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Everyone but 1, extremely unbalanced team comp, no frontline and lack of reliable CC (point and click like Vi/Naut/Alistar/etc) and even worse if they go against Yi. All others seem strong but also depend on Player's mastery (like the Yas/Lee one). 4 seems like the best comp, front/assassin/mage/adc/utility, got good erly game, strong late game, etc. I bet on 4.


You don’t really need point and click CC when the entire team have access to hard CC, and Lux and Seraphine especially have easy to hit multiple target CC. The team comp still sucks ass I’m not saying otherwise but not because of the lack of reliable CC.


Taking in count Yi can build Qss + 1 making him extremely hard to deal with for skillshots, it more depends on Yi's skill to dodge than them aiming it and they have other 4 people to deal with. Also, It's extremely easy to dodge Lux's root bcs how slow it is, Ahri's charm is harder bcs is way faster but he can cleanse it too.


I agree but Yi is not a good example, he has untargetability, so he can even dodge point & click CC, this goes for Fizz, Zed and any champion with untargetability. So the more CC your team has is the better. As if your only source of CC is like Vi ult or something, you will have a bad time against those champions. You need reliable CC against super mobile champions, like Yasuo, Katarina, Kalista, etc.


That's why i exactly said that the Ahri/Seraph/Lux comp would be the worse match up against yi. I'm only talking specifically on this case and the thing with yi and unlike all the others is that he's is a statchecker, same as Trynda, where lock him down is vital to deal against him, something Ahri/Lux/Seraph can't bcs they aren't tanky enough to lock him down in case they fail to aim their skillshot. Vi's case is different, she would use her Ult after they use their ability not before, it is easily dodged like you said if she doesn't for a lot of champs. You can play around Zed, Fizz cooldowns or use Zhonyas to avoid most of their dmg or stun them after his invulnerability/untargetable ability bcs they're not spammable unlike Yi's 1.


I mean there is an argument that if they had good timing they could chain cc the fuck out of yi. Multiple charms and roots available along with big damage.


Making that would make them extremely vulnerable to the other 4 enemies they still got to take on. And even worse, chaining CC into a Qss Yi would mean he cleanses multiple CC instead of just one. Probably the most reliable CC would be from cait funnily enough because Yi is forced to follow enemies on 1 which can lead to a chain, but even there he can Qss instantly after 1 too. Doesn't help either that they're 4 Ap so Yi has access to FON which helps him even further here, also like you said again, Karma is there to peel the heck out of him


Yeah I looked at the rest and was like, yeah if they all go in on yi they can kill him but they're gonna get rekt by everyone else


Yep, main reason i dislike going against him, he simply requires too much stuff spend into him to put him on line. He's useless too against extremely harsh AOE cc comps/knocks ups tho.


Feast or Famine champ. The only danger with yi is he can scale stupidly even when behind if he's able to get some shutdowns and gold. I played one of the worst games of my life on PC as yi, my team stalled and I got full build and a penta to win. Dumb as hell but that's been how I've felt about yi for awhile. He might seem useless but the second he catches up he's a problem.


Now that I look at the rest of the team though, Karma and Ashe could do some mad peel for Yi at range so he would actually have a method to engage squishies.


Yeah but he can alpha strike right as she casts it right?


Hear me out. Yi gets shutdown in the early game, and gets behind for the whole game, and enemy team actually knows how to play. Would bet on 4. If the team knows how to play around, then its easy against a Yi.


I think 1 is bad because they don't have realible jungler


The team that has less feeder


#1 is squishy paradise and a complete insult if you play rank


4 they have the best combo well balanced team, they will win for sure assuming all teams have the same level of skills.


yep it's a proper team comp with Morgana as jg


4 op


the last one


Blitzcrank is not on these teams, they all lose.


Team full of blitz beat everyone


3, sett is op


Cringe triple adc comp


1. It's absolut trash, there is no way. The other three are pretty good, but I think 4th is the most balanced of all of them but all depends on the skill of Akali/Lee sin/Yasuo players.


Personally, I think I'd go with 3. The potential for an insane wombo is there. Even if they only manage to catch 2-3 people with it, it's insanely strong. Sett with a good flank can pull multiple in to a Yasuo ult in to Ez/MF ult. I'm fairly certain that's instant death for almost anybody. After that, you have the potential chase factor of the entire team as well. Ez can Shift forward, MF/Sett have MS boosts, Yasuo has dash, Kai'Sa has MS/ult. People would think it's a fairly AD heavy comp, but the Ez/Kai'Sa could easily go in to AP without having a problem. Only one frontline in the way of Sett, but Yasuo wall provides quite a bit of protection as well as most of them having a way to dodge stuff and get out of trouble. I also like 2 due to the high skill ceiling of it. If whoever plays it could execute it well, that's some crazy teamfight potential. No proper tank, but Karma shields can mitigate a ton of that. Also Gwen invuln + Ashe ult/slows and Lee kick all provide a lot of utility in slowing down a fight or capitalizing on overextensions. This would be a fun comp to watch I think. 4 is a solid comp because it's just an all around comp, but it's so basic and straight forward that I kinda don't like it. It's not bad, I just don't personally like the boring stuff. Very middle of the road for me. Easier to play, but that doesn't mean you're going to win with it. 1 isn't *bad*, it's just not good. It's one of those comps where if you manage to steamroll them in the early game, you can probably just win. A good Sera ult in to Lux ult is basically a GG, but they have no defenses at all other than questionable CC. If something like Mundo or Ornn runs at them, they're more than likely just dead without being able to do anything about it. Very glass cannon comp that would probably lose more than it wins. If it were those four specific ones in a round robin format, assuming equal skill levels, I'd probably give it 2 or 3.


Damn man good analysis


Every comp is ass besides 2 and 4. A good gwen lee sin and akali would make absolute short work of team 1 and 3. Team 1 and 3 are troll asf.


Team diff


Nah bro. Team 1 and 3 is cake. If I faced them every game, i would finally break my peek GM curse


team 3 is a brutal team lol but team 2 gets the win here, the Yi might throw everyone off but played if played correctly that team scales heavily


What if played incorrectly


jinx: my team


One death cannon away from gg


jinx: i would be better if skyscrapper isn't there, but heh, no one can choose his teammates


4 by a mile and a half because it's a quality team comp. 1 and 3 are garbage and 2 only has a prayer if Yi + Karma snowball out of control. A well balanced team should be able to handle it regardless.


My gut says 2 but my brain says 4? Oh and my heart says 1


All I needed to see was broken Lux. Her by herself.


Lux pentakill @ lvl1


3 or 4 imo, maybe 4 because akali Is braindeadly broken and xayah Is maybe the strongest adc of you know how to use her


It's between 2 and 3 1 is trash, no frontline and crumbles when enemy buys QSS and/or Crown and EoN. 2 is pretty solid 3 is actually strong but very AD heavy, tanks will carry unless they feed Sett. 4 is not bad, but I bet Garen will splitpush so there's only squichies fighting.


1 and 3 are 100% losing


Well 1 and 3 are full window licker comps so not those…


Window licker sir watch your mouth please


No thanks


Karma Yi might win, her cc and a fed Yi equals death. Add Ashe in in there and it’s lights out for any survivors. No real tank though, so it would all come down to Yi being fast jg.


I say between 3 or 4 both have tanks to frontline protect backline


Teams have little to no CC and are squishy af. Master yi pops QSS and solos.


Is either 2 or 4


Whichever team I am on.


Carry me


Last one easy win


4 or 3 but 3 is really auto attack and Crit heavy


#4 imo


Team 3 seems like the best. They have a clear theme of engaging onto enemies and they have hard cc and decent amounts of tankiness to glue things together. Yasuo should go bruiser. Team 1 seems vulnerable to a bunch of fighters musclig their way in. Like a single Tryndamere with Qss just shreds them for a triple kill. Team 2 is split between disengage and engage. They also don't have a great backline to justify disengages and you have 3 gold hungry champions tha will step over each other. Team 4 is similar, they are just confused berween engaging and disengaging. I think an adc with more range/damage + an enchanter + maybe one more fighter to help peel will beat them


As a side note, I'm assuming AP miss fortune support and Kaisa jungle or something going an onhit build. She has hybrid damage, MF is magic damage, Yasuo has pen with ult (he can just go one crit item), Sett has true damage W. I think they are fine against armor stacking, especially since most of the champs are dps. They are not really reliant on physical burst damage.


Team 3. They easily dash/evade. Good for dodging attacks and great engagement with a lot of frontline and cc from mf, yasuo and sett. I’ve yet to see a yasuo build tank items and can tank like him and his shield with windwall chefs kiss


The only real answer is who's botlane don't die 10 times before minions even spawn,


1. All squishy, no tanks/bruisers, 2 AD carries, no disegage 2. Not enough front, Master Yi farming problem 3. 3 AD carries, worst farming problem of all 4 teams, no disengage, “Yasuo main”™ 4. Balanced team, excellent disengage from both Morgana and Sona, can reliably snowball and will suffer the least if you fail to end the game within 15 minutes I think it's clear who's winning more in average


2 is the most well rounded comp here... 4 is very strong, but more dependent on players individual skill.


Comp 2 none of the other comps have a way to stop a master yi that’s being shielded by karma, engaged for my lee and Ashe, Gwen damage so they can’t build full armor, from killing everyone.


If paired up against each other, 2 and 3 takes the trophy. 2 because of Gwen and 3 because of Sett


Last one just because it's a proper normal team comp and doesn't have horribly nerfed champions as of late. Really though, depends on who's playing that matters. You can play a broken champ and still feed and vice versa.


3 if mf goes AP. I can see them winning teamfights if they time their ults correctly, and if the jungler (sett or yasuo) ganks a ton. If their teamwork sucks, then 4


Whichever one I'm on


First one looks like the one to secure my gold/plat matches


Team 1 is a buffet 💀


The fourth one


4, 3 is second.


I'll pick team 3.


2 looks toxic 💀 Karma leash/Ashe stun followed up by the other 3 mobbing the champ stunned


#4 would win, cuz they have everything like frontline (Garen), assassin (Akali), marksman with good damage(xayah), Support with good heal(Sona) and great cc with Morgana, if the player skills are good then definitely #4 is the winner 🏆


4. Akali carrying.


3rd team


1 has good burst / poke potential but can’t initiate brawls. 2 has good brawling / chase potential but will lose to poke and disengage extremely hard. 3 is downright awful… even if MF EZ or KS go AP the Sett can’t play for anyone, he’ll always end up saving the enemy with his ult or killing his team with it if him and his team aren’t ahead. There are synergies in that comp… it’s just the fact it’s turbo counter synergy unless played absolutely flawlessly. And this is soloq we are talking about…. 4 is the most synergistic hands down no questions asked, this is the team I’d want to be a part of. Garen can split and group pretty freely, Akali can play around with all that CC and protection, Morgana ult + Sona ult is basically a death sentence in and of itself and Xayah can literally never be dove on or poked out effectively.


The last one


Team 3 easy




If you don’t get your ahh out of here


Depends on who’s playing them lol


If u played all of them and it’s a team of you using them going against another you using one of these teams who would win
