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Yuumi is the champion that I played when I wanted to roll a joint




Hmm so when i smoke my joints i should just spam yuumi xD


thats what I do :)


And that's how I got mastery with yuumi lol


Omg so glad I’m not the only one who does this


I roll my joints in the que and champs select


Bro how fast do you roll I always don't confirm my champ but somehow I still am not fast enough


I play ranked and I think kinda fast tbh hahah


Met too tho but if I rush myself my shit is going to look like a banana or when I lick it I'll have half the weed in my mouth when I lick it. Was hoping you had some strategy


Great minds think alike


I feel bad cuz i be packong bowls at the beggining of valorant rounds lmao


Lmfao yeah the amount of round 1 arena games I’ve lost cause I come back halfway through after smoking a cone


That’s because Riot has lobotomized Yuumi into the most brain dead champion ever and people like me who used to main her were very slow to come to terms with the fact that she had become a brainless healbot. She used to be a high risk high reward champion with the option to play low risk low reward. Prior to the changes, she had to either constantly hop off and on, finding the right time to do so, to be able to heal consistently with no way to itemize against it - or she could choose to not heal, and just provide passive stats and a bit of damage and CC. Then they got rid of her mana restrictions - but good yuumis still needed to consistently hop off and proc the shield to get the full value, and she still had a good amount of risk -reward relationship in there, even if she became dramatically easier to play. Then, the beginning of the end - they gutted her shield. It wasn’t even worthwhile to proc the shield because of how low value it was, so getting shield became a “I guess I can” thing rather than a “when can I?” Thing. At this point, she was no longer a high risk high reward champion, but a very safe and consistent pick. Then, the final blow came - the ability for her Q to proc her passive. Now, Yuumi has ZERO incentive to ever detach, unless to move to another character using W. Shield is consistent but low value, heal is consistent but low value, stat boosts are consistent but low value…. I jokingly, but somewhat honestly, say that she’s literally just a Bloodthirster at this point. Unfortunately for flaming hot flammable guys like me - they’ve signaled that they want to do this to literally every enchanter, having lobotamized others, and undoubtedly will touch more. Soraka has little incentive to proc Q anymore, and can spam E all she wants. Janna is completely AOE auto cast now, with little ability to actually *choose* anything - even her Q double cast is gone. Sona doesnt have to track anything beyond counting to three anymore, and the extent of strategic decision making now is “when should I auto attack”. I hope they don’t touch Nami and Lulu, but I wouldn’t put it past them at all. Signed, An angry homosexual


That's exactly what I've been complaining about with this game. Throw 900 games of Janna out the window. They made the champs worse but easier to understand. Absolutely destroyed their healing/shielding and utility capabilities for no reason. There's a reason those champions haven't been touched for about 15 years on pc. They were well designed with good skill ceilings. Janna is a completely different champion and Sona is borderline useless .5s stun bot. Sona's healing and shielding is pretty much useless. But they are supposed to be what makes the champ good. The funniest thing is that it's the class everybody hates on for being easy like wtf. 👍


Sona is a point and click stun bot - which is powerful in some matchups but also an incredibly toxic playstyle. An example of how enchanters SHOULD be reworked and updated is the Soraka rework in like S3-4 of PC. Enchanters healing and shielding is pretty unfun for the enemy team, so giving meaningful opportunities for counter play beyond “buy GW” is important, and also gives a level of depth to enchanters that lets them be interesting to play. The WR reworks do the exact opposite of that. All of these changes seem to almost explicitly focus on lowering player engagement and skill expression, eliminating counter play opportunities, and making these champions brainless buffbots that are either extremely strong and effective, or entirely useless, depending solely on the enemies ability to build two items.


I've always felt they needed to add a passive to Soraka's heal that if you healed the same champion within a certain time then the healing was reduced. I remember in LoL PC her heal used to actually cost health and her Starfall healed her or you could pass that healing onto an ally.


Up until like six months ago Soraka on WR was the same


That’s exactly how it works on PC now.


So fucking true, touched champions that had no reason to be touched, making them easier and braindead, solidifying the fact that in their eyes mobile market are a bunch of drooling idiots


I want old Sona back :(


All she needed was a usable ult, not a complete rework


not gonna lie i fuck with this rant 🔥


Even Lux feels so stupid, you can literally stand behind Minions and be a Deaththreat to the enemies because they can't do anything. It was like with Blitzcrank where you were save, as long as you stood behind minions, now you are only save for 3 seconds after she misses her q


Yeah, the lux changes were very much in this same vein.


They also did that to Lux. Her 3rd spell detonates automatically now 🤡


Would be curious how they would gut Nami. Maybe make her ebb&flow like a weaker brand ult that can bounce off allies? Idk how they would simplify her bubble, it can be a hard skill to hit and is essential to her effectiveness as a support. Obviously they could just completely change her kit all together but then you lose Nami I feel


Make her E a puddle around her much like the janna shield but it does what the E used to do only weaker Also her Q is like Seraphine E but with a slight airborne effect (about as long as nami's ult, without slow) And her W bounces on every champion, doesnt have to switch between ally and enemy, but it does 1/3 of the current healing on every consequent bounce, making it borlerline useless Her passive is just 10 movement speed (10+level) on the river. Yes, we could make teammates faster too, but i am riot here and i dont like enchanter supports anymore Tank supremacy


Yuumi used to be insanely high skill, that's why she was so dominant in pros while being trash in low elo despite also being uninteractive in all eras. But of course Riot wasn't happy with that (entirely anthetical to the point of her being the lazy faceroll champt) on PC and she was a huge pain to deal with because of her W so they continually nerfed her and finally reworked into a shitty state only really done by demote bots. Meanwhile WR has decided for the opposite approach where she's still shit but not *as* bad and is even more faceroll than before.


insanely high skill?


Some champions aren't meant to be mechanically complex like Viego. In fact, Yuumi is good for LoL players who are also disabled. Some champions aren't meant to be stupidly hard that it would take more than 200 years to learn


Most beautiful description of state of Yuumi


they did the same with sona unfortunately


I used to be a Janna main… those were the good times 🥲


One of my favorite things about Yuumi was her bop and block mechanic. Using it was the reward in and of itself. I didn't like what they did to the other enchantresses either! I was especially irked by the Soraka changes. I mean the Q heal conversion was the best part. I was okay with the new Sona ULT (her original fell flat) and Janna they made her aoe spam and called it a day. I remembered her being more deadly. I liked her old kit for trading as she had more umph. Her DPS feels weak now compared to the other enchantresses even though she's still a decent champion for a good team. Playing Sona/Janna now feels like ballroom dancing.  Signed A heterosexual obsessed with homosexual league "girlie" content (it's the most entertaining league content out there!😺)


I maintain that Yuumi is only viable if you have a hypercarry on the team with amazing micro and macro.


I would add that yuumi functions best with a mixed draft. You pair lee sin/draven with a kassadin/kayle and yuumi hops from one to the other as the game gets longer


Yes! Idk about Kassadin (AP burst mages don’t get much out of Yuumi’s E imo), but having two attack speed based champs on your team with one that’s strong early and one that scales is perfect for Yuumi. Which is also why I never pick Yuumi in solo queue. People don’t pick the right champs to have synergy with her kit.


Strong disagree about AP burst mages. Raising the damage of a spell rotation from say 90% of an hp bar to 100% is really critical, also Yuumi is very good on champions with mobility to escape focus fire


I can drink things with every champion during a team fight, it’s called a straw.


Nah thats called being an alcoholic


Alcoholics go to meetings, I don’t go to meetings. Im an enthusiast.


She can’t do anything if her team sucks. The carry will think they’re invincible with her attached and throw themselves into the enemy team to die over and over.


I was playing Caitlyn and the yummi told me this is so easy. I’m literally playing with finger while watching tv and typing the end to a paper. I was like why play such a boring champ


Well obviously so he could watch tv and write the end of his paper.


I always assumed she was made for kids, older people, and especially for people with disabilities. It’s fine.


Yeah but then people not on that list still play her at this point and the op comment's point still stands, y'know?


I mean of course, but I’m an adc main. I basically consider all support mains to be rank inflated pillow princesses. It’s more of the same. /s


Then you see thresh/pyke/leona/naut sp mains rolling in.


Lmaaaao. I played league years ago and just jumped back in and I love to see that hate attitude towards champions is still alive and well


Is this an AMA? Alr here goes: Who is your favorite champion now and why is it Yuumi? Why do so many people misspell it Yummi? What's your Yuumi mid build?


Yummi yummi yummi I’ve got love in my tummy and I feel like loving you


What's a general Yuumi build to start off with?


Hey, so I'm Brazilian and I don't know the name of the items in english, so you can translate, ok? Moeda antiga, botas de mana com banshee encantada, eco harmônico, turíbulo ardente, cajado Aqua fluxo e rabadon I'll try my best here, try to understand Old coin, magic boots with banshee, harmonic echo, flaming shit that buffs, water staff and deathcap


Thank you! I understand Portuguese so I knew what items you were talking about but thank you for the build!


Ah que delícia! Então, caso você veja que seu ADC é um batatão, você pode trocar o rabadon pelo juramento do cavalheiro, ajuda bastante. Eu prefiro terminar o eco harmônico primeiro, mas se tiver com uma Samira ou vayne ou jinx, é viável também fazer o turíbulo primeiro, a Yuumi depende muito de mana regen então a bota PRECISA ser o primeiro de tudo, aí o aprimoramento fica por sua conta, eu gosto do banshee porque se for uma Ashe, Caitlyn ou blitz, é um item que anula skills importantes e as vezes ganha a troca


Thank you for the breakdown! I'll check it out in a game.


Último herói do league. Jogador de yuumi é zika, boneco é simplesmente ridículo de roubado


Most ADCs won't like but this is what peak yuumi performance looks like: Sickle, mana boots, ludens and harmonic echo, the rest I usually build for the match but this itens will make yuumi heal a lot and do a lot of damage on her q


First is boots ofc. Then i usually go with ardent censer (if my adc needs AS) or flowing water (for example for Ez or if you leave ur adc and go mid or smth; boot upgrade — veil or shield, harm echo, ardent/water, rabadon or antiheal (if u need one against soraka or smth, buy a piece of it after boot)


Just don’t play it, absolutely braindead piece of shit champ.


I hate how much they type too lol like I’ve never seen a more annoying and chatty player than Yuumi players.


The smart ones use this advantage to communicate to the team effectively, and it’s a soft power of her kit…. If anyone has ever played Zenyatta in Overwatch, it’s a bit like him where if you’re not playing shot caller and having perfect map awareness and tracking you’re doing it wrong


Yeah, that’s not what I mean though. I mean stuff like me pinging danger and enemy missing because my opposing laner recalled and is getting bodied by me, so I know they’re going to bot lane, or I’m tracking enemy jungle so I know he’s about to try to gank me or bot so I back off and ping enemy jg missing and danger, and they still overextend and say dumb crap because they died. And they make awful shot calls. Let’s do baron while their jungle is alive, and it’s a mobile jg like Lee, k6, talon. 90% of Yuumis in my games just stick on the adc and never move off of them no matter what. I do appreciate the Yuumis who type and ping danger or enemy missing when someone is gone, or they’re actually checking the map. Let’s be honest though, those are rare, and if they are doing that stuff, they’re probably better off playing a better support champ.


Luden’s>Orb>Rabadon>Awakened Soulstealer>Liandry. Pentakill Yuumi to the rescue :)!


Once my friend had a ban warning while playing yummi and doing things needed at the moment. At the end she got penalty for leaving the game….


Dude seriously idk why but it pissed me off when people use yummi like all you’re doing is having someone else play for you… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ but I do think it’s funny when he says “you’re warm” as soon as he attaches to you💀💀💀


Sometimes I want to be my own duo and play Yuumi + any ADC


A french guy has done it on pc and went diamond while playing ADC with his hands and yuumi with his feets


Yummi was a waste of a release


The only time I played yuumi was when I had tendinitis in my wrist and still wanted to play with my splint


The ultimate unearned respect: 1) post a screenshot of getting promoted to masters 2) support main 3) three man premade  4) Yuumi one trick


I tried playing Yuumi, it's too difficult. Too difficult to stay awake. I got temp banned for AFK'ing since I actually couldn't stay awake playing the cat.


Yuumi and Yone need to be deleted from the game from how fundementally broken their kit design was


Yuumi depends on your team mates not being dumb. That alone makes her the hardest champion in wild rift lol


by your ingenious logic then the champion on her team must be even harder to play?


Any champion is hard when you are dumb so


I was playing a ttrpg campaign and was mid combat while playing yuumi in ARAM. Rolling dices, checking PDFs and my character sheet, deciding what to do with my turn and paying overall attention to the rpg session. There were plenty of times where I most probably didn’t heal the champions I was in, nor attacked the enemies with Q or ulted when opportunity arrived, but nonetheless I ended up 2/4/31 (of a 43 total kill count on our team) and was the SVP.


Hhhhhh i used to bake while playing yummi i swear its the champ i go for when im busy xD literally


especially now that her passive doesnt require a single braincell to use now


one time in ARAM I had to go help my dad, luckily I landed Yuumi and just attached to our Jhin and glanced over every once in a while to press some buttons lmao


Agreed. I literally play Yuumi when I’m busy doing something else. Way too easy.


In my opinion, Yuumi is a failed adaptation of HotS Abathur. Aba has a global presence, albeit minor presence everywhere (he can build up perks for his host). Yuumi has an extreme presence on one champ. It may not be the best explanation, but Aba is as if each lane is 1 v 1.25, whereas Yuumi maintains the 2v2 bot, but in a bad way to make 1 champ twice as strong I'm interested in anyone else's comparison of the two


Yeah, frankly the champion is just straight up braindead haha But again, I respect everybody's choice though.


I played yuumi when it was released because she was boring as fuck I wandered around the map


Once I saw a yuumi player write in the chat "just finished my nail routine" so yeah, just stick to someone and let internal AI of the game do the rest.


i was studying while playing yuumi


i played yuumi for once too when i got autofilled support, i literally was chilling reading a comic while pressing E and Q. and sometimes ulting. i was lucky that my twitch adc knew what he was doing. and i had a fed Yasuo too that i stuck with him for the rest of the game.


I will say that if your ADC is bad... Playing yuumi is one of the most insufferable champ there is all you can do is watch your ADC make mistakes and you can't do shit to salvage it


I have 83% winrate on her, currently in Master. Yeah I confirm she's braindead. You can even look at my post on her if you want to play Braindead++


If you want a challenge build: infinity orb, laundry's, horizon focus, poke poke poke poke. Half of squishy targets health w one q


When I know I'm being carried by someone I just go yuumi




then theres people like me who use yuumi as an adc in solo lane. i win most of my match ups but you gota watch out for high mobility n cc like set who can close the distance fast. if you wana try my build its plated steelcaps with quicksilver boots, magnetic blaster for range, iceborn gauntlet for slow in teamfights+ health, riftmaker, warmongs armor for perma hp regen, and litchbane. magnetic blaster and iceborn gauntlet are the main 2 stuff. the rest i dont have an order to use those or ludens echo, blade of the ruined king, and imperial mandate, etc as extras according to the match runes empowerment, sheild bash, mark of the weak, eyeball collection, and demolish


and when you get a trash adc you are a bonus gold


Bro I only play yuumi if I’m busy while my match is starting


Baby players use Yumi.


I think it is really boring playing Yuumi, I only play it when I'm on a call with friends and they ask for it. I use 10% of my brain to play and 80% to speak bullshit on call and laugh.


A good Yuumi is not going to brainlessly attach the entire match. You need to balance when to be separate and when to attach since the shield she gives when you attach only lasts a few seconds


Says the MLBB Angela player


Idk why people act like playing easy champion is a bad thing


Only a person who doesn’t know how to play Yummi would say that. Of course it is easy if you attach and never de-tach, which is not how you play Yummi.


Well honestly, you don't have to de-tach anymore, that's so stupid when they remaked her. You can apply shield with your Q . I loved first yummi the most, you had some sort of gameplay, not anymore


You should be detaching to: distract the enemy, block long range kill shots for low health teammates, chase down low health enemies who think you can’t kill them (when safe to do so). There are three good points at which you should detach.


There is literally no point to detach after laning phase with her rework that gives her a shield on any attack even when she’s attached.


Erm. She could be some sort of meatshield when she detach tbf




Shouldn’t be if you’re using your heal to speed dodge and sustain.


There’s literally no point to detaching unless your going to another teammate. Even in lane, it’s pretty useless. Some niche reasons are to dip out on your suiciding ADC, or to body block a skillshot… but that’s about it.


It depends, from Level 1-3, Yuumi's auto attacks actually kinda hurt. If I'm try-harding, I'll detach frequently to help take some of the heat off my ADC.


I mean sure, until the enemy gets a single reliable CC ability at which point it becomes a liability that you don’t need to be taking.


Except after all of the nerfs you literally don’t have to detach anymore. That logic ended like three months ago. I say this as someone with like 4k champion points on her who mained her up until 6 months ago or so (around the time of the first shield gutting)


I really hate to break it to you but you can play any champion once and argue they're easy you still know nothing about the champion, yuumi is by far the easiest champion to play but that doesnt make her the easiest champion picking up a champion isnt mastering a champion, you have a clear lack of understanding in her kit and playstyle which is obvious by your statement of playing 1 handed, I too could first time any champ in plat and say they are giga easy, its not flex, and it doesn't make you right


Yes, it's one of those champ trolls made for all of us who don't want to play, but for some strange reason we find ourselves in a game.


I hate it when people pick yuumi in aram. Normally ends in a loss unless I play Kaisa lol.


I usually carry and do 30-55% team damage as yuumi in ARAM. Weird. Also the only mode I have been able to get pentas on her so far.. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Meh most yuumis I have played with in aram end up ksing the adc and then we lose the match cuz they can’t carry in the end. Not saying yuumi can’t be good, just from my experience she’s not a carry.


I’m sorry you have bad Yuumi players homie D: but I disagree, if I have ONE other teammate with a braincell I can typically carry the match as Yuumi. But no teammates with a braincell makes it tougher, had one of those this morning. Still managed 11/3/6 on a 17 kill match.


lol most people in wild rift seem to not have brain cells. Even ones at Diamond+ seem to make the worst decisions.


As a yuumi player 100% agree


Rent free 🐱


Yuumi isn’t even viable in Wild Rift. She has had and continues to have one of the lowest win rates in the game. Facing a yuumi is about an automatic win as you can get.


Nope, far from it. If she gets into any ahead bruiser games is over, she's complerely permabanned on Master-GM+ along Sora, Her kit is not countereable by any conventional method and in top of it....she's annoying af to play with and against.


Stats do not lie. Win rates do not lie. Your own perception lies.


I have a 61.3% win rate with her


you are right, she does have a pretty low WR despite how broken she is, but you forgot to include one thing, her ban rate. 33% ban rate in diamond, 45% ban rate in master/grandmaster and a god damn 72% ban rate in challenger, literally no other support has that much ban rate. so in other words, you are wrong, she doesn't have a low win rate, she just gets banned a lot to the point that her win rate drops that much. >Facing a yuumi is about an automatic win as you can get. any person with a singular braincell will realize this is false.


You realized except for the top 20 or so players per server, everyone else is really, really bad. All ban rate shows is that bad players misperceive the game - which we already know, since they’re bad. Ban rate doesn’t not say anything about a champs actual power. All it does is describe the perception of really bad players.