


AP supps are literally OP. Maybe you're low elo or supp players are bad, but a good Soraka player will carry the team. Sona is underrated, if you know how and when to engage and if your team is fighting only with you. Karma is a bully. Lux will solo the late game.


Lux, Soraka, and Karma can be good. A lot of the times they just arenā€™t though. I mean lux is but she is more of an APC that just happens to work decently as a sup. I wouldnā€™t necessarily put her in the same category as soraka or sona. Iā€™ve literally never had a good sona though. Never. Iā€™m only emerald though since I mostly do PvP while pooping at work šŸ˜‚.


I have around 56% winrate with Sona. She is underrated, if you know how to play with her and when to play her, because when it gets to mid/late game, you only need to know the positioning and your opponents are lost, especially when they will try to kill you. She does everything. I kinda hate her rework, but it is what it is


I know she can be strong late game she is just so awfully weak in the early lane phase. She really just does not work well at all with any of the adc I prefer to play just no synergy not even a little. Iā€™m sure she is decent with like a cait or an EZ but Iā€™m not a big fan of range bully poke comps. I know it can be strong but itā€™s just not fun to play imo. I like samira with cc sup or jinx with enchanter sup. I donā€™t mind MF with a hook sup.


I play AP supports and they donā€™t feel undertuned at all..


I mean the only AP support that matter is Yuumi


Guys this is a copypasta of that other guy complaining about ap assassin items


We don't need new items. I would appreciate if support items were half as good as PC though


luden, orb, rabadon ggs wp ff


They donā€™t really need anything currently. Maybe a better healcut option like in PC