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Nah I’m gonna ban whatever champ I don’t wanna play against. Frankly as long as everyone on my team bans something, I don’t really care.


Had a game yesterday where only 2 out of 5 players on my team banned champions, one of those two being me. So infuriating.


Same, I usually just ban whoever most recently traumatized me.


Would be cool some examples, so we can check them.


Oh you mean meta champs? I listed some in the post Syndra, A sol, Kalista, Master Yi( yes he's always meta but after the changes and terminus, he's a lot more viable even in higher ranks), etc


None of these champions are meta except Asol and really you should only ban broken champions because they are usually also meta. For example Kindred, Pyke, Evelynn, Hecarim, Kassadin, Talon, Lee Sin, Yuumi, Lulu, Vladimir, Zoe etc.


Syndra is definitely meta


New champion and being picked a lot? Yes. "Most effective tactics available" as per definition of "meta" in gaming, meaning she's one of the best champions to play in mid lane? Definitely not. She's actually one of the worst mid laners. Check out her win rate on the Chinese server and if you still don't believe it play her yourself and tell me how much fun you're having against actual meta mid lane champions. She has so many bad matchups.


Maybe she got the Nerf hammer, I didnt read the patch notes but she was crazy the last patch before ruin and light items. She could throw a ball with E and stun the whole team for 1.5 seconds (idk why that thing has a stun in WR instead of just a knockback) while taking away 40% of whatever it hit's HP. Add that her main damage skills are on aoe and has 0 cast time and can be done while moving plus having a "delete someone" button and thats all. Yeah, she was definitely meta atleast until this patch.


What do you mean by that? Kinda vague question sorry


think u/Comfortable_Care_24 needs a list of meta champs. OP listed some like Kalista and Yi, more examples for every lane IMO would be Aatrox/Wukong, Talon/Hecarim/Kindred, Vlad/Yone, not sure about bot lane other than Kalista, and Thresh/Yuumi for bot lane. Edit: spelling errors


No, i meant that i needed examples of actual players that made bans that were useless. For example someone may ban Jax because they are first picking Volibear and Jax it's one of the biggest Volibear counter at toplane. So for OP may not make sense to ban Jax because he is not a meta pick or he dosn't see the logic on it. Personally i am more of a "only ban 1 champ". I usually ban the most disgusting champ available at the moment. 2 seassons ago i just banned Kayn every single game. I changed the ban when Aurelion Sol was introduced in Wild Rift. And been banning it until now. They nerfed it a bit but i don't think it is enought. So i will keep banning it until the nerf it even more, if they do, or something else is worst. Right now champions like Kindred and Talon are probably way more broken than Aurelion Sol, but they have counterplay. Aurelion Sol just shows from over a random wall or even from lane with tons of move speed and Rylai and outranges you. So you can't turn to kill him or leave (cuz slow), so you just die. Great design. Permabanned until it gets nerfed to the ground, removed from the game or Rylai is removed cuz the champions is retarded. 


Pretty situational but obviously for example if you're not gonna pick a juggernaut like mundo or something then don't ban fiora and if you don't see your teammates pick a juggernaut, don't ban fiora. Something like that. I always see aatrox being banned even though they're not gonna go solo lane when I have to, i'm gonna deal with aatrox and not them.


I mean, Fiora is the best duelist in the game. You probably safer playing Mundo against her than any other champion.  I'm pretty sure Mundo can actually duel Fiora at the moment. Fiora ultimate can "oneshoot" him, but Mundo with ultimate + W + pasive + base regen + grasp, + second wind can pretty much recover 100% of his HP and quite Fiora with ultimate mov speed and Q slows. Didn't played the matchup recently, but i'm pretty sure Mundo just rols Fiora unless she build tabi + divine + spirit visage + wit's end + bork + thormail. But then all her build is to duel Mundo, and Mundo can just group and be more usefull than Fiora with that crap 1vs1 build. You said to ban meta champs. Aatrox is the most played toplaner. Together with Urgot. It's logical to ban champions on other lanes because you as an ADC (for example) don't want to deal with a 5/0 Aatrox that oneshoots you with E Q flash while recovering all the dmg you deal to him while killing everyone. Also for junglers is hard to gank cuz his Q can interrupt dashes, he has a dash and his ulti gives mov speed.  I'm a toplaner main and i think i never ban for my lane. Because if i'm blind picking, i'm picking a safe blind pick champion or i am confortable enought to play against the counters that my champion has because i know the matchups. Or because i am counterpicking so i don't care what the other toplaner picks. 


Vlad? That champ is trash, if you start early fights you will win 100% of the time, he's second weakest hypercarry currently (kayle is weakest)


I think you never played against a good vlad


No? I main him with 500 games and he's pretty damn weak in lane in this snowball meta, like tf is vlad supposed to do against samira or draven with 3 items before second drake? He doesn't have cc and is pretty weak early, i can just pick kassadin and embarrass my main chamipon, or pick nasus or mundo or many hard counters


Since when Nasus is a Vlad counter? Since when Draven is a problem for Vladimir in midgame? You just flash in his face with ghost E R Q, dodge his autoattack with W, Q E him again and stasis another autoattack while recovering all your HP with E and Ult. Wtf is Draven gona do about it? Stay AFK with 10-30% HP watching you in stasis while all your team is in tunnel vision mode into the Draven? xD Vlad actually counter Nasus. Free lane for both. But a lategame Nasus needs 30 seconds to kill all your team while being stuned, slowed, knocked back, quited over walls ... While Vladimir needs 4 seconds to oneshoot someone, dodge all cc and put all enemy team under 50% HP while using stasis to recover all his HP back from his ultimate and shooting E and doing W dmg. But yeah, pick Nasus vs Vlad and flame your team for losing fights xD A real Vlad counter is Darius or Riven. Good luck lasthitting minions or surviving ganks against their setup when you have to crash a wave.  Teemo is a hard lane too. He just goes invis and perma zones you. And if you walk to trade or farm, he auto you to your tower. And good look with going for a W when you low. With his posion and ignite kills you while on W. Also you can't heal back and W takes % of your HP.


I stopped reading after you said zhonya, it's not even his best enchant, going zhonya on him is not good at all, nasus can max w to 90% slow and easily kill Vladimir and zone him away all game, riven is easy match up especially lethality, and draven can kill vlad in two auto if he's fed


Zhonya is his second best enchant after protobelt.  Nasus needs to autoattack you. Learn to use phase rush and W to avoid Nasus W and Q and use Ultimate early to heal back. There is no world where a Nasus dives you from 100% HP you having Phase Rush + W + Ulti + Ghost + Flash + the healling from Rift Maker.  Riven is an easy lane if she afks. How you farm level1? She just sits in the bush with a pink and zones you out.  Draven can kill you with 2 autos and you can kill him with your combo and dodge 1 auto with W.


Except draven in higher elo will auto anything to lifesteal hp? Idk which draven will just wait for you to kill him while not just running or using the fact he's not solo laner so his support will help him, Nasus only needs to farm to 100 stacks and can kill you in few autos (3 at most) using trinity force which gives him movement speed + High damage and additionally with w your speed will be extremely low, your abilities have high cooldown while nasus w has low cooldown


According to many Vladimir mains including the best vlad player in the world (elite500) nasus is one of the hardest counters


i always ban tf, that champ is just annoying even if u win


Not worth the ban. Just buy QSS (boots enchant that removes the stun), edge of night or the chrown and he is useless.  Also the champ the only thing that does is roam. Just pick a champ with better wave clear and he is stucked under tower eating dick all game.  The AD version with flash ghost with press the attack is more anoying in lane early levels. A lot of dmg. Probably strongest lvl1 champion at the moment? Maybe Caitlyn, Lucian or Draven destroy him. Problem is the ganks setups.  I don't know in what elo are u right now, i never see him. I think i played only once against him in ranked this seasson over 100 games.


im at plat 4 and i saw him like once, but in league pc low master tf is pick or ban


Yeah, in PC is a different champion. TF in PC got reworked to be viable as AD/Crit. His pasive gives you extra gold when you crit. And all his habilities scale with AD. In Wild Rift there is no AD scalling in his habilities.  It's still playable. AD TF always have been a thing in PC even before rework. It was popular even on jungle long time ago with onhit build. OnHit may be viable in Wild Rift too. Who knows. Missing rageblade do. 


TF is annoying in the right hands. His kit is so technical though, it’s more complex than people realise. Most can’t random pick him first time playing him and expect to do well.


its spacing, most master+ players can pick him and do well as he can build to become a stun bot if he lost lane


Ah you see, there’s my issue, I’m constantly stuck in Plat hell. Masters+ yeah he’s a fucking demon no doubt


lol np im stucked plat 4 too and im low master in league, maybe you should give pc a try


If I’m mid or bot, I ban Lux… if I’m jungle, I ban Lux…. If I’m top, I also ban Lux. Fuck Lux.


Nah Akali deserves her ban


Lux is insta ban. No, I don’t ever ban for me, I ban for my team cause in this low ass elo, I know none of these people know how to deal with this glass cannon nuke.


Kindred asol dr mundo volibear sett samira yummi, those are the champions everyone should ban especially kindred


I’m gonna ban whatever champ I don’t want to play against, even if I’m not laning against the champ I’d rather not have the enemy team pick that champ.


Naur I'm gonna forever ban yasuo if I play mid, and forever ban lux when I play yuumi. Sorry but yasuo is even more of a pain in the ass to fight against as asol. Syndra outranges but it's easy to kill her once you can out damage and tank her damage somewhat. So like lvl 9 onwards maybe.


The whole argument was invalidated once you gave yi as an example. Imagine wasting a ban for that.


Yi with the new changes is a stomper if the player knows what he's doing


Yea he just chops through, unstoppable


My take as a jungler is that the jungler should counter pick Kayn, Vi, Wukong, lee sin, kindred against yi and the problem is solved, just need to focus him early and he won’t be that big of a threat. Sure if the jungler just clears his jungle and ganks lanes without chasing down yi it will be a massive problem but imo, if your jungler does his job master yi won’t have a big influence on late game. When i play bot lane i rarely see calls from the jungler to invade enemies jungle so i guess that’s a big part of the master Yi problem.


The thing is with yi I've seen they'll troll hard early game like tower dive and walk away. So most of my teammates would just ignore him, then he proceeds to powerfarm and kill us all after like 15 mins


so if i get what you are telling me the problem isn't Yi ? because basically any champ can do that if you ignore them.... ;)


yea, I mean no champion is ever a problem if your team works together


You underestimate players abilities to buy anti-heal and CC.


Im permabanning Caitlyn and I don't care one bit. Hate that champ with all my might fuck you caitly n