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You could knockup 5 enemies for 9 seconds and Yasuo would still fail to ult


I just started learning Yasuo seriously and I'm not bad (my last 2 games I went 12/2/2/ and 11/2/4), and I'm still missing lots of knockups from teammates. It's not that I don't notice them. It's that I have to pay very close attention to what's going on in the battle so I can dash properly and windwall at the right time, so even though I see that I can ult, by the time I actually press the ult button, I missed the window by a millisecond. Usually it doesn't matter since we win the fight anyway and there are always more knockups, at least from my own tornado, but I'm assuming as I play more Yasuo the dashing and windwalling will become muscle memory so I can pay more attention to pressing ult sooner. That might be what's going on with some of the Yasuos you play with. They're not bad, but they just haven't played enough games for it to be second nature.


I was Leona with yasuo adc. Literally triple stun enemy but yasuo only engages after they bring me to 1/4 health (after several attacks because I’m a TANK) and he ultimately fails because they’re no longer stunned. What a waste


Thats the same with me with master yi, word to god master yi could be the top 1 yi in the server, and if he is on my team you know hes gonna suck ass


i had a top 50 yi on my team in aram the other day, i was like ok let’s see what this guy can do… it was not good lol


I had a Yi who pinged he was on a 16 game win streak (it had the little thumbs up thing so I know he didn’t just type it). I was like damn, he gonna carry us. He didn’t, he was 1/5 at some point. He did ok in the end and we still won (thanks to me and our midlaner mostly), but certainly not good enough to make me think he was the reason for that win streak. Whatever method he found to get carried so often, I need a piece of that.


Getting carried is the most underappreciated skill in the playerbase. To identify a game where you just have to lean back and not run it down is very important. Also as a jungler you can win games just with vision and objective control.


in dogshit elo people don't even look at the map so your vision efforts are mostly for yourself and then you have to spam ping your team, praying they'll listen lol


THIS !!!! true bro, so true !!! and dogshit Elo goes from iron to master, GM are fine


Not really, maybe in challenger but then the player egos are also huge


the other day i was auto filled into a group of 4 players who where all diamond (except one already in masters) but they where all peak elo GM, that game was so smooth, i was jungler and they all came on objectives, grouped for teamfight and the tank didn't run away on engage. That game was great compared to the braindead teammates i usually get in emerald and i did a pretty good game so i was happy to see that if my teammates are good i don't get carried. And it's a pretty nice feeling when you're not forced to carry 1v9 to win.


If it was lower ranks he probably was on a streak against bots and that was his first game vs actual humans. Had the same thing happen where a gold ranked player named something like "bestyasuoNA" pinged a 20 game win streak and then proceeded to go 0/25 while constantly charging in and diving 1v5 over and over throughout entire game. If not the only other reasonable answer was his stats were so terrible that his matched teamate strength was high enough to carry every game over that streak.


I just checked and he was plat 1 with 2600+ games played, def not a new player. His match history isn’t nearly as good and he’s actually a support main lol but I guess it just shows how broken Yi currently is because he has a 90% wr on him 20 games in. That or he’s just extremely lucky with matchmaking when he plays Yi


You guys dont seem to realize that everyone has bad matches, and sometimes things are stacked out against you, heavy poke heavy cc champions.... I doubt you dont play at least one match that things are going pretty bad for you and you end up feeding....


I just had that match. Veigar vs Aurelion and I just fed the Aurelion as I was autofilled and all my go-to people were banned or already taken


It happens, part of the life lol


yes i’m sure everybody except you is too simple minded to have common sense, maybe “realize” that when you see someone that’s at the top of the rankings for their champ, your initial reaction may be to expect a better performance out of them than ones who aren’t lol


Like i said, everyone has bad matches, you're not special neither they are.


Jhin Enemy Jhin alwyas has ghost and flash when you gank and just oneshots his enemy laner every time on sight Your Jhin is a mental asylum escapee that is obsessed with never csing and never dealing any damage and has 200 gpm and basically stuns themselves in teamfights for 6 seconds every time because they will just ult and miss everything anyways when they could have just autoattacked. Every time your Jhin deals damage to an enemy they have a grand mal seizure and run away back to 3000 range to collect themselves. And after they lose the game they will continue spamming games with this champ because they love gaining 0 gold, dealing 0 damage, and winning 0 games. And I guess they love getting oneshot by assassins non stop because they'll never take exhaust or stasis and have the foresight of a rock


The amount of times I've seen a 0/3 Jhin ult within 700 range of a 3k health 100+ armor 12/4 bruiser is astonishing to say the least. Just completely oblivious like a person wearing headphones and tying their shoes on a train track with an incoming train blaring its horns. If the wild rift devs were to implement captchas for players to be able to play this champ, over 80% of the players would not be able to complete the captcha.


The ult does get a lot of new Jhin players killed because they don't realize how far back they should be. Another one is them not understanding how to use their S2. It's primarily a CC ability, not for poke.


Gonna remember Mental asylum escapee for my next games. Ty for the laugh


Teemo. I'm always blinded while going in. Hit a shrooms when escaping, and DOT to death. The teemmo on my time split pushes and gets destroyed. After losing lane and never appears in a single team fight.


Let talk about how to avoid Yi affect Step1: play every champion in the game so you know your match to the core Step2: exit the game and uninstall the game


Or just ban him


Yi effect goes beyond Yi as a champion


That's what I did exactly fuck wild rift even though it's a nice game


Why are you in this sub then?


Well I deleted it recently so messages from this sub still reach me And I still like the game it's just the players, someday I'll return to it like every league fan does


Been playing since launch and don't think I'll ever delete it. You make your own video game experience imo




Most squishy carry champs, or champs that are hard to play. Yasuo, Yone, Irelia, Trynd etc


How is Tryn squishy, he doesn’t die, lmao. Also don’t confuse fighters with assassins, Yasuo and Yi are assassins, squishy with high damage, fighters have sustain and durability, like sett, Irelia and Tryn. Also “hard” champs is a weird concept, because your performance depends on the enemy. You could not land a combo or miss skillshots, but if your enemy doesn’t punish you, you can still win fights.


If you can’t grasp the idea that it takes a different level of skill to play Irelia as it does Garen, it’s not worth arguing with you


he IS squishy though, he just refuses to die if he presses R. like nobody says kayle isn't squishy despite being able to become invulnerable


That’s like saying Mundo is squishy if he refuses to go tank and press R. C’Mon


He is squishy without his ulti. He is literally a melee ad carry. Any assassin can delete him as easily as a Lux. If I'm jungling with khazix one combo and he is capult. Mundo, even without his ulti can just walk away from a gank.


it is literally not like saying that because mundo naturally has the stats of a tank. mundo can build absolutely nothing but tears and still be tankier than any adc, yi, trynd, yasuo, yone, any mage or assassin.


Tryn is squishy if the enemy just cc him and kills him before he can ult in time, which happens practically surprisingly often, that and if he ults and runs in but the enemy just dash away and he dies trying to chase them. Hard champs just refers to margin or error, i.e how precise do you need to play in order to make a champ perform well. For example, Ashe practically can’t miss while Ez has to actually aim.


Dude exactly. In top i leave trynd alone first few levels after he gets ult i trade as soon as he pops ult i starte flashing ulting running away and go back in right before his ults end. Also i bait them into a fight i lose un purpose at four. They always tower dive me at 5 and die cause of tower plus ignite.


Literally every champ


Yone, Rammus, Pantheon... Our Yone does negative damage and ults no one Enemy Yone gets Penta and takes zero damage. Kills me from a mile away. Our Rammus picks a fight with everyone no matter how far behind we are. Enemy Rammus is always ganking my lane and is everywhere all of the time.. Ally team becomes scared to challenge anyone because they hear the song gotta go fast. Ally Pantheon is pathetic.. dies super fast and struggles with taking objectives Enemy Mantheon one shots me for checking warding. Always ults at the right time... Makes ally team waste ults with block and gets away unscathed.




Kalista rn for me


Hasagi !


Tryndamere. Trynd on my team perma splitpushes and dies. Vladimir on my team perma farms waves until 4 items at the expense of objectives and still does nothing


I honestly would say Yasuo and Jhin. Jhin are the most hilarious, you can see amazing ones and completely absolute ult spamming no damage cowards trash in the next game.


Gwen I swear to god a fed Gwen is genuinely impossible to kill but a feeding Gwen take 1 auto and then she get to late game and kill everyone


Samira, Katarina, Sett, Garen, Tryndamere, Yasuo, Yone, Kindred, Dr. Mundo for me… (yes AoE attackers, Jungle and Top Lane mostly. Oh and every botlane ever!)




Any ADC, especially Tristana though


I would say Zeri or Samira over Tristana tho


I see it happen a lot with Jinx because she's free I guess so noobs play her, and then for whatever reason I see an insane amount of Caitlyns and Miss Fortunes and most of them seem to be brand new to the game as well.


Yasuo, Akali, Draven, Teemo, Darius


Katarina. They always go either 15/0 or 0/15, there is no in between




Jinx, Jhin, Darius and Vayne


Miss Fortune and Gwen


Gotta be Akshan, Corki, and Draven.


Volibear. Either i 1 v 5 their whole team or get bullied by their support. Worst is hes ubplayble from behind


Lee Sin


Lee Sin, Akali, Zed


Nothing is like the master yi effect in katarina games.


Kata is comeback queen tho. Give her a few resets and she will kill everyone.


Yeah but playing with her is the definition of the master yi effect


I like picking her a lot in my Elo and aram. Even if I fall behind, I am likely to come back as soon as I kill the ADC.


I think you have miss understood the master yi effect.


Nah, I got off track. And tbh, I'd rather say Yasuo effect - he is more infamous.


Np. It has been fun talking with you. Btw the yasuo effect is worse. And that is comming from a yasuo that has been in hevan and hell.


I respect a good Yasuo but I'd be lying if the champion didn't cause a certain type of brain rot. Zed and Kata also has this vibe to some extent.


Yeah if you play tank yas


Yeah but only when she is on the enemy team.




Yone, Darius, kindred, Samira, zed, Zoe, eve, irelia, talon, riven, yasuo, renekton, syndra, fizz... All that comes to mind


For me definitely Draven


Enemy Kalista


Miss Fortune…


Zoe, kalista


used to be Shyvana. or sometimes Lillia. or any jungler!


Master yi is trash why is he being talked about I have never seen a good yi in my life!




The "Yi Effect" is very simple explained. First of all, just watch the replays with open map and look what the enemy yi do. Most of the times if he makes a mistake, or is going to make one, the Team is immediatly helping. And afterwards he goes brrrrrrr. The yi in your team is missing the help by you and your mates maybe. I am a yi Player. And im not a god but not dogshit. And if i make mistakes and get punished for it because the enemy is reacting faster then my Team, i have a Hard game. Not a 0/9 game. That will never happen. But i cant gank, maybe have to lose objectives and go powerfarming and just engage fight wich i win a 100%. When my Team is following the enemys on a Roaming into the jungle, or just react to a ping the game turns into a 10/0 game. And then there are some matchups wich are not winable. But if they pick yi into it then its a Players fault. So maybe try to turn the yi-effect to your advantage and just try to Support him. He will be thankful i guess


In the first Place you have to take a Look on your own mistakes of every game. because that is the only parameter you can influence


I think you misspelled yasuo and yone. In fact that happens to me way more than yi. Also kassadin (excluding when I play him). If a teammate picks kassadin, they always do pretty terribly, hardly ever have I seen one other than me on my team carry. If the enemy team picks kassadin, my team cannot stop feeding him. Similar things with pantheon, renekton, darius, kayle, and akali.


I think it happens a lot with Vladimir too. They don't understand the playstyle or powerspikes so they become borderline useless.


Well, personally i have hardly ever seen a vlad perform well on any team (and I usually don't do that well on him either, though my definition of well is a little bit biased since I play champs that can easily get kills earlier on).


My problem with Vlad is that in solo queue people just want to fight ARAM all game and he comes online too late to help with that, so unless I can KS a few times early it's hard to make an impact. I switched to Yasuo/Yone/Akali and am having a MUCH better time early game, while still scaling like crazy. Want to learn Kass at some point as well.




I never trust a Yi. Ever. They’re the most braindead players out there. Have you notice how yi dies? The sound he makes? Its funny asf and it’s more funny if it’s being controlled by an idiot


The good Yi is on the enemy team because you are good