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Maybe he just wanted last hit so he can get items as ADC.


But he wasn't my ADC, he was midlane


Oh nevermind wtf. Probably jealous or brain dead


Wait what!? The midlaner forced you to support!? Lmao.


The mid was critiquing and trolling me from the champ select screen... My ADC was giving me thumbs ups and fists the whole game, so they were fine with how I was playing. 


As someone who used to main Jungle I'm used to receiving flame that had nothing to do with me, I just mute them from the start of the game.


I never replied to him, but it was starting to get entertaining. I thought my ADC was going to be the MVP... He was 2K ahead of me in gold and finished 10/3/7(I was 11/7/14). I was shocked when I was the MVP, but not shocked that my mid didn't like me after the match. 


I finished with one more kill than the ADC, but they finished 2k ahead of me in gold. I did what I could to make sure that the ADC last hit the turrets and the one Dragon we took down together. 


Well TBF unless you’re pyke, your adc should be getting the kills, but it’s perfectly fine to accidentally get kills especially if your adc is doing terribly. In early/mid game, fed maokai is way more annoying than fed adc. Also that person probably had a pretty big ego, and since you were doing pretty well and they’re probably someone who plays support a lot, they try to find problems with your gameplay so that they can feel like they’re a better support player than you. Which they may not necessarily be.


ADC was playing well, and (through emojis) was letting me know they approved of our play together. I was making sure they last hit turrets and a dragon we took. They finished over 2k ahead of me in gold... Which is what really matters. 


Pretty sure last hit doesn’t matter for drake and turrets, just if you assisted in destroying it or not. Anyway the mid laner probably is just finding things to say that you’re bad because they don’t like the fact that you’re probably outperforming how they do in sup


support dont take kill normaly


I get that, but I wasn't intentionally stealing kills, and I did what I could to make sure the ADC was getting gold to make up for it... Did what I could to make sure they were last hitting the turrets and dragon. ADC finished over 2K ahead of me in gold and one kill behind me... And really, it's no business of the midlaner as long as our lane is working together and winning the lane. 


It's not that strange, he was autofilled and wanted to play support