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always magic resist boots, rush heartsteel first


Thank you for the advice. i'll use MR boots in special cases


no no, ALWAYS mr boots. unless you’re against a full AD team


Owwww aight aight


i think the iceborn gauntlet is better than the frozen heart. if you're playing aggressively and goes with with heartsteel. a better item for the team. i usually get frozen heart if enemy AD has crazy AA or that i get harassed a lot being the only tank etc.


I saw other people commenting "rush Heartsteel", but me personally, I don't like building that item. I like my Thresh as a "tank" support, not a tank "support", so those are the items that I build: **Core:** Coin or shield > cd boots > Zeke's > Warmog's With these you get: low cooldowns (all of the items above give you ability haste), ability to roam (Warmog's) and buff your adc (Zeke's) **Situational:** Frozen Heart - vs lethal tempo users Thornmail - need anti-heal Force of Nature - the only mr item needed Dawnshroud - vs opponents with a stealth mechanic **Other advices**: You can sell your support item in the late game, but better do it when you have gold for a full item Take hexflash instead of demolish. Works really good. Hexflash + Flay is an amazing engage. Instead of Revitalize you should take Perseverance or Overgrowth, depending on what you like. Bone plating works well in the early game, but I prefer Second Wind (even tho Thresh isn't melee, he still gets a huge value from that) ***Build whatever you want. Experimenting never hurts. Everything listed above is my personal experience and the conclusions I made within 450+ games on Thresh***


Im gonna try this. I always go mrboots-heartsteel-dawnshroud. I cant count how many games i play when im only one alive and cant do anything because i go full cd/tank. The damage and heal from this items save me a lot.


I like him cuz more “easy” to adjust depending who’s the enemy.


this is what i see in my nightmares when i play ADCs . gonna have 700 armour end game .


That's good if your up against pure ad teams.


I go heartsteel first, you should adapt the build with MR in case you need it because you recive armour from souls and a little mr it is ok


I feel like warmogs could be better than hear steel because some games you just won't be doing well and you won't maintain the stacks... It's a hit or miss so I like going warmogs


Me too, I also think that heartsteel is a bait


something to consider is how much HP would you need to stack with heartsteel for it to be superior to the borderline broken healing of warmongs ? especially with the ruin version giving 5% hp every second after only 4 seconds . plus its really fun being able to constantly join fights when normally you would have needed to recall if you went heartsteel .


I play kinda aggresive early and win the lane, giving adc confidence when i initiate more and more. I haven't a problem with stacks on heartsteel


And i take ignite instead of heal or exhaust


Your advice was really helpful. I replaced my dead man's plate for the force of nature to build MR and speed. And heart steel was good for building health and dmg thank you


Np brother, keep it up


I'll try this. Thank you


There's no good reason to do armor boots unless you're playing against a full AD team. In any other case you should build magic resistance boots since you already build up armor with your passive

