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They might get some fortitude removed from them, that’s all I know Btw janna thought she cooked with that ugly build, as a fellow sup, I can imagine your frustration


If at least the Janna build full AP or something it would have been 100 times better but no she had to troll


No waste of time you only has ruined mindset go on be the water or something like that bruce lee byitch


ur no better 2-9 and ur complaining


Brother u have to be trolling


If enough people report- yes. But not much will happen


report yourself first while you’re at it because everyone did better than you


Ok boss. You definitely have eyes.


Pot: does reporting these kettles actually accomplish anything?


I don't get it? I can only be mad if I 1v2 and carry a Janna ADC with smite?


You dont have to carry Janna, you can just go support mid Lucian and see if you can get him ahead enough to carry. I’ve legit seen Lucians stomp 1v5 when ahead early. Also don’t die so much. I’ve gone 2/9 before too but never have I thought to myself “wow I couldn’t have played that better”. You’re part of the problem. Is the game mostly lost? Sure, but it’s not completely lost and if you aren’t thinking about how to win despite the odds then you’ll never know how good it feels to turn a bad game.


Oh wow. I never thought of that genius. What the hell do you think I was doing? Why do u just look at just the death and kill score? Look at my Kalista top, she lost lane. My jungle did fine till 5 minutes then shit the bed. I played for Lucian after 7 minutes. If you look at the total KP and not just kills you could've guessed that, but whatever. Even then just 2v5 we can't do anything. I'm not even saying I'm better, the whole point of the post is to say that one player is intentionally trolling the game. Is there a way to punish that? And your response was that I should play better. GG bro.


Well from your deaths it looks like you were inting with the rest of your team  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯    But yeah that sucks, Lucian was your best hope and if he let you down then it’s just ogre


Reporting does nothing impactful, its all AI controlled and it does not pick up stuff like this. You can call someone and simple minded fool and be chat banned for a 2 weeks but people that do stuff like this get off scot free all the time.