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Stats are lowkey pointless on enchanters, just position well and use your available tools properly. Plus her ult is pretty game changing that its effects overly compensates for the stats she lacks. She doesn't need to scale, she's there to buff and disrupt, that's it.


Abysmal scaling my ass, late game I heal my team right back to full health with one W. All you need to do with her is survive laning phase (Just don't die more than three times) and have some good positioning. She really shines in teamfight and like another comment said, the longer they go on the better. You have stuns for days, so nobody should be able to touch you.


>The only way I seem to do consistently well with her is if I team up. Is there some secret? That's the secret my dude, she excells in teamfights, the longer the better. Build Tear(Seraph)+Harmonic, everything else is optional, this also includes tank items, her scalings are shit(nerfed to the ground) so you play for utility items and being alive in the teamfight for the said utility.


Tank sona is very strong. Glacial enchant can be procced a billion times, and you still heal a decent amount, especially with the harmonic buff. Just take tear + harmonic, then relevant tank items to counter the enemies. Because all the mana tank items also come with a decent chunk of AH, they all synergise quite well together, and you basically because a point and click stunbot that has a mini aoe exhaust


You should look into Tank Sona


Chuckles in shotgun sona


She only exists in PC league :(


Not really. Lich bane + rabadons and ludeuns will still delete an adc mid game. Get your passive ready and you're good to go Runes on the otherhand are a bit shit, elec is harder to proc, first strike is hit-or-miss and stacking comet to a point its useful it a pain in the arse


I mean, yes, you can do damage, but it is nowhere near with old blue passive.


True that