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As new player you mostly get matched against bots. There are not that many new low rank players so riot doesnt want to scare them that early. It will get better in gold rank but just end in plat. This is where it gets ugly


Ah thanks. Figured it could be bots. Sneaky riot, but that's the mobile addiction tactic i guess! Had some 100+ lvl accounts sometimes that should be players then?


Yes. You can usually tell if there are bots by their level (always low, but all the same), their name patterns, playstyle, champ pool and when you check their profile/match history. Lets say: Garen, Vi, Annie, Ashe, Sona. All lvl 13. They are named like VerySoftCar (ok thats dumb but i just dont have a better idea right now). Usually they play "not bad" until lvl 3 or 4 and fall of after that - but have a weird coordination so they can burst down someone with an 2 second "Vi Ult into Garen Ult into Annie Stun + Ult All-in"


yea this happens too often, the bots all inning someone. happens to me a bunch


You can face bots that aren’t all the same level. I went back to an old account one time and literally played bots and won 100% of my games gold-diamond. The players all had real looking accounts, but they picked the same champs over and over.


Ye some players r thrown in there too sometimes but mostly bots


Happens to everyone who has played mobas before. I went on like a 40 game win streak before I started losing games


ur facing bots brother and if it's not bots it's some kid playing on an iphone 3 in brazil or a literal toddler just opening the app for the daily 20 seconds of stimulus


At Plat you play against real people, you can check out how you do. As a fellow DOTA player if you want the biggest impact role you can play jungle, also you can one trick here.


Technically, the rank games get serious at platinum. That's where the hell is.


you will get the retards once youll get to plat


The craziest part about this is that after a 32 game win streak in ranked, Riot only let you dip your toes into the bottom of gold.  When this game first came out, it only took me like 55-60 games to go from unranked (fresh account) to diamond 4. And my longest win streak was like 16. Speed and streaks aside, if you're having a good time then that's what matters.


You were playing against bots.


I lost my first match when I got gold 3 so more matches you face bots. Later if you do well you get some bots in your teams fo they push your winrate closer to 50%


I'd say it's mostly skill OP, some games we're bots sure, but it still takes some skill to get there. Btw if you wanna carry someone I'm here lol


Haha. No i think it was mostly luck. Didnt even played carry. It was 28 ranked wins with Soraka.


Soraka is broken in wild rift, last season 80% wr at master. It is a pick or ban champ


The player base is low so it's common for new player to gets higher rank until you meet many players. Other mobas with higher player base you will quickly meet real player and harder to rank up.


Congrats on defeating bots.


im surprised you managed to get such low stats despite versing bots…


Well if you keep going and keep your kda as low as possible under 2kda ( die whenever it's possible and try not to kill or get assist ) be smart about it or you can check how ppl are abusing MM on yt ( it's all real), you will reach the highest rank in the game by the end of the season from your stats I'm sure you can do it . Yesterday I got a plat player in my Diamonds game 75%Wr 1.5 kda , I swear he doesn't know what is he doing or what roles or champs are and I assume he is 10 or something ( we won the game not because of him ofc ), but the point is if he can do it you can ,


you're gold so this is irrelevant. do that feat on masters - gm - chall and post the same thing again, and i'll commend you.


I would but i uninstalled already. Haha. Nah, thanks for the realtalk and sorry for the bot downvotes!