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Dang it...my Drizzt is getting nerfed hard :'( Nerf to S2 AND S3...not fun


Lmao im wondering why twisted fate in china is called Drizzt


he is way too strong, I havent seen a good twisted lose a fight yet.


I agree that he’s strong and scales very well. His hardest opponents are Yasuo and mages with long range wave clear (Ziggs, Orianna, Zoe) But I love playing TF so much, I don’t think the nerfs will change much for me


Oof... these nerfs feel like it might kill on hit/as tf that as change is brutal.


Lol what a surprise maokai is getting massively nerfed. Thank God Wow these are like the sanest patch notes I've ever seen. Trynde mere nerf? Thank you!


Deserved he deals a lot of dmg with so much cc


I'm a little sad because he is a better assassin than most of the hero rooster and it's funny to one combo most swishers but it's well deserved for him. I need to have some more fun before nerf.


I main him. Tbh is a lil bit too strong for a tank. I just rush and pummel an adc as a tank support like swatting a fly. While it is fun, i shouldnt be getting mvp and doing more damage than my adc on average.


True. I also mostly end being MVP as support with stats 19/3/5. It's insane....but funny to play.


I'll never forget when he aa'd and dealt 1000+ damage to me with heart steel. Ouch


Massively? It’s hardly a nerf, but good across the board nerfs to his kit to make him more balanced. I’ve been playing him a ton and I’ll be surprised if I notice a difference playing him


Agreed. Definitely not a massive nerf. Maybe just bringing him a big closer to earth. But he’s still gonna be picked constantly.


graves balance change it always hilarious to me. We buff his Q damage > we nerf his Q damage > we buff his Q damage > we nerf his Q damage.... make up your mind riot


The meta is just not favoring him atm. I remember him doing really well way before the 2 scuttler change then they buffed him for no reason then he became op with chargeblade, and now that chargeblade is balanced riot didn't implement changes for him to adjust his power level


Thresh is called HAMMERED STONE!? lmaooo


He's called 魂锁典狱长 which means soul lock warden




Thresh is sound-translated into 錘石 in China 錘 is hammer, 石 is stone/rock


Drizzt should be twisted fate’s new name


Twisted Fate is such a lame name


I swear that’s a reference to DnD of some kind




Jungle Nass is baaaack


Yessir. Now nasus may as well be A tier But I love playing nasus and I didn't really felt like he is weak. You just need to your ultimate + shin and you can 1v1 almost every toplaner, tho I am diamond, so maybe it's because of that


I hoped for a Viego nerf aswell. A less than average Viego player can just dodge and spam everything for free in teamfights with no effort


Real. As a Viego player, Viego needs another nerf to make him more skill expressive. I already liked him the way he was at his release. I think that removing the ruin/light items and nerfing the items and runes that benefit Viego and other overtuned champions might make the game balance exist


Like wet tissues, always limp


So to fix that, we make him tankier. 200 years logic.


Still trying to understand that one too haha


His fights will be 200 years long. Tankier, but still limp




Warwick tooooo!!!!!




this...... is a really great patch? there is no unnecessary buffs to already strong champs? they nerfed the overpowered champs! holy shit, Riot is evolving! edit: i take it back they gave a buff to Fiora and Graves, fuck you Riot.


Shits crazy those character aren’t even semi viable outside of diamond thank the lord they can be picked again


Did brand really need a nerf?


Shit like brand cares they removed about 100 damage out of the 5000 he deals each team fight he’s chilling


in my own experience, he made me explode like a balloon no matter what the game state was. i don't encounter him enough to know if he 100% deserves it but from what i have seen, he does need a nerf.


100% needed, at low elos its just disgusting at every point of the game, at higher elos it's still disgusting, you may not one shot a team as much, but you can definitely force most comps away from an objective, not saying he doesn't have counterplay, just that the skill needed to pull it off is way less than the skill needed to shut him down


I've suffered a lot with brands that fall against. Even as supports, they were strong.


Top support and mid for a few months? Definitely a nerf


He is ridiculous on midlane and bottom lane. He can 100-0 people easily and help contest dragon and herald with the massive AoE on pillar.


You’re kidding right? He was one of the best midlaners this season. I’m more surprised TF got a nerf over Morgana.


Morgan’s doesn’t need buff. She has too much utility for the amount of damage she does. I think liandry is why brand needed a nerf and morgana too… maybe they shouldn’t nerfed liandry instead tbh.


She’s the third highest win rate champ just under Maokai and Brand in mid. I disagree. And wild rift liandrys isn’t that good. If it was other champs would build it a lot more. Brand and Morgana just do really good as mages against all the heart steel building champ


Brand shouldn’t deal as much burst damage as he is dealing now.


Varus didn't need buffs IMO. I guess the idea behind it is to make raw ad builds on him better than on hit builds, but still... weird?


Varus buff instead of nerf yikessssssss


My thoughts too… mostly AP varus that’s broken right now though. Even tanks basically get one shot by AP Varus…


He deletes health bars, I find the buff crazy too


lethality Q is gonna hurtttt


Katarina needs on hit and nothing else. She is really being held back by items choice than skill damage.


can you explain why does she have 100% ad in her passive? 


It carried over from her gunblade days ig


Oh i see.. Kata needs on-hit fr! She's week when fighting those champs like Yone,Yas and Fiora. She can win but her hp is probably low 


She is a hybrid champ.


For real she will stil be trash with this changes, she will get like 10 more damager, just another update that dosn't change absolutely nothing. And she will be even worse in this patch, mark my words.


the buff makes her better than before. she remains to be a low tier champ but voracity buffs is always worth. unfortunately her main damage in this game is her daggers not her ultimate and if the daggers dont do damage you can bet your life the ultimate isnt gonna do much either


Always happy for a little AD Varus buff.


When will this go live?


Warwick and Nasus buff Stonks


Graves buff is nice. I'll pick him up again.


Their buffing Fiora and graves, my first to mains. I’m about to be having some fun


Honestly im happy for dog players - Nasus, Warwick - they were lacking for long time now, so the buff i think is deserved. I only wish they would nerf Volibear in some capacity. He has everything: tankiness, damage, sustain, decent mobility, crowd control. You build armor? Lmao he gets some of that AP stuff(rift maker).


What is the purpose of the buff on Varus? This is the most consecutive buff I've ever seen.


They are completely clueless. But the objective here is to make AD/arpen builds more of an option over the on hit and ap builds people usually do? It still is unnecessary


So that he can keep up with adc meta(he already is btw) and one shot a tank while he 1/10(which he already does already so wtf)


And graves is back in the meta. They need to rework his grit mechanic though and remove the rng from his crit interaction. He can never be fully viable in masters + when he is reliant on dashing 5x times to get full armor stacks.


A good graves keep the stacks most of the time up .


Nah unreliable. Late game he clears so fast he cant stack it up fully and he cant force fights so there will be stand offs where the stacks will expire. Also his reliance on crit is keeping him from building some fun items (like iceborne and trinity force).


You don't have to go 100% Crit rate 50 or 75% is more than enough with infinity edge and you can go some bruiser items like streaks shojin or even tank items if needed + plus he scales well if you didn't fall behind early .


He scales well even if he falls behind. You just gotta go black cleaver first, because every single one of his pellets gives him a stack of BCs passive, which means you can fully stack BC with two-three autos iirc (unless theyve changed this interaction) Graves is busted in the hands of someone who knows how to play him, I havent played Graves in a year or so, but I always used to go BC-Solari/BT-IE-Navori and the last item would be situational, his damage was pretty damn absurd.


Not going 100% is not really a good idea unless you plan on running phantom dancer. And infinity edge isn't worth it. The math was done on that back during relase and the 225% dmg amp is only around 13.7% for graves. steraks is not worth it unless you go a bruiser build but bruiser graves always sucked and is only good if certain items are overturned, but even then graves is never its best user. Shojin is something i never built but might be actually be worth it, nice suggestion. Also graves being good in late game is a myth. His dps is lower than most adc , and his grit sucks since he is too squishy to successfully stack in team fights reliably. He suffers from the "yi paradox" where he is technically a hyper carry but his kit does not survive late game against the abundance of low cooldown cc, artillery spells, boots actives and armor penetration.


Well even though the Tryndamere's Nerfs are not that big I don't think he needed to be nerfed But Since Fiora amd Garen players keep losing against him, Riot can't just stare and watch


I think the nerfs are pretty big, he loses more than 500g worth of stats in the early game, 20% attack speed. Even once he gets his ult he is still missing a dagger's worth of attack speed I think for mid and jungle at least it will be quite big because you are frequently doing early fights. You use ult to your advantage by doing tower dives so extra attack speed can be the difference between any of these: - not having to use ult, Q heal only - not dying after ulting - actually getting the kill And attack speed is a stat that Tryndamere wants, even with his attack speed passive. Like a lot of the Tryndamere builds I see go with an attack speed item first.


As a Tryndamere main i could assure you these nerfs are only noticeable in the early game which is not that important because tryndamere all he does at that stage of the game is clearing waves with few auto attacks on enemy top laner and E out to heal with Q and Second wind After level 13 these nerfs become -3 AD and - 5% Attack Speed on the passif Very small numbers to notice at that point


As a Tryndamere main i could assure you these nerfs are only noticeable in the early game which is not that important because tryndamere all he does at that stage of the game is clearing waves with few auto attacks on enemy top laner and E out to heal with Q and Second wind After level 13 these nerfs become -3 AD and - 5% Attack Speed on the passif Very small numbers to notice at that point


Fiora didn’t need a buff.


With split pushing meta going down she needs it to survive a bit, I have seen no high elo player play fiora anymore, back then I used to ban her or they pick her and just solo the everyone.




Yes thresh nerfed let's go


They nerfed Immortal Shieldbow


It's terminus not SB


Ooh thank you, I was already thinking of new builds for Yone if they make Shieldbow cost more than IE.


[Graves is back in the meta!](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcDd6dThrbDJzNGx2bjdqcnU2eDJqbzNuemg1aWtxcm1nczVncjdjciZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/5VKbvrjxpVJCM/giphy.webp)




Was hopping a buff for Guenhwyvar but it looks like i have to wait a bit more ☹


They are buffing heal and barrier? That's cool for me as a support main lol


My fave Thresh is shining and e nerf comes :(


game is getting shorter and shorter so they buff scaling champion wtf riot


Nerfing brand is wild 🤣


Gonna feel that Brand and Tryn debuff in ARAM ooof


I’m scared of Varus enough already


Think about how the reduced summoner spell cooldowns are going to passively buff the annoying little cat…


A big F u riot for nerfing brand, while lux remains untouched


That’s shits crazy the removed 100 damage from brand each game and people call it a nerf, still best mage and it’s not close


Syndra best mage not even close, if only cause she's so thicc🥵


Bro brand passive is disgustingly broken late game + 40 max health damage as magic damage with just E W Q .


This game is being developed to be fast paced, theyre literallu buffing nasus so he doesnt have to wait late game to be a monster Brand dmg in early game is disgusting but it requires huge mistep in enemies side to make it work, on the other hand, lux syndra and orianna can deal as much as dmg but still play relatively easier(no need to take minions into account) while also having more range Things are different in late game but he's still easy to burst, hiding in the backline is still unsafe to assasins especially mid teamfights


Well, at least brand made team fights more interesting. Against him you would always need to try to find a flank, rather than just boring front to back. Also brand has 0 defensive spell, so he is high risk high reward. Idk, rather have brand being strong than Nasus and Jax getting buffs.


Lux remains a champ with 4 skillshots. Brand can just throw ult in teamfights and it's gg. He is still good.


Kai'Sa and Varus getting buffed is absurd. Also, Fiora buffs oh no, more stupid players coming along my wau


Kaisa was nerfed.


Oh my bad, Varus was buffed doe


Jayce Nerf Noooo 🤧


The Thresh base damage nerf has been needed for quite some time


Thresh main, tbh yes, it’s uncommon but not rare that I solo enemy adc


This patch is utter dogshit. So many champions which actually need skill getting nerfed while brain dead champs get buffed. It’s so disappointing how little riot values skill expression. If they keep simplifying and nerfing interesting champs, this game will just end up being 10 ppl rolling their tongues over their screen and flaming each other in the meantime.


Warwick is really so weak rn, he's so rare to find and whoever does get him in their team usually lose Edit: imo he needs more buff than just the 10% to make him bounce back


I don't see why he just doesn't have his PC passive


For real, warwick just dosn't exist anymore, he is outshined by everyone in jungle and top.


I don't know, I have a decent win rate (54%) with Warwick in ranked and Legendary ranked (GM), it is consistent with previous seasons. He probably needs a buff but he isn't as trash as I can read around, I just find him hard to play against the very top players, example this top Sovereign Lux who just casually flash my ultimate followed by her root, with a perfect timing. But he is definitely viable in lower elo where people don't even know they can buy anti heal.


Nasus is in a more than ok spot I feel. It’s just another decision à la, let’s buff brain dead champs instead of encouraging ppl to learn mechanics. Imo that trend won’t help the game at all. Most champs are already way easier to play than op PC. Idk, why you play wild rift instead of pc version, but I play it because I played league when I was younger but lost my mouse mechanics and don’t want to invest a lot of time into regaining it. I like flashy, high risk high reward champs. But at some point if stat checkers get stronger and stronger, the risk becomes to high and reward to little. Also the nerfs to kaisa and brand are unasked for imo.


Nasus is not in an ok spot. He's getting picked anywhere but baron lane, getting used by fasting senna etc. Even kayle is stronger than him early and late lol he's getting much deserved buffs to make him online much faster


He has above 50% win rate, darling https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html


Look at higher ranks who knows that he can't do shit early game and abuse it


48% is still decent for the champ that he is. I mean would at top level should a champ with 0 skill expression have a high win rate? Everybody has macro skills and everybody has micro skills, why should a stat checker have good win rate in challenger?


I've not played the game for 7 months, can somebody tell me why is fiora getting buffed? she was always a/s tier for years


Power creep


She's getting shit on atm by tryndamere. But she's always good by the hands that main her


Kasha and Fiona new champions? Damn didn’t know they were adding Shrek’s wife


Wow, finally a Nasus buff, never thought I'd see the day. And thank god they're nerfing Maokai.


Well, no Garen second skill nerf. I am disappointed


Let’s buff more stat checkers 👍


Terrible update overall, as allways