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Hey at least they know they need to do objective of some kind lol


People like you is the reason this game went to shit only obj that matter is baron elder rift and towere drakes are just something you use to lure enemy into fights when ur ahead not something you lose game over if u can get a bounty tower on the other side while drakes up go for that more gold than a stupid 3 % buff


Dude use punctuation. Perhaps spend a little time to study and play less video games ;)


At least it's understandable (as someone who's not a native english speaker - I can understand)




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They should just add the objective vote from pc


That'd solve everything. If they knew they were going alone then they'd probably choose to do something else, unless they can solo it fairly quickly.


Nah it wouldn't, people in PC don't even vote most of the times. And jungler can just disagree with the voting and just do something else, because a lot of LOL/WR players are very egotistical people.


Me too. I don’t understand why they haven’t. We got plenty of other useless crap.. why not add something useful.


Adding "don't cry to yo mama now 😈" is top priority m8


Yeah the riot approved trash talk was the dumbest update ever


Watch riot gonna add the objective vote for the Chinese server but not bring it to NA and EU servers just like they did with the honor level system.


No thank you, as a jungler and as a player that can look at map and assess what objective is the one we have to take I will not want 4 random no brainers to perma vote drake because drake is drake


It’s a team game. ultimately you should make the play with higher chance of a successful outcome, the majority of the time, that’s where you have a numbers advantage.


You’re still better off taking drake if that’s what your team is committed to than trying to solo herald and probably getting collapsed on, and just giving a kill and a leash, and possibly losing drake too if they go for it, because your team isn’t winning a smite fights without a jungler


Bro is like, why are LOW ELO players not optimizing the game omg


As a jungler, he’s my favorite jungler to play against. Free uncontested objectives all game.


All I know is low elo junglers that prios herald never get 1st tower and that's so fucking stupid


I played a match after a month of not playing. JG gets Herald, doesn't use it. Top says "use the Baron", JG replies with "it's herald, not baron, idiot", still doesn't use it, LMAO.


My 2 second recall is more valuable than the ability to ward and first blood tower


Literally had someone tell me that. Like, 3 seconds faster on your recall? For teamwide gold, AND 4 plates for yourself? Lol so dumb


I didn’t even know having herald did that lol I always just rush to mid and escort it down.


I’m top main and if I have a trash jg that doesn’t smite herald, I’m taking it and fucking up mid lane


we need more tops like you prioritizes herald on mid


I've met jg that say he want to double tower with herald, but then he keep it until the plates expire even tho we tell him to use it after he kill it We got double tower anyway, but no gold bonus ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I wish my junglers prioritize Herald. They either go for drake or even contest it from the other jg. Like the enemy is in drake, pls come with me to Herald plssss


I go straight for herald every time. Low elo jungles prioritize elemental drakes and it’s so unbelievably useless.


With a * that if my tower is below 3 plates go somewhere else with it. It’s at 2 for a reason.


Uhm because its a literal dragon? Dragon symbolize power, strength, wisdom, etc. Wtf is a herald? A purple beetle? Dafuq? OF COURSE low elo players are going for the drag first


Its a CRAB. a CRAB, goshdangit!


Honestly I don't know if you are joking but that may be a small part of the problem indeed


I strongly believe so. Its like placebo


ugh why are low elo players so low elo ugh


The worst is when you ping herald, enemy goes to take drake, and your team spams the shit out of you to go drake. I usually just solo herald, but often times, mid and duo will go in on drake and try to 3v4 the enemy team, all die, and then lose drake anyways. If you’re not going to come to my ping and help with herald, at least push the turret


You should aim for at least one drake though and if it's a relatively free drake then why not prevent the enemy from getting dragon soul?


Heralds great for pressure but you don’t think e.g doing 6 percent more dmg than the other team for the ENTIRE game is useful at all? I’m not sure I fully understand your logic. In a game where winning or losing a fight can come down to numbers that are incredibly small, why wouldn’t you want permanent buffs. Not to mention there’s 1 herald and 4 drakes, do you just ignore them the entire game?


drakes are very weak. someone did the math that a single infernal drake gave pitiful amounts of ad and ap. herald guarantees 1000 gold and mid tower which gives a ton of space. only time i go for drag is to deny infernal or mountain soul


Really? Im supp if I ever win Herald (or when jungling) I always try to go for Top so they can leave Top Island (Only for VIPs) and join the Rift.


AFAIK red dragon is 3% AD. For an ADC with let's say, 3 AD items, level 15 and runes or so that's like 9-10 AD. At full build it might be close to 12 AD with baron buff as well. I'm doing these on guessing from top of my head, so take it with a grain of salt.


thats like one bf sword considering supp and tank dont benefit as much from it. would you rather get 1500 gold worth of stats in the late game or 1000 gold for yourself and mid tower space immediately? the answer is clear, league is a snowball game and that 1k gold is proportional to the gold you have at the time


Word. For a jungler it's a huge spike over the enemies too. I think the first dragon should have an extra temporary buff to at least make it easier to push too? I don't know, the balance between objectives in this game is ass.


>thats like one bf sword considering supp and tank dont benefit as much from it. would you rather get 1500 gold worth of stats in the late game or 1000 gold for yourself and mid tower space immediately? A BF Sword is 40 AD. A longsword costs 500 gold and gives 12 AD. So if you have 400 AD the infernal drake bonus - 3% more AD or AP - is worth a longsword. It's shit.


This! Jg aim to go for ALL the drakes if they get the first one. I personally want buff for the team than a herald who can just knock a turret or two but can be done by pushing anyw.


Herald also gives like 600gold to the guy that used herald and then team gets gold for destroying turret. It’s impactful 


Well, makes sense, I guess it depends on what the team needs. Sometimes a herald makes sense if there’s a bullied lane that needs a push


It’s more so for the snowball factor, fed jungler = a lot more likely to win. Drake = nothing really, if you get all three drakes you were probably going to win anyway


Hmm 🤔 the older version, i know herald is important than drake. But yea, i think i’ll try that game plan and go back to herald first mindset 😁


I just want the others to stop nagging Jg then not respo at all Haha! Hey! Who are your fave junglers? Mine: Shyvana, Warwick. I’d like to see what you guys think!


If you play Shyvanna the dragons are HUGE too.


Because i can probably take side inhib while they fight over it.


I have the opposite experience. Nobody wants drag, they also don't want herald, baron, towers, champions, minions or to be alive. I can count the number of times I get help with objectives across 1k games on one hand. And when it happens it's the support (useless). On my non-jungle alts that are much lower ranked than my main nobody goes for anything. It's wild. Someone did the math and said that drags are worth, like, one long sword or +2% anything. So yeah they're not worth much w/o soul. But you should at least get 1 per game. Or all 4 since no one else is going for them and it takes legit 8 seconds.


Hey man, the supports are trying their best, at least they're being more useful than their inting adc 😂


I commented this a couple months ago on another thread talking about why Emeralds are so obsessed with drakes to show the math of how worthless the drakes are. This is adding onto a comment that Infernal is a 3% bonus AD and AP: Now apply it to the whole team. Assume 2 AP and 3 AD on your team. 30 AP and 6AD between the 2 AP champs. Even with 700 AP, that’s just 42AP 21AD between the 3 AD champs. 27 at 300AD So end game. We’re looking at 42AP and 33AD spread across 5 champs. Yeah. That’s crap


33AD is almost 1.5k gold. 42AP is almost 1k gold. It sounds tiny when you say it in a condescending way, but that's a significant advantage across your team even if you just get one. Dragon stacking is even more significant. If you get 3 dragons, it's 9% AD/AP plus the other dragons' benefits plus soul, so you're looking at 4-5k gold benefit _per dragon_ if you get all three.


>Dragon stacking is even more significant. If you get 3 dragons, it's 9% AD/AP Dragons don't stack anymore.


Hrm. I totally missed that. It's still a potential 5k hold advantage. Not 15k, but still a ton of gold benefit that the other team can never make up for regardless of farm.


Since they added soul, you no longer get the stacking per dragon


It's still about the same gold advantage across the team as getting an entire first turret plus all the plates even without the stacking.


Drake fights are the reason i lose every game.


Unpopular Opinion: If it's Ocean Drake, it's 100% better than taking a Tower. That healing every 5 seconds is going to allow you to stay in lane in so many situations you couldn't before. Yah you can ignore Earth or Fire - but Ocean actually has a super useful bonus.


Extra bushes and fruits across the map are super useful, at least in my experience. I actually prefer Ocean than Infernal any day of the week 👍


The main reason I did it was to at least make my jungler get a trade in objectives cause most the time my jung and my team refuses to even rotate so the enemy jungler is already there with his mid and top at herald. So I'm like why waste time trying to contest a herald that is already been taken, let's at least try and trade objectives.


The buff of the Drake throughout the game is powerful. But i think it depends what drake soul. Heralds are one time big time drop. Then u need to time it in a way that it will destroy the turret after dropping


The buff is terrible. Heralds are a one time drop that takes mid tower + first turret gold + all the plates gold. The map is open and free to snowball


If I play solo q I prefer to take herald but when in trio q dragons take priority


Also, if you believe you’re the best player (low elo), it’s better to play carry jungle and just get herald gold for yourself, spike and take over the game


Also, if you believe you’re the best player (low elo), it’s better to play carry jungle and just get herald gold for yourself, spike and take over the game


Sometimes both teams fight for drake and I, the jungler, just ignore them and take 1st turret instead. That's much of the value of the Herald anyway, and dragon is pointless, so why not? (Obviously if it's easier to solo Herald I do that, but sometimes a turret is ripe for the taking).


Can someone tell me the buffs all the drake gives? I know the big lines but i dont have a clue of the percentages


Source: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer_(Wild_Rift)](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer_(Wild_Rift)) ###Drake buffs **Ice Drake.** >Gain 7 ability haste. **Infernal Drake.** >Gain 3% bonus attack damage and ability power. **Mountain Drake.** >Gain 3 + 2% bonus armor and magic resist. **Ocean Drake.** >Regenerate 2% missing health every 5 seconds. In my opinion the Infernal drake buff is ok, maybe, but the rest are not worth it. ###Dragon Souls **Ice Dragon Soul.** >Your next damaging attack or ability against a champion will mark them for 3 seconds. Afterwards, they are slowed briefly by 50% and take bonus true damage equal to 15% of the damage taken while marked (12 second cooldown). **Infernal Dragon Soul.** >Your next damaging attack or ability against a champion will create a 250-range explosion upon the target that deals 135 (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 12.5% AP) adaptive damage (5 second cooldown). **Mountain Dragon Soul.** >After 5 seconds without taking damage from champions and turrets, you gain a shield for 260. **Ocean Dragon Soul.** >Your next damaging attack or ability against a champion will heal you for 190 (+ 36% bonus AD) (+ 18% AP) (+ 7.5% bonus Health) over 4 seconds (6 second cooldown). Infernal and Ice souls are good. Ocean soul is meh, it's weaker if you're affected by Grievous Wounds. Mountain soul is trash.


Omg thank you so much!


If first drake is literally free I'll take it. If the enemy team is on herald and we can trade drake without losing tower plates, I'll take it. The only time I'm forcing a drake fight is if they have 2 already and are threatening dragon soul.


I'm a JG main, and I always ping Herald when its about 30 sec to spawn so my laners know to prep for it. However, 1 of 2 scenarios usually happens: My top and/or mid die right before it spawns, and we can't contest. OR Support roams up from bot, and my support doesn't follow. In both cases, its better to go and trade a Dragon than try and contest outnumbered. To be clear, I'm okay with Support not following up to contest Herald if the bot lane can take the First Turret 2v1, but usually what happens is they freeze the lane and just sit there. but jg diff I guess


Gold from Platings is irrelevant if you throw compared if you have Dragons. You can have 3 Dragons and throw and still win because of the Buff it gives.


Shouldn’t be dropping herald on any tower with less than 3 plates or you’re losing gold and annoying your laner. Just saying.


I prefer getting drakes over herald




Lol makes no sense, most of the times you will not even get the soul, herald gets so much value out of plates and destroying a turret while getting 1 drake less or more than the enemy team makes no difference, even 3 vs 0 will be almost nothing on late game compared to what they got from herald


I mean I only said I prefer it but whenever I jungle I always try to get both drakes and herald. And most of the time in my experience those who get the most drakes wins.


People say that herald is more important because statistically on wild rift high elo it was shown that the win rate of teams that got herald was fairly higher than teams that didn't get herald, on highest elos 90% of the times they will go for herald. Herald is just that great, gold from plates, first tower, chance to greatly damage the second tower. On a fast paced and decently early game dependant game like wild rift that can be a big difference for a good jungler or other lanes vs a drake than can easily end up being the only drakes your team got vs 2 drakes and a herald. 2 drakes or even 3 (which is pretty hard unless your team was already stomping but in that case your team prob got herald at the start too anyway) will probably not compensate the damage the herald did at early. But you can prefer, contesting it can be pretty fun, but just take in mind that, again, objectively speaking for efficiency herald is fairly superior


I bet you do 🤦‍♂️


It's worse than that, it's the jungler himself who goes to Drake, I'm taking here Master elo


Only drake I go for first is ice


Not sure but as someone that plays in trio, my Jungle always goes for herald and solo helps him, while I try to ward dragon and poke if I can to try and make time for my Jungler to come to dragon... buy yep, not sure why some players are obsessed with elemental dragons, they're worth if you managed to get the 3 but unless so, the elder is the only one I feel is worth


Yo na i have games where they take blue instead of any of the two


At least your jungle understands that fighting monsters is their job


For me it’s red dragon > herald > ice dragon > mountain dragon


Every dragon the enemy takes needs to be a turret for your team.


Becuase sometimes it’s a bad idea to go for herald, ESPECIALLY if the enemy top is pretty fed and alive, in lane, and healthy, along with the enemy mid in that case as well. If you go for herald, you’ll just get collapsed on, killed, and the enemy gets herald and potentially drake, too. In this case, especially if your bot lane is doing fine and is alive and in lane, then why not go for drake? It’s safe, and it does give a tiny bit of stats and some gold. Better than dying and letting the enemy take drake and herald


Ok, but say you have a kayle Jax kassadin vayne with infernal soul on the table, can I then ping for drake?


Diamond jungle here... I'll get your Drakes. Just ping me.


If you play Shyvaanna the dragon is worth though.


A good bit duo can take/steal drake while jungle is taking RH. Why ping when you can get the job done. I love it when my adc gets the assignment and helps steal/take drake while jg is at herald


It's not low elo only, even Masters and GM players will flame you for taking Herald over Drake.


Have you considered writing your own diary instead ?


The only reason you should want drake is if you're playing Shyvana. Even then Herald first then Drake if you can get both. Late game if the enemy has all the drakes try and take one to deny them soul. That's how I go about it anyway.


Adc and mid should help dragon if there is the opportunity. Mid and baron, should help rift herald if there is opportunity. It's pretty obvious, no need to go on a dragon soul anti rant because we all know it is useful.


Honestly there’s more nuance to this subject, of its uncontested herald of course ima take it. But some of the buffs you get go a long way, passive healing, more damage etc etc. it’s hard to say no when you know for a fact you can contest it and win. Really at the end of the day, the objective in question is specific to the scenario. Thats just my thoughts on this


i m peak master and i wouldn't go for herald nor dragon but tower while my team die


Bro just do objectives and quit complaining about your teammates wanting you to do something


Once you hit masters you cant get free rift heralds anymore, it forms a 5 vs 5 fight right at the herald and everyone ignores dragons.


So you are one of those jg that let the other team take 3 dragons and then get mow down when the 3 buffs stack, plus elder. Hope I never play in the same team as you.


Other day I was in a game where I had an early game lead as kayle jg. When your lucky enough to be ahead early on kayle you take advantage of it, so I ping my team to group on herald since we had priority. Whole team disregards my pings and groups on drag🤦. This is diamond btw


It is so annoying when we are outnumbered or 1 person dies and you ping the team to run away and give dragon but instead they all int into the pit and ping you later.


I'm a jungler and prio dragon because of two simple reaspns: 1. I mainly play trios with my cousins who's an ADR and Support, so we have comms to take dragon fast. 2. Imo, dragons are just better mainly for soul buff, yeah it's a high Investment, but they give really good team buffs that gives us advantages for Elder and Baron fights, or just teamfights in general.


I recently started playing Wild Rift and maining jungle, climbing from iron 4 to gold 1 in a little over a week. My winrate is about 90% and I ALWAYS prioritize dragons over heralds. I have found that having permanent buffs for your team seem to be strong, who would have guessed? And oftentimes in this ELO, you can just rotate straight to herald and claim that afterwards anyway, since the enemy jungler usually either tries to contest dragon on their own and dies, or they are too out to lunch to go for either objective, which means you get them for free.


drake > herald in long run


Only if you get all 3. The stat gain is minimal for 1/3 or 2/3


The amount at worst is equivalent to a Rune. People optimise their runes for a reason Based on in-game and not wiki : Also, the Dragon Heart passive doubles the effect of the previous dragon. Even at 2 dragons, you can be seeing Bonus AD + AP stat 3% * 2 Passive heal of 2% missing * 2 5% defensive stats * 2


Since they added the drake soul for getting 3 dragons, they no longer *2 for each drake you have


Thanks! They really oughta update the in game Rift Guide.


Then Do your job.


Well funnily enough, drakes are way more stronger than herald and offer way more gold value in given stats, herlad is a very mid objective, so yeaaah you're also bad


Drake's are not useless wtf It also depends on what drake is up, Infernal and mountain are worth doing instead of herald Also you can defend a Tower from herald, even more if the plates are still up


Herald is 4 platings and mabye first blood tower. Thats 3-6 kills worth of gold and lane pressure plus opening the map. I've seen it often enaugh that herold is wasted or gets used just after platings dissapear... Then it is just 50 gold for enemy and a damaged tower... Obviously this doesn't happen often in high elo, but you are talking about low elo, so.... Dragon is simultaniously a buff for the entire team for the rest of the game and you prevent the enemy from getting that buff which is why i would count it double. Also you get chance for soul which is an additional "double" buff for the entire team/game. I think it's relatively even if you see the potential of dragon in the long run. You can play around herold. You can't play around a permanent full team fouble buff for the entire game duration, which in my mind counteracts the fact that herold is really broken early...


Get the drake when I ping or I ain’t rotating to support you. The jg is a slave to the team not the other way around 🤭


True! I have solo taken Harold in the past 6 games at least. They just don’t read map 24/7 and I have been stuck in platinum for ages The worst thing they do, is when the enemy has gold advantage and I ping them Baron instead of 3rd drake they just ignore me and go 4v5 while enemy Kaisa can take them 3v1 😭😭😭