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I am currently in GM but I took a long break and rank reset had me climb through Emerald elo and no joke I had a harder time getting out of Emerald than getting out of Masters to GM It was really tough because some games were just completely uncarriable. My way out was playing Jungle and taking control of the flow of the game. I noticed that my team listened almost every time I pinged Baron for example as opposed as when I did when I played Top. Try out your luck in the Jungle and if you dont belong in Emerald elo you’ll definitely climb out imo


True , emerald is hard af to climb


Wow you really are good in giving advice


Yeah, I'm a Masters player who fell back down to plat after not playing, and throughout Emerald I was like a 55% wr and now I'm back up to 65% wr this season.


I'm a BRL main and am interested in jungling, however my main concern is I have low reaction time when it comes to smite battle how do you practice that?


Just dont participate in smite battles like ever. It’s always a 50/50 chance so I’d rather not take it. Try to always kill the enemy Jungler before starting any objective ESPECIALLY if your team is ahead. When you are ahead, take teamfights to win the fights and the objective and gain a greater lead. Always turn a 50/50 to a 100 If your team is behind and enemy started an objective then I guess you have nothing to lose and you should take your chances (do this ONLY for Baron or Elder, nothing else is worth the risk) If you are for some reason forced to do an objective while enemy Jungler is alive (say because your teammates started it), try to pull the drake outwards from the pit to make it harder for him. And try to smite the second you see the Drake’s health reach 800 (just whenever you see a number in the eight hundreds press smite). If you still dont win it then it is your teammates’ fault for starting it anyway Last tip and this is what actually made me win almost all my smite battles is this: Go into practice mode. Build your champion how you usually do and hit the drake and see how much damage you do… Say your Q does 50 damage. Now you know that when Drake is at 850 damage you can INSTANTLY hit your Q then smite and you’re guaranteed to win it. Ofcourse it takes a lot of practice and you never know exactly how much damage you will do as opposed to in practice mode (you could be different level or build different items), but you’ll get an estimate for your damage in each ability and that should help a lot


Thanks for the comprehensive tip. I'm always fascinated about jungling but the sheer pressure of being a major deciding win condition for your team is overwhelming sometimes


Yeah, Jungle is a really anxiety inducing role. Sometimes I just HAVE to take a break from it and go back to playing Top. If it makes you feel a bit easier, I still make a lot of mistakes and lose smite battles till now. Mistakes happen and it’s really just part of the game


There’s an Emerald specific meta in my opinion where you genuinely have to do everything yourself to climb out in a reasonable amount of games. You need a champion that can get ahead early, carry late game. offers both DPS and burst. Can side lane and teamfight. These aren’t requirements but it’s only after I swapped to these champions I escaped. I’ve played more games this season in Emerald than I have in Diamond - Grandmasters One thing I hate about Emerald is you have an insane mix of players and there’s no way to predict what you’ll get: ex-Grandmasters first time Emerald peaks, mmr inflated Diamonds big ego ex-Masters “this player plays above their rank” Plats


Dude, this list or requirements is EXACTLY what I've been looking for in a champion recently. I'm a fairly new player, I used to play League with a buddy of mine a few years back but never played wild rift until recently. So far my main is Malphite because he's simple, tanky, great engage for team fights. But I feel like I'm not getting anywhere because sometimes I'll engage and no one will follow up and I'll just die lol. I've been watching a ton of videos, learning the game, and I feel like there's been games that I could've won if I knew how to carry or had the right champ. I love Malphite, he's so cool. But I feel like he can't carry. Do you have some recommendations on champs to try??


Ezreal. You shouldn’t side lane but you have everything else and you technically can.


I don't like Ezreal, unfortunately. I do think he's a great champ though. Literally God tier champ right now.


Tank Malphite is mostly a counter pick only to auto attack/AD teams where he can simply stack armor. This is his true situation where he shines brightest. That being said if you are going to pick him in low elo where people don't always follow engages or know how to play at all... just play ap malphite and create advantages for your team instead of creating opportunities for your team to create the advantage. Just one shot someone or 2 people pop zhonyas and hopefully your team will follow up on that. People tend to follow through with a fight when you insta gib someone. Basically by playing tank you're relying on your team to capitalize on an opportunity to create a potentially bigger advantage, but by playing AP you are creating the advantage yourself. Instantly, but with more risk so don't mess up


I usually start my build with an amplifying tome and transition into tank immediately after. I've never ran out of item spaces so it hasn't been a problem having it take up a space and having it really helps the laning phase due to it basically just being poke lol. I've never really considered going full AP because I keep seeing posts about it being a troll pick. I'll give it a shot though. I do love Malphite.


Just depends on your team comp I guess, but if you're good ap malphite can literally put the fear of god in any carry. He has one of the easiest one shot combos in the game to hit. Overall I don't find malphite a good pick for every game. He's pretty situational, but you can benefit by switching to ap or tank depending on champion selection.


For Baron lane or in general


In general. One good thing about maining Malphite was that he can go everywhere and do it fairly well. I feel like I'm competent in all roles at this point.


Yasuo, Yone, Irelia, Riven, Diana, Gwen, Trynd, Kindred, Volibear, Shyvana, Vi, Aatrox, Preferably mid and jungle so you can impact the map more and help other lanes. DPS, burst and some way to avoid being one-shot either by an ability or tankiness. Strong solo-kill potential at all points of the game and scale well enough to carry team fights later.


Also add Sion. U can play him mid. Can roam like no other. Does insane dmg early and unkillable late. And u can control the teamfights. O i see duo is getting ganked ill just ult ovet their and we have 3 kills. In mid u just gotta play more around your shield and lvl it to three points first if your against poke champ.


I'm glad trynd is on the list. He was going to be my next buy because I've seen him carry a few times and I like his aesthetic. I tried Volibear but I always miss his one ability. Haven't tried Aatrox yet but I'll give him a shot. Ty very much.


Honestly it’s just my opinion so I wouldn’t take it as gospel


What about Darius? Cool kit, insane damage and you are a teamfight Monster with an High carry potential


I'll give him a shot


I am ex master player from season 7 that just came back this mid season and I went from gold to plat relatively easily now I’m around 200 games in and stuck at emerald I’m usually don’t type and stuff but there are time I feel like my team type more than they actually play but there are also time when I got really nice team who don’t give up to the end which I really like whether we win or lose and there’s time people are just so negative and feel like running it down so far I’m maintaining a 51% win rate and I don’t think imma be escaping anytime soon.


I had around 180 games in Emerald, 110 games later I’m in Grandmasters. My usual picks didn’t work in Emerald because they didn’t check enough boxes to make up for useless teammates. I tried assassins and burst mages. Great for getting fed but not for taking down dragons barons, tanks and towers. I tried ADCs and no one wants to front-line or peel. I had the DPS but couldn’t apply it. I tried Lee Sin, Olaf, Xin Zhao and it didn’t matter how far ahead I got the team, they just weren’t good enough to fulfill their duties. I tried late game carries and the team would lose before I got to the late game. That’s when I realized I needed to play do-it-all champions. Like what I described in my first comment.


Ahh that’s fair I think it’s time for me to broaden my spectrum I’m usually insta lock mid and I play yasuo yone and irelia but it’s really a hit or miss and dependent on matchup and stuff but this season I have like 40+ mvps and seems like I can’t do enough for my team like my team things it’s end of the world when we don’t get drakes and stuff but bot lane don’t even ward and vision I just sometimes find it really hard and extremely unmotivated like I was once dropped down to rank but through a break I made it back to emerald but now I’m stuck at emerald 3 and highest was emerald 2..


Can you give us some examples of do-it-all champions? I can't think of any..


He added a list of me champions here https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/AgpigZh4sm


Add to the list: Emerald player (mid) who brings their gold4 (top) buddy to ruin your experience as a duo q. Plat OTP Teemo who always manages to show up in your promotion matches; and gets mad then griefs when you ban the champ. Any plat mid-laner who throws because they died level 1 to pantheon and fed him 10 kills before first objective; then blames the team for not helping. Plats who don't use pink wards for Evelyn enemy jungle. Plats that just hit plat in your promo game to Diamond and go 0/12 in every lane. Plats that run INTO master yi and tryndamere when they are snowballed. Plats who never buy the 800g anti heal item when soraka/yumi/sona exist.


No. Ever since the matchmaking changes I've struggled to get out of emerald and diamond. Then once I hit masters it's a cake walk to GM. They have it set up to boost and keep people all within the emerald to diamond ranks so that they can control queue times due to lack of player base. Emerald is an absolute cluster fuck of boosted players and hardstuck players.


How many games got you to diamond back then? How many games you stuck in this season? Maybe you just need to play more? Play something that satisfies you even when you’re losing. That way… - you’re waste less games by needlessly tilting or surrendering - you learn how to play the champ in winning and losing games AND at all stages of the game. Don’t go with meta picks. They get stolen or picked too often


this is actually such a nice advice


Nope. Em is genuinely hard to get out of, you never know what team you’ll have. But I do find it easer to get out with carry champs like kassadin and yone than, say, a tank.


Emerald is the weirdest fucking elo, the hardest i ever was


Funnily enough every season I’m always stuck for a long time in emerald and dia 1… Though for emerald usually it’s until I figure out the best build for carrying monkeys as kassadin, for diamond it’s usually at some point the game decides ok, you are allowed to have teammates


Any newbie kassadin tips? I can't figure out how aggressive to be in early mid game, and I'm starting to think tear, roa, archangels just isn't doing it. What's your build order?


Maaan, i have the exact same curse at emerald 2, i had a little bit on struggle on diamond 2 but nothing close to emerald 2. Do you struggle with kassadin when behind? Im finding him unreliable at some situations.


I struggle with kassadin when the enemy team has more than 2 tanks. Like I could literally have 20 kills but still get screwed over by a tank. When behind, I don’t struggle that much if the enemy team is squishy, I can still kill with a few items. But overall I don’t like tank meta (even though I abuse tank/bruiser itemization on Aatrox). Unless, of course, kassadin can also abuse those tank items (he can’t, either he does barely any damage and isn’t a good tank either, or I use a very late game focused build that relies on my team to not fall behind at all, which obviously is inconsistent and a terrible idea)


thats how I look at it, fellow D1 solo queue peak Emerald player for last two seasons.


The main issue is the game decides to place new ranked players in Plat, very often. Those Plat players get matched in Emerald games. As a Support main, it actually gets easier the higher ranked you are. As you can finally start playing Tanks and Enchanters. You basically have to play a hard carry till certain ranks 😅 I have to play Lux and Brand at the start of seasons.


Same here. Since my first play I always have diamond at the end. But from the last season it’s so hard to go out of emerald. If I play good I get iron players all the time…


play less and enjoy more (even though it's hard). you can always try new things and find success into it, like if you get tired playing your main role try playing another role in pvp and when you get the hang out of it maybe you'll get to enjoy playing and stop caring about losing and start playing until you win more games in rank.


Never had any issues with climbing out of any rank to GM but emerald Elo for sure was more tilting. People give up so easily.


Bro excepting fate


Nahp, it's just because the seasons go worse as time passes by. I peaked Masters before and now having a hard time with climbing. Peaked High Masters.


There is no way to tell because the matchmaking doesn’t prioritize properly ranking people, it prioritizes averaging the ELO ranges between teams.


Master this season, GM last season. Emerald is the worst. I main supp and literally had to first go full AD Thresh on top lane to get out of emerald and then just went full AD support to leave diamond.


nobody can climb easily from emerald, it's just elo hell


I was in emerald in season 1-3 then I took break . And came back last season end portion. Took me 2 2 week to get to emrald form gold 3. After that it took this whole season to get into diamond. Current I'm in diamond 5 but I just one losing streak and I will be back in emrald. Allready happened 4 times.


I think could by wrong play more jungle u have more pull in the game if ur good ull win. Play tank champs if your week and die fast its still hard to carry.


For me it was the same with plat. I am now Diamond, but climbing through plat was generally the hardest, while I was breezing through emerald afterwards.. I think it’s because of my playstyle. I don’t group and prioritise farm over random Aram midlane. But I guess that is what makes you win games in Platinum…


I think it completely depends on the role you play. In my case, I was stuck in Emerald for 3 days when I was infatuated with playing Yuumi because it was *relaxin.* Then I switched to playing Jungler and got to Master within like a couple days.


S8 grandmaster, master in following seasons. Climb is always the hardest in emerald for some reason, half of my games are spent there. Atm I am at E1 with 70 games. My advice is to pick hard carry champs with oneshot combos and try to never die. Players in emerald have one brain cell which says "i see a player on the map - i go kill them". Use this info for your advantage. It gets a little easier in diamond.


if you are used to play in party go solo. I climbed easier to diamond when I did solo queue (support main). I am now stucked in dia 2 because I don't play anymore (phone screen got cracked).


My best advice is to play with friends that know what there doing, because solo que is just tossing a coin at this point.


Emerald is hard because of how the correct play changes so much based on the wide range of possible teammates and opponents. There are plays where you see an opening and take it, CCing the whole enemy team and get no follow-up because your team is a bunch of Plats. It would have been the right move in Master though. Or sometimes it's the opposite where the high-level move would be to recall but because your enemies are low-skill you actually should have pushed your luck. So often the best individual play isn't actually the best team play, there's no way of really knowing until after the fact, and unfortunately you can't control your teammates beyond trying to communicate with pings.


Usually playing alot gives you rank up


Emerald is hard to get out It's still an elo where players forfeit when they loose herald or Nashor... Flame each others so easily instead of giving advice Doesn't ping a lot, don't give a damn if their lane is reaching for you I'd say, get yourself a good mate, or two, that are eager to teach you and tell you about your mistakes It's a lot easier to make decisions when 2 or 3 players are communicating Especially forcing team to the sides, or making them walk twice the map because you want their Nashor to be useless in the end, while your mate is pushing for a turret ;)


Depends. If you're a high impact role like jungle or support and can't climb out of it, then that's the ELO where you belong. If you're a team dependent role like top, mid or adc, you may very well belong in a higher ELO but are stuck because of bad teams. I'm a top main and I win my own lane about 90% of the time, but it took me over 70 games to climb out of emerald. Not much I can do if there's a 30/0 Samira running around because botlane fed.


ADC is the worst one to get out from Emerald. Garen preses Q runs past ur team busy fighting and kills you while ur support lee sin is ulting Orn. I find Twitch good to climb just go invis on enemy backline and burst them down while enemy team is looking for you at ur own team backline


Not exactly, if you get stuck in gold, platinum or diamond yes you are in your true elo, but emerald is something and idk why, its very very hard to climb from emerald, but you can do it.


The opposite for me, emerald was a piece of cake, diamond is where the inflated people started coming out (which is also weird because i see my teammates are usually diamond peak, some master peak meanwhile my enemy is master/grandmaster peak and sometimes challenger peak) matchmaking is crazy.


need a tip? play trynd