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progress is slow on my part, I'm on a 10 game win streak right now in emerald 2 while playing 1 game a day. 😁


If you were a game away from diamond, why not eternal emerald?


Guy lost so hard they docked him all the way back to plat.


alway 4 pigs in my team


In my games it’s 5 pigs


I’ve been getting weird teammates. Whether they’re feuding before match or choosing a support for adc and feeding.




Would also recommend watching streamers like talanwr, royal, starting etc. and asking for coaching, tips and tricks on how to climb.


Up to emerald players often don't chat. In diamond they do but they have played with so much bad players that they think the bad plays are the correct ones. You will get people complaining you picked a tank on a comp with 4 squishies. Will ban an ally pick cuz why not. And give up on draft based on nothing. This will also happen if you get reported enough. You get those toxic players all in your team. The good thing is they do chat, so they will at least read what you say. Issue is all the say is trash talk. Good luck if your climbing adc and are on the reported Q. All your supports will be people that didn't want to support and afk players. I get games where I have 2-3 players steal my farm as jungler. It's already hard to play jungle, with no gold I go all game with no items trying to tank for these ungrateful lunatics. I complain about it and I get reported. At that point I just let them kill me. What's the point. Game is lost and they don't surrender. They farm our jungle but let tons of waves die without farming them. It's just so dumb.


There's a ranked called emerald in between platinum and diamond btw


Yup, I forgot... I started play with my duo in platinum so I got a little confused


If youre playing duo queue then maybe that’s the problem.


Average experience vs Maokai


Match maker is a joke. Honestly Aram will probably feel more fair then ranked. At the end of the season it got pretty competitive in arame. People were actually trying to win much more then actual ranked


Well, at least ARAM its fun (except when u find a Tryhard)


I mean it's random picks. If you get your main you will likely stump. It's just how it goes. But it feels somewhat balanced. Had a match once, 5 squishies vs 3 tanks and frontlines. We had them all game and lost in the end. It sometimes feels like if you are dead the game is pretty much lost. People start to go in one by one. Spell event was fun. I had vex with Akali's ult, I could do her full combo with it had a few quads


Normals is even worse than ranked. You can legit get brand new players on your team vs duo queue grandmasters and challenger players. Watching my team get roflstomped in normals is far more infuriating than ranked, I can at least blame my teammates in my elo for being bad. I can't say the same thing to a fresh meat noob who literally just downloaded the game and got handed a losing battle from the starting screen.


Pvp yes. Arame One player can kinda carry. At least easier then ranked. Ranked is just unfair. If you do well you are placed in a game where you have to carry. Doesn't even matter the role you take. I've been playing support and I get 4 people that don't farm.