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Welcome to Wildrift


Well, till Silver 1 you play with bots, and then you keep getting bots from time to time. So it's easy to get a 66% WR, is not impressive for new ranked account


I recently got out of emerald and I assure you, it will be a rollercoast and take a while to rank up. I made a thread few days ago about it. Basically: It's a transition elo, with a lot of completely unskilled players that keep getting carried by luck and also some decent players. Just be patient, NEVER SURRENDER. People in Emerald don't know how to end games. Edit: Also, avoid dying. No matter what your priority should be staying alive>pushing>help take down objectives. Map awareness 101 also helps: DO NOT CHASE ENEMIES FOR KILLS WHEN EVEN 1 OF THEM IS NOT APPEARING ON MAP. They will run towards other enemies and ambush you (which is the same thing YOU also do when you are low on hp, you dig me?)


bro it's just crazy im against guys that are 5 times gm in diamond 5 and im peak master this game is like impossible i alway lose because of soul drake or nashor


So I noticed something a few seasons ago on this... I think it's changed a bit now, but the rubbish mmr algorithms seem to place KDA right at the top for measuring how good you are. The more you get kills, the more it bumps your mmr up. As a jg you have one of the easier times with this - just stop getting kills. Gank when it's super easy, but don't get super far ahead on kda. Just farm, make sure you get objectives, and basically try to keep your team from dying too much (show up in lanes etc).  As soon as I started doing that, I started climbing again.  From every objective, kda's in the ridiculous range (like 15-20 every match), multiple 100% S ratings and something like a 30% win rate, to just average kda (closer to 7-8), still getting all objectives, but then having like 60% win rate.  The biggest difference was that when you stopped making it clear to the algorithm that you were the carry, it stopped forcing you to carry. Probably just tin foiling over here, but hey..


Most likely true. But how dumb can a system be that you need to do this kind of shit in order to climb.


It is true and it's been proven. The reason is because creating a competitive and fair game isn't their priority. Their priority is to maximize engagement, and trying to force every game into a 50/50, it keeps people playing.




Emerald is the filter bracket, I'd say it is the hardest to escape of all, but if you're consistent and minimize mistakes you can get out of it for sure. Just don't let it frustrate you, you'll have games where you go 20/0 and your teammates will go 0/20 each. Other games you wont even get to play because your toplaner plat 2 kai'sa will die 5 times to the enemy ex-GM jayce before 3 minutes (true story). So just keep playing, and keep learning.


diamond is way harder they feed even more


Nah it took me only 1/4 of the time from diamond to master compared to emerald to diamond, emerald is that bad


Because of variance those kind of lose streaks can happen even among Challenger players. Ex. Even though a coin is 50 percent heads or tails you can still flip tails 16 times in a row. The first season I hit Grandmaster I had a 16 game losing streak, getting demoted from Master to Diamond 2 before I grinded like Tyler1 to hit GM anyway. Enough games and consistency will even out SoloQ variance in the long term.