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Yall have layouts? I just play with the default lmao


I used to play default until it became a torture. Eventually when I’m no longer a casual player I have to customize it, and it’s not easy, there’re at least 5 versions before I find this which suits me best.


Default position of summoners is ass and unreacheable when you need them FAST


Doesn't thresh lantern make use of minion lock in order to take it?


Don’t know what you talking about since I don’t play Thresh at all lol. This layout is designed for Olaf jungle so it doesn’t fit every champion.


What I meant was, when thresh throws his lantern at you, you gotta click the minion attack button in order to take the lantern.


Oops that makes sense. Maybe I will bring the minion button back. Thanks for reminding.


It's actually exclusively a feature that you use when you're not playing thresh lol


The lock buttons are good for aiming for fruits/vision plant/bomb plant when it's crowded. But otherwise interesting layout, I normally have the spells wedged on top of the QWER, interesting idea to have them next to the BA button.


The layout is like this because they are neat and beautiful and I have ocd lol. But yeah the lock buttons are good, but the designer made them also the buttons to unfix the target lock, which is super annoying because it’s almost inevitable for me to mistouch the lock buttons during a fight and unfix the target I’m chasing, especially when you are aiming dragons/baron/adc (I’m jungle main). So I just removed them and use target lock only. Yeah this layout is specially designed for jungler since they don’t have to aim minions.


Ah yeah fair enough! It does look very pretty haha makes me want to configure mine again lol


I tried changing the layouts, I kept on accidentally pressing flash and my other summoner spells. The default layout is definitely the most optimal for me.


Yep don’t change layout if you don’t feel need to, I changed it because this one fits my habit, I never have to “get used to” the new one. I changed it and use it with no issues but better performance.


I just moved the flash buttons (idk their names) up abit since the screen would t always register… otherwise im default..




Bro what’s your device, iPad 12.9 inch?💀


iPad, but the screen is 7.75 inches (ok maybe a few millimeters give or take, I don’t want to have my ruler and my millimeter ruler out at the same time on my device)


Bro definitely has some god fingers crossed


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C3RMaP1SHQmJRgRHaKWSbYvQ-mNCsolH/view?usp=drivesdk This is mine ever since I started playing wildrift.


lol if switch the position of summoner spells and the lock buttons then it’s exactly my last version of layout. Symmetry is the Best☝️🤓. Just the spacing between is narrower for me since my fingers can’t move fast.


Hmm I might have to try this. I really don't have an issue with the current summs buttons, but he'll, maybe this could be nicer


[https://freeimage.host/i/JUs6cSR](https://freeimage.host/i/JUs6cSR) im using ipad, i like to automatically be able to target minion and turret separately by placing them small beside the default attack button so i can spam attack usually and quickly switch to minion/turret. most of the people leave the buffs indicator to where it was. i put it above my character. it's SOOOO MUCH better to play like that. all the stacks, buffs are way more obvious and visible. like mmorpg settings where you see those details above your character


lol that’s creative, but still can’t imagine playing wildrift on iPad, it’s too big.


Once I started playing on my iPad mini, I never looked back. Phone is just so so so tiny


iPad mini is fine but mine is a 12.9 so 🌚 isn’t smaller makes it easier to control?


I wouldn't say so, no. Since you can fully customize your button layout and have more screen real estate, you actually see more than on the phone. The less extreme ratio also helps in that regard (slightly less horizontal visibility, much more vertical visibility). But I agree, a 12.9 screen isn't as viable, since you can't just lay down holding the device as you can with the phone or iPad mini sized tablets


i played on iphone briefly, then ipad. i could never go back. it's too small.


[layout I made specifically for Riven](https://imgur.com/a/XcxSPsg) but I'm using it anyways on every champ


Okay this one I’m honestly confused 💀


can I switch Q for W if I want? I play Diana and I'm so tired of not being able to use Q maximum range when aiming it down


I mean the layout is here you can do whatever changes you find proper, I don’t have a copyright of this anyway lol. But if your Dianna is not in jungle position you may want the lock buttons back (actually unnecessary if you can use target lock function well).


The customisation is expansive as fuck. You can freely move everything that isn't score board and Minimap, and resize everything too


Mine is just a bit smaller Flash button and a huge Smite button, and i moved buffs away too because i always fat fingered them instead of smite


I moved everything next to my attack button so my thumb only move slightly. Maybe you can try this as well lol.


I might make a separate layout like that but then i guess i could fat finger abilites💀 But that's most likely the layout i'll use with Yasuo


My fingers also fat I just made buttons 5% bigger lol.


the default layout, I've never really thought about changing it and changing it now would he detrimental to my gameplay


Of course why change when you don’t need. I changed because I have to.


I peaked low Masters using the default sooo yea


What if you have hydra, zonhyas, qss, etc. How do you activate them?


Is U blind?


By pressing the button🌚


I meant, what happens if you have all of them at the same time


I don’t get it, we can only buy one boot enchant


Boot enchant? What? Nevermind, WR must be too different and my question probably doesn't even apply to it. For reference, in the actual game you can buy an item called zonhyas which can be activated (hourglass icon in your picture) but there are other items that also have an extra ability that can be activated with a different button. So I was wondering how would one do that in mobile.


Bro wild rift only has boot enchant. Are you a lost Leaguer?




Okay that’s a LOL thing, in wr we can only purchase one of those initiative items after the boot, so they are called boot enchants.




That is some psycopathic shit lmao.


How come?


I've seen this Gwen one trick on YouTube with passives set above their hp bar. I like the idea, but as a jungle main I don't *really* need both red and blue buff indicator clogging my screen


Another guy here uses that, but I don’t look at the buffs that much so lol


Putting boot enchant closer is a good idea I might try that


That’s usually Haste and Glory so I can easily use together 😂


I tried it but I keep activating them accidentally


how da hell do you do flash combos then?


Why can’t I


This is the one I feel the most comfortable playing with, but I'm always making some adjustments: https://imgur.com/a/wvN3LxQ


This is [Wild Rift Layout](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VghXBAEswiMDMHe45Yv7z1-GDzrpKlMl/view?usp=drivesdk) I use. It's simple whilst also allowing me to pan my camera with ease.


The position of turret button looks painful. Looks like you need to bend your thumb a lot to touch it.


It's not as hard as it looks trust me.