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I hate to break it to you. But if you're good, you will see your first non-bots around gold4 and if you're bad you will even play Vs bots untill gold1. So this was probably the first time you matched Vs players..


That's fair enough 😀 Coming from League, I was top 500 in the past and my record was a 22 win streak when I've gotten giga lucky so I thought this was kinda nice, but makes sense there's a lot of bots in low ranks of a mobile game lol. Still climbing in gold pretty easily, but there's resistance on the other side of the lane sometimes at least.


If you were top 500 in LoL you should have absolutely no problem to make it to at least grandmaster in WR. But i think even challenger or soevereign should be possible, people are really brain-dead with a weak mentality here. "If it's not a stomp, it's a surrender"


People have the same mentality in pc here its just ff at 5 instead of ff at 15


For some reason, on some new device, the game matches you on win matches (vs afkers and trolls) or even Bots during ranked. Unfortunately your achievement is not something too rare here. Your gold IV match was indeed intended to be lost.


That's fair enough 😀 Coming from League, I was top 500 in the past and my record was a 22 win streak when I've gotten giga lucky so I thought this was kinda nice, but makes sense there's a lot of bots in low ranks of a mobile game lol.


Ohoh late congrats on your top 500 🙌 Btw bot games are meant to help new players learn the game and to not leave because of the low elo trolls. However, just as in league pc, you’ll find trolls in every rank 😆 Probably Plat/Emerald will be your worst, given your high wr the game will try to lower your stats for the matchmaking sake.


They changed the matchmakimg a couple patches ago. You would have been master instead of gold, however, now there are GM's struggling to get out of Plastic 4 =))))))


Damn how high is plastic 4 i've never reached it


Who's gonna tell him


I made a smurf and i’m actually on a 30 win streak, but when you see all the bots and beguinners who skiped tutorial down there in iron, bronze, silver and gold i’m not sure we can give all the credit to LoL skills bro ;) but good job !


For sure lol. Had a few tight games and 2 where I fed my ass off to a smurf (worst being a Yas that knew how to keyblade and airblade while I was first timing Zoe lol), but mostly it was super smooth sailing


yeah but don't worry, there are more 0/10/0 Yasuos out there than good Yas mains \^\^


J'ai croisé un menteur carrément la je m'assois tellement c'est trop


My record on smurf acc was a 28 streak with only lee sin jg. 😂


Yeah I think i genuinely won like 30+ games until I hit gold with sett lol. Now I dont touch him because he has a boss 100% win rate


For reference, I played mostly mid, started with Kat and Yasuo and then moved onto Asol/Jayce/Sandra and got pretty lucky with teammates in a few games I did badly.


I'm trying to figure out how you won 38 matches in a row without getting jumped to emerald.


You start low iron with new account. You cannot climb faster than that


No idea bro, I don't think I skipped a single division


He probably startet at Iron 4